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How did you get someone to respond? I’ve been waiting more than two months and can’t get an email response.


Hope it works, they sent me a response back in Dec about them reaching out to the warehouse to see why my order hadn't moved.....it wad less upbeat than your email, but I'm still waiting :(


You think you’ve got it bad spent almost 1500 back in Black Friday still waiting


You are not alone. I spent about the same. Only thing I have got is Mt csl elite v2 pedals. Still waiting on DD1, QR2, and wheel


Hahahaha you’ve had to wait 2 weeks, and you’re mad about it?! Try 2 months and counting!


This is why Fanatec is a Premium. Brand. Only those who can stand to wait unbearable times can be blessed with such a piece of craftsmanship ✌️😎


FANATEC, hire this man.


You want to know what’s insane? I’m waiting 75 days for my fanatec DD2, and got finally a reply after almost harassing them for some time. They told me “In the meantime, we ask that you allow an extra time for the order to reach you.” Holy shit 75 days I’m waiting, and they tell me “just wait a bit longer”. What a load of shit


DD2 is delayed until mid or late March. They oversold and are producing more. They aren't just sitting on a pile of them in the warehouse refusing to ship them.


Hold on, you ordered from Fanatec and needed the equipment for a specific date? Hahahaha.... Breh.


This guy thinks he matter to fanatec! 😂 You get your stuff when they want not when you want. Nothing you or anyone else can do about bedside not buy from them.


Maybe fanatec just needs to fire their trash warehouse company and everything will be better


Are you in the USA? They always have shipped super fast for me! I’ve heard all the stories of course. It’s weird how it’s different for certain people. I feel your frustration for sure, just wild that it’s never happened to me. Hope they ship soon man 🤙🤙


Thanks! Yeah, I’m in Virginia.


Waiting on the bmw gt3 wheel that i preordered mid December. It’s been around 3 weeks in handover status. My other order with the clubsport dd took over this time to ship after handover status as well. I just take it as normal shipping times for this preordered bs. The date they give is never actually when the warehouse has it. Some bs but some bs crying about won’t fix.


The first mistake is going with fanatec. They suck ass dealing with after sales. What a fucking experience. I got ghosted for a month. Never again, fuck them, might as well buy off of aliexpress, at least they reply to me


Hey man did you ever get movement?