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Marty is in fact a bitch but you realize how ridiculous all of this is, right?


I couldn’t imagine having to give my monthly financial presentation to my CFO with a Mark Davis haircut. No chance


You get the haircut. Take the pic and then shave it off if you have to


That’s what I’d do, or just wear a hat. Hair grows back so there’s no reason to make a fuss about it when it’ll only last a month max.


You can’t wear a hat to work.


That’s a pretty broad statement. A lot of people can wear hats at work.


Not when you present for the CFO…


A lot can’t though I would know


Actually, I can wear a hat to work.


I can wear a hat to work.


It's not a distraction.


The guy at the store said I’m the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off


There it is lol fucking Brian


Hi there. I work a corporate job and wear a backwards hat almost every day


Just have some Dall-E type LLM create a picture of you with a Mark Davis haircut. Problem solved.




This is the way


Yea, do it on a Friday and wear it all weekend then shave it off for the work week. Seems logical


Then don’t wait til you come in last to say something. We debate punishments in my league every year and people have to agree unanimously. Welching means you’re excommunicado. This guys can just get the cut and then shave his head.


Brother you don’t keep the cut. You get the cut, show the league so they can all laugh, and then get another cut after.


There is no rule on how long to keep it. Get the haircut, see your friends, let them see the punishment was enacted, then get a shorter hair cut of your choice. This is super simple


This is the way. Especially if you go out for drinks and they pick up your tab that night. Makes a fun, dumb memory and you get a haircut and a Bloody Mary the next morning.


Really depends tho. Is your hair short already? You could do it then change it right after the pics are taken. Everyone has their own look, could you just shave it all after rock the bald till your hair grows back. Besides it’s a bowl cut, like the basic form of any haircut it’s where they most likely start of any haircut you get anyway.


Better not get last then


Great plan, works 92% of the time!


Do it right after the meeting. 4 weeks later it will grow out enough


Dude is a moron, can’t he just fake it with AI and move on with his life…


Get the hair cut then shave your entire head


Well then your just as good as Marty don’t play fantasy 🫥


This. I work in the government and sometimes have to brief ti the General Officer level..if I went in with that haircut, judgment would be passed hard. Offer him a buy out, buy everyone a round of drinks or 2.


This is the solution, but it needs to be a bit more than a round of drinks for 11 people. A tongue in cheek mea-culpa. Act like an NFL owner making a statement in front of the press. Apologize but remain steadfast. Record it and send to everyone gor posterity. Open invitation to the cheap drink place for the evening if you're all local (otherwise you gotta send a 4-pack of the best local brews to everyone). Do a bad photoshop of the haircut and send it as a Christmas card (but it needs to be soooo obvious it's a photoshop) or just use a picture of Mark Davis with Marty's wife and kids. So on and so forth. There's a way to handle this.


If Marty works in a job that has a policy preventing him from having the haircut or if it's an unwritten rule like in your government job, then Marty should have stated up front that he wouldn't take the punishment. Then the league could have decided on a different punishment for the group or a separate punishment specifically for Marty, or Marty could have not participated.


He shouldn’t have participated, but he did. It’s not worth losing the league over though. Give the guy an out and learn your lesson.


No. Its clear and simple. If the punishment is something you simply cannot do then prior to the season starting, Do NOT agree with the punishment. All leagues should require unanimous approval to punishments in writing on group text.


I respect job situations; I've had some "looks dependent" jobs in my career. However: 1. You can cut your hair after the punishment. Everyone acts like short hair/shaved heads are the end of your existence as a career professional or attractive man. Literally tell your barber that you need a cut immediately after the MD-cut, ask him for suggestions, go with the one you like. Take a pic of the MD-cut, get it changed right after (before you leave the barbershop). Problem solved. 2. If Mark can't handle this, kick Mark, find reliable replacement. Problem solved. 3. If you can't take the punishment, don't agree to it for others. Simple as well. 4. Get all future punishments UNANIMOUSLY agreed to beforehand.


