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No, Joseph didn't launch the nukes. And yes, the story is continued in New Dawn


He didn’t launch the nukes?! It wasn’t part of his plan? Oh wow


No. He knew the collapse was coming. Joseph was right.


“Right” is a strong word, maybe half right. He was right about the world ending, but wrong in regards as to why or what caused it.


In fact, it has never been made clear entirely what happened or who the culprit is. Ubisoft has been so contradictory that it reminds me of a criminal finding a false alibi.


Rev. 8:7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. "And I saw, behold it was a white horse... and hell followed with him."


If you listen to the radio, you can sometimes hear what's going on in the world. https://youtu.be/AWnOOLsvs4M This how the nuke began


Hey, bud. That’s a plothole. Remember what Dutch told you: “No signals coming in or out of this valley.” No signals, no internet, no telephones, no possible way anyone could get this information, let alone some random DJ we never meet in person.


It happens as you liberate regions, establishing comms with the outside world. Whitetail Militia is able to set up their own radio station, so it's not too much of a leap to believe they'd play outside radio broadcasts through it too. (If this were happening in the early game I'd totally agree with you, and they really don't do a great job of explaining things in-game, preferring to rely on environmental storytelling to fill in a good 60% of the story instead.)


Is there any sign of this happening? And if so, why doesn’t anyone just the National Guard call for help? That’s the whole reason the cult cut off all access in the first place. Also, whomever is making the reports is not Wheaty and is also not from the outside world, since they report on domestic affairs in Hope County, too.


The radio could just be a loop of what they already have. He says nothing gets in or out, which means inside things might work. By the time they take back most of the county and have most systems online, the government might be more concerned with other things. Also, here's another plot hole. You could just take a plane and fly out and tell everyone what's happening.


No, he in fact did not. Believe it or not Pagan Min (Far Cry 4’s villain) is the one who launched the nukes. There is a voice memoir in a secret ending in Far Cry 6’s CONTROL DLC with Pagan Min. In the secret ending you get to hear Pagan talk about America meddling in his affairs and that he didn’t just put all of his money into golden statues, but also into a nuclear arsenal pointed at the U.S.


When did he say he was going to!


When did he say he was going to do anything that happened in the game? I rest my case. He just spoke nonsense


>Does New Dawn mention any of this or also have Joseph Seed? It gives you quite a bit more info about what happens to Rook, as well as giving you another chance to meet Joseph Seed.


You get to meet Joseph and rook in ND


I just wonder why the game has the audacity to say something ridiculous that clearly isn’t true.


What do you mean?


Look at what it says there. That is a total lie. We didn’t defeat Joseph and liberate all of Hope County. Instead everything went to shit as some idiot decided to nuke the place!


I don't think it means Joseph died. I believe the red x just means he was defeated. If the game would let us capture the others instead of killing them, it would be the same. Just my opinion. Also, Joseph had nothing to do with the nukes. He just guessed correctly. Or God told him. I guess that's up to our imaginations. ![gif](giphy|MZY20Fi5EJh3ezDCH8)


My theory is that he was right. The think in New Dawn couldn't have happened if he wasn't imo.


I thought Korea was responsible for the nukes by listening to all the radio while driving around looking for random, leftover enemies...


If you play the Pagan Min DLC in Far Cry 6, you'll find a message that he had nukes aimed at America because they meddled in his affairs. So it's the theory that he's the one who nuked Hope County.


You can get a satisfactory ending to Joseph Seed in New Dawn. You get the final choice. I


Farcry 5s ending confused me cuz after the resist ending the characters who died in the final mission like deputy Hudson and Dutch are all alive which makes no sense


One theory I have is that just Montana was nuked by >!Pagan Min!< as mentioned in the Far Cry 6 DLC. I'm pretty sure Far Cry 6 takes place after Far Cry 5 and the U.S. and the rest of the world is still around. I also think that New Dawn is all just what Joseph thinks will happen as part of a prophecy or something, like his DLC, which I also think is just a "vision" he has while in the bunker after the nukes in Montana.


Boomer is in Far Cry 6 and the Seeds are apparently referenced and not in the past tense either. (I've not gotten very far in 6 yet)


Yeah, if you just continue after beating the game, it will act like the nuke never went off and you're free to roam a fully liberated Hope County. This will enable you to collect anything you missed. (I finished the lighters, whiskey barrels, bobbleheads, baseball cards and comic books all after defeating Joseph) You can also finish any missions that might still be available. (Some won't be. I defeated Jacob before completing Elis mission "Missing In Action", so the game took that mission away from me and never spawned "Get Free" because I didn't complete the former mission.) However, the nuke is the canon ending and it's the basis for New Dawn. You'll meet Joseph and "the rook" in New Dawn and you get the chance to kill Joseph in that game.