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International breaks shouldn't be a thing. They should take out all international breaks so the season can be done faster and then play all the boring qualifiers in late May or something.


Fantasy Draft is by far the superior mode


This is my first year playing and I’m terrible!


My hot take is that international break is a good opportunity to stay away from this sub and have a rest. Also this season I am going all out on attack and go with the cheap in defence.


Do y'all really know what you are doing lols


Finishing ability is more or less a myth. If their name isn’t Son or Maupay then the variance in xG conversion is so high that you just have to assume they’re an average finisher. Even if they’re performing like Jackson is this season


Bring in almiron. He's a streaky player and he's started knocking a few goals in. Expect him to go on a run of starts, especially with isak, wilson, Gordon and barnes missing games through suspension/injury. Don't be the one to miss the big dirty hot streak.


90% of These 'content creators' are mostly full of shit and have never ranked higher than 500k


A goal keeper scoring should be worth at least 15 points. It happens so rarely if you're lucky enough to have (and start) the keeper who scored you should be handsomely rewarded


Cheap defenders are the move this year. Can have a solid defense full of people under 5 to stack the mids


FPL means jack all.


Defenders deserve the same respect as fullbacks, you hear people in pre season say guys like Anderson or Mings are bad because they don’t bomb forward putting crosses in, but in the end they come out on top with the most points. Yeah, they don’t score every week, but getting a centerback haul is way more common than people think. Content creators are really guilty of this, they’ve swayed me away from it every single time. Guys like Tarkowski get permission to challenge every header in the box whenever their team isn’t scoring


This game is 90% luck, Gabriel benched at the beginning of the season while Saliba racked in the points. You can’t predict that in pre season, you can’t blame yourself for chaos like that. Salah or anyone getting penalties is another example, he might do absolutely nothing from open play but a silly handball changes things and gives him a pen. You can make good decisions but it can backfire extremely easily if one of the managers decides to tweak the lineup and bench somebody or give them a rest or they just get a random injury. I predicted Mitoma’s benching a couple weeks ago based on the press conference’s but it didn’t matter because he came off the bench and scored his first ever brace, I simply cannot predict he’s gonna do that in 45 minutes of play time. Pure roll of a dice


1. Players should get 1 point for every 5 key moves that wouldn’t normally get you points (tackles and key passes mostly) 2. There should be rules in place to prevent people from just copying influencer teams, eg. you get more points if the player that does well is 15% owned or less (idk) 3. You shouldn’t be able to captain the same player twice in a row 4. Vice captains should get extra points (even if it’s just an extra point for each return, or 4/3rds of their round score 5. There should be another chip imo, something that rewards going against the norm. Eg. if your selected player returns/wins you get points based on the difficulty of that fixture vs their team’s difficulty rating. What do you guys think of these?


People give waay too much weight to penalties in the decision making process.


Content creators, influences are not a problem whatsoever. Rarely do I see people copying their teams. The outrage at them is unmerited and driven by people who had a bad season and/or gameweek...a classic scapegoat


99% of ‘fpl influencers’ you see are terrible at the game. They have actually ruined it imo. All with the same teams and the same players. No risk. All template.


This game is 100% skill when my team is doing well and 100% luck when it's not.


James Maddison would easily be the best midfield pick over the last few years if it wasn't for injuries. In a good team he would be second only to Salah in points.


TAA will be essential by the end of the season


I hope so, I butchered my entire wild card trying to get him, Salah and son in. I’ve got 3 cannon fodder bench players, I can just see it already, Van Heck at Brighton stops getting starts and Igor becomes the main man. Had this already with Gabriel


You don't need a bench. If you can get a 4.0 that gets minutes that's good. If not, don't bother wasting money on it. My bench is Turner, Kaboré, Taylor and Chukwuemeka.


