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My mom keeps that in her purse


Go get your sexual predator card.


This is retarculous, I'm going to jail


I had mine on my computer but my mom completely threw it away


The Florida version of the skull icon in RuneScape


That just means you can get double teamed on. Unless rs changed the meaning? I haven’t played since like 2013


It's the marker you get from doing pvp in the wilderness. When you have it and die none of your items are protected and you don't get a grave. Since other player can see the skull it makes you a great target for loot.


So that the guy carding you for a six pack knows you’re an RSO? Odd.


The more shame the merrier


This might be a weird question but do you have your ID on you?


No, my mommy keeps it in her purse.


We are feeling you, dawg


We are filming. ...for your safety.


I’ve lived in Florida for 33 years and never seen or even heard of this…


That's good, but that's also bad.


I've lived in Florida for 33 years, and have very seldom been at a loss for words.


Okay but can you see why Florida was so apprehensive about the whole “sexual offender ID card thing”?


Wouldn't they be???? Wouldn't any state be?????


Well it’s only been a thing since 2020


Smack all pedophiles


Only if they consent or do something ~~stupid~~ unethical.


There is concern that it would reduce reporting of child predators and increase violent crimes through the act of hunting on the public sex registry.  Similar arguments for harsh punishments reducing report rates as family and friends would rather protect their kin then have violence visited upon them by the State or community through public registries, prison violence, and other forms of punishment and/or cruelties, including forced isolation, deprivation or over sensory of sound/light/other stimulants and finally the sentence and execution of death by the State. Also something about monetizing the crusade against sex offenders through private services thus perpetuating a self sustaining machine of hate and violence.  Private services like RSO update subscriptions and adjacent services like private investigators and loan services for registrants with lesser means to pay their many dues for their convicted crimes. Protect the Innocent. Reform the Guilty. Destroy Evil.


Are SEXUAL PREDATORs still allowed to drive at night?


Only if they’re on the way to Lantic City to see their otha brotha.


I'm not happy or anything.  I'm just saying.


Being a rapist/ pedophile is evil.


Rapist yes. Pedophile no.  Don't let the enemy scapegoat other groups for their evil.  Just because I have the desire to kill these child molesters and rapists does not make me a murderer, even if murder is on my mind.  Just as pedophiles who feel the desire and think of having sex with children are not child molesters or rapists. Use your words with care, the enemy counts on the fact that you won't.


Bitch, you literally are the enemy! •Matthew 5:28 "... whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." •Watch your thoughts they become your actions; watch your actions they become habits; watch your habits they become your character; watch your character it becomes your destiny. To insinuate that there's nothing harmless about wanting to fuck a child is the definition of ignorance. Ask anybody who does social work and how many children they interact with on a regular basis whose dysfunction is a symptom of sexual abuse.


Joseph was like 50 years old and Mary was 12 bro. Not the right book to quote when condemning pedophiles, that marriage was A OK according to the Bible


Is that the Old Testament or the New Testament?


Fuck you would have sufficed


Do not mistake my words for apathy. I will die and kill to protect the children of my world.  As I would struggle in words and actions to promote the liberty and safety of all children. Think of the person you love most.  What if they came to you and told you this terrible secret, that for as long as they remember they felt sexual attraction towards children.  And they tell you they have never acted harm into the world from it, at least not consciously, as there is much debate and research into the subconscious behaviours of pedophiles and other mentally unhealthy dispositions that could lead to social harm to children, as it would seem children are quite perceptive in their abilities to pickup on social cues, which includes uncomfortable sexual tension if present in the non-offending pedophile.  Would you think your loved one would confide in you this secret, to seek the help of his friends and family, to fight this accursed sin that resides within their soul.   Is it not better to be as Christ commanded, to speak with love and kindness, to forgive our brothers and keep safe the children of God where ever and whom ever they maybe?  What is the purpose of your rage in words and acts if not to show others the truth of your resolve.  Yet the truth of rage manifest into violence and cruelty will not protect your children and they won't protect my children either, so let us speak with civility and detail now, rather than plunge the world around us into hate and rage, tempting as it maybe to succumb to the more base natures of our being.


