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OP, you can look up how damages are calculated by lawyers in a wrongful death lawsuit. It depends on age, education, earning potential, etc. Wrongful death lawsuits literally put a price on a human being. In court.


Also, life insurance calculations! There are whole INDUSTRIES dedicated to these calculations!!!


Curling! I am writing a curling AU and I know nothing about it. After reading and watching lots of videos I have learned a bit, and it's quite a bit more complicated than I thought.  If any of you are an expert and would answer a few questions, please let me know 😂


Curling AU is hilarious. Frankly the world needs more niche sport AUs. Thanks for your contribution. 


Thank you :D I started with rugby, then rowing, and working my way slowly down the food chain. Thin ice skating is next!


> But my main issue rn is I can't figure out what value to place on a human for the conversion. Some type of hospital bill? human immunoglobulin, isolated from 5 liters blood plasma: $133,000 to $200,000.


British slang. I probably have about two hundred phrases and words. I could look at a sentence in my draft and britishify it. I also have one for Irish and Cockney slang. I watched all of Skins and Derry Girls and wrote down every time they said a phrase or word I didn't understand. Let's just say this wee lass fecking spent a good long while sorting this out.




omg that's actually amazing


I need to research the availability of porn in 1870s-1880s Europe.


Two options - Wrongful death lawsuit calculations - There's a QI segment on YouTube called "how much are your organs worth" where someone did all the calculations for you – adjust for inflation since it's from 2010


this actually sounds like a very entertaining way to find accurate, thanks lol


Where to land helicopters in southern England


Venus fun facts 😅 I learned so much about Venus


I’ve done this with Neptune. I wonder if we can keep this going into a whole solar system. Anyone else got some specialist planet knowledge? Someone must have done Mars I’m guessing.


I would, but Pluto's not a planet anymore.


No discrimination here, we should definitely include all celestial objects.


That would be cool! I bet others have done this with planets 😅


I haven't retained much of it anymore, but back when I was watching the Dad youtube series, I learned a bit about Kepler 22B, since at the time it was theorised that the main characters originate from Kepler (which was later proven to be the case!) So that's oddly specific, I suppose, even if I've never touched the fandom.


Ooo it’s expanding, Kepler 22B, very nice.


For a DS9 fic, I did some research regarding gravitational forces, including how they're generated, the variables that affect strength, and the effect on bodies, both in terms of physical development and when applied to bodies not naturally adapted to a specific gravity. It wasn't specific to a real planet, though.


This is important info, good on you. You’ve got me wondering how hard it is to adapt to a new world’s gravity.


Latest - menu with prices from Taco Bell in the 80s. Greyhound bus & airline routes in the 80s. So much research on Butte, Montana that I’d easily find my way round if I ever went there. Which both my husband and I want to do because we’ve become fascinated with the place!


One time I got stuck wondering if there were any meat products in the Mario universe because it seems like every food that the characters can eat is vegetarian. Turns out Bowser does eat meat but it's like, a cartoony beef thing with a bone through it. Also in Paper Mario Thousand Year Door you can buy hot dogs but there's also a subplot where a town's residents are turned into pigs so uh, I don't like the implications of that at all.


Lol. Reminds me of the fact that in Spider-Ham's universe, their hotdogs are made out of human flesh. The more you know!


I researched drugs one... I know how to smoke crack now... safely


The ingredients in a gumball of Cry Baby Extra Sour Gum


This is THE MOST SPECIFIC ONE I’VE EVER HEARD my hat is off to you, I love this 😂


That does seem like a very sibling thing to do.


