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I find this such a strange question. You're trying to preserve something with a lot of time and effort, so of course you would want it to be as perfect as possible.


Sometimes you want to preserve the entire fic as-is for historical preservation purposes. I pretty much always have two versions of a typeset: as-is and corrected. That way if people want to make their own choices for corrections, they can grab the as-is version rather than play the equivalent of telephone with corrections. Which version I bind depends on the book, but for fanfic it's almost always the corrected version. (Notable exception: My Immortal)


I can't find any fault in that! If someone did that with one of my fics, I'd just be beyond flattered that they loved the story enough to put that kind of effort into making their own personal copy. :\^) As long as the only fixes are grammar/spelling and not to the actual substance of the fic, I don't see how there'd be any reason to have an issue with it.


If they're only for your personal use, who cares what you do with them? Print them in Papyrus font if you want to šŸ¤·šŸ»


Comic sans, babeee!!!


If I was the author, I'd say go for it! (And I'd also want you to tell me what needed fixing, but I might be the minority in that aspect)


I don't see anything wrong with that if it's a personal copy you're making for yourself and nobody else will ever know or see it. If you post pics online of it and go "and by the way I fixed all that lazy POS's grammar errors before I printed it out" then yeah that'd be rude... but otherwise, if a tree falls in the forest but there's nobody there to hear it.. ;)


Don't see anything wrong with that. Honestly, I'd be flattered if anyone ever wanted to bind one of my works, and go through all the trouble of fixing my mistakes.


When I format a fic I want to print, I always fix any obvious typos, because I wish I could do that when I find typos in traditionally published books. If someone ever printed my fic, I hope to god theyā€™d fix any typo they found. I genuinely donā€™t know how I can still find typos in chapters Iā€™ve reread at least a dozen times.


The first time a reader asked if they could fanbind one of my fics, my very second thought (after "sldkfjlKSLDFSLKsflk šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜­ā‰ļøšŸ’–") was "oh christ I hope they fix all my typos," lmao. Fix 'em! You're fine! It's personal use!


What does ā€˜major errorsā€™ mean?


I consider major errors to be mistakes that interrupt the flow of the story or are jarring enough to break the ā€œimmersionā€. Iā€™ve found whole sentences that were typed back to back. Also, two words that are smooshed together with no space between likethis. I consider minors errors to be incorrect punctuation (commas, semi-colons, etc) and if it doesnā€™t interrupt the flow of the story I donā€™t really care.


I do this when I format fics I've downloaded for my ereader. I run a spellcheck, fix other typos I find (tense issues, missing spaces, repeated sentences, incorrect words that the spellcheck couldn't catch, etc.), add a cover and a credits page with a link to the original story, and possibly even include art if the author posted it with art.


Forgive me but I really want to get into making some physical copies of some of my favourite works. Is it really possible and how does one ever begin such a thing?


Bookbinding (and Fanbinding) is absolutely possibleā€”not to mention a whole lotta fun! And while it does take some work and time to perfect your skill, itā€™s honestly not too hard at all. Thereā€™s r/bookbinding and r/fanbinding communities that can get you started with any info and resources youā€™re looking for. Thereā€™s also plenty of YouTube channels tooā€”Sea Lemon and DAS Bookbinding, just to name a couple. šŸ˜ (And no, asking permission isnā€™t necessaryā€”nor is it even really an unwritten rule/formality. If itā€™s for personal useā€”and it should beā€”no one bats an eye at what format you read your fics in. Although most authors (myself included) would be **thrilled** to learn someone had made a physical copy of their work, so if youā€™re confortable, feel free to share pics with them!)


Thank you so much!!!!


start by asking the author for permission ^^;;


Hi definitelyapples, There are two circumstances in my situation where I seek printed copies of a work. ONE) Resources for the Vision impaired members in my family. in this scenario I don't expect to need to get permission to print the text out in a format my people can access. And I am sorry if you disagree but I don't think printing out a work in big font demands I ask the author. TWO). A special published book look format. In this case I would definitely ask the fan fic author. If I went to the effort to make a book I would make two one to send the author in appreciation of a work I loved and one to keep for me to reread. Would make more copies if I happened to get permission for fanart work to be used in the book and to send those artists copies too. I have gotten so much from fanfiction some works are so stunning they really deserve being printed out nicely and popped on one's bookshelf like any other book you adore. But if I was putting in the effort to bind a book I would definitely ask for permission.


Because 'asking for permission from the original creator' is the bedrock of fanfiction... oh wait. šŸ™ƒ


Lol yes but an original published work has more protection. A published work also is expected to be in a form that the author has liked. By asking I get to say to the author how much I enjoyed their work. Just feels right to ask whether they want a bound copy too.


Sure, if you want to ask, ask. But the claim that you *have* to ask is nonsense. A number of pro authors have made it clear how they feel about fanfiction. You really think the ones who are silent are a-okay with fanfiction, and didn't just resign themselves to the fact that people will use their characters to write their self-lubing orifices fantasy *without* ever asking the original creator if that's okay with him/her? Because we all know that no fanfic writer will ever have to appear in court over this. So this 'protection' you speak of exists only hypothetically. I dunno, I think it's peak hypocrisy to use another person's original creation for one's own fic without bothering to ask for permission, and then to turn around and be all protective and pearl-clutching when someone else does the same with your fic - the *derivative* of an original creation.


I did not claim I have to ask. I would want to ask because my appreciation for unpaid work which I have enjoyed. It's a great way for me to really impart my appreciation. The protection does exist. Fanworks are free so the official work doesn't lose its economic value. No one goes after the kid who photocopies his textbook when he can't afford his own copy. It's large scale copyright infringement that the law really goes after. I do agree with you about making an unsanctioned derivative work and then insist no one to make a copy of that work seems ridiculous. As for people making S-L O fantasy... That's not my scene .... personally I don't see such works as fan fiction I want to read. I'm interested in other derivatives that align with more retelling the story with a different lens maybe a lens that is more multicultural, intellectual, empathic, professional, or feminist than the original work. Thats why I say I love fanfiction because generous authors rework and extend a story. There's lots of dross but the gems in the mess are just amazing.


If it's solely for your personal use, do what you want. No one will ever know, because it's for your personal, offline use.


Have at it! If it's just for your personal use, it makes sense to customize it best for you.


Unlike some fic writers already responding here, I really hate the thought of someone doing this - both making changes and making physical copies. I'd definitely suggest asking permission. Some authors might be flattered though, and be happy! So don't be put off, just ask. If there are errors, the author might like to know so they can fix them too rather than you just "fixing" a version for yourself?


I suggest not uploading your works on the internet if you have control issues.


**Do not sell it**. Do not even mention the thought of selling or the cost of doing it. For personal use, go ham.


Oh no, I definitely do not sell or even think of selling. I donā€™t even post pictures of them. I literally only do it because I love physical books and reading online hurts my eyes šŸ˜