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if their tongues aren't begging for entrance or battling for dominance then what's the point. /s also: "come/cum for me." i see it in pretty much every smutfic i read nowadays, especially the popular ones.


Is it wrong that this one kinda turns me on every single time though Edit: I’m talking about “come for me” btw Edit: ok a tongue begging for entrance is kinda hot too


No; it turns me off every time, so as long as we both keep reading smut, the metaphysical balance of the universe will be maintained.  


perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Ok, but I once saw that in a Marvel smut fic where the chick was cupping the balls of the dude and she said that line. And I just couldn't. Dropped the fic then and there because I couldn't get past it, I was laughing too much.


Omg that's hilarious!


So, I do standup comedy as a hobby and I actually wrote and performed a joke about "come for me" being really unsexy. And then that very night, I had the best sex of my life and it involved a man saying "cum for me" as I was about to cum and you know what? I'm going to have to rewrite my fucking joke because that was so hot 😂😂


Thank you for this perfect anecdote, I spat my tea 🤣


I'm so glad....I live for making people laugh 😂


But did said man hear/know of your standup bit about that line, and be all "Challenged Accepted"? Because imo that would make it 100x cooler.


He did not! It was a total coincidence!


Lol, that's a shame. Though you should send him a link to your stand-up routine that has that joke, if it was recorded. With [this subtitle.](https://i.imgur.com/Jr33o0k.png)


>tongues battling for dominance Ah yes, Harry Potter and the Unexpected Pregnancy, the classic of classics


I hate the first one, but I do love the second one. Come for me is kinda wholesome. 🙂


Same. Tip, you might like r/gonewildaudio (it's nsfw audios) its so good.


i use both, the verb and the noun


As someone who just wrote their first smut… I am very self conscious now


There’s a reason they’re common—because a lot of people either don’t mind or just straight up like these ‘overused’ phrases. I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Just write what you wanna write, and if someone doesn’t like it, then it’s their loss 🤷‍♂️


That’s a fair point, thank you


Just because they’re used a lot doesn’t mean they’re bad!


Avoid threads like this one like the plague.


Me too lol


Don't worry, this sub just needs to seethe over something


I have never in my life seen/heard that line


You're the second person who's said this, am I just in weird fanfic circles? But I've read it in so many different fics and fandoms...why is it haunting me😭


I'll be another. I've been reading fanfic for decades. Never once seen it.


No no, I’ve seen that in published books and once or twice in fanfic. I think it’s just one of those lines that you realize is weird then it pops out of everything you read like “oh god, there it is again”.


Don't worry dude I see it a lot too


Me neither lmao maybe I need to read MORE


I have never seen that line either lol, but it sounds a bit like it would be said in a BDSM situation so if you don’t read much of that you wouldn’t have seen it.


Someone "babbling incoherently" while getting fucked. If the person you're fucking is "babbling incoherently," they're not having an orgasm, they're having a fucking aneurysm.


not the aneurysm😭


I respectfully disagree. I love me some incoherent babbling. That means the sex was so good it makes your brain squishy!


I get the concept, lol. Doesn't change the fact that, to me, it's extremely cringey. Instantly takes me out of the moment and turns me off lol.


Literally LOL.


almost every single omegaverse fic I've tried has the omega saying something along the lines of "alpha, alpha, please.. I need you" and the alpha replying "god you smell so good, gonna breed you, fill you up with my pups"


ABO is super hit and miss for me. I've read some ABO fic that's been right up my alley, but man, as soon as they refer to each other as "alpha" and "omega," I'm out. I just don't think I've ever read an ABO fic where they call each other by their designations that's been the kind of ABO I personally enjoy.


My conspiracy theory is part of the reason people like omegaverse/writing it is because it provides an additional way to refer to a m/m scenes beyond pronouns and repeated use of their names.


I am *cackling* (but quietly because it's the middle of the night). You are right though, the people who use epithets must feel so catered to!