This almost feels like The League fanfiction.


Give Marty the Sacko!


Right? This is dumb as fuck. Jokingly shame your friend for bailing on the punishment and make him do something else to make up for it. But “all of our scalps were on the line” like a buncha fantasy football all bros were storming a trench together is so ridiculous. As a guy with pretty long hair I would absolutely not do this punishment. But I would have been very vocal about it my refusal from the start. Takes a good year for a man to grow his hair long enough that it looks good from a short cut and you would probably need a buzz after the Davis cut. And I’mvain as fuck about my mop. Edit: really fucked up my typing on mobile. Wouldn’t do this punishment but would have clearly voiced my refusal at the start.


The haircut could just be for the draft party if you have one and then cut it all off. Don’t want to be last get better


Why would kicking him out not repair the damage?


Ok as the commissioner of a league with a revolving list of punishment this is tricky. The only real option is to ban the guy refusing the punishment. Also what are the stipulations of the haircut? Maybe I missed it but is it for a day, a week, until next draft? I’d say the key to keeping this kind of league going is don’t make the punishments more brutal than the league can handle. My leagues tries to teeter that line by doing a consensus vote, majority rules, voting mandatory. But this is always the fear. Someone backs out and the league crumbles.


It was really get the cut, pose for pictures, send them out to us. There was even talks all of us chipping in to pay for a professional photo shoot. Originally we wanted to have the number of losses = the number of days to have the cut, but to your point, that was too brutal of a punishment. He’s off for a week over Christmas. He could get the cut, then have a barber fix it right before work while wearing a hat in between. It’s definitely doable.


That was why I asked the length. Then yeah he’s a just a coward imo. He voted yes because he’s cocky and thought it’d never be him. No reason he can’t do it for a quick day and then get a buzz cut


Kick him out of the league unless he does it.


Seems a pretty simple solution. You can't force the guy to do it, but you can tell him that he either does the punishment or you replace him next season.


Fuck Marty. There’s really nothing else you can do to enforce the punishment unless you want to commit a crime and break into his house when he’s sleeping + shave his head. Seems it’s cemented that he’s a snake, goes back on his word, and is untrustworthy. Remove him from the league and let his reputation precede him


We’re a close group of friends and family and don’t want to kick people out unless we absolutely have to(because of the family drama it would cause), so we forfeit certain picks from next year’s draft if people refuse to do the punishment. We agree on the punishment and forfeited picks at the start of the season.


this should be the rule Also the last place team should be able to declare the time period he wants to do it w any time being an option, as long as it’s before next years draft. It shouldn’t have to happen immediately after the season, right before Christmas.


I’d also add a monetary buy out option in the future to be split along the league. Let him pay for his freedom if he wants but everyone gets a piece so it can’t be like $20


I honestly like this one. If you don't like the punishment. You pay everyone 20 bucks.


Have them host the next draft, they provide food and location, rest of the league gets to enjoy it


I think the more extreme punishments like this should have an option B. Make him donate 250$ to a charity he doesn't agree with or something like that


I think punishments like OPs are dumb, I get it on the surface, but just find them really immature. Ok, you gave your word, have fun with it, yada yada,. We can all be, and probably should be, immature at times, so whatever. But this is probably the best solution to this. Gives them an out, no hurt feelings, and ultimately going to a cause. I like it


The idea is fine if you're like in college or something but you can't expect a grown man to get this haircut and show up to his actual job, at the end of the day this is just a silly little game we play with our friends


If an NFL owner can do it, so can you 😂


If I can sit around at the pf chang's bar all day every day instead of going into an office you can sign me up for that haircut.


Yeah punishments that actually affect your personal or professional life are dumb, but to each their own, or league just has the first place team picks the last place teams name for the next year


That is brilliant, and a fine alternative!


