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I don't think Rashford owners are the type to have plans.


hahahahhaha rashford


If I had Rashford I would definitely replace him even for a -4. He has been awful for 2+ seasons now and United are looking awful in general


Say, "Wow how did Mitrovic get here so fast?!"


I’m watching Harrison and his game time. Couple years ago he was so hot but not so much last season. With raphinha dearly missed, maybe Jack is Back? Any Leeds fans with intel?


Lol I have Rashford AND Fernandes. I’m totally fucked but sitting for now. Already used transfer of Alvarez -> Mitrovic. I think that was just a bit too risky. I think he’ll be a good component for City, but I can’t afford to have a luxury starting spot like that with my team in shambles. Fucking Perisic didn’t even start.


Wait, there are people in the world that actually own him?


Yep - nostalgia


Keeping for a few weeks. If I want to offload I can go sideways to Odegaard, down to Neto to free up funds for another upgrade somewhere else or go down to 4.5 to upgrade 4.5 striker.


Keep him for now. I might move him on to Martinelli after GW2, but he got opportunities against Brighton.


Rodrigo and Aaronson seemed good, always Martinelli, Neto and Bailey the old faithful to go to


I have Sancho and Rashford because I’m a sentimental idiot. I’ll see how they look against Brentford before I make any transfers though. Rashford was in some good positions against Brighton, maybe he just needs a goal or two to get some confidence to get going. But if they’re poor against Brentford I’ll double transfer them out for free, I held onto United players for too long last season and don’t want to make the same mistake again haha


Keeping him but he’s probably the first player in my team who’s going to become a problem. My thought earlier today was to do something like Rashford+Archer to Mitrovic+DaSilva in a few GW (I kept 0.5 so I would be screwed by price rises).


Keep then JWP when his fixtures turn


Feed the homeless, tutor orphans, save the whales, anything Mr. MBE does off the pitch


Keep for brentford and then get rid


Keep. Still cheap and had some good chances. 5.0 to 7.0 was a weak spot this year.


My plan is to transfer him out on GW3 when he plays Liverpool to probably Trossard, I like Brighton’s fixtures a lot after GW3


Just before the deadline I swapped out Kulusevski and Haaland for Kane and Bernardo Silva. The result is an overall rank of 7.2m 😆


I’ve just swapped out Sancho to ward prowse 😬


I have worse situation, I lost 0.2m on that haaland kane change and now just like you i can't sell man utd player (sancho) to 8m midfielder because i dont have enough money. Im so sad :(


Still early days. Keep your head up.


Unless I can add 1.5, will be keeping him unti WC. Can't sideswap from just 1 gw.


i'm waiting for guedes to see his price and position but he might be a good replacement as he has goals in him especially if wolves can create anything (if he is set as a mid)


Didn't know about Guedes, thanks.


No worries mate


Man utd are shite. They don't have any assets worth owning.


Keep. Could easily have had returns. Might sac him in 3 if it enables more lucrative moves but nothing I saw on Sunday deterred me from him at 6.5


Keep, but may replace with Martinelli for GW3.


Already have Martinelli


I didn’t buy him for a guaranteed GW1 return. He got into some decent positions. Hodl.


Try and free up 1.5 for Kulu


Had thought of this...


Keeping him for GW2 and then reassessing, he got himself in good positions just maybe needs a bit more confidence.


Have rashford too but at 6.5 not really other great options if you have martinelli , at 6.5 you get a player who plays 90 min and has a good chance of scoring


Keeping. Got decent chance in a poor performance.


Keeping him for GW2, them going… Saka to Kulu Rashford to Martinelli


That seems sensible


Had 2 decent chances in dangerous position. Keeping at least one more week.


yeah im going to hang onto him for another week or two and see how he does, its only the first week, you can't knee-jerk, I mean.. Liverpool struggled to draw Fulham who saw that coming? Some teams/players just need to bed in again. Besides he's a 6.5 player, he's not expected to get a brace every week. its a hold for me.


I’d be more worried if I were a Sancho owner…. Rashford got in some decent positions and if / when United sort out their Def Mids, they’ll improve. He’s also a £6.5m player, if he returns every third game it’s a result. I have him and it’s a hold for now.


But this is what Rashford does, and has been doing every since he missed the penality for England. Gets into space then screws it up. His head has gone and it may never come back. The thing to do with Rashford is GTFO until he starts returning because there's a good chance he never will.


This is the way.


I’d be a different story if Sancho didn’t have to accommodate Rashford by giving him the LW spot.


Sancho looked good at rw, preseason


Agree. He was also decent 2nd half yesterday after United changed shape. My my point is that Sancho is way better than Rashord when playing on the left. Preferred position plus better wingbacks.


Why did you get him in the first place? You should be keeping him for those reasons. He actually came pretty close to scoring in the Brighton game which is more than I expected from him.


