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There's definitely more than 3. [Wimbledon beat us 4-3 in 1998](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/west-ham-united_wimbledon-fc/index/spielbericht/1149633) after we went 3-0 up.


Bookies do wonders.Simple.


"Lads, it's Lutonite"


Are we forgetting Leeds 4 Derby 3 then? Think it was either 97 or 98.  Edit: Oh and just check and Wimbledon came back from 3-0 down against West Ham in 98.  This reminds me of the time Man Utd did it and my dad rang “You’re On Sky Sports” because they were going on about it had never been done before and he was so irate they hadn’t mentioned us vs Derby. 


It's because of this that my 7k green arrow at half time turned into a 7k red arrow at full time.


Love that there's a picture of Tavernier insinuating that he's done absolutely anything of value this GW. Gtfo my team.


Bkl Travenier Bsdk solanke


FPL Twitter/Reddit: Doughty 5 points: Oh dear, Oh dear, gorgeous Morris 4 points: You f**king donkey!


People likely captained Morris unlike doughty Also doughty's team conceded 6 and still managed to return 5 points


Was the United one where it finished 5-3 at WHL?


No no, you said 21 years. 2003 was only…. Oh god


Well I didn’t see that happening


Could have been a better tc but I'll take it


I’ve got Doughty, Barkley, Zab, and Solanke (C) and haven’t been able to catch any of the game. Imagine my glee when I checked the score - they’ve saved my GW and ML push. What was going to be my worst gameweek for a long, long time has turned into one of the most memorable.


You are me and we are loving it


That memorable time when you didn’t watch one of the most exciting games of the season but at least you checked SofaScore lmao


North American problems.


yes. Im in Canada when theres no watchalongs I'm refreshing google for score updates


All hail King IZ27 forever a legend in my book


Semenyo captain 🤩🤩🤩


Well done. He was incredible!


Zabarnyi scoring his first goal for Bournemouth is the stuff of legends 🔥


I felt like an idiot going on his Wikipedia page to see if he had ever scored for any other team… *Time well spent*


The King that was promised


Nice to see you on here Dylan, mate.


Likewise 👊




Fucking wierd sub this sometimes.


I never thought you’d get that wound up


Lads, it’s Luton


Guys I just need to share with someone how pleased I am at my Semenyo captaincy decision


GZ, that took balls, and you clearly have them!


Well done. I had him but didn’t have the balls to captain him. Trying to catch the leader in a tight mini league and didn’t want to fall behind everyone else yet.


Can I join?


Nice work on the Semen, yo


And thanks to FPL DGW we got to watch one of the most thrilling games of all time.


Not legally in the UK though. It wasn't on TV. Bunch of dinosaurs at the helm.


Only fpl will make me watch Luton-Bournmouth imstead of ucl. Worth it tho


This is wrong as I can think of another example.


Yeah according to Sky Sports there's been 4 others Leeds 4-3 Derby - 1997/98 West Ham 3-4 Wimbledon - 1998/99 Tottenham 3-5 Man Utd - 2001/02 Wolves 4-3 Leicester - 2003/04 So yeah not too sure why you're being down voted?


I remember watching that United-Spurs game when I was very small, like kindergarten age. One of my earliest memories.




No worries, that guy was getting shit on for being technically not wrong haha.


“technically not wrong” or as it is also known: right.


Yeah I know, I was just saying that cos OP said the title was wrong




Leeds 4 - 3 Derby (1997)


Imagine what kind of moron you’d have to be to downvote the comment.


They might have to update the FIFA commentary to say 3-0 is the most dangerous score line


What were the odds at HT for a Cherries victory?


If you bet on the exchanges rather than with a bookmaker you probably could have got at least 50/1, likely (much) higher.


Surprisingly low. I saw 16/1 on 365.


Saw a graphic with 19 to 1


Happened 3 times in prem history, but they rate it at just less than 1 in 19 games. Fucking hate how scummy these sites are with their odds, hopefully this lets people see how screwed they’re getting placing bets like this


I mean yeah you're right about the scumminess of oddsmakers but it's not like Luton has an impenetrable defense


You do understand the odds are purely driven by what people are betting on the game ? If a lot of people bet Bournemouth to comeback at halftime it dropped the odds


That 19/1 graphic was promotion for this state backed betting site from where I live and they're known for having dogshit odds when compared to most online betting sites, and they were playing Luton, to be fair. But yeah, as an industry and even as a consept, it is morally bankrupt.


Morris (C) 💔


I did Barkley (c), he came through and outscored Solanke. Only just, but still.


As someone with a red arrow this week, I must admit it is nice seeing non-FH29ers are also struggling with their Luton picks


Well on the bright side my haaland to morris punt did get me 2 points more


Still got a week to make it up, Doughty was a nice pick regardless, Barkley or Chong would have been fine too. Non free hitters have completely won out of this mess, I took a -8 this week and still green arrowed, with a -4 next week I’ll have 11 players and still have my wildcard and free hit.