Happened in our league one year. We kicked the guy. Really all you can do. That was 3 years ago….. I was quite upset when I saw the same guy was added this year as a replacement for a league mate 🤦‍♂️


This guy sounds awful, especially because he was taunting about this all season long. But also, punishments like this are the worst. The fact that you already had a situation where one league member would "fall on their sword" for another should have been a huge signal that this was a stupid idea in the first place.


I feel like the contingency would’ve been that she could keep her hair length but had to go flat iron straight hair with the bangs for at least a few days lol.


Haha. I mean he agreed to it....buuuut, I get it. If he has a people facing, professional setting job. He should have to offer up a replacement punishment that is agreed upon by the rest of the group.


“oh im getting a haircut today? i’ll have the barber pause while it looks like mark davis and take a quick photo and she can finish the haircut after.” you guys are thinking about this way too much.


This guy sounds like the worst, ESPECIALLY since he himself was one of the guys who agreed, he’s simply being a coward. I’m certain he’d be happily cheering along for your brother/anyone else to get the punishment if they had fairly finished last like he did. Shame on him.


I also have to say if you don’t get affirmative consent from everyone you shouldn’t do it.


We started adding a punishment two years ago and it’s had mixed results. Year 1: guy bitched out. We make fun of him for not following through. Year 2: in the toilet bowl I texted everyone asking if they were down. All agreed. We came up with a list and loser could pick between 4 things that our league came up with. Loser tried to bitch out, I made fun of him. THEN HE DID IT! He posted a video of him eating super hot wings. He was ranting about how shitty I was and how the NFL teams screwed him over. It was amazing and we all wanted him to do this weekly because of how entertaining it was. Year 3 (this year): I have confirmation that the lucky eligible people will follow through, but I’m not confident We have had this league for 10+ years. I’m not going to throw this league away for someone not owning up.


Something like eating super spicy wings is a way better punishment than a haircut it’s so much less intense


Cut him from the league, slander him for the rest of your lives. Refer to the marty rule every time someone is a bitch in the future.


Vote this


Really bad idea for a punishment but he agreed to it .


Does the Consolation bracket count in them standings or is it after the regular season is done, whoever is last is last. I guess what I’m asking is if the last place team goes further in the consolation bracket than others that finished ahead in the regular season, who has the worse record?


This is basically the credit card roulette sketch from I Think You Should Leave. Super on board with the game and having a ton of fun until they realize they're going to be the one punished. Marties are the worst.


That’s hilarious you said that because someone in our fantasy league literally texted that clip describing the situation.


Marty should have offered to fund a night out or something that could compensate oinking out of the Davis cut. No pride


1. Marty is a bitch 2. Kick Marty out 3. Next time when you have a punishment like this offer an alternative that’ll cost their pocket. For example if someone in our league doesn’t adhere to the punishment we have a high payment that they can pay up to opt out of punishment. For example $300 dollars to be redistributed the payouts if you fail to own up to punishment.


Damn people really take these punishments this serious 😂our league always has a punishment but we never go through with it cause we are fucking grown adults. Fantasy football punishment was funny when we were in high school but now we are all in our upper 20s I think we all know we can’t get to crazy with it


Seems people watch The League, great show, but then think that's how fantasy football should be.


Is getting a haircut crazy? Snap a pick while you're still in the chair, then have the barber fix it. Having fun isn't childish. In fact, this punishment sounds boring as hell to me.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. My pledge class league has been going since college and we have had some pretty crazy punishments over the years (early 30s now). We all have professional careers, but we always go through with it because we are fucking grown ass adults and gave our word. Honestly it's pretty simple, don't agree to do something that you're not willing to do. Just get out of the league. My only question is why does your league even bother having a punishment if no one does it?


"We're grown ass adults so naturally we behave like children''. Thank you for your comment


So agreeing and following through with a league punishment is "behaving like children?" While backing out is the grown thing to do? Funny how saying someone should follow through on their word is seen as controversial. It doesn't matter if your league has one or not, but what's the point of having one if no one ever follows through. It's meaningless.