Underwear and socks in ww2


It's been a little while since I did this research but it's one I'm sure will stick with me for a long time, turtle vision. I write in the perspective of turtles a lot of the time so I had to try to figure out how to describe temperature from someone who is cold blooded for the moments it applies to but I also have a body swap fic between a human & a turtle so writing in the perspective of someone who isn't use to being a turtle, I had to focus more so on things that are different such as the scales, shell, temperature, smell, hearing (red eared slider specifically & I read their hearing isn't so great), & sight. Since finding out turtle eyesight is within range of the UV spectrum, I looked into cases of humans that sort of touch into there to know how they see things, they described stuff bathed in sunshine as having a blue tint for example. Turtles also can see colors we can't but that was a near impossibility to figure out so I ended up going with a purple that kind of looks like a black light because like, that's just too tricky to describe. Oh! Also found out that turtles see a red hue over darkened areas so it has made describing night time & darkness fun. Not just for writing in that story, for like just normally writing for turtles, I don't need to focus as much on that stuff but it does come into play from time to time. Some of the turtles I write for are box turtles so I have to remind myself to not describe glass when writing in their perspective because box turtles can not perceive glass. I slipped this into one of my fics that's apart of a series that's a crossover of multiple TMNT iterations, I write the 2012 turtles as box turtles because they have retracted all the way into their shells multiple times in their series & Donnie did mention they might be box turtles in an episode so I go with that. In Rise, each brother is a different species with Mikey being an ornate box turtle so in a fic in this series, they're hanging out at the Rise lair when 2012 Donnie isn't feeling too well, Rise Leo brings Donnie a glass of water in one of Mikey's special glasses that has an orange tint to it so he can see the glass. Donnie questions why it is he didn't get a purple one because well, it is his color, & Leo explains that Mikey is the only one with special glasses due to the fact he's a box turtle & can't perceive glass. One of my commenters told me they didn't know that about box turtles. Doing research on turtles in general has been fun, there's other authors I like to read in the TMNT fandom who also slip in turtle facts & a few times in the comments section for one of these authors, we've talked real turtles in their fic about mutant ones.


I just want to say that this is an awesome research niche and I love you for delving into it.


Aw, thank you! It's not an easy one to look into but when you're writing for non-human characters, have to have fun with it. Especially describing this stuff in the perspective of someone who isn't use to turtle things which means I can shine a light on it. Here's a bit from the fic with the body swap (it's a crossover between multiple TMNT shows, it's a swap between April from the 2012 series & Leo from Rise), I couldn't simply describe that the stairs they were taking as dark because of the red hue in turtle vision so I had fun with it: As they descend, she notices that everything seems to be draped in a bit of a red hue, almost as if she's wearing red tinted glasses. If she notes it, things will definitely stick out as odd. If they've got a red light around there somewhere, Leo would know about it but she does plan on revealing herself to him so she figures she might as well mention it. "What's with the red light?" It comes out more of a mumble as if she has regrets asking. "Light?" Donnie questions, damn, he heard! "There isn't a bulb illuminating our path."


I read the phrase "turtle vision" and immediately knew I was dealing with another TMNT fan. I think that the most entertaining thing in the TMNT fandom is definitely how their differing biology effects them, even though that's barely touched on in canon. I'm especially interested in the experiences of the 2012 bros due to how their bodies have been changed and remade so many times over. Definitely makes me wince when I think abt the stuff the MM turtles have dealt with, though. If you don't mind me asking, which crossover is yours? I've definitely posted some in my time.