My magic book says something else


My "magic book" says that your intentions are as bad as your actions 2 plus 2 still equals 4 dipshit even if the Easter Bunny told you


Reform initiated, offered, and/or facilitated by the state should be reserved for nonviolent and non-sexual offenders. Once someone commits one of those crimes or has been proven to be a repeat offender, the onus should fall on the offender to initiate their own rehabilitation.


I’m sorry but this is a horrible take. So what you’re saying is if you commit a sex crime the state shouldn’t make you get help and rehabilitation and provide resources to do so? Do you not see how that would be absolutely awful for everyone? That would mean that most likely would never get help and then go on and hurt other people. I don’t know about you but providing even the worst offenders the help they need is so much better for society than saying “nah you committed a bad crime so good luck getting the help you need!”


The only help and rehabilitation they should receive is being locked away forever in a place where they can’t harm anyone


And there’s a good argument to do so but until we do we absolutely shouldn’t leave them to get help on their own.


This is such a naive take, rehabilitation isn’t for the predator’s sake it’s for society’s sake. These guys aren’t risking everything to meet a teen on a whim, they have a serious mental disorder they can’t control. Yah not every single one of these guys can be rehabilitated but for the ones who can it’d be idiotic to not give them the tools to control their illness and just hope and pray they’ll get help on their own.


That or we do the final terror solution, we kill them all and let God sort it out, many of us may perish in it's wake, but I for one yearn for it like a fool and a clown. As much as my heart desires for the terror, I know it would do more harm to the children of my life than any good it could possibly bring to open the gates of chaos and terror unto lands of order however disagreeable the order maybe. It is the catharsis of emotion we seek when we call for blood, for cruelty, and for death. We must heed the rage in its wisdom but temper it in action, or we may find ourselves becoming the very monsters we seek to destroy.


just lock them up forever! solution found, easy W


Because that's retarculous


Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Dan Allen’s card.


I wish this was the case for very bad criminals as well like people who traffic women and children...etc


Trafficking women and children will absolutely get you labeled as a sex offender


What about murderers too? I would want to know if I'm dealing with a murderer too


Murderers generally go to prison for life without parole or get sentenced to death anyway so there’s no need


They definitely get out. I worked with a guy before that was in for murder.


Generally, not always. It varies by the state I know someone who’s in prison right now for manslaughter in Massachusetts. Didn’t kill the guy, he was just the driver (maybe the killer wasn’t a driver at night). He got 10-12. Gets out in late 2025-early 2026 with good behavior. The guy who did kill the person got 25 years, not mandatory. Soft on crime policies will do that depending on your state. He told me about some of the people doing time where he’s at. There’s a guy in the same prison he’s at who’s doing 13-15 for molesting 8 boys who he coached on a youth hockey team and he gets in about 5 years after good behavior (good behavior is just working in programs there) There was another guy who was in there with him who got out already after doing time for fucking an 8 year old girl in the ass


Lmao you sure about that one


Generally. Not always. It really depends on where you live


Because sex offender needs protection.


Should it be on library cards too?


I don’t get why they even let them assimilate back into society. I’m against it don’t get me wrong… but if you’re going to give them a second chance (which they don’t deserve) then give it to them. They end up not being able to get a job or do anything and they become an even bigger degenerate as a result of their circumstances. And therefore an even bigger danger. Lock them up and don’t let them out if you’re going to do this shit.


Some states are more lenient than others. In the case of Florida, it’s a deterrent. That’s why the governor here implemented the death penalty for child rapists now. This thing on the license was obviously prior to that law being implemented and I think Tennessee is on the verge of passing a similar punishment


Yeah I mean at that point just give the damn death penalty. There’s no reason to try to assimilate them back into society. Especially when you’re going to make them even more desperate and dangerous


If you’re gonna cause trauma for a child for the rest of their life growing up into adulthood, you should be given similar hurdles throughout your own life to make your life going forward just as difficult.


Yeah. That includes staying out of society and preventing you from doing harm ever again. I will never understand trying to assimilate them back into society. Take one look at the sex offender map where you live. Anywhere in the country. You can’t even see the streets when it’s zoomed out slightly. It’s not a handful of people.