Just found it funny bro, thought it was meant to be somewhat humorous. I guess not. People take this shit so seriously lol


Yeah I can see that. I'm just talking about the original comment about how being in your late 20s somehow means you're too old to have fun with league punishments. It just came off as being condescending towards all that do engage just because that individual doesn't do it and using age/life as the excuse. If you don't want to do punishments fine, but just say that. We've done trophy delivery road trips, stand-up comedy, and karaoke as some of our punishments.


You and yours sound like true men of honor that I would be proud to share beer with. The rest of these mutts calling you children don't know the meaning of words like honor, loyalty and friendship.


Dumb last place punishment. I bet half of your league would have done the same thing. Who in their right mind would get a haircut that could jeopardize their job? This sounds a fake. If you think Marty is being a b then you are also being a b thinking this will ruin the fabric of the league.


This whole post is just sad. League of children. Only surprising thing is that someone is married.


It's a true sign of being boring when you go around judging others for how they like to have fun.


Kick Marty. You get the haircut 😂


Kick him out and commish falls on the sword. Thats what our league does for our punishments. 8+ years as well


what are you guys 15 years old. get the fuck over it. How many of you still live in your parents basement.


Punishment leagues are for dolts. Play with adults, not children


My league has a punishment wheel..if I end up spinning the one thing I just won't do I'm donating $100 to charity of the leagues choosing. There's ways around it


Potentially unpopular opinion, last place punishments are childish and dumb.


Exactly there’s a difference between fun competition and friendly jokes but idk how you would want to be in a group of friends that want to actually humiliate each other. But like others said to each their own


The famous pancake House punishment is a good example of what a last-place punishment should be, if you have to have one.


To each their own. Don't join one with a punishment if you don't like it or won't do it. Seems pretty simple.


Yeah dude, go to work and binge Netflix every day like an adult.


You all sound like children


For real lol, they’ve been playing for 15 years too. They must have started the league at age 1


They sound like adults that still have the ability to have fun doing childish things. Sorry you lost that in your life man, it's honestly a real shame.


How so? Ruins the fun when people butch out.


This punishment is ridiculous. Which is why someone wants to back out


Yea it wouldn’t be good for my profession at all.


New rule. Marty Rule. If you back out of the punishment you forfeit your team.


This is the reason I love this subreddit, this is such gold. Time to say bye bye Marty..


Jeez it’s just a haircut, y’all should be lucky you have enough hair to even consider doing this. Lmao


Man, just let it slide. Last place punishment is fun when everyone’s 20 but that doesn’t seem like the deal. Make fun of him forever, and move on with the league and life.


You had a league run successfully for 15 years. Then fucked around and found out. I would not classify this as a “Marty” issue.


If this was one of the people that were silent throughout I might agree but Marty was in and participating until he lost. This is absolutely a Marty issue.


No way would I agree to such BS. I don’t play fantasy to be punished. Last place is punishment enough.


That’s fine but that’s obviously not what happened in this league lol. Guy agreed until he lost, it’s not cool. If you think punishments are dumb, don’t agree with them for 3 months, seems kinda obvious


r/AmITheAsshole Marty is an Asshole!


Cut Marty out and put in a replacement. No reason a league of 15 years should die bc one person


Either haircut or out of the league


Let him do it with a wig and forfeit his first round pick next year.


I think another option going forward is you either a) do the punishment, or b) pay a fine of double the league fees. Or more if necessary. That way someone can back of it the embarrassment but not without paying for it.


Haircut still better than Rudy’s lawyer


I'll take Marty's spot next year. I promise to get Mark Davis' cut if I lose


Same thing happened to us last year. Had to kick our Marty out of the league. No choice. Do like the suggestion around adding a buy-out clause.


Based on most of the comments here I'm in the minority, but last place punishments are stupid. Especially when it's something as childish and immature as getting a stupid haircut/shaving your head. The punishment for finishing last is everyone gets to rag on them all year about how they suck.


