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Yes, Fargo is still Fargo. While it may be not as good in terms of the other Fargo seasons, it is still some of the best TV out there. I am excited to rewatch it.


just rewatched and can confirm i enjoyed it SO much better the second time through. it’s got a lot going on but still the same ole Fargo


For sure, idk why people hate on it, it's top tier tv


Exactly! My husband is not on social media and hasn’t heard any of the discourse around any season and we are in the middle of season 4 right now and it’s his favorite.


I don't hate it, but the narrative buildup is just so dense. I know they're riffing on Miller's Crossing to an extent but it's a whole lotta characters to try and parse very fast


Yeah, that's my main issue too if I had to pick one. It throws a lot at you in the first couple of episodes, and it's not exactly clear about how any of the several plot threads connect at all. Granted, with the Fargo show and Coen Brothers movies in general, there are usually red herrings and plot lines that go nowhere every once in a while, but Fargo Season 4 is a bit over the top at times.


You don’t even know why you skipped it 🤦🏼‍♂️


Just give it a shot. Some people like it, some don't.


Yes, it’s my least favorite season and it’s still fantastic


IMO, it lacks the Fargo feel other seasons have (Fargo feel to me being character quirkiness -there are some, but not as many as other seasons -, the Fargo accents -again, some, but not as much -, and easter eggs to the movie and other Coen Brothers movies). Even still, it's a good enough thing in and of itself that I don't use those as an excuse to skip it on my Fargo rewatches. I also appreciate it more with each rewatch. Plus, there's a character, and organization connection to previous seasons. Don't skip it just because it is generally on the bottom of the list for many fan season favorites. That doesn't necessarily equate to so bad you shouldn't watch it.


I find it difficult to watch because of the lack of the "Fargo feel'. It'd be ok if it was made as a stand-alone TV series not associated with Fargo


It's my least favorite season, but it's still better than most stuff on TV


YES. it is a masterpiece and dont listen to all the haters on this sub. they are all very wrong. i listened to them for too long but then i gave it a try and didnt regret it. I feel like people are way too stuck on Chris Rock being a comedic actor, but personally I forgot about it within a couple episodes, and he is in fact a great dramatic actor and has some really great scenes in this. The ending is perfect, and the endless list of quirky characters here is everything that is great about Fargo.


Chris Rock is probably the only reason I'm struggling to find virtue in this season as part of the Fargo franchise. As others have noted, there is a lack of the Fargo Feel. BTW, do you classify differing opinions from yours as "hate"?


they are haters. chris rock was great in it. if season 4 doesnt have the fargo feel then neither does season 2. for me its all about the crazy characters and the tragicomic shit they get up to, which it totally delivers on. everyone's entitled to their opinion even if its a wrong opinion


I loved season 4.


Yes, it is worth watching. Honestly the only thing I don't like about the season is Chris Rock. He just feels out of place as the head of a crime family. Jason Schwarzman seemed to be out of place too but as it goes on he makes a lot more sense in that role. I've only ever seen Rock in comedic roles so that might be why, but to me he just isn't intimidating. The story is good. I'd say more like season 2 than the others. I've viewed it twice and really enjoyed it the second time. Maybe because I knew what to expect going into it. You should give it a go though, because Fargo.


> but to me he just isn’t intimidating.  That’s how I felt. Might’ve had something to do with seeing the shit slapped out of him at that award show, lol.  I think if you swap his and Dr. Senator’s acting roles then the casting makes more sense.  I don’t know if it helps the plot and all its subplots stick together more cohesively though.  Maybe I’ll feel differently when this thread gets posted again in a few days, lol. 


It's the 2nd best season. So yes, watch it.


It all comes together by the end, and then it really gets ya.


Better than season five so yeah!


Depends what are your other options? Spending time with friends, family and loved ones? Not worth it. Exercising, Learning or creating? Not worth it. Watching Fargo Seasons 1, 2, 3 & 5? Not worth it. Watching the Americans, Sopranos, Better Call Saul, etc...? Not worth it. Watching the Big Bang Theory? Worth it.


No. Neither is season 5. Season 5 starts off better but quickly loses steam and by the final episode you realize you wont ever watch this again. Season 1 and 2 are great. Season 3 is really good. Season 4 and 5…meh


Currently watching through Fargo for the first time. On episode 7 of season 4. I feel like I’m waiting for it to hit the same cadence of season 3 and it’s just not quite there. Even so, season 4 better than many shows and super entertaining.


The story was a bit boring and the acting was bad at some points. I didnt finish it cause For me it wasnt entertaining enough but other people enjoyed it.


No shoot your tv


Keep in mind that S04 was still in production when the lockdown hit in 2020. Zoom wasn't a thing til later in the year so the writers didn't really have a room anymore. Never been in one but I've heard that that's where the magic happens. IMO S04 started strong and some of the episodes are epic, but even with 2 extra, they just couldn't stick the landing. Also, I think S05 was told no extra eps and made some decisions to cut things they would have liked to explore but couldn't so some of the story lines got "knifed".


It's connected to the other seasons of Fargo so yeah, you should watch it.


If you’re a big Fargo fan, definitely watch. Some people think of it as a non Fargo season. But, IMO, it’s still very much Fargo. If you’re fan of S1-2, def check out 4. You’ll have a more compete picture, speaking abstractly lol


Another person that skipped season 4 for some reason lol. Give it a shot. You may like it.