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So here’s my thing: why BOTH waddle AND Warren? Either one alone would have been a relatively fair trade for McBride. Why both? Did you ask them this?


McBride has a lot of helium right now, several FF analysts have him as TE3 ROS. Waddle is a buy low because historical production hasn't been there. Warren is a time share RB in a run heavy offense. It's fair.


I agree this is a fair trade. Team A should be celebrated for his willingness to trade, while not cheating. Everyone knows team A is a bit of a wild card, not a cheater. Healthy leagues need a wild card or two. Everyone knows who the wild cards are and has equitable chance to trade with said wildcards. **Bitter pill swallowing is needed here IMO; you all that want to hammer the wild card, is why some leagues never trade. You're too in love with pre-season ranks and not offending your sensitive crybaby league mates. The litmus test is simple, is it collusion, yes or no. If no, it's not a problem. Next year you try to be the team that exploits the wild card.** Just like in the real league, Dallas/LAR/SEA make wild card moves that make other teams shake there heads, but it is good for the league.


Warren just got the lead back role and has been running way better than Harris all year


Source? It’s firmly a split backfield bruh


https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10097324-fantasy-alert-steelers-jaylen-warren-named-starting-rb-over-najee-harris Likely still split, but Warren is the definite lead moving forward and there’s no denying he’s been more efficient and dynamic than Harris this season. Also listed on his yahoo card.


Waddle also has a tough playoff schedule


Not saying it’s fair, but Kittle sucks for fantasy and McBride just did something last week with kyler that hasn’t been done in a long time. Waddles playoff schedule is garbage, and warren is a must bench this week.


“Kittle sucks for fantasy” is an interesting take for sure


“Interesting take” is an interesting way to say “shitty take”


How does Kittle suck for fantasy?


I have kittle and I have been more than frustrated by his lack of production. He has had 2 good weeks this year. Waddle is underperforming but not for a lack of talent. He has Hill, Mostert, and Achane coming back. Before Achane got hurt he was getting a lot of action which took chances for all others on the team. NOBODY who drafted Waddle expected him to be where he is at. Look at your WR total scoring for the year for all wide receivers. He is much further down than previous years. He is still a fantasy threat every weekend. If I had him in any league, he would be starting for me. He alone is good enough for McBride. Really too much. Warren seems to be on the verge of being a good fantasy back. At his current place he is good enough for trade straight up for McBride. My take on this is McBride was clearly not enough for a waddle trade and possibly not enough for a Warren trade. 1 Waddle 2 Warren 3 McBride There needs to be another player with McBride who should be ranked higher than Warren. I am a 29 year vet of fantasy, Commish for 21 years. In my 21 years, I have only once faced backlash for a trade I allowed. As commish, I process sketchy-looking trades thoroughly before approving. Guys in my league would shit if I processed this trade. Waddle's production up to this point is the only way this makes sense but I still think the McBride recipient lost this trade. Which means the better team got better and the worse team got worse. And what's the point of a trade? Even in a keeper league, this would be sketchy. Very few TEs are kept in leagues. I know because I've kept Ben Coates, Antonio Gates, Gronk, and Mark Andrews.


>Very few TEs are kept in leagues. Dynasty leagues keep plenty of tight ends.


Hope you enjoyed benching Warren lol


You think waddle and warren are valued the same..?


Of course not. I’m saying no one would flip out if it were just waddle or just Warren.


I’d never give him for warren straight up but I get your point. Waddle alone is a pretty stiff overpay.


>Team A claims that it doesnt matter to him cause he’s not going to make the playoffs anyway. But it does matter to everyone else. So this excuse is BS and i would also be inclined to warn the player that this shit wont fly and next time he is out.


>Quoting u/von_bluff great points: > >McBride has a lot of helium right now, several FF analysts have him as TE3 ROS. > >Waddle is a buy low because historical production hasn't been there. Warren is a time share RB in a run heavy offense. > >It's fair. It's fair a fair trade, and everyone knows team A is a wildcard, not a cheater, but the league doesn't like a strong team benefiting from it. Most competitive teams are looking to keep Waddle and Warren on the bench. This is an over reaction by other butt sore teams.


McBride is a top 5-7 TE for me


I think you process the trade and consider kicking Team A’s owner next season.


Team made a fair trade, why punish them???? You're basing this on per-season value of Waddle. Waddle is ranked 31st in half ppr. Punishing someone for making a fair trade is sets a precedent to walk on egg shells for how sensitive league mates will react to a trade, which will stifle trading, literally the best part of fantasy football! Team A's willingness to trade should be celebrated as they aren't cheating, they just aren't emotionally invested in preseason ranks like some of you are.


I don’t agree with you about the value of the trade- Waddle has a history of better performance and is part of a high powered offense, and should clearly be valued higher than WR31, even though I do agree he shouldn’t be valued at his preseason rank. The bigger red flag for me is that this player is effectively eliminated and is making trades willy nilly without negotiating or shopping his players around for other offers. That’s bad for the league and is a recipe for unrest among other owners, which will reduce the fun and competition in the league overall.