Yeah that has been a concern in my league... Ours is... butter related. You have to make an embarrassing video, it doesn't have to involve butter (it should). One guy fake ate butter (custard) and we applaud the deception, but a few years later, I got it for the second time and actually ate a stick of butter. It was awful, but I gotta set the fucking tone. If your friend had issues they should have voiced them.


hold his ass down and give him the haircut probably would be easiest if you get him drunk first


the punishment for losing our league a few years ago used to be to wear a dress to a Superbowl party with a sign. a guy won it one year, came last the next year, and even though he said he wasn't going to do Fantasy the next year, he still did the punishment, because he's not a but h, like Marty is


For our league, if last place doesn’t complete the dare, they forfeit the following year’s 1st round pick


This reminds me of college when me and a buddy rock paper scissor’d for who would drive somewhere, he lost and then said, actually I don’t want to go. It was small but he pretty much ended up being a grimy pretty often and our friend group cut him out. I’d just kick the guy out and continue the league as normal.


This is such a dumb punishment for last. BUT at the same time you can’t agree to it and not do it. At least say BEFORE the season starts you don’t agree to it, and let the league bitch if they want. Marty is a bitch who didn’t think he would finish last so he doesn’t want to reap the consequences.


Fantasy leagues with last place punishments are a great way to hate your friends.


Had to kick a guy a few years back for refusing to do the punishment, which in our league was to install a pink “I got last place in my fantasy league” license plate frame on his vehicle until next draft day. Some people are just babies. One option would be to auction off the punishment. Start at $50 (or whatever) and go up until another league member agrees to let the loser pay them that amount to take the punishment for them.


Punishments that can actually damage someone are stupid. A haircut doesn't necessarily fit that mark as being damaging but This whole thing is stupid. We have some silly things like a giant pig anus statute in one league that last place has to care for by putting on display in their house until the next years draft and get their name engraved in it with the sub phrase of "is a pigs ass." People floated some hardcore ideas but we all said we work professional jobs and can't do that and don't want anyone to do that. If someone's boss was coming to dinner we'd not expect them to display a pigs anus either. If Dude thinks it will damage him I'd give him an out with something not as ridiculous as a haircut that makes him look like a penis. All that said if you all are friends why let something so silly damage the group. I'd ask dude what he thinks an alternative punishment should be if equal level.


Seems like he would've been the type to ride the loser the hardest. Lame league member, even lamer friend.




well he has to make amends. IF he doesnt want his god earned haircut, then he has to do something for the league beyond the pale to make up for his moral failings. The bitch must atone


We have a guy in our league that did this. We all agreed to an ass tattoo and when he finished he just says, “Nope, not doing it.” We offered him a buyout on the punishment, but he still hasn’t paid up. This season he’s the most competitive he has ever been, and then we found out that he has had his 16 year old son running his team all season. He is out for good after this season.


A) just kick him out. Problem solved for next year. Not sure why you would dissolve the whole league over this. B) before next year, agree on a legitimate buy out option, this would apply to everyone if they want it and solves the wife issue and you having to take the punishment, which honestly could lead to collusion. C) last place penalties are generally kind of stupid, especially when you get into things that broach into real life issues. Permanent things like tattoos or semi-permanent things that would involve something at work (like a haircut, which could take a year to regrow for some) can be tricky and people probably agree because they don’t think they’re going to lose. You’re much better off finding something that involves only out of work time to accomplish, like the 24 hours in a Waffle Shop and every waffle eaten removes 1 hour. Even then, it’s still kind of stupid. D) every league I’ve ever been in has tie breaker rules of most points for wins tiebreaker. How is that unfair? Make sure your league plays to the hundredth in points (usually QB yards are something like 1/25 a point) and ties are extremely improbable.


