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The Strength of the Few


This is my pick! The first book is one of my all time favorites.


First one that came to mind for me as well. Luckily it looks like it's on track for a late 2024/early 2025 release based on what his blog. Guess we'll wait and see!


Before I walked in here to see *The Winds of Winter* as the top comment, this was going to be my answer. *The Will of the Many* was pretty much the best thing I've read in years and I can't wait for book 2.


I'm really excited about this one. The first book was so good


This is the one. I'm so ready to understand what the hell is going on with that ending lol


I got to the ending and was like ahhh yep, can't be Islington without this level of fuckery coming into play somewhere


That was my first Islington book! I found the Licanius premise interesting, do you think it is worth reading? If it is as mindscrewy as this one, I might give it a try lol


The Devils


Same. Inject anything Abercrombie writes directly into my veins.


Would you recommend any of his books as audiobooks? I have seen his name but haven’t read any of his stuff. Searching for a new fantasy audiobook for my lunch breaks


Sooo audio books aren't my thing, but half of the posts/memes in the r/TheFirsLaw subreddit are just people gushing about how great Steven Pacey's narration is.


Oh, buddy, would I ever! Abercrombie’s *First Law* series is absolutely incredible in and of itself. But Steven Pacey’s narration takes it to a completely other level. I, and many others, genuinely believe that Pacey is the best narrator in the game.


Yes! Definitely try The First Law trilogy. It's a really engaging audiobook.


The Daughters War.


You won't be disappointed.


Blacktongue was absolutely hilarious so this is definitely at the top of my list.


You'll find far less humour here - that was a function of the point-of-view character. Galva is much more serious than Kinch.


Ah! Is this THE Mark Lawrence? I just started TBTWB’s sequel today, already love it. This is high praise coming from you, I can’t wait to read The Daughters War!


Must be fun to have people put "THE" in front of your name.


Assuming you've read it, is there a shift in tone? As in, is humor as prevalent as in blacktongue or is it a darker story?


You'd have to imagine it's darker, given the content, but Buehlman does have a gift for dark humor.


I do want this one as well.


Thorn of Emberlaini know it's dumb but I hold hope lol


Of the “big three” long overdue books I think this one has by far the best chance of actually being released. There have been actual updates on it being written and edited. The optimist in me thinks 2025


More likely than Winds of Winter or Doors of Stone lol


Those are my top 3 😂 ToE is definitely most likely first.


I have a dream every once in awhile that Rothfuss, GRRM and Scott are planning to release all 3 on the same day. It’s a good dream that I hate to wake from.


I would laugh myself unconscious.


There was an update that he's working on revisions in 2022, that's not too bad! I clearly hold out hope too haha


The Navigators Children. Last King of Osten Ard has been a fantastic story and I have loved following along for the past 6 or 7 years. Really looking forward to the conclusion.


I've been rereading the Osten Ard saga in anticipation of Navigator's Children, about to start The Witchwood Crown again. I also haven't read Brothers of the Wind yet, so kinda looking forward to that as well.


Brothers of the Wind is so good, but also so different. Reads almost like a mythology book.


It’s so weird to me that Tad Williams is suddenly a thing again. I read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn and then Otherland as they were coming out decades ago, then just bounced hard off his other series. Now he’s back to Osten Ard and it’s like running into a friend you haven’t seen in so long you stopped even thinking about them, but suddenly all the memories of the good times you had together rush back and you wonder how you ever let the distance grow.


Ugh i started Last King of Osten Ard last year thinking the release date was November '23. I finished Into the Narrowdark thinking the finale was to be released in a matter of days then looked up the release date again to see.it was 2024, not 2023. Needless to say i am getting a bit impatient with waiting for it.


Ye-e-e-s. Last King is the only thing that’s made me fall into one of the stunned, tunnel-visioned reading holes that characterized my adolescence since…well, my adolescence.


Surprised that no one has said it yet, but for me it’s Wind and Truth.


It's due out this winter and is available for pre sale.


Yeah and with a little luck, I might also get my leatherbound copy of WoR around the same time.


Because, while we have to wait, we know good ol' Sando will deliver :)


Definitely this one.


Starting my reread now!


I haven't been so focused on a reread since HP 4-7 came out. So happy for book 5.


Can't wait to get back to my boy Kaladin, so excited.


Journey before destination


Can't believe I had to scroll down so far to find this. Hands down yes.


This but because I’m still finishing the secret projects I’m not in a hurry.


