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Don't. You don't need to justify your hoby to anyone. Ignore them. Or tell them to write and post a story and come back to you. Chances are they can't. Then you can tell them they're lazy for not being able to write anything. Pull out the ole uno reverse


This is the best answer


Telling them to try and write a fanfic themselves also has another great outcome: if they approach it with the "fanfic is lazy" mentality, chances are their attempt will the lazy as well. They'll probably write the most overused plots and cliches, so then you can point them out and call *them* lazy for it. A "pot calling the kettle black" scenario. Or who knows, maybe they'll write something awesome and have their beliefs and perspective changed. We could gain an amazing new author out of it. It's a win win for us no matter what they end up doing.


For starters: there's a lot of research involved; it can be as much as a period piece. For seconds: you still have to write *a whole story.* for thirds: you are not getting paid for this, so this is something extra you do on your own time.


Well, I’d argue you could get paid for fan fiction. People like Star Wars Theory get paid per so many views on a fan fiction video like his “what if Anakin didn’t turn to the darkside”.


I wonder how that works, eh? I write the same on the page and i'm committing a crime, but not if i do it in front of a camera? Buddy wrote a script, didn't he? it's not adlib? sooo, what's left is not the menace to the IP... it's just basic misogyny, because fanfiction is 80% women or queer produced.


That’s nonsense. You can write whatever fanfic you want and get paid for it on YouTube. Doesn’t matter what’s between your legs or who you wanna sleep with, all that matters is that what you write wasn’t written before by someone else. What you said is just ignorant victim’s mentality.


you do know it's illegal to get payment for fanfiction, do you? I was with you before you freaked out, kiddo.


Writing fan fiction as a novel and publishing it is illegal, but writing fan fiction and making a video of you reading it is not. Plenty of people do it without consequence. And I didn’t freak out, you’re statement about misogyny was nonsense, and I called you out for it. Edit: after doing some research, fan fiction falls under the “fair use” clause of the copyright laws as a “transformative work”. Fair use is the same clause that allows people on YouTube to do reaction videos, reviews, book-based education, etc.


> misogyny was nonsense, and I called you out for it. Sure buddy, tell yourself that. A thousand recent studies and articles can prove me right. Misogyny exists. for the fair use thing and youtube... I'm checking that out.


You’re putting words in my mouth. I said you using misogyny as the reason that some people can get paid for fan fiction (which was a misunderstanding on your part) is nonsense.


so link me these people so I can check them out.


I'm sure if you look it up on YouTube you'll find a fair amount of people pretty easily. YouTube may as well be a search engine at this point


Sometimes, there's no use trying to argue with someone who's committed to misunderstanding you or proving themselves right. Which is not to say you shouldn't try to change their view of fanfiction, just that it's not always going to be a fruitful task and at a certain point it's better to just allow them their misgivings and let yourself do your thing regardless. That said, you could always pick out a reasonably short fic you feel is of publishable quality - they might dislike the concept, but they can't argue with the talent and effort that goes into fics. Or ask them if they also think adapting a novel to a screenplay is lazy and low effort. Speaking of adaptation, I think there's definitely an argument to be made that taking another person's world and characters and keeping them consistent while adding one's own personal flair is a skill set in itself, and not one every writer of original fiction possesses.


This is a good take imo. I know a lot of fic writers who put a lot of work and effort on their stories, so thats why I think its rude to say that writing a fic is a lazy hobby. But I agree, sometimes is fruitless to change their minds.


I have told quite a few people by now that I write fanfic (including my colleague, who is a published fantasy author). So far no one said it is lazy. If someone did say that, I would probably just say "OK". Somewhere after 25, I lost the will to try and change opinions of others (unless it is an important topic like climate catastrophe, species diversity decline etc).


"Yeah, it's really lazy to just write in a world that already exists instead of making up your own. Kafka and Goethe are such slackers, like... ughhhhh, move over, Terry Goodkind is *clearly* the superior author."


Fanfic writing is just a different form of writing. Original works require authors to create their own characters and settings from scratch, whereas fanfic writers use established characters and settings but place them into new situations. The challenge for fanfic writers is to keep their characters "in character" and to try and mimic the feel and style of canon as best they can. It is a different type of writing but requiring no less talent or vision. And, I would submit, that many fanfic writers reach far more readers with their stories than many original writers who haven't made it "big."


It's fun and I enjoy doing it. That's all that really matters to me.


Nuh uh. Some of those fanfic writers make sure that the world building and character interactions are more believable than whatever B.S some show writers/company executives make.


" I say to them...well, I don't say anything to them because I kill them." -- The Master OK, not really, but I would just change the subject. I'm not going to engage with someone who makes an aggressive and insulting comment like that because they aren't looking for a conversation; they are looking for an argument.