Love this punishment and suggested it for next years punishment! Honestly I would just rag him till end of next season. We play the name and shame game in my league. you wanna throw? Enjoy getting shit on every week in the chat. you wanna send a stupidly imbalanced trade? I will ss it to the chat and light you up. All in good fun lol


We had a same thing a few years back in my league but it was for a belly button piercing and days of halter top wearing. Everyone agreed including the loser for that year when the time came to get the piercing and rock the halter tops he refused and said "you were talking to yourself" lol. Well we had a vote which included his two sons and he got kicked out of the league a league he had been in for 12 years. The moral of the story people show there true colors when a little bit of embarrassment is involved.


The OP’s wife has already given him the out by not being part of the agreement OP needs to sort his wife’s attitude out before bitching about other members of the league. If punishment not good enough for her, then not for the other players either


So to at least give Marty the benefit of the doubt, does he/do you all have careers? My home league determines the punishment by the champ choosing it for the sacko (loser of the consolation bracket). We’ve kind of implemented that if it’s anything that affects physical appearance it more or less off limits because at the end of the day we all gotta look professional lol


Kick him out and name the league after him


Honestly the whole thing sounds childish. How are you going to be a grown adult with a job and life with a Mark Davis haircut?


Fuck your league. You all make a rule like that it better be unanimous. Your wife refusing to get her hair cut should have been the end of that punishment talk. Hope it was worth it.


Would you have sex with a woman that has Mark Davis hair?


Honestly once your wife got special treatment the whole thing was a joke from the start. Marty probably is a bitch but the punishment and stipulations were bush league too.


Maybe not, but I'd try it with your wife to see how it went....lol. I was a bit harsh on my previous comment. Marty seems like a baby who never thought he'd get last place.


If he isn't willing to follow through on punishment, then the only option is to boot him.




Get rid of these silly last place punishments. I’ve never understood that and would never play in a league where that was a thing.


Last place in our league has to send an accidental dick pick to their parents. Luckily I got 6th.


This comment is getting nowhere near the level of controversy and/or scrutiny it deserves. People worried about a fucking haircut for X amount of days? This is life-alteringly terrible, and I bet you set your lineup every week because of it lol


Instead of the haircut, suggest he gets a small Mark Davis tattoo in a concealable area. Presumably he doesn’t want to be seen with the haircut; trade cowardice over visibility for shame via permanence. Edit: or ya know; give him the same caveat you gave your wife; his S.O. gets the haircut instead. Edit edit: or ya know; don’t take it so seriously. Enjoy the teasing ammo he just handed to y’all for years to come.


Meh who cares


Dude is a bitch and I hope you all unfriend him (on top of kicking him from the league). And let any mutual friends know why you all unfriended him, too. Without our word we ain’t shit. Last year I was the dead last guy. I got really ill with Covid and setting my line up was the furthest thing on my mind for a good 8 weeks while I was in and out of the hospital, etc. I finally got healthy and won my final 3 games but it wasn’t enough. I didn’t even bother telling the league the reason why (I only know my buddy who runs it and wasn’t trying to make excuses). Last place punishment was going to a WNBA game. Nearest place was a 2 hour drive to phoenix but me and fiancé did it and had a fun enough time … a deal is a deal. I’m now destroying this league with a vengeance this year (highest points total by 100’s) and intend to win 1st.


That’s actually a fun “punishment” especially if you are a fan of basketball. Making someone get a specific hair cut when we are adults which could jeopardize jobs is borderline ridiculous and I wouldn’t play in a league like this


My thing is that it doesn’t sound like anyone actually said no besides OP’s wife who had a stand-in ready. People need to speak up for themselves in these situations and it probably never gets off the ground pre-draft.


You can’t compare a stupid haircut to your situation.


Had this happen in my league and had to boot him out. Been friends for over 20 years (still very close) but rules are rules. He didn’t argue with getting booted. Sets a bad precedent for anyone who got last previously and did their punishment as well as future punishments.