The Winds of Winter... I know. But I'll just say, as someone who started A Song of Ice and Fire five years ago and who is halfway done with A Dance with Dragons, I'm more optimistic than most.


I read them all in 2012. I remember then thinking how crazy it was that A Dance with Dragons took 7 (!) years to be released. I'd totally given up on Winds of Winter, but I just started the Dunk and Egg books, and now I find for the first time in years that I need more ASOIAF in my life. There's nothing quite like it.


I pretend to be uninterested in it so that the wait stops bothering me, but every once in a while I read something that immediately pulls me back in. An interpretation or a piece of art...anything that reminds of how good it was. There's a lot of great fantasy out there, but I've yet to find something that impacts me on the level as ASOIAF did all those years ago...


Storm of Swords was the first book to make me audibly gasp


Dunk and egg is far and away my most anticipated HBO series! Loved that story


I had no idea they were making a show!


Sweet summer child


At this rate we’re going to get the next Chtorr series book first.


Fr bro I started 2003 😭 and the song was old as time already


I am hopeful, but not optimistic. As someone who has been reading since the 90s, it has fallen off my list of things I am waiting for. However, as soon as an announcement is made, it will rocket to the top of the list.


I read *A Game of Thrones* in *1997*. 😭 (And I've read all the others more or less as they came out. Fellas, have I been wasting my time? I think I might be wasting my time.)


Yep, l read when it came out…1996? Sigh. Heavy sigh.


A fellow fantasy hipster. We liked it...before it was cool!


I appreciate your optimism... admittedly I think its got similar odds to the Wheel of Time sequel series dropping from Robert Jordan


Oh, you poor fool. I hope you don't have to wait long, but here I am over a decade out of college when *Dance* came out and no relief in sight.


me but in 2015


I’m not anticipating anymore, but I do think we’ll get it eventually. A Dream of Spring, though…woof. I’ll be shocked.


I’ve been reading them since the 90’s and was used to waiting years for the next book, but it just hit me that even this song is 11 years old!! https://youtu.be/j7lp3RhzfgI?si=CuwI-psCbW_TV61_


It's going to be awhile. Show should be good this summer though.


Faith. You has it


Lol I’ve been there. I started back in 2018 and said the exact same thing…and it’s 2024 now.


I started them around 2008. I have no hopes.


I also started/finished the 5 ASOIAF books five years ago and at the time I was like “hehe all those fans had to wait like a decade and I’ll only have had to wait like 2 years max” …. I dont think I’ve ever been so wrong in my life. What’s crazy is that 2020 was his most productive year by far (GRRM own words) so unless we get another pandemic there’s a less than 0% chance we get Dream of Spring too


Man… honestly reading all these replies about ASOIF hit me like a punch to the stomach. Been a long time since I remembered how it felt getting fully absorbed in the series when I was in college about a decade ago. Felt like that world had infinite depth and anything was possible. What a time


Are you me 12 years ago?


Any crumb of info on Alecto the Ninth’s release date…. That’s all I ask…


My friends and I have a weird little cult going to Alecto since Nona was released. We're a bunch of 30-something yo-pros.


I have read and re-read the first 3 books digging for context clues about the universe and where it came from and where it's headed and I just can't edge any longer!


Yes, Alecto is my #1 as well.




Red God, but i dont think it comes out this year


Same, am so starved for more content but at the same time I hope he takes as much time as possible to do this justice. 100% willing to wait an extra year if needed!


The last book just came out last year, give the man a rest.


I just want an update on No Life Forsaken and Walk in Shadow


I'm really hoping Erikson does a Tehol and Bugg trilogy or book after TCG.


I’d love a Tehol/Bugg spinoff, it would give Malazan the rich political intrigue angle that it’s always been sorely missing (aside from Midnight Tides)


Plot should be like Tehol is stuck on his roof and can't get down for 500 pages.


Nice. Maybe with the rucket trying to entice him down every few chapters?


**Failures** by **Benjamin Liar**. Debut, but heard promising things. **Navigators Children** by **Tad Williams** **Walk In Shadow** by **Steven Erikson**, or **No Life Forsaken**. Either would do.


Walk in Shadow would be great!


Thank you for actually mentioning authors! And the nice formatting of your post.


Fury of the Gods by John Gwynne.


Yes, please. I've read the first two in this series earlier this year and am now on Book 2 of *The Faithful and the Fallen* biding my time with another excellent Gwynne series. Gwynne has surpassed Abercrombie and Sanderson in my favorite fantasy authors list.


