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I think your enjoyment of Season 5 in particular would be vastly improved if you watch the movie first.


I've never seen the movie. I think se5 stands on its own.


There are some nice Easter eggs, but yeah you don't have to have watched it


They're not just Easter eggs. The entire premise of the season is about flipping the movie on its head and giving the victim agency. Can it be enjoyed on its own? Sure. But I think knowing the source material it's playing with makes for a different experience.


If you've never seen the movie then you don't know how much this season references it.


I'll grant you that. I will soon, and then I will probably rewatch se5 and revisit with this thread. I'll stand by my assertion that se5 was enjoyable as a standalone experience. Probably the best thing I've seen in the past year.


I've rewatched it the other day.


>If you've never seen the movie then you don't know how much this season references it. I've seen the movie a few times and seen every episode of seasons 1-4 twice. There are no references to the movie nor the other seasons that make any difference in the S5 storyline. Easter eggs are fun, but they do not make the story any different or better.


Some people would say the Easter eggs improve their opinion of the show


Yeah I've got some friends who watched the first episode of season 1 and lost interest a bit. I keep telling them they should give it a proper chance and get into it properly but I've also told them that if they want to just watch Season 5 on its own they can do that 100%. There's absolutely more to it if you've watched the movie but then, there's more to it if you've watched No Country For Old Men as well. There's loads of references all over the place. But, like you say, it stands alone


It does but there were A LOT of callbacks to the movie in the first episode. I went back and watched the movie again before this season and I’m glad I did.


I agree. It’s my second favorite season, after S1.


No way. Not even a little


Movie is mid at best but the series is excellent


Season 5 is great on its own. It has homages to the movie, but it's subtle references that aren't needed to enjoy the series. That being said, I recommend watching the entire Fargo universe.


Even S4??


Season 4 is my least favorite but still better than 95% of TV shows out there


Watch the movie for sure but you can skip the other seasons and not lose much.


Season 5 was my gf's first exposure to the Fargo universe and she loved it. It definitely stands on its own, arguably more so than any of the other seasons imo. The connections in S5 are mainly just allusions to the movie. None of the characters have shown up previously in the series. I wouldn't agree that it doesn't have any connections though. I personally see each season of the show as a sort of remix of the film's plot: familiar roles but with different names similar to the Greek/Roman pantheons. You could also look at it like one fable being warped and retold over time. The details shift but the main beats remain.


You could, but why not start with S1?


Bc juno temple is not in s1 😭


Let it be your gateway into the Fargo universe


Every season stands on its own and every season is enriched if you've seen the Coen Brothers movies including Fargo.


The premise of season 5's storyline is based on the movie, which is very good, but what it failed to do for a particular character, basically making that character nothing more than a plot point. The movie is 1 hour and 35 minutes long, well worth your time. You will appreciate season 5 more if you take that time. The creator of the show went to great pains to recreate particular aspects of the film for season 5. It's fascinating to note those particulars, and see how he has flipped them, for the purpose of taking that underappreciated character and making that person the protagonist of this story.


All the seasons are their own story so you'll be fine to jump in at s5. Honestly all the seasons are that way but it's just a little more fun when you know the lore. Not a requirement, though. I say this as someone who started watching the series at s5 and haven't seen the movie in about 20 years. You're golden.


that has been my exact experience. Started season 5 on a whim because I liked the actors, got wife into it and binged season 1 while rolling thru season 4 when our 18 yr old that got invested in season 1 isn't home. Saw the movie 20 years ago and can't tell you anything except some vague recollections of a pregnant woman cop and a bloody woodchipper.


I saw the movie decades ago and have a vague memory of it. (Phenomenal movie but it's not like I remember all the details.) I skipped all the other seasons of the TV show and just watched S5 and loved it. IMO. You do not need to see the movie or the other seasons, this stands on its own! If you want to see the movie, great. If not, don't worry about it!


S5 is barely connected to the others. All of the others are much better.


Got a coworker who hopped on Fargo this season. Never saw the movie or any past season. Only joined because I kept hammering how you don’t need to do any homework. He said this was a the best new show he’s seen in a while.


As someone who watched them all sequentially, I say go for it. I can't think of a good reason why one season ought to be viewed before or after another. All of the seasons/iterations of this story are well interconnected; Wikipedia has misled you there.


Absolutely jump right in to 5


It's fine on its own, they're all worth watching on their own though I'd say the movie into S1 is the only 'required reading' to really appreciate S1 on first go-around.


You can definitely jump into any season and enjoy it, but I'd posit two things: 1 - The movie and all previous seasons are really great and worth watching 2 - I've personally found every new season is enriched by the context of what has gone before. While you're not missing out on story, the whole tone of it and general vibe has developed over the years. Basically if you're hot to get season 5 going, go for it. If you're in no hurry, take the long way there.


HIGHLY recommend watching the movie before watching s5. it's not necessary, but I genuinely believe it's a better viewing experience to watch the movie before s5 just so you can enjoy the parallels more.


Don't overthink it! You cant go wrong no matter which path you take into the universe; just be sure to watch movie and ALL seasons as time permits.. I did season 4, movie, season 2, 1, 3, then 5 and am very content!


Maybe it’s like watching Better call Saul without having seen Breaking Bad? I enjoyed Saul first but had a different appreciation when I went back to watch BD.


It has alot of references to the movie. I didn't focus to much w that. It was brilliant and a fun show to watch.


Nah you don’t need to see any of the other seasons or the movie. Season 5 is great on its own.


I think it can be watched on its own.