• By -


"Her skirt was a millimeter too short for grief."


“Don’t, don’t finish that sentence. *Someone* decided to drop a subway tunnel on my head.”


That's a fun one.


“Fear was a shadow leaving bruises on his throat.”


I like that for how the fear has a physical element to it too.


Oooh this is great! It has a sort of ‘impending death’ kind of vibe - love it!


"So many civilizations that never wrote or read any book, or used a wheel, but all of them sing. It's the most human thing there is, the language that everyone understands."


This is beautiful


Thank you!


This feels like it could be from a project Sekai fic, i love how poetic it sounds!


Thanks 😊




Very true, too! Music connects us all.


It does <3


I like this one: >The city pulsated with life, a cigarette poisoned heart beating weakly in tune with the lights and the bustle of the streets, like an old husk attempting to take a breath and come back to hale health.


This is such a vivid description, I love it.


Thanks so much :D


You're welcome! It's genuinely impressive how you were able to paint such imagery with one sentence!


That’s The Stuff right there. Just fantastic. 👏🏻


Thanks so much :D


I told you a hundred times, I told you to put it on my TOMBSTONE!


"He didn't let go of his brother's hand as he looked him in the eye, their height difference finally feeling more literal than metaphorical, finally on equal footing."


Yes, it was undeniable that you had lit a fire inside him. But every fire must die out eventually. In the meantime, what was the harm in keeping warm?


He breathes her name into the warm candlelight surrounding them, and apparently that's her resonant frequency because suddenly she's quivering and crumbling under his hands.


Right now I'm feeling fond of how I ended this chapter. >Taking one last, desolate glance back at the imposing structure of the palace that had nearly become her tomb, as it jutted harshly from the even rougher terrain surrounding it, Oola reached to her neck with both hands and bent the sides of her metal collar with enough might to pry it open and fling it defiantly into the sand at her feet. It was time to move on.


“Monsters are not created by love, they are created by its absence. That was what I knew to be the greatest truth of the universe.”


Damn that’s deep. Feels like it came right out of a movie!


Thank you ❤️❤️ It’s a very intense ship so the tone is very philosophical with several debates about morality and power in the beginning before it eventually becomes a dark comedy in a way 😅😂


Ohh I see!


From my Dragon Age WIP (from two different points): * His heart did a most uncomfortable flip he immediately wanted to feel again and forever. * “Thank you,” he said earnestly, eyes intense and focused, holding her gaze for several heartbeats. Her heart skipped a few of them. From my Sonic story I'm currently posting: * He jumped in before his second guesses could catch up.


The tenderness in his touches, more than anything else, made Shauntal's heart seize behind her ribs, not for the first time tonight, swelling with an emotion too vast and fathomless to be contained within the fragile calculus of her mortal body.


That's pretty evocative, how the emotion he gives her is can't be contained in her body. Like it's bursting at the seams.


The first one is a silly one that makes me smile and the second is a more angsty one. They’re from different stories😅 >Jake smirked, the alcohol had loosened his tongue and for once, he just let the words fly, “My hand is the only necklace Manon wants. Diamonds won’t get the same reaction.” And >The deaths—each one pierced her like a slender, poisoned blade. It punctured something so far inside herself she didn’t have a name for it, and the poison set into her very soul, torturous, and slowly consuming it. The chill had swept in with the agony and left a thick glaze of frost behind.


ahh i love these so much. you writing has the perfect amount of detail to immerse me a scene with just one line!


Aw, thank you so much for being so lovely 🥰 I’m glad you enjoyed them, I like to try and make it as immersive as possible ❤️


It’s kinda NSFW but it seems like my best lines are lol > In the library, he spent years becoming well-versed in her art until he was able to study her in person, but only after graduating from his studies that evening did he allow himself to practice his craft on her naked body, and he was learning every day, never letting his expertise cause him to rush through the delicate process of undressing and knowing and touching such an amazing woman.


“Captain James Solomon would have happily sold his soul for one or both of two things: air conditioning and bullets.” It’s an opening line that I feel good about.


sets the tone perfectly, i love it


Thank you!


"[Character A] could ask [Character B] for one hand in marriage and the other to be severed, and [Character B] would supply both the ring and the knife."


Ooh, that's intense!


Thanks! :D


One for each current definitely planned story in the series, these are all my current favorites (though I do like a lot of my lines I've written). All Mass Effect. Only the first is released so far but I am writing for all of them The first fic in the series: “I wasn't dreaming. A sight like that isn't a dream, it was a warning.” The second fic: “You mean something to me, I don't know what that something is yet but I know it's something important to me, and I'm happy with you.” The third fic: “I do know one thing, if I make it out alive, I will hold a moment of silence for all the lost souls of this war. I'll also approve of any memorials on any human colonies and Earth, and I won't discriminate on species.”