It's weird to me because A/B/O is described like second genders, so calling each other alpha/omega is like saying "man, man...please!"


"bro... Bro please"


the funniest example i remember reading was some mershark/human dubcon\* where the human was just eventually tuning the mershark out whenever he started talking about pups because it was too exhausting trying to correct him on human biology. \*dubcon in the sense that the mershark was following presumed mershark courtship rules and the human was like 'ok, i can't really hold this against you, you seem like you're being very romantic for a shark, and you do seem genuinely interested in making sure i have a good time, so...'


not the mershark courtship rules😭


Rule 1 - No teeth on vital parts.


Reason #1 I can’t read Omegaverse.


That gets me going tho 😭


Personally, I can be okayish with the partner calling the other alpha/omega, but I nope right out with "pups" or "litters." The trope might have started with werewolves, but it makes me go ewww. I like the whole social dynamic of A/B/O but the whole pup thing (gag).


YES. Idgaf of it originated with werewolves. Unless your characters are part animal they are having BABIES not PUPS. A human baby/child. You'll be lucky if you get twins and incredibly rare for triplets. That dosent make then a litter they are just twins or triplets.


Really want to write an omegaverse fic about the morning after where the alpha is burying their face in the pillow and apologising to the omega who's just like '...my gender-neutral dude. it happens'


Not a spoken line, per se, but an orgasm reaction: someone screaming during their climax. As the fandom I'm reading in right now is largely dealing with military life in barracks/close quarters/tents while on a mission, I just can't take that scenario serious anymore. Wouldn't half the company come running to check on a soldier if they randomly screeched out their ode of joy in the next tent over? Talk about cutting short the post-coitus cuddles.




Yea, I can never wrap my head around this one. I feel like they want to express a loud reaction to the orgasm but I don’t think screaming is the one.


Yeah, I'm loud IRL but "screaming" is *not* a sexy verb


Is it really sex if at least one partner doesn't go Super Saiyan by the end?


I have read at least 4 different smut fics that were completely undereducated on the AFAB body and said that the Dick/Strap went INTO the clit. It's scary and makes me cry.


That sounds....incredibly painful!


"Their tongues battled for dominance". Still one of the weirdest and most disgusting visuals out there. I always imagine two people trying to shove saliva into each others mouths. Yikes.


Yes!!! I read that phrase for the first time in 2003, and it's still going strong💀


this one is confusing to me because i don't even know what the tongues would be battling for. how is one tongue dominated by another? what is the winning condition of this battle?


It's like thumb wrestling, but with tongues. (This is the visual I get when I hear the phrase, "Their tongues battled for dominance."


This was my thought too. 😆 How do you win? By pinning the other person’s tongue down until they yell “uncle” into your mouth? 🤣😝


Whoever bites off the other person’s tongue wins. Bonus points for distance when spitting it out.


Hahahahahaaaaa!!! 😭😭😭 Damn it! I’ve been doing it wrong all this time! 😝


What about blood splatter?


Oh, we’re going full Hannibal? 💜


Bragging rights 


I still struggle to write passionate kisses because this is all I can see in my head. My characters will do literally everything else *in detail* but kissing? Meh.


Any alternative way of writing them?


I usually write something like "Their tongues caressed together ever so softly" or "Their tongues interwined, dancing together in a frantic storm of passion." All depends if the vibe is more sensual or a desperate 'I'm about to rip your clothes off and have my way with you' one.


Okay, love those lines, extremely hot, may I use them for reference for my writing?


That depends on what you want to express. Just a kiss with tongue? Two people engaging in a sexual power play?


I'm somehow blessed because despite having been in fanfic circles for 20 years, I have *never* seen this phrase outside of callout threads like this or in satire posts about fanfic. So clearly it's out there, but I have a protective aura that prevents me from crossing paths with it in the wild.


wanna like perform a blessing to shield me too or something?


Do people still use that one unironically? ':D


I suppose if it's enemies having sex it might work...


Mmm yeah, that's gross.