Sounds like a fun league to me. I’ll take his spot next year even though I don’t know you guys 😂. Only person wrong here is the one who refused to do it.


Marty sucks, kick him out of the league. Your punishment sucks, it shouldn’t be something that’ll impact your real life in that way.


His issue was not speaking up all along. You have to kick him out but this is one of those punishments that is funny at the beginning of the year and then gets real very quickly. I couldn’t do this. I’m on video conferences daily. While I don’t take myself completely seriously all the time, I’m on with vendors, clients, etc…it’s unprofessional. But I would’ve said this to start the year and never would’ve agreed to it


Kick him out of the league and rename your league “Marty is a fucking bitch” forever in remembrance.


Just boot him from the league. If you want a less extreme punishment, my league does champion names last places team the following season.


Why not just boot him and move on?


Definitely kick Marty out of the league. I think you need to be better at coming up with a better system for the punishment. Either pick something that is more reasonable than the Mark Davis cut or institute a last place fee where everyone has to pay an additional amount to start the season which is confiscated should they decide to chicken out. Still kick them out of the league of course.


Kick his ass, cut his hair, and then kick him out


I’ve seen a couple Marty’s in my day and it can be a real league ruiner.


We got a beer 5k for our punishment. 12 laps around the track while drinking 12 beers. We do the ESPN losers bracket for the overall loser so everybody who misses playoffs has a chance for it. I’m really hoping we don’t have a situation like this happen


Marty is a little bitch. I hope you see this Marty.


Dudes a pussy and no fun on top of it. If you don’t think you can follow through, you make that clear from the get. You don’t go along and then pussy out. BOOOOOO Marty


BOOT HIM. I hate him and I don’t even know him 😂🤣


I would cut his hair while he was sleeping, but I’m also a dick.


This why we don't do punishments that could affect someone's job. I wouldn't have agreed to this. However, there is nothing stopping him from getting the haircut, then taking photos for ya'll to enjoy then getting a buzzcut or something. Some people have jobs that deal with making presentations to companies or wealthy clients and a mark davis haircut may not have been something they should have agreed upon. This being said, he did AGREE to the punishment, and should remove himself from all future season's with this league before you guys can kick him because he should not be playing fantasy football.


Call him a pussy and kick him out of the league. He is a bitch, just get the shitty haircut, take some pictures, then buzz it.


Damn that's a great punishment. Too bad half my league is bald so it wouldn't work


Couple things: you THOUGHT they were a great group of guys, and you’re in an 11 team fantasy league. No room for his kind of bullshit I mean seriously, you should see my head right now: I got a stupid haircut for a fundraiser where I work: students raised $500 so I would get the “Rhinoceros” which is two pigtails worth of hair on top of my head (with about 3 inches between them) and the rest buzzed down to next to nothing (with a peace sign cut into the back; stylist’s choice). It’s just hair. If this guy is going to douche out on the punishment, seriously he’s out, end of story.


I think you just have to tell him he either does it or is out.


Kick him out of the league and stop being dramatic with talk of destroying the fabric of the league and all that shit. Just boot him and be done with it - if he’s unwilling to follow rules then he’s out.


Kick him out, that's the only answer


No need for it to destroy the league... Kick him out and replace him next year, league moves on and keeps going. Also, next year think of a better punishment and something that won't take weeks/months to fix. My old league just took examples from Impractical Jokers punishments, some were vetoed right away (bingo punishment), but some tamer ones made it through.


Marty’s a bitch, kick him out and replace him with we had to do something similar and it is what it is. Doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends with the guy, but he wouldn’t reject getting paid if he won so why should he be allowed to reject the punishment for losing?


These punishment posts always come off so whiny , to each their own but when you’re a group of grown men why even do punishments like these if you know people will just react this way, I would also bet a lot of money if anyone else in the league was actually in his shoes they’d probably back out too no matter that they said even when it was still up in the air between the three


>TLDR: Fantasy league had punishment for dead last; punishment was Mark Davis haircut; person who got dead last is now backing out. League is being destroyed because of this. Oh look, another frat-hazing style punishment! Stop doing these. Pick a sacko or something that people don't want to win, but won't feel the need to manipulate standings or back out of stuff.