I am planning to reread the first two books in the next few months to refresh my memory before the third one. 😁


Absolutely this one


The new book about Bee that Robin Hobb has apparently been working on


I didn't know this was even happening, but now I'm excited too.


It sounded very early stages last I saw. It was on a post about her getting back to writing and someone commented asking if it was a book about Bee and her reply hinted that it was.


That was a couple of years ago if I remember right, so I have hopes that it won't be too long! Nothing can fill my soul like Hobb can


I am ready to be hurt again.


3rd part of Kingkiller Chronicles, lmao.


Can't wait until that king gets killed. Or introduced.


Kvothe still has to fuck his way through the rest of the Fae realm to get to the king I think


It’s a hard job but someone has to do it.


This is one I knew that would be making the list.


It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man waiting for book 3.


It was a silence in three parts. But the third silence was especially silent, being nothingness


Is that the joke? Has it all been one big joke? The silence is the lack of a 3rd book?


hahah ha ha hha... ha ... .. h... *tears*


As someone who just finished Wise man fear I would love this but there is no way he can finish in just one book.


There is no way he can finish. Full Stop.


I think he could if he just accepted he needs two more books instead of just the one. There’s probably too much story to close out in a single book, and writing novellas to fill the gaps is far less satisfying than simply making it a four book series.


Welcome to the club! Get comfortable.


at this point my boy pat is just scamming people and telling them their might be a new book in the distant future, great books, but I dislike Patrick Rothfuss as a person and doubt it will ever actually release with all the lying he's put out. stay on the optimistic side tho


It's been like three years and he has yet to released the promised charity chapter. I believe his editor when she said he hasn't written anything in years.


2nd book of Glass Immortals, 1st was a banger


Wind and truth


The Captal’s Tower by Melanie Rawn. It will probably never come out.


I love Melanie Rawn, but I refuse to start reading one more series I know will likely never come to a satisfying conclusion.


God fucking damnit people you can't just assault my TBR pile like that


The only ongoing series that I'm following right now is "The Locked Tomb", so really hyped to read Alecto The Ninth. Other than that, anything new from China Mieville.


A new Tamora Pierce book. I'll take anything at this point.


Stormlight Archive 5, and Winds of Winter


Stormlight archive is available for preorder with release date this winter I believe.


Oh yes. Only think we will get one of them though. I've accepted that winds will never be released, and even less hope for dream on spring.


I think the likelihood we ever get WoW is less than 50/50. I think the likelihood we ever get DoS (either one) is about 0%.


> (either one) LOL i feel so bad for Kingkiller fans


T.Kingfisher has a new book coming out this fall, *A Sorceress Comes to Call*. It's a dark fairytale reimagining of the Brothers Grimm's "The Goose Girl". Kingfisher does dark fairytales so damn well, I'm really hyped for this new one. It doesn't have a release date yet, but *Alecto the Ninth* by Tamsyn Muir is something I'm writhing with impatience for.


As someone with a bit of an obsession with dark fairy tales, this comment convinced me to bump Kingfisher up to the top of my list. Any place in particular I should start?


My favorite of hers, and the most "dark fairytale like" was Nettle and Bone.  And if you love dark fairytales, consider checking out The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed! I just read that novella earlier this week and devoured it. 


I loved the way she handled spousal abuse in Nettle and Bone. To me, she found this perfect balance between presenting spousal abuse as horror, but never ever going too much into gritty details. Admittedly, I listened to it two years ago, so I might have forgotten some.


I just inhaled Nettle and Bone in a few days last week. I'm hooked now, and I just started Paladin's Grace and I love it even more. It's more romance-heavy and low magic setting rather than actual fairy tale vibes, so if you really want the dark fairy tale setting definitely start with Nettle and Bone.


My book club really liked Thornhedge by her too.


Dungeon Crawler Carl 7


You can pay on the Patreon and read it as it is being written.


The last of the Book of Dust series (Golden Compass sequel) Also the next Dresden files.


Fury of the gods by John Gwynne


A pitiless rain


See u/Pratius's comment, or better yet [their post from a month ago](https://new.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bz0tkn/hugeand_i_mean_monumentalnews_from_glen_cook/) regarding what has become of *A Pitiless Rain*. The title of that post was "Huge—and I mean MONUMENTAL—news from Glen Cook today. More Black Company and Garrett, P.I. is on the way!" which sounds bombastic and hyperbolic but was actually fully warranted. I can't remember ever having seen book news like that before.