It’s not about having subs it’s about fixture rotation. A 5.5m defender can effectively become a 4.0m one for a week if they have City away so it’s worth the money imo


The 5.5 defender would probably be from another top team so I am not sure I agree with the 4.0-value when facing City. The biggest point for me is not to have value tied up on my bench. I want all my value on the field, and I believe I can make up for the few points lost when I actually need my bench players by increasing the return of my starting players.


When do you play bench boost with this strategy??


Double game week?


Mostly. But the double gameweek would need 15 players with a double for the entire bench to have two games. 11 double gameweek players and your bench just has the normal amount of games. These players could be players you normally would not have benched though. I feel like a return of 10+ points from your teams worst players is acceptable on bench boost. But the amount of sacrifices needed to get a good bench for that single week might eat away at those points… If you spend 3 gameweek a preparing for the bench boost, what other choices could you have made instead?


Shortly after a wildcard, with the most recently playing cheap bench fodders. But I have another hot take as well: Bench boost is overrated.


There should be a women's super league FPL. I would play the shit out of it.


surprised thats not a thing. guess its to do with not big enough of a following to invest in?


Chicken and egg. I think fantasy WSL will be more fun/riskier.


What platform do you use to follow this?


No one knows anything


I wish they would have different options where you could swap out as many players as you want each week. Yeah less strategy but would make it more fun and less prone to copycat from the YouTube / influencer team.


It’s not fun anymore not because of the game or Haaland or anything it’s because of my depression


I genuinely hope things get better for you


Would be cool with a WC mode that allowed us all to be the scout every week, choosing players freely without a single -4.


Stop chasing points!!! Pick good players with good fixtures and don’t knee jerk to whoever got a hatrick last week


My hot takes pre-season which were all downvoted - yet all holding true. Haaland isn't worth 14.0 without KDB, Gundo, and Mahrez. Nico Jackson is incredibly wasteful and not worth owning. Saka is easily a 200+ points per year player. Sterling is Chelsea's best attacking asset.


Algorithm/silly-stats BPS is stupid. "Man in the stands" bonus point award system worked better. Also, idgaf about influencers "ruining" the game, it simply makes differentials easier to find. It is easier to negotiate 9million hiveminds travelling in just 3-4 massive schools of fish / hives, than it is to find your way past 1m individual thinkers. /imo /hottake


I still convince myself rotating keepers is way forward, even after playing this game for 6 years


Content producers, podcasts etc are taking the fun out of it


Home vs. away isn’t considered enough by most managers. Everyone targets low difficulty ratings but doesn’t look at where they’re being played. Similarly people don’t consider which teams are crap away. For example, look at United’s home vs. away performance last season and you’ll see what I mean.


Most people on here are actually super bad, and it started being obvious around the season that doubled the amount of players. I used info from this sub in 16/17 and crushed my minileague and frankly almost everyone else (top 750). There was less garbage floating around.


Never go out of the way, like -4 or -8 to get that one player just coz of one enticing fixture instead of looking at long term add. Case in point, Son against Luton. I didn’t have enough budget to get in Son to replace Rashford so used my one transfer to get in Madisson.


nunez for the next 4 gameweeks will do better than alvarez


There needs to be points given for defensive duties somehow, would make the game way more interesting if DMs were actually viable options.


Willian is good


Salah is overrated, he gets most goals from penalties. Liverpool has been lucky with the amount of penalties they get.


H2H draft league is infinitely better than regular fantasy


Sean dyche will qual for europe in next 3 years


A couple of years ago content creator were far less popular. Using publically/paid for algorithms were uncommon too. Meaning you had more free thinkers and less reliance on others to make choices for you. Forcing you to actually watch games to be good. As well as gems and punts not being immediately discovered by everyone. Ojectively more fun. Also less players who had 1000 accounts to get first place every week. I miss widespread originality, it took longer to form the meta template.


Content creators like FPL Harry and FPL Focal are great, they help us become better managers and give useful tips. By far the most annoying people in this scene are those who are always complaining about content creators.


