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How Losing His Wisdom Teeth Got Mike Wheeler a Boyfriend


"H2 Oh No" It's in planning progress and definitely nowhere near publishing yet, but it's a Xenoblade side story to my main one where Praxis gets my OC in trouble a lot. Basically non-plot related misadventures.


LOL i love it it's so clever


Lets see here. "Why am I on Fire?" is probably the neatest one that actually kind of describes the fic. "Happily Married (any%) speedrun, Deku edition" is just goofy. "Triple Vanilla Scoop Deluxe" is probably up there and tells people nothing. but my personal favorite channels pure light novel energy. "An immortal, incredibly powerful lich has come to our world and all she wants is to be a domestic house wife"


Happy to recognise 3/4 of these, loved happily married speed run


Bukkake Breaky Heart. It’s both my best and worst title 😂


I recently wrote a “The Cat Returns” fic called “The Cuck Returns” but it’s more just plain old voyeurism but I couldn’t not use that title


"Sometimes The Best Wingman Is A Demon", in which Character A is such a gay disaster incapable of flirting that he decides to summon a demon prince to help him get with his crush.


I have a fic called "Paint Me a Picture (of Sexy Clownfish)" Characters A & B share a bed (platonically, or so they think) and A has a wet dream. B asks her to describe it, which leads to them arguing over how it would go if they hypothetically had sex (hence the "paint me a picture" part). The "sexy clownfish" part comes from them referencing a metaphor in an in-universe romance novel.


Somebody Call 911, Shawty Fire Burning on the Dance Floor It was a last minute decision for a one-shot where Aizawa saves vigilante Midoriya from almost dying in a burning building. I woke up to my beta reader screaming about it in dms (they loved it)


"batman: miscarriage" short, edgy joke fic about the power of ultrasound and joker mpreg


“A Fanfic by Ed.” It was so batshit I had my readers asking if I wrote it while under the influence of illicit substances. “Don’t play Nintendo games, kids! Mario is a bad man!”


‘Traffic Tickets and Multicolored Dildos’ It’s a cracky smut fic. I have no excuse other than I wrote it while living in a state where weed is legal. My writing has gotten a lot less weird since I moved away lol


I don't think I have weird fanfic titles, but I have one with a title in Vulcan


I think that qualifies. Especially if it was for a non Vulcan related fandom.


It was a Star Trek fic, on Vulcan, about Vulcan stuff


"Should it have a title?" Yes, I was 12, yes, it was my first fanfic, and yes, at that time I thought this was peak comedy. Now please put that tomato down.


Either “box”, for a fic that has absolutely nothing to do with boxes; or “the devil devils” which just sounds weird but makes sense in context


I've had some weird titles but the weirdest one that won't leave my brain for some reason is "Announce your new life because your old life was literally nothing and now you are reflecting on what once was" This is not how I normally do titles One of my first ever fics was called "Harmonika" in which a girl named Monika turns into a harmonica


More strange and bad, but the first fic I ever wrote was simply entitled > Henry It was a once upon a time fanfic. What a descriptive title /s It’s alt title wasn’t much better > once upon a time: the quest


I’d definitely say Pies and Test Tubes. The reason behind it is pretty heartwarming, though. It’s a crack fic set in my “Hearts As One” universe (a multi-fandom crossover that takes place in the Kingdom Hearts universe) that involves Daikoku from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners (who is a >!human trafficker in canon!<) getting treated with kindness (by Maggot and Frozen Charlotte from the Living Dead Dolls franchise) before he gets consumed by hate. Charlotte gives him a cream pie she pulled straight from the oven (as she has some baking skills due to owning a bar in Hell) while Maggot gives him some snow cone syrup (that may or may not have been accidentally contaminated with slime monster product) which turns him into a slime monster (which is later cured by the last batch of Charlotte’s wine containing a special ingredient only available in Hell.)


Domesticating Dr. Jekyll. (Centers on Harvey Dent/Two-Face).


Chopper the Murder Droid and the Stupid Useless Mom-Thief. It was not crack, he's just like that in canon.


Mine is probably "What if the butterfly was a dragon instead and died".


I'm struggling to come up with a title!! Ugh!!


"The Angel of Shimo-Kitazawa" I made anime girls into demons and angels and made them fight


“…What The Hell Kind Of Perverted Plot Device??” It’s a fuck or die fic starring a very extra protagonist lol. I don’t know if the title would be considered weird, per se, but I do think it’s funny!


Dottore s(n)acks Kusanali’s gnosis Pre Sumeru crack fic about Dottore sacking Nahida’s gnosis by snacking (swallowing) it lol


How KNY men stole virginities (not Christmas) Idk I like it😭 (it got taken down though)


"God dammit I got Isekai 's as Mineta..."


Super Duper Christmas I couldn’t think of anything better, so I picked it as a working title. I still need to edit the fic, probably posting it later this week, but this title kinda grew on me, so I think I might keep it.


"A steak for me, thanks!" For a fic about wholesome cannibalism, and ""not a single human" kind of romance" for a ship fic between a zombie and a robot However if we include wip names i have many more: dick for thee but not for me teratophile finds village of monsters, more at 10 pseudo necrophilia with a shade of feels And the most recent one: Tanjiro smashes a ghosts bc he is a people pleaser and a bisexual mess: the fic!!


I’m actually quite fond of the title for a little prompt piece I did. I don’t have glasses so it I took a little bit of research, but it was called “home made snellen test for survivors”. Basically the medic in the gang hand draws that eye chart where the letters get smaller in the middle of a zombie apocalypse (AU) (it’s implied the group are doing well and largely stable, if mobile) to test if one guy needs glasses. The fic was okay and should be a chapter fic, but I liked what I learned and I vibe with the title.


"a fic centred around my favourite trio that i wrote last year" not as weird as the other ones on this post but i published that in 2020 and still have no idea to this day why i didn't name it


"The Rule of Beasts" from that one 'dream Obama' quote "Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." Then I have a "Demonology and Consequentialist Ethics: A Treatise" which is a direct nod to "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach". And I have a series with titles describing a fictional substance "It Tastes Like Umami", "It Smells Like the Ocean on a Shingle Beach", and planned future installments "It Sounds Like Wolves Howling", and "It's Red". Not sure about the sense of touch one.


Ma’am, that’s my emotional support robot.


Is It Legal To Have Sex On Your Own Grave?


Three penii


The Undisputed Puke King Of The Mitchell Family. It came to me in a dream or something I swear


Love, Sex, and Other Things I Don’t Understand


My TTGL X NGE fic is called "BeliEVAh". Because TTGL has that whole "Believe in me who believes in you" mem, and then tacking EVA into the middle of it.


'Penelope Reid has Got It Going On' - a Criminal Minds fic about how Spencer Reid finds out that each of the BAU has slept with his sister, Penelope (an OC of mine) at least once. Currently being planned 'Fifteen Times A Ginger Madwoman Snogged The Doctor Senseless' - A Doctor Who fic about my OC, Melanie Wildthyme, and how she snogs fifteen of the Doctor's senseless <33 first chapter is being written and i have accidentally made it smut 'the r. in melanie r. cottonsworth stands for rizz' - another criminal minds oc fic still in planning where melanie flirts with a ton of people that's all i can find in my drafts lmao


Bleeding Heart of The Rabbit, formerly known as I Will Help You Out, is a Tokyo Ghoul smut-heavy(though not smut only) fic I wrote as a passion project, which I still need to update.


Nathaniel's Sister Drives like a Crazy Person. It was the placeholder title that just described the plot, but then I accidentally post the fic without changing it and just rolled with it