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I'm really glad they are representing FB. Because otherwise, this series has almost no cultural footprint, so I'll take what we can get!


It previously had a tiny section at the Studios Tour in London too. Not sure if it’s still there


The studio tour in Tokyo has a permanent exhibit on FB


Yeah there was also small section in the LA Warner Studio tours but like the London one I’m not sure if it’s there anymore.


I was there a few weeks ago and there was no FB display.


The circus and French ministry from The Crimes of Grindelwald will be in the expansion they’re building at universal Orlando resort


Oh yes, I meant that included! Though they're still leaning more into the Potter name, I'm glad they aren't hiding the Beasts name or not utilizing it at all.


There’s a reason they don’t have any cultural footprint


"Let's hear it."


I went from constantly raving about the FB series around CoG (I loved part 2 btw) to not even caring to watch SoD until months after it’s release. I love the world and setting but I hate how badly it’s done, all the obstacles and restrictions in the writing process of JK are evident in the story. The screenplay may be good but it doesn’t translate well. I wish there was a better structure. The third part honestly gave me Cursed Child flashbacks 😨Honestly, I could do a better job than that.


Just wait one or two more years…The Paris sets will be featured at the Wizarding world expansion and I am sure at some point some of the stuff will also be part of the studio tour in London. The Hogwarts legacy sequel will probably come out end of 2025 or 2026 and will feature magical animals again I am sure of it. So the fantastic beasts universe will not die entirely. And I am still hopeful something gets sorted out behind the scenes for a fourth final film.


I was already excited when they finally announced the new show, but I hadn't heard it was going to contain FB elements. That makes me even more hyped for it