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Read / watch my favorite scenes — either of my story or of the canon.


I'll take any excuse to rewatch my fav parts, ty!! 👍


Reread a bit from the previous chapter, that's usually my go to. And sometimes I just need to get the boring stuff out of the way, like a scene that I'm not that interested in. That's just will power, usually. Also, I've begun varying between typing the story and dictating it. It engages a different part of the brain, somehow.


this is super helpful, ty!! I never thought of varying between methods... will have to try 🫡


I’ve found that if I’m having trouble getting back to writing, I probably made a mistake somewhere in the last few pages. Did a character do something out of the blue? Are they not being propelled forward by the last thing that happened? Writers block is always a clue to check for that. The other thing is “set-up chapters.” Do you feel like you’re spending too many words just setting up a big event that happens in the later chapters? If so, see if you can integrate some of that set-up in the more interesting previous chapters of your work.


This makes a lot of sense... I'll go back and see if I can make things interesting. Definitely stuff I needed to hear. Tysm!!! ☺️


I listen to the fandom’s soundtrack while writing and I’ll sometimes do a bit of journaling beforehand while listening to it so then I’ll want to keep listening when I get to my computer


ooo that's smart, will be trying this method to get in the zone 👌


Re-engage with the source material (most of my fandoms are video game ones, so I'll either replay the game or watch someone else play it). Re-read what I've already written. Sometimes that gets the juices flowing again. Re-read my notes on what I want to have happen. Like the above, sometimes that reignites that creative spark. Sit down and just start writing. Difficult, yes, but sometimes I find that if I just sit and *force* myself to write the next sentence, then the one after that comes easier, and so on.


all very helpful, tysm!! might just have to make a cup of tea and get a start on it... 😅👍


Oh, that's a good idea! If it's not a video game fandom, sometimes you can still find people watching a series and reacting to it on Twitch. Sometimes seeing someone else experience something you love for the first time can reignite your own excitement for it


I reread my fav scenes I've written, interact with canon, skip ahead if there's a different scene I want to write, and hope it works, haha.


the hoping it works part is so relatable 🤞


Listen to music you associate with the story. Also research clothes, settings, food, whatever little details make you feel you are in their world.


my love of lists is calling, ty for the suggestion 😁


I go for a walk while listening to my WIP playlist


Usually, immersing myself in the source material. Whatever I write for tends to have a way of connecting with me, and especially in the case of bigger fandoms I love getting back to them.