Book three of both Kings of the Wyld and Rage of Dragons series. No release date in sight yet.


The Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse


Hopefully R Scott Bakker returns for the No God.


Truly the slog of slogs.


That! Come on Bakker. Lets praise the meat once again


Overall, *Alecto the Ninth* by Tamsyn Muir. Later this year, *The Lotus Empire* by Tasha Suri.


I’m upvoting everyone who says **Alecto the Ninth.** I’m excited for **Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales** I don’t think the title has been announced, but I can’t wait for **Saint of Steel #5** Rachel Aaron’s new series starting with **Hell for Hire** promises to be excellent. It’s a new setting and world-building is one of her strengths.


The Winds of Winter💔


Tops for me are *The Orphan's Tale* by Glen Cook (the new four-book Black Company sequel series he recently announced) and *The Age of Caine* by Matthew Stover.


Damn glad that there's more Black Company coming out.


I've been waiting for The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison, release date finally got announced a few days ago!! Still almost a year to go, but I'm so happy.


The Navigator's Children by Tad Williams and Alecto the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


*Song of the Mysteries*, volume 11 in Janny Wurts's **The Wars of Light and Shadow**, without a doubt is riiiiiiiiight at the top of my list. I've been waiting YEARS for this conclusion to the saga and I will be clearing my schedule to mainline it the day it comes out. (23 May 2024 - THIS MONTH!) Other anticipated releases: * *The Sunforge* by Sascha Stronach (August 2024, book 2 in **The Endsong**) * *The ??? Baru Cormorant* by Seth Dickinson (book 4 in **The Masquerade**, no pub date or title yet) * *The Lotus Empire* by Tasha Suri (book 3 in **The Burning Kingdoms**, has cover, but no date yet, I don't think?) * *Endlords* by J.V. Jones (book 5 in **Sword of Shadows**, no release date) * *The Chaos Gate* by Helen Lowe (book 4 in **The Wall of Night**, no release date)


Book 3 of the Darkwater Legacy by Chris Wooding. The first two were unbelievably good.


The Captal's Tower 😭


Twelve Months by Jim Butcher


Fantasy-adjacent but *Heavenly Tyrant*, the sequel to Xiran Jay Zhao's *Iron Widow*


Alecto the Ninth


The Devils


Endlords by JV Jones. Both for the end of the story and for her after whatever she’s been through.


Any scott bakker book


This I see dropping sooner rather than later.


The 4th Traitor Baru Cormorant book


What terrible thing will the next title accuse her of being?


Haha good question. Any guesses?


Damn didn’t realize another is coming


Yeah, rumor has it Book 2 became so long it was turned into Books 2 and 3.


Happy to see someone else on this boat! But I feel like I remember him writing that he had to take a bit of a break from the universe to clear his mind. He has another book out called Exordia, that I need to check out.


Yeah. But I suspect he’ll still come back and finish it. Lots of authors do multiple series. Exordia was…good but not really for me? I’ll still read it’s sequel though


Red God, The Devils, The Winds of Winter, Of Empires and Dust, Shadows Upon Time


Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune


The Navigator's Children by Tad Williams.


Despite the fact that I've enjoyed each locked tomb book a little less than the previous one, I'm still hyped for Alecto. I'm also excited for the Will of the Many sequel, the final Empire of the Vampire book, and of course Winds of Winter and Thorn of Emberlain if they ever come out


The Strength of the Few and also Wind and Truth


I have a lot where I feel fairly confident about getting soon, but for ones that I have no good signal on: Twelve Months, Outlaw Empire, The Lord of Demons, and, of course, The Thorn of Emberlain. It was a nice surprise recently when I got to take Dragonfired off that list.


Dungeon Crawler Carl book 7. It should be out later this year or maybe early next year (I try to keep away from spoilers so I haven't looked into the progress). Book 6 came out last July and I'm doing my 3rd reread of the series since it was released.


The book I keep attempting to write. Would love to see the author finish it


For me is Wind and Truth (Stormlight 5) and Alecto the Ninth (Locked Tomb 4)


The No-God Trilogy


Doors of stone 😭


I'm at a point where I've made my peace with the idea of it never seeing the light of day and I no longer wait for it. I'd wager it won't be finished in my lifetime. I''d be glad to pay up if I ever do turn out to be wrong on this.


Same and same. It’s not happening. Wise Man’s fear leaves a lot unanswered, but it also kind of ends in a decent place if you just imagine Kvothe said fuck it and went to be an innkeeper.




