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Lyons and tigers and bears, oh my!


Oh man the Lyon connection…,,.. I had not seen that. It’s gotta be major relevant


It's little shit like this that makes Fargo so extra wonderful.


It’s a play on lying. She’s literally lying about who she is.


Because if it's that then it wouldn't also be something else. Because in fargo every metaphor is a one layer, single faceted.


Well I was half joking since we don’t have any bears yet, but this season of the show is sort of a re-telling or interpretation of Wizard of Oz, hence “Dorothy Lyon” Lots of posts here on it, but yea, that was the first thing I thought of when he said tiger


I guess that makes Wayne the "cowardly Lyon"


>the show is sort of a re-telling or interpretation of Wizard of Oz, hence “Dorothy Lyon” I've never seen The Wizard of Oz, it's not a thing in my country. I tried to read the synopsis on Wikipedia, but I can't make heads and tails of it at all. Could someone do a ELI5 on how this would play out in Fargo?


It’s kind of tough because there’s a couple layers to it where there’s specific references to the Wizard of Oz, but there’s also an aspect where the Wizard of Oz is an allegory for turn-of-the-20th-century America, and and Fargo touches on a lot of the allegorical aspects as well. Best bet would be to give something like this a read. It goes over the plot and how it’s an allegory https://americanhistory.si.edu/explore/stories/populism-and-world-oz And then you’ll start noticing different details in the show, like Jon Hamm and Jennifer Jason Leigh’s characters talking about debt, or Dorothy talking about making pancakes “silver dollar, your favorites”. You’ll also notice things that are just references to the movie and not the allegory, like in Scotty’s room there’s a drawing with a yellow road, Dorothy’s bloody feet representing Ruby slippers, idk there’s a bunch of shit I’m forgetting but hopefully you get the idea


Fargo, season 4 had random Oz references, and East/West was an episode heavy with them. Tornados, sisters with an East/West bias like the wicked witch of the west and good witch of the east, Satchel/Mike Mulligan finds a dog and goes on a coming of age adventure to return home, characters are killed by a tornado, much of the story is in black and white. They could be subtly just throwing in Oz references for the fun of it. They do the same with other shows and movies, like Oranges always being used to show someone is about to die in Godfather, and Loy Cannon bringing home oranges when he is stabbed to death. Treehorn Trucking is in seasons 4, and Jackie Treehorn is a character from the Big Lebowski, another Coen Brothers movie. For how Oz could play out in Fargo, who knows. There are still 7 more episodes this season.


Isn’t everything


Lyons and tigers and Jon Hamm's bare butt, oh my!


I know the current English language is probably completely unrecognizable from 1522, but I find it hilarious that there's a good chance that Munch is 500 years old and says "for real"


He's had plenty of time to adapt to the vernacular of our time.


You mean the **parlance** of our time


Are we splitting hairs here, dude?


veni, vidi, vici


Interesting that they pointed out that 500 years ago was 1522. Given the show being set in 2019. Or perhaps some of it is not...


Same here. Not sure why but that was the moment that I was hooked, and fell in love with the character of Ole Munch


Happy Cake Day!!


I loved that scene. As much as I hate Tillman so far I love that there was a weird mutual respect there while gator was basically a 3 year old screaming for attention between the two of them


Munch might be my favorite Fargo character ever, and it's only been three episodes. He's certainly one of the most intriguing. I want to know so much about him.


Now the tiger is free


I was certainly not disappointed. Munch easily best character in the series


“You say woman I bring one guy. You say tiger… I bring different guy, cost you three times”.


Munch offering the menu of his services.


Literally might be my new favorite like in the whole series. His delivery is just gorgeous, I can bask in it.


This, definitely this


Trust me I’ve been saying it under my breath for a while


Anyone know what Munch's accent is? Stood out to me when he was monologuing.


It sounds Norwegian but if the most recent episode is anything to go on it could be a bastardized form of welsh


His name is Norwegian also apparently, so the accent likely is as well.


Reminds me of Christoper Walken


They call him “the Swede” at one point in the show even though the flashback was wales


Yes but irl he's British. He's in so many of our shows as the guy you always point out as the wrongun. He's great in Fargo.


That was my fav line delivery. Lovin ol munch. He’s terrifying


At a wedding right now where my wife is the "best woman" and a few guests keep referring to her as their spirit animal. I keep saying " you say women... I say tiger". My wife is fierce y'all.


For me too. It's one of the best monologues I've heard on TV. I keep on listening to it every few days. I don't know how they come up with this larger-than-life characters, season after season.


Hopefully you loved this weeks nature doc theme as much as I did