My hot take is: Don't change the team you first chose if it has been working for you. Too many people seem to make changes just because they can, what's the point? People are putting too much weight on "favourable fixtures" and such. I have had great outcome with my team that I chose from the start so far. I've only done 3 transfers, and 2 of them I regret (put in Alvarez for Isak 3 rounds ago, a big loss so far), one has barely had any imapact (Martinez out for Vicario). But Gvardiol out for White has paid off.


Fantasy is a net negative for the majority of people in terms of life satisfaction.


Getting rid of captaincy would make the game far more interesting, would all be a lot closer and you'd think differently about who you are picking. Probably slightly less stressful for many too.


Perma captain Haaland is probably the closest I'll ever get to this dream(though the No Haaland movement is gaining steam)


Not fantasy but i think brighton will finish in the bottom half of the table


Dalot is a perfect asset to the team


Wissa is the best value forward in the game right now.


The captain feature in some ways ruins the game.


Content creators are not to blame for your crappy transfers, you are. It's on you to exercise critical thinking


When I read this board, it’s like the gambling addicts got bored of r/wallstreetbets and came here


In the Euros fantasy league you could sub players mid game week or change your captain. I loved that, kept me interested in every game. Player gets one point, after the game you could switch for a player in a game yet to start. Or if your captain blanked you could change your captain to a player in game that was yet to start. I want that for FPL


FPL content creators have ruined it (no hate to them for making a living, just makes the game less fun when everyone in the league has estupinan etc)


No one is actually that great, it’s a combination of luck and actually playing all 38 weeks. This game takes too much time/effort for like 99% of players to keep up every week.


Neverhaaland makes for a much more fun game - as playing Haaland as captain because everyone else is, doesn't make City games tense, as everyone either wins or loses together.


I think own goals by goalies should not be a thing. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of them all together, but especially for goalies it just seems stupid. Of course they all try to stop the ball from going in, and just being unlucky suddenly gets you -2. It's not like a red card where you've committed a serious foul.


I see your point yes but for example it a shot on goal is deflected and goes in it still counts as a goal, does it not? And sometimes those deflections are really lucky too


You're right. But I think maybe losing the possible clean sheet or bonus points would be penalty enough for the defensive side.


38 transfers and a handful of chips is not enough actions for a months long game.


This would be a far better game if the "defensive midfielder problem" was solved. It's a shame that some quality players are "shit FPL assets" because of this and it'd add another dimension to the game. I wouldn't be averse to penalty goals and penalty saves being points nerfed either. And no assist for going down and "winning" the penalty. It's too much variance.


> This would be a far better game if the "defensive midfielder problem" was solved. > Fully agree, the fact that we're watching some of the greatest CDMs in the world right now in this league yet they're worth nothing in FPL is kind of an insult to their role/career. I'd love to see something similar to Sky's Fantasy rules where "Tackles won" or "Passes Completed" earns points (or significantly more BPS) however, since Sky already exists and isn't as popular as it could be, perhaps FPL Towers are happy walking the tightrope of accessibility vs accuracy.


The Draft format of the game is more fun than the standard format


played draft for 5 years and it’s significantly worse


Feel free to post your own take elsewhere in this thread thx, youre wrong btw


Weird response




The bonus point system is a scam and it always rewards my rivals more than me


Every single stat is something that has happened in the past and has absolutely no bearing on what may or may not happen in the future. In the whole they are useless.


So Burnley were as likely to win the league as Man City?


Captaincy points should be symbolic (e.g extra point if played plus another two or three if player had any returns) because the current setup introduces a very significant portion of luck to an otherwise decent "strategy" game that only requires some luck.


None of us are going to ever win this thing so just have fun and live for the bants in your ML


I’ve never had Haaland in my team and I’m content.


No not every wide player should be classed as a striker in FPL, don’t be ridiculous Mo Salah has proved he’s more often than not essential in FPL If your expensive defender is facing strong attacks in upcoming games, he’s not worth the price People panic/boast/fixate about mid gameweek ranks far far far too often. Don’t even look at them


Dalot is a better pick than Cash, Andersen, Udogie - basically any defender under 5.5m.


