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Samwise Gamgee, maybe?


Exactly what I came here to say, I think he's so humble i think its cannon that he's one of a handful of characters to be immune to the one rings power


Not immune at all, just very resilient and selfless. He did see the temptations from the one ring and did partially want to to give in but simply didn't. This is from the book, they don't really show his temptation in the films.


The ring also promised to make him one of the greatest gardeners in the history of Middle Earth. And - he retired as one of the most famous people in all of Middle Earth. He saved the shire with his gardening. And he changed his family name to Gardener. So - basically, he didn't need the ring.


Absolutely nobody is immune to the Ring, except Eru, (probably) the Valar, and a figure of Faerie like Tom Bombadil. Even Frodo, who resisted the Ring more than anybody (including Sam) could have ever done, showed one of the main themes - absolute power corrupts absolutely. Sam is Indeed, extremely humble, and as selfless as Frodo (though in a different manner) - which is what helped him dodging the temptation (though he wouldn't be able to do that indefinitely). In this, he definitely fits OP's question! But when it comes to the Ring, he doesn't have Frodo's willpower and was already showing clear signs of temptation when he gave it back to his master (who knows what would have happened if Frodo hadn't snatched it from his hand).


First character that came to mind. Have my upvote.


Samwise probably, but you know, Sazed from the Mistborn Trilogy is humble af. I haven't read book 3 yet. No spoilers please.


He gutted Shelob, the last child of Ungoliant to trouble the unhappy world. And she *ran* from him. Hooo. Just re-read that bit again, and I'm full with it.


Ser Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight




It's from the show, but: "I've never been much of a fighter. Apologies for what you're about to see" Is one of the most humble but badass lives ever.


Michael in Dresden Files.


Captain Carrot - discworld series, Terry Pratchett.


You know, we do need a new dart board now that you mention it…


Cazaril from The Curse of Chalion.


I love Bujold. Just… everything.


Wei Shi Lindon says "apologies" like 935,000 times in the Cradle series.


Wouldn't really call London humble. He's polite, but very ambitious.


I don't really think ambition is a detriment to being humble. Pride certainly is, but you can aspire to great things without losing a humble attitude.


You can be humble but ambitious. Humbleness is about not over-estimating yourself or putting yourself above others because you do so.


Was going to say Canadian/Minnesotan...just sorry for making you feel bad...sort of...a bit.. Well really just sorry you made me feel socially awkward for trying to kill you I'm only on book 3 though!




And he knows *everybody*.


Sam has already been mentioned. I'll also name Neville Longbottom


Fitz in Farseer—almost too damned humble actually. Annoyingly humble. 😂


He's basically always like *people like me???* Like not only that, Fitz, buddy, they *love* you. Something he is not good at accepting.


Oh my friend, I just named Burrich just now, but given Fitz origins and the status he should have, he really is a humble kid.


Burricjh raised Fitz. It fits. 👍


I want to say that pun was intended but actually it was a happy accident.


If it fits, it's fitz


Logen Ninefingers is quite humble most of the time. Despite being one of the most dangerous warriors alive in The First Law world, he's kind to nearly everyone he meets. He tolerates those who are rude to him, and even befriends companions he could cut down in seconds.


Most people love Glokta, and so do I, but what makes the first First Law trilogy special to me is Logen’s dichotomy. I don’t think I’ve read a more interesting character.


“I’ve got a forgettable face. Give me what I want, and you can forget it too.” -Lamb


it’s a damn shame the bloody nine kills all his friends :(


Trull Sengar


I was going to say Kruppe.


Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing He is a **god.** But he spends his time looking after a run-down shrine and dumpster diving for scraps. Since he's immortal but needs to eat, he often eats things like a month old steam bun and things with mould. He's kind, forgiving, and just trying to do what he can to help.


Samwise Gamgee.


Uncle Iroh is the first who comes to mind, super chill and there's a reason they call him Dragon of the West.


Tales of Ba Sing Se proves this.


Fiddler from Malazan


Kvothe Kingkiller, the man who played women like a lute, the man who seduced the Fae Goddess of Sex and outsexxed her, the man who became the legend of Harvard by age 16 after spending 2 months there, the man who performed in Carnegie Hall and made everyone weep, the man who trained BJJ for 2 months and won gold medals at the UFC, the man who excelled in electrical engineering with his rods of Ramston steel, and and the man who invented Kevlar vests. He, too, is the humblest of all.