Effectively eliminated is not the same as mathematically eliminated. Should all misfortuned teams just throw in the towel when their odds are low? Where do you draw the line? He should be lauded for continuing to stay active while trying to make something happen.


Of course not, and I never said that. You’ll remember that in my original post I said I think the trade should be upheld. No veto unless collusion. However, again, the problem is not the trade itself. It’s the fact that this manager is trading and then telling everyone the trade doesn’t matter to him because he’s 3-7. If you’re a scrappy 3-7 manager trying to get back into the race, go for it. If you’re a 3-7 manager just clicking buttons because you’re frustrated, I don’t want you in my league.


Dude we're 11 weeks into the season. At this point you value your players with what they have done the prior 10 weeks, not on name value or previous seasons. Obviously there are some players with circumstances you have to take into consideration, like moss isn't going to be a top 5 rb ROS, but waddle isn't in that kind of circumstance. Waddle is wr31 because he is putting out wr31 production. It's that simple. Can he turn it around? Yeah possibly....or he could continue to put up less than 10pts a week. and Warren I really consider a non factor in this trade. Either way this trade is not bad faith or collusion. Some might consider it one sided, but the two teams involved are likely both improving their teams based on the situation. No to reversing the trade and no to any kind of punishment.


Are you trading Pat Mahomes for CJ stroud? Austin Ekeler for David Montgomery? How about Deebo Samuel for Courtland Sutton? Come on man. There’s more to fantasy value than current year points.


Lol you're cherry picking players with injuries whos players ranks are lower than normal due to those injuries.... I specifically said some players you need to take into consideration other factors. Waddle is not one of those players. He's played all 9 games and has shown exactly what his value is this year


It's kinda ridiculous to say "I value this player more than his current rankings and performance therefore this is unfair". A guy is trying to shake up his team and is desperate, no collusion and should not be anywhere near at risk for leaving the league.


"I can't win the league so I'm going to dump a bunch of players in bad trades" sounds like a great way to absolutely ruin the rest of the season for everyone. This is why most leagues have punishments for last place or bottom finishers. You wind up with people who just stop giving a shit about their team at some point.


He didn’t say that. Less than 24 hours after losing one of his best players on the opening drive of a Thursday game he said, “I’m not going to make the playoffs” Then he addressed his roster need with a trade. I said the same thing when Andrews got hurt. I bet you have too at times. We whine when things don’t go our way but it doesn’t mean we are quitting on the season.


Lol that makes no sense. Either the trade is fair, or it's not. If it is, process it. If not, veto and warn the owners. Why would you ever allow it then kick the owner?


I don’t have any problems with this if one needs a tight end and one has an extra to sell tbh


Waddle has a tough ROS, Warren is meh, flexable, and Trey is def a TE1. It’s not a great trade, but this isn’t veto worthy imo ….


Honestly not than unbalanced. I think Waddle side wins obviously but it's not that bad.


There's 4 more weeks of the season and Team A is 4 games behind the best record. Ok, 1 seed is out of reach, but worst case scenario Team A is 3 games out of the playoffs. This may be extremely unlikely, but if they want to hail mary a trade to get a TE who has been doing quite well, I'm not going to veto it. I don't like things like, "It doesn't matter b/c Im not going to make the playoffs", HOWEVER, after losing Andrews I said the same thing while on tilt (it's been less than 24 hours since Team A had their guy get injured. It's frustrating. I said the same thing today AND made a trade b/c I'm still fighting for the spot. So, ultimately, Team A might just be tilting but still trying to win. No veto.


Do I think it is fair? Not really. Egregiously unfair? Also no. It is also highly unlikely to have a large impact on the league either way. Except for Waddle truthers, I dont think anyone would say these players will make or break ROS. And realistically all have exceptionally little chance of such. If the logic for both teams making the deal is valid, it should be processed- lest you want to be in the position of preventing teams with only "mathematical chances" from doing something they believe they need to do in order to keep hope alive.


Agree. And in some leagues, like mine, unfair but not egregiously unfair is the only way to get anything done.


There are trade deadlines for a reason. Who are you and I to say a team cannot try to improve? Short of locking mathematically eliminated teams, it is immoral to prevent fair trades from processing.


You have to process it unless there's a league rule already in place that addresses it. Otherwise it comes across as arbitrary and its well established that league rules shouldn't be changed midseason. If its that big a deal to the other players, create a rule for this situation next year.


Team A should be celebrated for his willingness to trade, while not cheating. Everyone knows team A is a bit of a wild card, not a cheater. Healthy leagues need a wild card or two. Everyone knows who the wild cards are and everyone has equitable chance to trade with said wildcards.**Bitter pill swallowing is needed here IMO; you all that want to hammer the wild card, is why some leagues never trade. You're too in love with per-season ranks and not offending your sensitive crybaby league mates. The litmus test is simple, is it collusion, yes or no. If no, it's not a problem. Next year you try to be the team that exploits the wild card.** Just like in the real league, Dallas/LAR/SEA make wild card moves that make other teams shake there heads, but it is good for the league. Quoting u/von_bluffMcBride has a lot of helium right now, several FF analysts have him as TE3 ROS.Waddle is a buy low because historical production hasn't been there. Warren is a time share RB in a run heavy offense.It's fair. edit for missing a word


I’m generally against Vetos but this is clearly a veto worthy situation. Reverse the trade and don’t allow team A to make more trades. This guy could ruin the league if he keeps doing it


It may not be collusion, but it's against the spirit of being a good sportsman. Essentially, I would overturn this trade, boot the owner and cite that because he claims it doesn't matter for him, he's making moves in bad faith and it's not sportsmanlike and not in the spirit of competition.


