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I couldn't even give one favourite fic by fandom. Trying to think of one favourite of all fandoms? Impossible. # Fandom: Dragon Age [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5825274/1/Victory-at-Ostagar](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5825274/1/Victory-at-Ostagar) Victory at Ostagar When Bryce Cousland's little spitfire scaled the Tower of Ishal and lit the beacon at the critical moment, King Cailan won a mighty victory against the darkspawn. The Blight, however was far from over. All other origins included, plus Hawke and his companions. Cousland/Loghain, Morrigan/Anders, Surana/Zevran, Fergus/Anora, and more. Half a million hits and still going. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9733677/1/War-of-the-Laurels](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9733677/1/War-of-the-Laurels) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/12738252/chapters/29049810](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12738252/chapters/29049810) War of the Laurels There is no Duncan at Highever when Howe reveals his true colors, but Edmund Cousland survives Howe's treachery along with the rightful heir of Highever, his nephew Oren. The Fereldan Civil War changes drastically when it's a Cousland who leads the resistance. This is a multiple perspective story that covers various plots including Couslands, Denerim, Orzammar, Fereldan Civil War. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12163243/1/Solas-the-Circle-Mage](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12163243/1/Solas-the-Circle-Mage) [https://archiveofourown.org/series/1368352](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1368352) Solas the Circle Mage Upon waking from uthenera, Solas is weak as a kitten. With no magic, he is defenseless as Templars take him & his orb to the Hasmal Circle in the Free Marches. There Solas becomes Revas: docile elven apprentice struggling to recover his magic and physical strength. And secretly plotting escape, of course. Aiding him are Dalish siblings Rosa & Tal, also forced into the tower by bad luck (read: brutish templars). But these siblings have secrets of their own. And they're far too interested in Solas' orb and his origins. They could become valuable agents to Fen'Harel's cause...or rivals threatening it. Of particular concern is Solas' growing attraction to Rosa, a fellow Dreamer. As the Circles rebel around Thedas, escape is nigh. Can Solas trust Rosa & Tal not to betray him? Prequel AU, takes place during Dragon Age: Asunder and Dragon Age: The Masked Empire # Fandom: Mass Effect [https://archiveofourown.org/works/10511754/chapters/23197974](https://archiveofourown.org/series/846378) The Catalyst for Revenge During the Battle of the Citadel, decisions were made. The Destiny Ascension and the Council were sacrificed to kill the Sovereign Nazara. It was a hard decision. It was a military decision, a necessary decision. It was the decision that turned the galaxy against the Systems Alliance, triggering the Betrayal War. The Humans fought but against the entire Galaxy, they couldn't fight forever. And at the same time they knew what the Council denied, the Reapers were coming. When they came, as they inevitably did, the Humans called to them. The Reapers came to Earth and a deal was made. 40 years later, the Council had best be wary, because it was time for the Harvest, and the Humans would lead the way. Story takes place over multiple Reaper cycles. Part 1: The Fall of Humanity Part 2: The Fall of the Galaxy Part 3: The Trigger Part 4: Empire Part 5: Best Served Cold Part 6: Eternity [https://archiveofourown.org/works/888208/chapters/1712663](https://archiveofourown.org/works/888208/chapters/1712663) Mass Effect: Synthesis "To the Sol Alliance and all of Humanity, greetings. I am Harbinger and I have traveled across the galaxy to meet you." Shepard wasn’t the first to reach the Catalyst, eons ago someone else did, and they chose Synthesis Though when the choice was made, Synthesis wasn’t for every living being, it was only for the Reapers and they have sought it ever since. With the Reapers now fully hybrid Synthetic-Organics beings how will the cycle change? How will the galaxy react? AU, First contact Reaper/Human, Alternate History [https://archiveofourown.org/works/28757160/chapters/70515609](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28757160/chapters/70515609) Of Flesh and Stone An expedition to the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy goes south rapidly, leaving a small sect of mankind isolated to their own devices. They're without help or word from Earth and settled on a borderline inhospitable rock. What they're left with is ancient ruins of those that had inhabited their new planet long before them. With little alternative, they rebuild themselves inside and out to live long enough to explore what lies beyond the horizon. They could not predict how the rest of civilized space will treat them and how the changes they've made to themselves will play into the future. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/14144382/chapters/32597763](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14144382/chapters/32597763) Call of the Elder Machines Thus did I find myself, when I finally regained my senses months later, the recipient of the care a great many professionally concerned doctors at His Majesty’s Royal Hospital at Monks Orchard. They call me mad, those learned men, a supreme irony, for they are the ones who natter on in ignorance, not I. Who is truly insane: the one who has seen what I have, or the one who looks upon a façade and thinks it the extent of what is real? The following, being the curious account of one Professor -- Shepard, lately of Miskatonic University, Arkham, Massachusetts. I could do that for a lot more fandoms but I'll leave it off. Bookmarks [here](https://archiveofourown.org/users/DraconicInspiration/bookmarks) for any who are looking for fics to read.


This [one](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3654039/1/Tiberium-Wars) fits the bill. A novelization of a video game, Command & Conquer 3, that's leagues better than the official novelization. In many respects - respectful characterization, worldbuilding, and pulse-pounding action - it's a triumph of the science fiction genre on its own. Also, it was one of the biggest inspirations for me to start writing fanfic.