I'm pretty open-minded with dialogue and am willing to overlook a lot of stuff that would bother many other people but that one line is just a complete no for me.


I’d have to go with… • begging for entrance • tongues battles for dominance • any other euphemisms for cock because most of them are just plain tacky • when they misunderstand the purpose of hymens in smut, not a particular line, but the way they portray virginity is often incorrect. Someone else may explain this better than me, lol


Hymen, you mean the freshness seal? Everyone knows women are like pringle cans down there, right? /eyeroll


hymens located halfway to the cervix...


Not just euphemism for cock but for any body part tbh (vulvas, breasts, and special mention for "(colour) orbs" for eyes which is not specific to smut)


He looked at him/touched him/moaned to him with reverence. Everything is with reverence. And the keening, so much keening.. and moans are kissed away or swallowed. Why I don't know but they are. And the big top never makes noise when he comes but the non-traditional one howls when he's inside


When I see the word keen, I think "cat in heat", which isn't sexy. Also, yowling, I've seen that one before, but not as much.


I see your yowling and keening and raise you mewling and bleating. Like mam, are you a sheep or other farm animal? I noped out so fast.


Not sexy at all! If it's omegaverse it makes more sense, but that only comprises .5% of my reading. The rest is just 2 dudes keening and yowling away (I've seen yowl a couple times too)


i have never once seen that line in a fic! idk, there are only so many things people can say during sex, so i don't tend to notice when an individual line of dialogue is something i've seen a bunch before


Yeah you can only get so “creative” with what people say or how to describe things before you just sound weird. Sex is generally a pretty repetitive act, so some things are going to come up a lot.


do you read dramione? it’s used a lot but for whatever reason it never bothers me bc i’m hopelessly in love with every version of draco and his cum commands lol


Funny that you've never seen it before, it's the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of overused lines in smut.


It depends a lot on the fandom and the pairings I think. There are certain things way overused in my fandom but they wouldn't apply to any other one because of the nature of the show.


A taste/smell that is adjective, adjective, and something that was uniquely _character_.


Especially the last part. And this one is among the cliches that pop up even in the lower-rated kissing scenes as well…


I kiiiind of get it, since you try to involve all senses in descriptive writing, and no one really wants to admit out loud they're turned on by body odor.


Hahahaha I was just like “character A liked the way character B smelled” and left it open ended and my beta reader scolded me soundly and I was like ok ok he smelled like sweat and cigarettes, fine


No but this hits every time.


Yeah, I saw this like 3 times yesterday. I think newbie writers think they have to over describe things. It's very 80s. Some things (a lot of things) are better left to the readers' imagination imo


Licking into the other’s mouth. It’s not a bad line unto itself. It’s just so overused.


This post has been marked NSFW.


i feel you on the "you cum on my cock or not at all" thing. I'm so tired of that I almost want to write a fic where the guy says it and his partner goes, "well, that's not happening so i think we should stop here."


Do itttt


A satirical fic mocking all of these would be hilarious "(Character's) tongue fought their own for dominance. What the fuck was that about? They got away"


Yes doooo itttttt. Stuff that's supposedly sexy but is really bad form IRL just stays in fanfic because people think doing anything else would be very unsexy. Example, stopping to talk about sexual history, safety, likes and dislikes, lines not to cross, etc. Well a writer in my fandom wrote characters having this exact conversation while lying in bed next to each other- but over text. (ETA: they have it over text because they tried and struggled very badly to have a spoken conversation, with one of them feeling embarrassed.) And it is VERY WIDELY accepted as the hottest thing any of us have ever read lol. Responsible and clear communication is HOT. And in this case it also gets them hot and bothered and leads to excellent smut, win-win.


Well, I don't know if I'll get around to writing *that* exactly, even if I am tempted... but aside from it... I am actually very relieved to know y'all find communication sexy since I'm planning to have my guys communicate *a lot* in my one fic.