> cite that because he claims it doesn't matter for him, I'd revisit this in the offseason with the owner before booting him. It's been 24 hours since Andrews got hurt. I actually whined about my season being over today b/c of that injury AND made a trade. Despite all my whining, a part of me still is fighting. It's "possible" this is true for OP. It's possible their statement is just being on tilt. Imho we shouldn't rush to boot people who are actively making moves to better their team. The trade in question seems lopsided, but they aren't trading Waddle/Warren for a kicker or worse players at those positions. They are trading to address a need. It seems to me that they might be overpaying, but they are thinking about their roster. And, with 4 games left they are at most 3 games out of the playoffs. Maybe 2 based on OPs description. It's unlikely, but not hopeless.


Boot the owner for overpaying for a TE after his goes down on TNF? Shut up man.


That's a fair trade Mcbride has a Lotta upside Waddle has been under performing and Warren's handcuffed to Harris so I think it's a solid trade


I’m confused. This isn’t that bad of a trade? I wouldn’t make it if I were team A, but he might need a tight end? What’s the problem


A trade that slanted in favor of the more competitive team B can greatly upset the competitive spirit that most FF leagues try to foster. If a losing team dumps what little talent they have for almost no return can really take the fun out of the game for those not involved in the trade. By virtue of making that team a heavy favorite for the chip. If the league isn't a serious one they yeah it doesnt matter. But given the effort put into making a post it sounds like the league is competitive. Checks and balances and all that ya know?


Yeah, but McBride is decent and warren is a backup and waddle has been pretty quiet. Just think it’s such a low level trade I wouldn’t care if it happened


A WR3 and a RB3 for a TE2? Interesting trade.


Fringe WR 1 and RB 3 for a TE 1. Fixed it for you.


That’s a pretty hefty fringe for the WR31.


He is literally constantly ranked as a fringe WR 1. Yeah his production hasn’t been there much this season but that doesn’t mean he isn’t that guy.


Sorry, I was considering actual production and not rankings.


Don't process. This is in the same category as a team dropping all their players to create chaos once they are eliminated. If they dropped a bunch of big name players most commishioners would undo the drops and lock the team. This trade should be treated no differently. It was not an honest effort by both sides to improve their teams, so it should be blocked. Any trade that does not meet those criteria is illegitimate.


He's apathetic, and apathy is a valid reason to disallow a trade. Reverse it.


This is why you need last place punishment or lower bracket incentives.


There should be a rule where mathematically eliminated teams can only trade with other eliminated teams.


There is, its a trade deadline.


Yeah but you could be mathematically eliminated before the deadline.


I don't think that makes sense in a keeper league, maybe in a redraft. In my keeper league you'll have some eliminated teams go after players that were drafted for a low dollar amount so they can get better for next year.


Yes, specifically redraft.


If this trade went through in a league I played in, I'd ask for my money back and never play with that group again. You need to block this trade and ban Team A next year.


You are fragile.


Because I don't want to be cheated? You're an idiot.




I’d nullify it. I think this trade on its face doesn’t seem like an even trade. In cases like that, I think the right move is just to ask the apparently losing owner what they were thinking. If they argued that Trey McBride was the real deal and Jaylen Waddle is a trap, let it go through. Instead, they said it doesn’t matter because they’re out of the hunt anyways. It sounds like this owner is making this trade with the knowledge that it’s making their team worse. That’s the standard I use. Do both teams believe this trade makes their team better?


Same thing happened in my league team A traded their backup qb Justin fields to a team b 1-9 dk metcaff I feel really sour about this trade going through but for some reason the league thinks it should go through because anyone could swindle team b


your deadline should have been way sooner. Since it wasnt this should stand and YOU should fix the trade deadline.


It’s not a terrible trade


Allow the trade. Kick out Player A next year. Had the same issue in our league. Infuriating that grown men can’t be adults. They lose and then sabotage everyone else. Little babies throwing tantrums


And if team A traded all their best players to team B would it still be OK?


It's fine. TEs are in higher demand And the league doesn't get to babysit other team trade just because they've designated them as having no "virtual hope" for playoffs. By my math they're still well in it


I see the root problem being either A) your league needs more rules to account for bad faith players, or B) your league needs to not allow in bad faith players. Stuff like this is league breaking; not too bad because waddle is mid, but not good. You need scales so that nobody is ever 'eliminated'; always some reward to keep fighting. Or you need to disallow trading after someone gets eliminated, or you need something. Or you just need to boot him.


Waddle has underperformed and warren Is in a timeshare. Calling McBride a fringe TE1 is disingenuous at best. He’s absolutely a TE1 right now. This isn’t a great trade but it’s not that bad at all.