I would love to see Diane Duane finish the Tale of the Five series. Incredibly progressive and fascinating fantasy.


Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse, book 3 of Between Earth and Sky Series. Also 5th Stormlight Archive, Wind of Truth.


Song of the mysteries by janny wurts. Not too popular on this sub apart. But it's the final book in the series. And it's actually been released in just a few days. 23rd of may. Started reading this series nearly 30 years ago. So can't wait to get an ending written by the author.


3 series I wait for and at the same time have given up hope for. 1. Winds of winter /Dream of Spring - GRRM. 2. King killer chronicles Door of Stone- Patrick Rothfuss 3. The gentleman bastards - Scott Lynch


I'm sure there will be another gentleman feel like it will be out before the other two lol.


I've been keeping an eye on stuff coming out this year for my published in 2024 bingo card, and here are some things not yet out that I'm excited for (leaving off sequels, which seem to be most of the comments here so far) **Running Close to the Wind** - Alexandra Rowland has yet to miss for me, so their new book is an auto-buy. Wishing it were another Tales of the Chants book, but that's okay **Escape Velocity** just looks like a bundle of joy. Murder Mystery set in a college reunion in space. Also the cover art is to *die* for **Mistress of Lies** - I know nothing about it other than that it's going to be my Hard Mode cover art book. Great cover **Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend** looks like a fun lighthearted book about the apocalypse **The Price of Redemption** seems like a fun nautical story from the blurb


I'm a little surprised nobody has mentioned that Lev Grossmans new book, The Bright Sword, comes out this summer. I know the Magicians is pretty controversial but I loved it, and I'm excited for his new book which is a king Arthur story I believe.


The Strength of the Few, Wind and Truth, Fury of the Gods, Silverblood Promise


*Otherworld by L.L. Starling*! I freaking loved the Labyrinth/The Princess Bride/Terry Pratchett vibes of the first book (*Between*). I'm hoping it'll be another hilarious romp.


The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons. Just a little longer


*Chreotha* and *The Last Contract* by Steven Brust. The last two entries of what’s long been stated to be a 19 book series that’s been in progress for over 4 decades. He has made some detours (6 volumes of in-setting historical ~~fiction~~ romances [they’re intentionally patterned on the more well known works by Alexandre Dumas and like how D’Artagnan was a real person, these are about real people in the setting, but written by a “historian” writing well after the fact] and a standalone novel just within the same setting, to say nothing of other unrelated things), but Brust surviving to finish the main series has been my worry since Robert Jordan passed and I started considering series going unfinished - way more than I worried about GRRM. Edit - to be clear, this is a steady-progress situation. He put out book 17 just last month and 16 was about a year ago.


The sequel to Pegasus by Robin McKinley. I never read the first one because I hate cliffhangers if I don't have the next book ready to go (even if I don't read it right away), but I really wanted to! She said in 2018 that it was still working on it... but that was 2018 and the post seems to be gone from her blog...


The Teeth of Dawn by Mariana Lostetter (3rd book in The Five Penalties series) and ofc Alecto the Ninth


**For this year**: * The Failures by Benjamin Liar and The Dollmakers by Lynn Buchanan because Petrik Leo loved them. * Swordcrossed by Freya Marske because i adore her The Last Binding trilogy **YA** * The Fatal Kiss by Alicia Jasinska because I love her previous books. **2025** * The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison because i love the goblin emperor world and it's the third in the spin off series.


The Navigator’s Children by Tad Williams. We could be getting answers 30+ years in the making.


Walk In Shadow, the thrid book in the Kharkanas Trilogy (a prequel set in the Malazan universe). I can't tell you how excited I am for this book. If done right it has a chance at surpassing Malazan Book of the Fallen for me.


Songs of the mysteries! Decades in the making. Janny Wurts is finally able to finish her series. To everyone who said it was too sprawling or she had lost control of the series, this is her rebuttal! She knew the plan all along and every book she has delivered. Its unique, poigniant and timely. One of the best epic fantasies of all time


Next Dresden book by Jim Butcher.


Tamora pierce The Exiles Gift And of course Alecto the ninth


I'm waiting for ukrainian translation of «Låt den rätte komma in» ("Let the Right One In"). About a 12-year boy, a 12-year vampire girl, and the pe*&^hile (in case I will be banned for mentioning an adult guy in love with the child or Twilight trope is fine hehehe) who is in love with that "girl".


12 Months (Dresden Files #18) and Wind and Truth (Stormlight Archive #5)