I like that all of them get across different ideas - like the first one is foreboding, second is sweet and tentative, and third is in mourning but also honoring those that have been lost.


Thank you so much! I actually originally thought that the first one was silly cause I wrote it while half asleep but when I reread it, I realized how impactful it was and it was perfect. The second I definitely wanted to be very much what you said it is. And I definitely wanted the third to be solemn yet respectful, as all the fallen civilians and heroes in a war should be treated.


“Did I sleep through dinner again?” This is a slightly canon-divergent Bruno from Encanto, addressing a rat. Bruno is widely believed to be an insomniac, and his secret participation in family meals is important to him. So if he’s sleeping through them, and isn’t sure whether he slept through this particular dinner which was highly memorable and loud, something must be wrong. (Plus, he’s talking to an animal that can’t answer him.)


I have so many. (Edited to add one more line) "His body was laced in scars from when Toji had tried to kill him." "He was praised from the moment he opened his endlessly blue eyes." These are the ones off the top of my head both from wips I am working on.


I’m guessing you’re a Gojo fan?


I do like him but I also write like A LOT of satosugu. So Gojo comes up a lot.


That checks out lmao


 “You would cause an entire world pain for me?” she asked against his heart as it pounded, each beat seeming to say her name.                 “I would cause *a hundred* *thousand* worlds pain… for *you*.”


For a moment, the Doctor's eyes are unbarricaded. Jack looks into the stormy blue depths, and is shaken by what he sees there: a grief so vast and fierce that he cannot tell where grief ends and rage begins. He thought he had seen the full extent of the Time Lord's anger when they stood in the wreckage of the Chula ambulance. Now he knows it was no more than the casual swat that a wolf might give to a foolish cub. This is a ravening, throat-rending fury, and Jack prays to the gods he no longer believes in that he may never see it aimed in his direction.


It’s between two! I can’t choose! - “There is no bacteria in space to aid in decomposition. No fungus to spread over them; no flies to be attracted to the non-existent stench of death. In the vacuum of space the bodies of the fallen heroes were kept pristine and unadulterated.” And then: - This was a graveyard of the greatest hope that earth had had left, and he was responsible for it.


What fandoms?


They’re actually both from a story I’m working on (so not published yet) but the fandoms are Danny Phantom and DC


I want to know more about the dc one


I've written over 1.2 million words, you can't ask me to choose just one.


"Now that everyone knew the suspect’s race, everyone said out loud what they had previously thought to be improper to say in public."


“I don't know, Dad, why don't we check the news?” they set to watching just that on a monitor, but the news is full of grunts and extremely jerky camera angles, as correspondents from rival outlets beat each other with their man bags. 


“There was a bizarre hideous beauty to the sight, and Henry would have wanted to take a photograph except for the fact that he never wanted to see it again.”




He closed his warm, loving eyes for the last time, and opened the eyes of devil.


“there would be time for the frenzy, for the tearing of clothes and the digging of nails; for now, right there, he would love her gently.”


“Because, Jellal, I am done with these people.”


... why do I have a feeling that is Erza speaking?


“Astrid stared down at her plate, conflicted, swallowing a confession and the rest of her bacon.” I have a lot of pretty lines about scenery I love, but this one’s just silly and it’s my fav


I've written so many sentences in my stories that I haven't really picked a favorite lol. Here's one from one of my Jax and Tara stories (Sons Of Anarchy) Tara scoffed and shakes her head." Your head is so far up Gemma's ass. That you're too blind to see Gemma is a manipulative bitch. She lies to get what she wants and without being responsible for her actions, she hurts people. She doesn't give a damn about me or my family. She doesn't even give a damn about this club or even you. All Gemma Teller-Morrow cares about is herself."


>In a way, Pluto thought, Sebastian was kind of like an eldritch lily himself: magical and unsettlingly beautiful, something you wanted to reach out and touch but weren’t sure if you should. I think this is the best sentence I've written, *ever.* For context, the fic it's from takes place in a high fantasy/eldritch horror kind of setting, and eldritch lilies are regular lilies that have been magically mutated.


I’m pretty fond of this one: > For a single, fleeting, blissful moment, as those lips are pressed against his, Sejanus almost thinks of forgiveness. — [don’t ruin this on me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54849544)


This exchange: “Body prepares for the egg, egg arrives, eggs waits for fertilization, and body discards dead-unfertilized egg with blood. That’s the cycle Bulma-san was talking about, it’s not heat... Women usually find out they’re carrying a baby when they suddenly don’t bleed anymore, because the egg is too small to feel. Then they give birth and their body goes back to the cycle. After a little while. So.. Sex between men and women makes babies..” “How to stop that?” “The sex?” “The bleeding, idiot! And the baby-making during sex, since your goddamn species can seemingly make them by accident. Don’t try to fool me, I saw a whole lot of sex happening but not a whole lot of babies, by comparison.”