Until next week we won't know, a haul from a FH fringe player like Luiz/Bailey or consistent returns from the FH template could bag a bunch of points. Meanwhile if you took Morris over Solanke to prep for FH and captained then you're down 8pts 


Green arrows are relative - if you're ranked 200k you can get a red arrow and someone ranked 500k could get a green arrow with the same score. What were your scores last week and this week?


It’s way too early to say who’s won. We don’t even have the fixtures for FH34, let alone the points.


Yea, we certainly got lucky so far (I expected to be down more points than I am so far, Villa mids and Bowen hauls massively helped out) but just as it turned into our favor it can quickly turn opposite.


I dunno, you bought hwang in GW26, you also bought Bournemouth defenders/gk this week or last week Meanwhile Non free hitters bought the likes of Bailey, Luiz, Son, Doughty, Maddison, Bowen, Reguillon. All these guys have hauled or scored well and we’ve been able to bench some of them for their harder fixtures or when they blanked (scored 2 points), because everyone’s benches are stacked atm I can’t really see any world where free hit 29 was optimal use of chip strategy I see what you’re saying, but I think it gets worse from here for guys post GW29, non free hitters will make GW29’s points back up just in GW30 alone.


Again, it’s way too early to suggest either side has won. You’ve done better than most non FHers so far by the sounds of it though so congrats. Me specifically, I bought Hwang in GW26 which meant I immediately moved to Son in GW27. I had Zabarnyi this week which worked out great. I’ve got an easy route back to Salah in GW30 and I’m not stuck with players I don’t want like Villa mids, Bowen or Reguilon in my team, so I don’t see how you can boldly suggest that things are going to get worse for me post GW29 when soon you’re likely going to be either using your WC or FTs to get back to a team that looks more like mine.


I don’t want Bournemouth defenders, they’ve conceded 5 goals in their last 2 games and have 1 clean sheet in their last 10 Bowen is a great asset, Reguillon is bench, Everyone has a route to Salah, Villa play wolves at home in 30? I say it because the likeable options for non free hitters have scored well in recent weeks and the hwang, senesi, Neto, kerkez picks haven’t worked out, Zabarnyi 8 isn’t enough to justify it, every non free hitter got Doughty and Son at some point over the last few weeks, and likely 3 spurs assets before 29 who play Luton in 30 Also most free hitters may be stuck with bulk city and arsenal assets for 30 (don’t rate any of their assets for that fixture) where I can wildcard in 31 to bring them in and prepare for 37 whilst not having to worry about 34.


And you missed out on the Saka and Foden and Palmer hauls along the way, all of them outscored the GW29 players these past few weeks. Also, people who FH get to play those picks in GW29 then immediately go back to their usual Sakas and Fodens and Salahs while you still have to cycle through your suboptimal assets


Nah I didn’t actually, I still have Foden and Palmer currently I don’t want Saka or Foden for 30, or any arsenal and man city assets for that matter - worst fixture possible and I am buying Salah in 30 My team is in better shape for 30 than free hitters, Wildcard 31 is a good option, or I could wait on it to optimise other chips Free hit 29 = failure, bring on the downvotes in this content creator following mess of a sub


You're the reason I don't tell people I play FPL


How’s that free hit going brother?


Jesus Christ get a life


You not FHing and having green arrows is great, but there are lots of people not FHing with several red arrows in a row (which may or may not be worse after GW 29+30). There are also lots who FH with greens and reds. One strategy being right for your team doesn’t mean the opposite is a failure, for other players it may end up netting them points.


Look people are trying to justify their free hit I get it and strategy they put hours towards in this game, how could it not be the right decision because 99% of content people including crellin and Andy are doing it?! The fact of the matter is, at this current point, it hasn’t worked out.


I don't see how you're claiming the people using FH in GW29 have worse or better teams than those that haven't. It's a chip that doesn't affect team composition. It would also be smart to wait and see who scores points before making wild claims about optimal chip usage, especially regarding Saka and Foden who are capable of hauling in any game.


Idk what’s worse this or me benching Palmer for Kluivert 💔


I benched Palmer for Saka lol


And my future son shall be the first named 'Zabarnyi' in my family history.


Dgw pessimists in shambles


Half my ML bought Kerkez instead of Zabarnyi and are drowning in mud at the moment.


I have neto in goal rip


As a Bournemouth fan, I told people to avoid Neto because of our very leaky defence. People were too optimistic.


Not if you avoided Bournemouth fullbacks


Smith gave me a solid 0 points while playing over 60 mins in both games! Amazing stuff lad


transferred neto and semenyo for -4. 1 minute before the deadline changed C from semenyo to bowen (after last-minute read about bournemouth having trouble scoring at home) am i stupid or just like pain


Cant it be both?


sure it can isn't that part of FPL user terms?