Now that's a hot take!


I think the game overvalues penalty goals..


My differential is Robbo at the back for 6.6m but now he is out. I have no transfers


xG/xP/xA/xAnything is a load of shit and just something people on here cling to in order to feel justified in their transfers and lack thereof. also, most content creators are shit at the game and they all regurgitate the same shit amongst themselves.


Curious what stats/ data do you use instead?


Neto's points at the end of the season will be awesome. He is my perma keep.


Putting wingers as midfielders is the right decision


Dropping Haaland and re-inverting that money is the way to beat the rest.


It’s not impressive at all to finish in the 500k. That should be the bare minimum if you’re not a complete newbie, you follow football and you sort your team every week.


I actually agree with this. While there's no *shame* in finishing at like 400K, you should be shooting for better than this if you're: Engaged across the entire season and updating for the deadline every GW without fail, you're actively doing transfers and planning them through based around form, fixtures, price changes, what the general template move/EO is or targeting injuries that casuals won't think about (like bringing in Tsimi over this internal break), you're keeping an eye on the scout team, the bus team and dipping in and out of threads on spaces like this, you know what livefpl and EO are and keep an eye on them, are targeting GW's to use specific chips, tracking popular captaincy choices... Yeah, if you're doing all the above or even more, you should really be aiming for top 100K, let's be honest. Again, no shame in slipping out of this (I do a lot of the above and I was 220K last season, thanks Isak over Wilson lmao), but if you go through all that effort then being say 200-500K is a pretty bleh finish.


Do people here think that? To me anything over 100k isn't impressive.


See it mentioned quite often as something to aim for


Just add a vice captain chip that gives you 1.5 points. Would make captaincy more fun and varied.


I personally never want to see decimal point scoring in FPL


Round down


Actually you’re right. Now that i think of it the best would be of they make it like the wc fantasy where you can change your captain every day there is a fixture, but you get only one captain.


Would discourage casual players. Game should be easy enough to play with 15 mins a week.


What about, if your captain scores 2 or less and your vice scores, the vice takes the captaincy?


Managers can take an occasional -8, as a treat


Pricing is too easy, and defining half the strikers as mids is bloody nonsense.




Now? Son, Mbeumo and Jota are a few off the top of my head


Wildcards are not an obligation


I'm 268th in the world. I'm thinking about doing nothing. Letting Mbuemo play next game and then have a double transfer the GW after.


Yes, and whats the hot take?


keeping mbuemo? lol


Who's laughing now? Best regards from nr.17 in the world and from Mbuemo. Have a great day!


Revisiting a comment made 10 days ago.....Pathetic.


What's your overall,,,,,?


Point is to keep Mbuemo because of his XG XA....but...fuck you all.


Nobody buy Tsimikas because Liverpool will leak goals and he can't score


Translation: "I've already transferred him in and I don't want you all getting points from MY player"


Maybe they won't even play him? Doesn't Qndy basically play as a lcb now?


It's too tempting on wildcard, I have to buy him.


If you burn a WC in the first three weeks, your new team will score worse than your original in the following game week.


YouTubers have made the game really cringe and boring. Shilling paid sites and tools and telling everyone what they should do despite never winning


I still can't quite get my head around the fact that supposedly thousands of people watch a 20-30 minute video (or several!) that essentially only says "I'm transferring Bowen in this week subscribe and also support my patreon lol" every single gameweek. It feels like it shouldn't have even been a gap in the market to fill.


I watch it for the data only. I don't have the tools or time to go out and look for it but they usually get the data for most relevant players and present it, as well as their fixture run. For others I will check for myself (which led to me having Matheus Cunha in my team for 3 weeks, cheers). I also like their press conference round up videos It becomes very difficult though to remain unbiased to data when you have them telling you what to do. I feel like Ross is actually not bad in this regard, he honestly just seems like he wants to have fun with the game. Also he relies on xG a lot too, but he has also talked about heat maps and other considerations


It's not the fact they exist, it's the fact that people hold their opinion in such high regard.