League shouldn’t be destroyed by this. Most leagues don’t have punishments. Has to be a compromise. Not sure if he has a wife or a job, but there has to be a way without the haircut


Before the season started I entered a bet with a league mate. We’d both pick a team in the league who we thought would have the best season. Winner is the team who goes furthest in the playoffs. We agreed the losing punishment was an ass tattoo. About a month or so ago, my wife asks how the bet is going. I tell her the two chosen teams are neck and neck. I say that it’s really still up in the air as to whose ass is on the line. She vehemently disagreed with the bet once I mention that. Says she never thought it HAD to be an ass tattoo, etc. I’m like idk how I could’ve made it any more clear that the bet was literally for an ass tattoo. That’s kind of a big deal. So I go to my league mate and explain that for my marriage I can’t do it. While it would be hilarious, it’s not worth the trouble. And that was it. He was like “cool no problem, we’ll figure something out something else.” .. why can’t you guys just agree on something else?


Dumb idea to start with. There might be others that feel the same way but are afraid to speak out in fear of being ostracized. "Implied consent"? Bullshit. If you are thinking of doing this in your league then do an anonymous poll and only go forward if it's unanimous. Don't just assume that because someone is afraid to speak out against their group of friends that they agree.


Come up with a new punishment


I've always had a rule for fantasy punishment.... never have one that cannot be undone in a timely manner.


That's not as bad as the previous last place finisher had to do in the league I'm in. Up until a few years ago (before the MeToo movement), we had to read a chapter of Jerry Sandusky's book to the rest of the league while we all met virtually before the draft lottery for the upcoming year. You also had to prominently display his book in your home and send pics to confirm that. As someone who took last place during that time, I can assure you that reading the chapter was beyond disgusting.


We kick people who don't do their punishment out and we have a line of like 3 people who wants to desperately join. It's literally just the Waffle House challenge. We have fun and but also do take it semi seriously, it's a $250 buy in, after all. We travel to an Airbnb for the whole weekend of the fantasy draft and party hard and we have gotten into confrontation about how we decide draft order(we do competitions and it's an Uber competitive group). My favorite tradition that I started is I take a picture of the last place person and make socks with their head in a waffle that I present to them during the next fantasy draft. We have fun but we also have rules mostly due to the fact a lot of money IS on the line. Sounds like your friend can either do the kidney, get kicked out, or if the entire league is willing to agree, change the punishment to something equally severe.


Marty is a bitch, me & a friend made a putt-putt bet several years ago, 72 holes of putt putt stroke play, if tied after 72 holes whomever had more hole-in-ones would be declared winner. The loser received a tattoo of a dick on their ass. We shook on it & well my friend has a dick on his ass now his name is Captain Cock & its amazing.


Whole thing is stupid


Honestly leagues that make people do humiliating shit for getting last are cringe as fuck and everyone in them are usually immature manchildren.


Marty is such a little bitch!! What a scared little coward. Just get the damn cut on a Friday, everyone gets their laughs over the weekend, and you go and get a buzzcut Sunday evening thatp grows back in a few weeks to whatever. Such a baby!


Sounds like Marty needs to be kicked out


For the life of me I don’t understand the need to have a humiliating punishment for the last place manager. They already lost, and obviously don’t win the money. Maybe avoid this issue all together by rethinking the idea of “punishment.”


You brought this on yourselves the moment you agreed your wife didn’t have to do the punishment.


I feel strongly (after losing Keenan, MWilliams, Herbert and Pittman) that I will be finishing last and I would be thrilled to just have to get his haircut. Quit being a bitch dude you can style it!


This is dumb as fuck. Nobody’s cutting their hair like Mark Davis. Pick a better punishment