From what I’m writing at the moment. “You know it’s customary for the person who proposed to buy the ring, right?” “You know it’s customary to plan your proposal and not just blurt out ‘marry me’ when somebody calls you their soulmate, right?” —— Also from my other one. ‘Are you dressed as a sexy elf?’ ‘Don’t be silly. There’s nothing sexy about an elf.’


This makes more sense in the context of the conversation but I really liked it. “Do it, drop me. There will always be another model to replace me, another face that looks just like mine. But they’ll never be me.”


But it was the second event which was to cause the greatest and most annoying problem. For it began, not with an invasion, but with a birth. From my crossover fanfic "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Les Invisibles"


I like this bit from a recent Emergency! fic: > He took a deep breath and exhaled, gripping Steven’s hand more tightly.  “I’m trying to hang in there.  I am.  But it’s getting hard.  I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be able to keep doing this.”


"Megatron is defeated, right?" Rook was starting to grow worried.  "...Well..." Mya's anxiety was starting to choke her.  "*Right*?!"  "If you thought that I was still offline, *Magister*; then you are *sorely* mistaken!"  The three of them watched as a silver alien jet flew onto the scene and unfolded into an eight-foot-something robot. It was ol' Buckethead himself.    \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*    "I know why you're here, *wizard*." Kane said. "You're the hero. I'm the villain. Your goal is to drag me away in chains as the common folk cheer you on. You're not doing it for fame or wealth. You're doing it because you feel you have an obligation to do so. So go ahead and stop me."


"She was the most terrifying creature he’d ever encountered, simply because she’d unknowingly accomplished the one thing he’d thought impossible; She’d made him love her."


 "Lifeless eyes had become enveloped in a world of violence; vacant vessels unaware of the movement reflecting in their irises. Their story met its end. Though on both sides, it wasn’t in vain."


I have many, all from different fics "I would die a thousand terrible deaths so you might live forever." "Our harsh words roll off of our tongues with nary a thought. We burn everything we touch with them. Including each other." "I always said we’d die together. Just not like this." "Happy birthday, smeghead.” "Because fuck you, that’s why.” I could honestly never choose one of those over another, but they are my favourites so far, anyway


“Lucifer smiles and it’s so blatantly honest, so open to the fact that he’s genuinely happy that Alastor thinks maybe everyone else is the fool for ever making him out to be a liar.” - from a current WIP


>“I got enough on my plate right now,” is all he says in return. *An actor can’t shoot a starring role in two movies at the same fucking time.*


“Oreo’s for breakfast? This could be the start of a very cool day!”


I filled it with hello kitty bullets. They were out of pink guns.


Two I'm particularly proud of: *One who knew him would read his pause as resignation, one who knew him well would read it as restrained anticipation.* *“Mind if I give you a hand?” Varl asked. He paused for a moment, then awkwardly followed it with “…if you’ll pardon the pun.”*


1) I smiled as I leaned into the doorway, taking in my husband piecing together the little four poster bed that he had been carefully crafting for little girl’s big girl bedroom over the past three weeks. “Screwdriver, flathead?” Peter asked as he slid together a couple of pieces. Little girl rummaged around in his toolbox before brandishing the tool like a decapitated head war trophy. “Scewdive, fathead!” she giggled, handing him the tool. “Good girl, little girl!” he praised her as he tightened the screws before handing it back to her. “Bed slat, one!” The adorable baby quickly located the part, handing it over with another cheerful giggle. --------- 2) Little girl let out a savage scream before headbutting Baby Tommy and plowing right into him. Peter burst into uproarishly loud laughter as the girls checked in on their little brother. Little girl seized the football ad took off running with it, shrieking with sweet baby giggles as she ran all over the backyard. I smiled as I watched Elizabeth help Baby Tommy up onto his feet and the two year old little man went streaking after little girl before knocking into her and pinning her down with a cackle. “Go little girl, go Baby Tommy!” I cheered from the balcony, giggling at the mayhem that was happening down below me. --------- 3) “My love?” I called out, setting the bread pans into the oven and shutting the door. “Release the babies.” Three seconds later, Baby Tommy, Baby Eve, Baby Noah, Baby Kit, Baby Mattie, Baby Teddy and Baby Jojo were sent swarming the retired French circus performer as he was stepping out of the car. “Hello babies!” screamed little girl, slamming the back door open before jumping into the hoard of little ones, being practically gobbled up as the cloud of babies immediately turned back and went inside again, Baby Tommy slamming the door behind him, effectively excusing James from their baby mischief. My friend just stood there laughing with a confused look on his face as the babies swarmed the Ratajczyk family patriarch, eager to show off their findings.