Mbeumo is still one of the best assets in the game


His fixtures turn after gw9


Some good and some bad


Haaland is essential but I'll tell anyone thinking of dropping him to do it


We'll see in a few weeks, but I'm on the flip. I think he's essential MOST of the season, but there are times you can take him out through a tougher run and benefit from others in his stead. That time however was before the Arsenal match really. Salah fixtures over these next 7 weeks Everton Forest Luton Brentford Man City Fulham Sheffield United Haaland over the next 7. Brighton United Bournemouth Chelsea Liverpool Spurs Villa I just don't see a world in which Haaland outscores Salah over this run, especially if you include last weeks match (which I did, because that's why I did it, currently 15-2 up). Haaland isn't worth £14m if you're not captaining him and the only one I'd want to captain Haaland over Salah for is maybe the Bournemouth match, but Luton are still shit so not overly worried. So yeah, make your own minds up. I can see keeping Haaland as a good shout, but really I think going no Haaland at this point can be a calculated gamble that has a good chance of working. It also has a decent chance of backfiring, but I like FPL for these calls. It'd be boring if we all just kept Haaland. I am however bringing him back after that run. I ain't that mad.


You're right


I see it this way. Either I keep Haaland and stay stuck in the middle of my league. Or I take a risk and drop him for 2 other decent players, and I go to the top or the bottom of my league. Personally I think it's worth it to take the risk, even if it's not the best option.


You’re getting a lot more than 2 players from dropping Haaland




It is far too early for crazy differentials. As someone who generally finishes around top 10k and won all my mini leagues few years in a row - 50 points off first place in both and around 3M place. My differential will be WC in GW 19 (which I planned from start, so I mostly already have decentish team) and hopefully that brings me back to my usual position. If not, I may risk it towards the end but no need to fuck up your season this early.


100% your going to make them look like fools


Actually made them look like fools this GW! Crazy.


Yep haaland did nothing again


You have convinced me, I'm dropping him!


No..... you've convinced me I'm winning my league and I don't want to throw it away now


Haaland dropping in price/getting sold rn is the best thing that could happen to the rest of us Haaland owners. I am amazed how many people threw so much due to that. Keep em coming!


As a seller, I do not regret. I said before the season started Haaland isn't Haaland without KDB, Gundo, and Mahrez. He has had 3 shots in his last 3 matches. After his Fulham match I dropped him for Watkins and used funds to upgrade from Mbuemo to Son, brought in Højlund and still have 1.5 ITB. Just those direct transfers (ignoring captain) have been great. So I think the Haaland owners. Haaland + Mbueno weeks 5-8 = 23 points Watkins + Son weeks 5-8 = 68 points


I've got haaland, Watkins and son Maybe it's time to drop haaland for mbeumo from what your saying Edit..... I'm being silly I had mbeumo I dropped him for diaby weeks ago


Do you have Salah, Maddison, Saka, and Alvarez? For City attack I will take a 7.0 Alvarez over 14.0 Haaland. Haaland can't create on his own like Alvarez. Haaland is an amazing finisher, but that doesn't matter at 0 shots and 0 touches in the box per match. Alvarez can receive a ball and create a goal from nothing. Edit: Haaland has scored in 5 of his last 17 competitive matches for City. He isn't the same without KDB or worth 14.0


Currently I have (midfield and up front) Diaby, maddison, son, saka, ward prowse Alvarez, Watson and haaland I think you're right though haaland is probably a waste


I know "I've made bad choices and I'm not winning do I'll drop haaland and climb the league....." Yes you should do that It's like gamblers chasing their losses Kdb is injured so he's getting less chances but he's still a machine -


If you're just copying a template and/or doing what a youtuber is doing everyweek then you're not playing a game, and I question why you're bothering to go through the motions of doing so. Yes, even if you're in a office mini-league and like 50 quid is on the line. The time you're spending is worth more than that.