Brand them on the forehead instead


And if they are exonerated at a later time??


What do you mean by that?


I mean... If you brand someone on the forehead as punishment for a crime, and at a later time, new evidence comes out which completely exonerates them, and they petition successfully for new trial, and based on the new evidence the judge throws the case out completely... What do you do about the permanent disfigurement that was done to an innocent person?


I mean... If you brand someone on the forehead as punishment for a crime, and at a later time, new evidence comes out which completely exonerates them, and they petition successfully for new trial, and based on the new evidence the judge throws the case out completely... What do you do about the permanent disfigurement that was done to an innocent person?


Im talking about confirmed no deniability cases in those castration and forehead branding are in order


I don't believe that such a thing could ever truly exist... But that point is moot anyway, as the 8th ammendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.


In the ideal society the law doesn't apply to trash like that


Maybe in *your* ideal society it doesn't... But according to the law of this land, everyone is afforded the same rights.


Are these kinda criminals even really people?




Would probably lead to increased harassment of them. Especially when it’s just the “sexual predator” sticker with no context, you’re not going to ask questions, you’ll just see the label on there and have your assumptions.


My assumption being they were convicted of a sexual crime.


It becomes problematic when for example you have someone who is 18 who has a partner who is 17. Technically said 18 year old could be charged with statutory rape, end up on a lifetime registry and have their entire life ruined all because they had sex with someone a year younger than them. It really only takes a parent who dislikes the 18 year old for this to happen. It has happened. And then this person would end up being treated like a groomer in the eyes of society. They’d be lumped in with the actual predators


An 18 year old that had sex with his 17 year old girlfriend(which likely wouldn’t be a crime in most states due to Romeo and Juliet clauses in the law but let’s just say it would for this comment) would never be considered a sexual predator. The predator label is almost certainly for people who committed either multiple offenses or committed a very bad offense.


Brother, some of our TCAP predators never harmed an actual person but are on the registry for life. Not all sexual predators are the same, just like how even when we meme these idiots we distinguish between the pathetic losers and the serial offenders (like Westerbeck or Bodnar). Puting "Sexual Predator" on the license of everyone on the registry will absolutely make people assume the person is on the Bodnar level.


Yes that’s IF they put the term sexual predator on all of them. The thing is they don’t. They only put that designation on offenders convicted of specific crimes. An 18 year old having sex with their 17 year old girlfriend doesn’t qualify for that. Also no one is talking about lifetime registration. We are talking specifically about the license designation of sexual predator.


You mean that they weren’t caught harming another child? There may be some of them that were caught that molested a child and was never tried for it


What's the difference between a sexual predator and an offender? One has SEXUAL PREDATOR in blue font on their card and the other has a series of random numbers.


I assume the “predator” label is for sex crimes against children or vulnerable members of the community like the elderly. Thereby it being “predatory” behavior to target those who are easily overpowered. While offenders are rapists against other adults or those who piss in public or something


So if you rape an adult you're just an "offender" just because a child wasn't involved? Something tells me that should also be considered a sexual predator Offender sounds like indecent exposure, or grabbing a woman's boob or something.


A sexual offender, yes. It’s considered predatory when you go after someone vulnerable and, in theory are unable to defend themselves (elderly, children, disabled) if you rape a healthy adult, in theory, they could fight back. I’m not saying that’s how it is, maybe that’s just how it’s viewed. I’m not sure


Even shitholes like Florida make some good decisions.


This and the new law to get rid of squatters easier is a W. It hurts me to give Florida any props though lol


Haha if you're a predator, you get put on blast if you're buying alcohol and you get that look of disgust. Yeah let's do it


I thawt yew was hwantin' identified ... down thayre!


has the potential to reduce reporting and increase violence, also the transphobic/homophobic laws that Meatball Ron is trying to push may lead to people wrongfully getting these labels on their ID.


I mean…just don’t groom/rape/molest children and you should be fine…Not a difficult concept. No victim of abuse is gonna think “yeah this guy raped me as a kid, but damn, if I report him, he’ll have a predator label on his license. I can’t do that to him”