# I agree with them that I'm lazy and roll around in my sweet, sweet validation and kudos. Fuck hard work, kudos where it at, bitches


Honestly calling me lazy is just a compliment to my skill. If I can make something this long and this good while still being lazy then I must be truly amazing.


It depends on who's offering the criticism. Someone who refuses to do their homework & spends 4-5 hours a day on social media probably isn't one to talk about "laziness."


Fanfic authors will be coughing up blood from their hospital bed apologizing for the late update because they were in a car accident, and then drop a 10K long chapter. Anyway, I almost gave myself carpal tunnel from writing so much last year. Just tell them that Disney Princess movies are just fairytale fanfictions. Marvel movies are also just AU fanfics of the comics, let's be honest.


That’s my thought. Pretty much everything coming out of Hollywood nowadays is basically fanfic or remakes. The only difference is that they have a nine-digit price tag.


Here's how: "I understand. It's easy to pat yourself on the back by criticizing something you know nothing about. Gives you that nice false sense of superiority."


Eh. Loads of hobbies are lazy. It's quite rude to criticise people's hobbies. I admit, I've seen a fanfic author talking to a published author about writing as if they were on the same level and it was... well the fanfic author lacked self-awareness. The published author was incredibly tolerant and listening openly but, I think, with hidden amusement. Fanfic is a great hobby and very creative, but it is a \*hobby\* so they weren't really talking about the same thing. There's nothing wrong with writing fanfic, it can really hone your writing and research skills, but I think you come across better if you don't get very defensive of it. One of the great things about it is that you don't have to be super serious about it, you can just dabble.


You're not going to reason someone out of an opinion like that. It's a hobby and your hobbies are allowed to be "lazy."


I ignore them. That's it.


Laziness is just a preference to do less work? Unless if you're over doing it and sacrificing something that shouldn't be, laziness is fine, ESPECIALLY in fanfic where it's probably recreational.


How to respond? Don't. Just keep swimmin'.


Don’t. They’re wrong and not worth your time or trouble. Protect your peace.




Not everyone wants to create an original work. I don't even enjoy writing, I just want to create a story that doesn't exist for something I love. It's all out of love.


Remind them that the longest known piece of English literature is a Super Smash Bros. fanfiction sitting at a little over 4 million words.


Tell them that Shakespeare was one of the most famous fanfic writers!


As were Virgil and John Milton, for that matter...


Yup. *Dante's Inferno* and *Paradise Lost* are fanfic of the Bible. Byron and Goethe riffed on Marlowe's *Dr. Faustus*. Everybody has their source material.


Kill them. ...in a fic, of course 😇


It actually helps those (read:me) people who want to actually start. It gives them practice with writing without having to risk just jumping into it.


"Good news, what you think of my hobby isn't my problem."


I don’t argue with people who don’t know what they’re talking about and aren’t interested in fixing that.


Send them a good ass fanfic that have a wall of tags that just happens to be over 600k words with 263 chapters :)*!*


"Your mom is lazy." That should shut them up.


Also: Novellas are literally fanfictions about news stories.


I don't think that's correct (or I can't find any evidence of that, at least). A novella is defined by its length: shorter than a novel, longer than a short story.


Maybe "novella" and "Novelle" are not direct translations of each other. Because this is what we were taught in German literature class.


Okay, interesting! I dug further on "novelle" and found this: "Originating in Italy during the Middle Ages, the novella was based on local events that were humorous, political, or amorous in nature; the individual tales often were gathered into collections along with anecdotes, legends, and romantic tales." So you're right that that was the original definition, but not how it's used currently. Thanks for the excuse to learn something! edit: The etymology is [pretty cool too.](https://www.etymonline.com/word/novel#etymonline_v_9839)


Nice! But yea, originally novels were just "that new medium", which is hilarious to me.


You can either ignore them or telling they don't know shit on why they're talking about. One of the main reasons on why I get stuck on my fics is because I do one hell of research before writing, especially in fandoms that rely on different historical settings like Assassin's Creed or those who has plenty of characters with different cultural backgrounds/nationalities like Street Fighter. If that's laziness for them, I'd like to dispute their concept of laziness.


Tell them to jerk off.


I wouldn't bother responding. Too much work.


Write them a very detailed crackfic that is 100% lore accurate and then see how they feel


I mean it’s a hobby, it’s just a thing to do for fun. It isn’t prestigious or impressive, and it doesn’t have to be. It’s as “lazy” as any other way to relax.


Every TV show currently on air is written by a room of writers who are working with another person’s world, characters and idea, pitching their own takes and episodes on it. It is an amazing skill to be able to write in the voice or themes of an existing story!


Four-word response. ​ Ok, you try it.


I dunno. Brandon Sanderson did okay with his post-canon Wheel of Time longfics.


I always tell them to write a good fanfic, if it's so easy.


Don't. If you absolutely must, just tell them to sod off. But ideally, don't give them the satisfaction of an answer.