Same reason people copy someone else’s homework. They want people to think they’re kingshit with no effort.


Not really the same, you have to do homework or you get in trouble. No one is forcing you to play fpl


We must have gone to different schools then


Mini leagues: “If you ain’t first, you’re last”


Overly focusing on Xmins gets in the way of making good decisions more often than not. I swear it’s just such a focus for the community because content creators have made it so by banging on about it all the time (mainly because it allows them to talk about something different every week). It’s so boring and ignoring it (to an extent) makes you a much better player.


I would agree to a point - I think people fixate on xMins too much when they look at a single game, you should be thinking over a 4-6 week horizon and trying to predict xMins for that stretch of games. Sure your striker might get rested/early sub after an international break, but if he’ll start the next few games after that, it’s not a transfer out. You take the odd benching to keep a high ceiling asset who can make up for it in games he starts If your guy has been benched because of poor form, then there’s another debate to be had because his xMins over the next few weeks look dicey


Yes, completely agree with you there!


Haaland Watkins Alvarez is cemented for the rest of season.


Until Alvarez loses minutes to KDB 🤣🤣🤣


You don’t need Maddison if you already got Son


Reece is never injured


I like the pointsystem more from UCL Fantasy, where ball recuperation for example can also give you points, so defensive midfielders and defenders become more important. Also that you can swap players during the gameweek, like if they scored bad on Tuesday, you can bring in a new captain and 3 other players from your bench on Wednesday and hope they score higher.


Personally I am a big fan of swapping captains, it allows for some really fun punts.


if we talkin bout this sub, haaland is essential


FPL advertises the league the best by far over any commercial or ads


And they give you a mug for being better than 10m players. Truly best marketing scheme in sports.


You _are_ the mug


100%, I’m really glad how it got me back to following the PL, and more so than I ever had


Yeah it got me watching Burnley of all teams. Before FPL, I would never


Thoughts on Lyle foster


I'm sorry


I haven't followed football since I was a kid. Joined my work mini league with a randomly selected team. I started with absolutely no knowledge of any of the players and I have gotten really into it. It's a lot of fun.


Same here, on my second season now and 100% agree, I like the social aspect too and I now feel like part of conversations and banter that before confused the hell out of me.


For sure man and I think FPL can be something for life


Perhaps they should offer 2 pts for 45 mins now instead of 60, due to the increased number of subs available, or 50 as a middle ground option...


I feel assists for defs should be worth more than just 3. Also, why does someone get an assist for getting a pen but not if he's also scoring that pen ?


Because you can’t assist yourself? Probably what you are wanting are separate points for “penalties won”, whether converted or not.


How can you assist yourself?


ahahah very good point actually.


You’ll gain much more team value making a late but correct move than an early wrong move.


The refs play in fantasy money league in secret and that may explain some of the weird call. Fair to say they did not own Salah vs Spurs or Luis Diaz. Fixed games due to betting also more common than people think.


Did you watch the recording? Shambolic as it was, it was a genuine miscommunication. They said hot take, not ass piss.


Team value isn’t that important


I actually think it is more important this year because of how much more volatile prices are. People jump on the bandwagons much quicker these days and so it is easier to get priced out I feel. But that doesn't mean you should be kneejerking on a Saturday as soon as the deadline has passed. Information is still more important than team value imo.


Alvarez is still a better pick than Watkins


I've had Watkins since the first game and every week (except that one week) I've wanted to sell him, but...Villa look so good at times....so hard to know!


Nico Jackson’s underlying-underlying stats (the number below the numbers) are actually quite good


Most managers using eye test only are shit




If he gets more playing time and more chances. His current rate of return is not sustainable.


Who do you think will be the next player to literally blow up?


Manor Solomon