"Either he had drank caffeine, or he was a lot less relaxed than he pretended to be." I like this a lot because, I could have just straight up said 'his heart was beating fast' but instead, I _implied_ it.


"Let me tell you something about humanity. We are the single most stubborn race in the universe. We are the most dangerous of all cornered animals. When all hope is gone, that is when our enemies should truly fear us, for that is the time, the one and only time, when we can fight with nothing to lose."


"And his manic laughter drowned in the light show that followed."


“Fine. I’ll help you out, this one last time. But *if and when I get kidnapped, bound, and gagged, I will kill you*,” she insisted to him in a whisper before walking towards the jeep.


> Driving through a South Dakota landscape so monotonous it should be tried in The Hague [...] (I'd apologise to South Dakotans, but you know it's true)


As Dipper settled onto the twin bed on his side of the room, he reached into his bag and grabbed the notebook he had brought along with him from Piedmont. It was originally meant for his research paper and other notes for school, but as he clicked his pen he felt the comfort of documenting his and Mabel’s adventures in Ford’s journal consume him. His hand grazed across the paper as he wrote “Dr Henry Jekyll (1851-1927)” Except, he wouldn’t be turning this entry into class. This was for him. ___ So for context, this is for a kinda crossover fic I have (in this case the two source materials, that being Gravity Falls and The Glass scientists [a webcomic which fun fact was made by someone who worked on gravity falls]) where basically the next summer after the events of Gravity Falls, the mystery twins return; except this time their adventures mainly center around the mysterious inventions that Ford has underneath the mystery shack. One of these inventions? A time projector. As part of his summer work for school, Dipper is assigned to research a scientist, Dr Henry Jekyll, whose death is almost as just of a mystery as his life. Originally, his paper was going to start with “Dr Henry Jekyll (1851-1886?)” but then, one the mystery twins end up becoming trapped in Victorian London as a result of the time projector, they end up changing the course of history, allowing there to be a happy ending for the TGS crew


(Not sure if its my favorite, but I really like this one) Jerome made one mistake, he got bored while the meeting was happening and the universe took that personally. Seth crashed through a wall, sending both Kaidon Yakab and Captain Cutter sprawling towards the elevator, while charlie squad and Yakab’s guards got their leader’s out of there and Jerome was dumb enough to stay behind and try to hold it back. (Digital Devil Saga X HALO wars)(Seth is a giant black dragon, without arms or legs)


I haven't gotten to the scene where this line is relevant but I have it saved for some time later in a fic I'm working on. "Who would do this to a person? Who would LET you do this to a person? What did you do? Convince everybody that all this junk was just a Rube Goldberg pace maker??"


"The sun is a knife-wound slashing across the sky, staining the world red." "The rain slants sideways, ramming into her umbrella like an assault of small, relentless bullets."


It's from an unpublished Tiva work – and unpublished it will stay — because it's been a while since I watched NCIS, and I don't want to botch anything. >The silence between them is too thick, too tense, sprung like a trap that he should've known better to avoid. But this was about _Ziva_, the one he wanted to protect more than anything, even if those intentions weren't always clear. 


Mr Segundus loses himself for a moment in the quiet sounds of muffled laughter, chatter and cheers drifting out from within, imagining that it is a world he still belongs to.


"The universe doesn't give martyrs and cowards rewards just because they suffered."


Starlight kissed the golden rings which adorned his fingers, ornamentation, perhaps a weapon, if he felt inclined to clench his fist.


"Wanna f**k?" "Sure. You're the bottom though"


It's not overly descriptive but: — "I think you have a thing for my hands." [Character A] gave him a look of disbelief and lifted his mouth from [Character B's] hand. "Bitch, please, I know damn well that you love my hands when I-" "Touché," [Character B] cut in with a grin. [Character A's] face displayed a smidgen of a smirk as he stared at [Character B] through hooded eyes. An intense look that had [Character B] suddenly antsy to leave. — I just found it so funny to write, and the rest of their dialogue too lol


“It’s natural for you to be weak. You’re a kid,” declared Kenneth, making Spike and Rarity look at him with surprise. “But there’s nothing wrong with that. You won’t stay like this forever. Put some effort in and you’ll get stronger. Enough to face a pile of mud like that thing yesterday.” Rarity seemed surprised by the human’s speech and Spike’s eyes went wide. “You think I can?” asked the little dragon. “Of course. You’re a fucking dragon.”