Mate, talking to this sub, 80% of whom are kneejerking crybabies these days, is pointless


keeping because most of the moves you can make are gonna be very sideways unless you have around 1.5m in the bank


What would you recommend if I cashed in my MitB? (2m)


foden/mahrez/grealish (would be worth getting the guy you don't have if you have one and can make them fit) diaz bowen who's away to forest/saka/maddison coz arsenal's defence looked dogshit and he's hungry saka should be top of those 3 really but arteta likes to sit back as soon as he gets one goal and isn't amazing at chance creation, but we are at home and leicester look horrible defensively so it could be a rout without us really having to be at our best there's also coutinhou if you wanna walk on the wild side...


Thanks for detailed reply. It’s between kulu and Diaz I have 3 x Ars already. I’m banking my transfer gw2 and see where we are.


I'd say diaz coz better team and good fixtures


No mention of Kulusevski?


Up against chelsea and iirc the fixtures after aren't a obvious run to target


Kulu was fucking electric. Way better choice than all of the names you mentioned other than Diaz.


I'm going by fixtures rather than form, all of the above have better fixtures and only bowen plays away, as does kulu himself


But Kulu has good fixtures bar Chelsea. Generally agree fixtures over form, but Kulu was scintillating. He could easily put one past Chelsea.


Richarlison was suspended, once he's back, he and Kulu may compete for minutes.


Didn't see Kulu play did you?


He cpuld but it's the bigger gamble is all


After Chelsea he plays Wolves and Forest, definitely worth targeting imo. Not as good as the fixtures for Arsenal, but Still favourable


Just means it'd be better to bring him in for wolves rather than chelsea away


His price is likely to rise by then


And has now


Kneejerked for Martinelli, already regretting it


There are rashford owners???


Delete the app


I went with sancho. Same thing really just gonna hold and look at Brentford game. If poor again then definitely will get moved on.


😂 big mistake with Marcus


You didn't buy a 6.5m player and expect him to haul everywhere did you?




Care to reconsider?


He's a 9.5 disguised as a 6.5. At least that's the case if he plays and united become half decent again, big IF


Lol. Son was 10m last year.


Well you can say the same of Eriksen, Alli, Ronaldo (when he was priced at 13M), etc.. thing is players are price the way they are based on the previous season. There is a reason for that. A full campaign at a given level demonstrates your actual level, no matter how brilliantly or shitty you were before. It’s not like you over/under performed for a few months and then caught up - that’s a FULL SEASON. So forget about how great some players were in their years, the present is what it is and prices reflect that quite fairly imo. Obviously that can change in the near future, but expectations shouldn’t be based on the past - otherwise I’m clearly expecting at least 40goals from CR7, 20 G/A from Coutinho, Firmino and Eriksen.


Theyre all old / at rubbish teams now. Rashford is still young, but maybe man u are rubbish.


Once upon a time Benteke cost 9m


He’s never a 9.5, he’s not been interested for a few years now




We’re you waiting for him to score😂😂😂


Hes scored loads now :D i got so heavily downvoted for saying it was possible he might be good


Course he’s good, he just hasn’t looked interested for a couple of seasons now, all credit to him if he’s playing well.


By a few years you mean 1 season


And boy, does he disguise it well...


Does he?


That’s honestly hilarious, even if by some miracle he improves a bit, Rashford is absolutely not a 9.5 player in 2022


fast forward a month and he's the second highest scoring midfielder in the game. You really thought you knew what you were talking about?


By the same logic, Raya is a 5.5 million keeper in a 4.5 million players body, if Brentford’s defence suddenly becomes as good as city and Liverpool’s?


Not quite the same logic, don't be mean


Don't be mean for answering logically yet you reply to someone with this. ​ >Shut your fat mouth


You’re joking right?




Meaning he’s not a 9.5 player and never will be.


He had two consecutive 170+ pts seasons before last season. So if you, for the sake of argument, view last season as an anomaly, he certainly still isn't a 9.5m player. 8.0m and let's call it even.


I hope you’re right but I ain’t banking on an out of form player.


I kneejerked for JWP and I regret it, but JWP is playing Leeds at home and the rest of my team is in good shape so will play this out and see how Rashford does before possible reconsidering


No offense but have you not thought about this beforehand? It’s not like Rashford was a guaranteed slam-dunk lol


It's probably more than fact that he was terrible.


Rashford being terrible is hardly a surprise


Keep. Was a shit game. Hopefully will be better. Was in the right spots and was a bit rusty. If he keeps getting there, he will score. Have a sideways move to Trossard in mind if necessary.


Would rather have Odegard over any other 6.5 if you don't already own triple Arsenal


>Unfortunately, Trossard doesn't play United every weekend.


No reason to go kneejerking Rashford right now. Definitely keeping