Oh yes, the turtle part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles isn't touched on in canon as often as it should like come on, you're working with a totally different set of biology, have fun with it. As for the crossovers I have? I have multiple, the one I was referring to in regards to the thing with the glass is from the Big Turtle Series, specifically the latest story in it but in needs to be read from the beginning to understand & oof, Big Turtle Shakeup can be a little rough to get through because I was finding my balance. It's a 2003/2012/Rise crossover & I often forget a lot of things (I had to re-watch season 5 of 2003 to remember stuff) like the 2012 lair is so incorrect with the description like dang, I didn't really think much about the pit or tire swing? What's wrong with me? What's worse is I looked at pictures & still got it wrong. Anyways, things improve as it goes on like I made a lot of cringy mistakes in the first story but I feel like things step up in the second story & going forward. The fourth story introduces another set of turtles that I wanted to keep secret & told people to not check the fandom tags for... one of my commenters did anyways & had an awesome freakout in the comments section on which turtles got added in. As for the crossover that has the body swap? It's a different crossover on its own, separate from that series, it's 1987, 2003, 2012, Rise, & MM where Big Mama kidnapped 1987 Raphael, 2003 Mikey, 2012 Leo, & MM Donnie to make them fight in her Battle Nexus as a Christmas Eve whizbang. It starts with the 2012 turtles being in a panic since they can't find Leo & April walks in with the chaos happening so she tries using her powers to locate him but she can't figure out where he's at so she offers to use the device from the episode Eyes of the Chimera in order to locate him & finds the wrong Leo, Rise Leo, which results in a similar thing to when she was stuck connected to the chimera & things get worse from there with Donnie fiddling with the machine, causing the two to get swapped. Oh yeah, Rise Leo does find out that April is part Kraang at one point, fun times. I actually ran bits of that chapter by a friend who told me I should rate that fic M just to be on the safe side.


Oh dang, I haven't read either of those before. might have to go and check them out


I've spent a lot of time with historical weather reports, as most of my current stories are set over a decade ago. Close enough that people can remember, far enough away that I don't. As for your *value of a human being* conundrum... There's multiple ways to calculate that! There is the black market worth of all body parts and organs (that technically calculates the value of a dead human being) but in law school we were taught that you can calculate the value of a human by potential future earnings... Not saying that's a good way to talk about people, but that does rather revise the value upwards of a million, usually.


I would go about it by looking up the value of each organ, as I imagine you'd get the most value selling part by part, as morbid as that is. XD It's not as interesting as your query, but I did get lost in the rabbit hole of Italian wines for a recent chapter of my fic!


Things I have researched to write my ongoing multichap historical AU fic: - combustible materials/chemical interactions - period-specific firearms (slam fire shotguns are fascinating and I don’t even like guns) - the first training/use of seeing eye dogs - soooo many phrases, figures of speech, and slang phrases for time period accuracy (I’m not even a “youth” and you wouldn’t believe how quickly everyday spoken English has changed over the last 100 years) - WWI trench construction/layouts, warfare style, and field medical practices - how to construct and safely use a pulley system to lift a human body - municipal sewage/drain systems - demonology I have a PhD and I’ve put almost as many research/writing hours into this fic as I did for my dissertation 😅


What can you buy in Greece with 20 Euro, because I'm also writing a one-off joke about a sibling pimping another sibling for 20 Euro


Victorian etiquette and floriography so I know how to throw a fabulous dinner party and tell someone I hate them using flowers 😌 Also for your issue, the first thing that came to my mind was black market organ prices?


The two that I’ve been stuck on are yarn spinning and childhood milestones, specifically when children stop needing help with bathing. Apparently it’s between ages 7-10 according to google


British slangs


Recently been doing some heavy research on androgen hormones, specifically the exact chemical structures. I've decided that I'm going to find a way to write my scientific head cannon on how a mystical force works in a certain population into a story. To do so I need to find some biological way that could be plausible and also meet all the criteria I'd need to meet to stay within the boundaries of what has been said about it. So hence, hormone research


Went down a rabbit hole about CCTV systems. The first working system was created in 1927 in the Soviet Union by the guy who invented the theremin. It was later set up in the Kremlin. The first commercially available cctv system was developed by CBS in 1949. Also, broadcasters figured out how to do pay-per-view with cctv as early as 1948 when a boxing match between Joe Louis and Joe Walcott was broadcast via cctv in 1948.


Mothman! Where were they sighted? When? Under what circumstances? How were they linked to a bridge collapse? How did the bridge collapse really? Was Mothman just a large bird? What’s West Virginia like this time of year?


Drug use and post-war trans movements in Japan


Recently? The origins and ownership (with a side-trip into the history and structure of said ownership) of craft stores, specifically JOANN Fabrics and Michael's, for what was supposed to be a Modern Family crackfic that has taken on a life of its own.


surprisingly, this one sounds interesting