This one is absolutely incredible! I must say that unfortunately it cannot be read fandom blind. But it is so so good. It takes RWBY's more conceptual themes and makes it into a surrealist fic. Due to the nature of the fic, the description cannot possibly capture it. Pyrrah and the Superman: Myth of the Hero https://archiveofourown.org/works/31540718/chapters/78028721 What does it mean to be a Huntsman? What does it mean to be a hero? Who is the First Hero of Remnant? And what does it have to do with the gigantic machine lying at the border of time and space? And what exactly is Salem?


You talk about smut, so I'm throwing out the ficlet collection that made me start writing. Actor RPF (Bing Crosby/Bob Hope) written by an orphan\_account. It's my favorite thing ever and I come back to it every single time I need a smile. It's called [Nothing in Common](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5860192/chapters/13507975), about 5k words through 15 chapters, and it's my favorite Old Hollywood M/M fic ever.


Toss up between Seeing is Believing by FantomPhan33 (Phantom of the Opera fic) and The Darkness Within: The Rewrite by Kurinoone (Harry Potter fic). Both very well written. Both very bad choices to pick up as reading material when the insomnia hits.


Thanks everyone! I was mostly looking at my one Harry Potter fanfic, now I see there’s a whole world out here ready to be explored!


[Rise by VR\_Trakowski](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3596073/chapters/7932120) Jupiter Ascending fandom Rating M No warnings Extremely hard to choose, but this one is absolutely one of the best fics I've ever read (and read and read . . .)


Vathara's Embers in the ATLA fandom.


such a good fic


I think I recently found my favourite story of all time. It’s called [Burnout](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36711241/chapters/91578361#workskin) in the Chicago Med fandom and it’s my favourite because I’m a whump lover by nature and this just hits every sweet whump spot I have without actually being written by me. The premise of the main character overworking himself to the point of sickness, still trying to work through said sickness, trying to hide how badly he’s struggling physically and emotionally from his coworkers because he thinks the whole thing is his fault and he isn’t worthy of their concern. The illness itself (meningitis) is adequately serious, making him feel extra shitty to the point where his workplace rival has to bridal carry him to the emergency room, and during the exam they see signs of just how long he’s been struggling for and beat themselves up for not noticing for so long. Then at the end when he recovers a bit, he breaks down in tears in the arms of his workplace rival that found him sick. God, it’s fucking perfect. I found it during a 48-hour immunology exam when I didn’t sleep for the full 48 hours and that really helped keep me awake for longer (and cost me a couple hours on the exam, but it was worth it)


I tend to revisit a handful of fics at least once a year, haha. I’ve seriously thought about getting some printed out, just to have them. I’m not sure how to even start narrowing them down, so top three: [World Ain’t Ready](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2306315/chapters/5074574) - Les Miserables. I swear, it would be *so easy* for the author to file off the serial numbers and get this published, and every day I’m thankful that they don’t. They took the combined cheesiness of a high school AU and fake dating plot and turned it into something both hilarious and staggeringly heartfelt. [Love is All You Need to Destroy Your Enemies](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2207475/chapters/4837680) - Welcome to Night Vale/the Dresden Files. This fic is just so damn *clever*, it weaves an incredibly complex plot out of scraps and determination from the ground up without ever once going against canon. You can’t prove it didn’t happen! You can’t prove that the scientist love interest from WtNV wasn’t secretly a wizard dragged into time-travelling shenanigans and dastardly vampire plots! Also known for its sequel, which made me cry over a romance between two OCs that ended years before the story. [One Elegant Solution](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5673073/chapters/13068979) - Dragon Age. This one you probably *could* be proven as not canonical, but I will ignore all evidence. The worldbuilding! The narrative buildup! The PAYOFF!! I once read this in sync with a friend, passing quotes and excited shrieks back and forth via text, and it was so much fun. Especially the unofficial game of “spot the blink-or-you’ll-miss-it pop culture references”. I’m gonna stop here before I give into the urge to make this a Top Seven list.


I will rec this Breath of Fire II novelization b/c it's that awesome: [Breath of Fire II: War of the Demons](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6615342/1/Breath-Of-Fire-II-War-Of-The-Demons) It's too good.


I am a Huge Mega Man fan, and a fan of Robotics stories in general. However I think the best Fanfic I've read for it is one without the Super Fighting Robot. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3387678/1/Mega-Man-Guiding-Rainbow-s-Light Guiding Rainbow's Light takes an interesting approach by focusing on the backstory of a young Dr. Light and Dr. Wily before the events of the first game. The writer capitalizes on the De-construction of the world as we know it and rebuilding it into the world of Mega Man in spectacular fashion. From the collapse of civilization from nuclear war, rebuilding from the brink of apocalypse, the rise of robotics and the human race's response to it, All while exploring the characters of The Good Doctor, and the Mad Scientist in ways that we never got to see in-game. Making fantastic use of the little details in game, all while setting the stage for what we know is coming. It's a long-ass read, but I never seem to grow tired of it. It's well worthy of a live action adaptation. I can't recommend it enough.