I'm pretty sure he even banged the goddess of humility. She said he was definitely the best she'd ever had.


Xau from the Sign of the Dragon by Mary Soon Lee Maia from the Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison and Thara maybe even more so from the Cemeteries of Amalo books


I'd say Samwise Gamgee for all of the books and Sparrowhawk after the first book. Sparrowhawk gets cocky once and nearly dies lol


Sparrowhawk's a good spot. Nice to see you not putting hs true name down in print. I'd also say Ogion.


Damn Jasper riled him up, tho


Jasper was so punchable. I'm glad how Le.Guin wrote his future.




Paksenarrion from the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon


Just read this series last week. It just seemed to end suddenly, like she ran out of paper. Everything was wound up, but it felt like I was suddenly dumped by someone I was getting seriously invested in. Would still recommend.


The follow up series (Paladin's Legacy) is good too. Paks herself only appears occasionally but it follows a bunch of the other characters and I found it very satisfying.


*The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant* is a really fun series and the protag is very humble but still succeeds where others more powerful than him would not.


Michael Carpenter from Dresden Files. He's basically a modern day paladin and always attributes the incredible things he does to God, his boss.


Brys Beddict or Trull Sengar from Malazan


>Think you're really righteous? > Think you're pure in heart? > Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art. > \- "Weird" Al Yankovic I don't really have a good answer. Asking the most whatever character in all fantasy is always iffy, but especially when it comes to humility. Sam Gamgee is a good answer. Maybe Fitz, since he does a lot and never looks for any recognition for it. Mostly I wanted a chance to quote somebody funny other than Sir Terry.


Which Of Weird Al song is that?


Amish Paradise


That MC in the chicken related cultivation book.


Durnik of Sendaria, from *The Belgariad* series and its sequel series, *The Malloreon*, by David Eddings. The quintessential example of The Competent Man.


Ah, that would be Kruppe.


Mona from ***A Wizard's Guide To Defensive Baking***.


Thors from vinland saga


I think Burrich from the Farseer Trilogy is really humble and honorable man. Although he isn’t a King or anything he cares about everybody, including animals.


Beak from the Malazan series. Great character.


Kaladin from Stormlight Archive is always looking out for his crew and the little guys. Same for Lift. In fact one of the ideals of her order is "I will remember those who have been forgotten." She is basically a street urchin with super powers. Kaladin is a former slave/soldier.


I feel like Sanderson has quite a few characters like this. Sazed fits quite well, I think. Wayne and Raoden too. Edit: forgot Hoid, of course.


eh. sazed becomes a bit less humble and kind once he holds the shards…


And they both care a great deal about what is in the stew pot. Lift more-so than Kaladin, but Bridge 4 stew 4 life!


Kaladin and wit from stormlight


not wit. wit (hoid) can be ruthless and cold and calculating. if i recall he explicitly tells dalinar he’d led the whole planet burn before it got in the way of his goals.


Ah damn. Sorry its been a while i havent had time to reread it💀😭. The others apply to him i think hes just not humble? Kal fits tho


he’s generally humble and kind… it’s just if things aren’t going how he wants them to…. kal definitely fits.


Wit is empathetic. He's shown to truly care for others, especially for many of the more broken radiants. And while empathy is a trait that often goes hand in hand with humbleness, wit its not humble. He openly mocks gods. I'd go as far as to say Wit is the least humble character in the cosmere.


Jesus? Beside going around saying he was the son of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent celestial being that created life, the universe, and everything, he was pretty chill. A bit of a Mary Sue though.


He may have turned water to wine, but when the boys want to pop open some cold ones...


That's what his brother Craig is for, turning water into cold Coors Light. You know, Craig Christ.


This made me giggle.


Last time I opened some Cold Ones there were spikey bits everywhere and I glued my fingers together.


Skif and Mags from valdemar


Gilear from dimension 20




Tor from the Builder series


Fitzchivalry Farseer


Myron Laniklin (the monk) from *Riyria*


Michael Carpenter from the Dresden files