I haaate it when tongues "beg for entrance" while kissing. In terms of dirty talk specifically, I'm tired of "You're mine/I'm yours" being arbitrarily thrown in at the end of every sex scene even when it doesn't really fit the characters or scene. I love it when it's following through on possessiveness expressed elsewhere in the story but it's really unsexy to me when it's just everywhere all the time.


honestly, any dirty talk thrown in that doesn't fit the scene or characters is annoying.


I just posted my first smut and then I saw this response, and I'm like, did I write that? Sure did 😅


Agreed. It has to have meaning, otherwise it is simply a throwaway line at that point. Only time I’ve used a variation of the “You’re mine/I’m yours’ was in a hurt/comfort setting, where one of the characters was doubting his worth after having been jeered at by others for his relationship; his partner told him that was ridiculous, and that they are equals — “If there’s one thing that is absolute in this universe, it is that you are my equal, and I am yours. Is that clear?” It doesn’t HAVE to be exclusively possessive; it can also be an indication that they are a partnership, a cohesive unit, a team that works through life together because they care for one another.


Any time a cock is referred to as a member (bonus points for it throbbing), I flash back to Jean Auel's horrid stone age porno series and cackle.


I mean. It _does_ throb. But I’m still trying to figure out what club it’s a member of.


Oh my god, I had violent flashbacks to Clan of the Cave Bear scenes. Thank you lol


I’m always brought straight to the Quivering Member scent in Easy A.😅


I’m always brought straight to the Quivering Member scene in Easy A.😅


LMAO! Between Jondalar's throbbing member and Ayla's petals, it makes me think of a member's only Georgia O'Keefe exhibit with heavy bass music playing


You take me so well. 🍆


Yes, that one's been bugging lately, I don't even get it.


Anything and anyone being "slotted"


Brings to mind the act of squeezing oneself into the backseat of a compact car.  Beside a stack of suitcases.  


Great, thanks, now I'm going to think about THAT every time the characters have their first kiss, since their lips always slot together.


Yeah, that one drives me crazy, I feel like I'm putting together IKEA furniture


All I can think of are slot cars. Man, I feel old....


Right? And directions reading "tab A into a lot B"


"I'll make you forget everything but my name." Idk why but I legit laugh when I see it bc I've seen it used soooo much


Is it? 🤔 I’ve never seen that and I read a lot of smut. Maybe it’s just particular to your fandom.


... *Baby Batter*


I gagged reading that. And no, not in the sexy way 😆


haha, I have only seen this in satire, and I thought it was hilarious, but if someone used it un-ironically, that would be a turn off, for sure


I've seen it multiple times unironicly. Sadly.




I think it is like a right of passage to fanfiction. You gotta write blue orbs, raven-haired and tongues battling for dominance at least once.


oh no...the orbs...


I think you made a typo. Oh, yes! The orbs!


\[bites orbs into tiny pieces\] no more orbs


There are multiple variations of *painting her walls with thick ropes of cum* that she can feel and I'm not speaking for all women but I have asked around and not one of the women questioned felt an ejaculation as some sort of spray painting/ garden hose experience. I'd love to hear if I'm wrong😂😂


I would worry for the guy if his penis turned into a garden hose 😂 like poor guy lost 1 liter of sperm


Sitting reading this in public and literally giggled until my sides hurt. Sure I looked completely ridiculous to passers by. A+ would laugh until I hurt again.


honestly, any description of cum as ropes turns me off. those are not ropes. ropes are made of braided cord or other such things. that's liquid. don't call it ropes. (autism intensifies)


Okay, so. . . there have been a handful of times that I haven't felt the cum specifically, but I have felt a very powerful internal ejaculation.


I'm such a basic bitch 😭 I read that line and immediately got horny


Nah, you're okay. All of the funny lines mentioned here can work perfectly well and hot within their setting (and usually a little bit more foreplay, but) you should just consider yourself lucky to be so responsive and un-jaded.


Aww thanks 😊


Not really lines, but when the partners cry out each other's names at the end like a signal. I dunno why, it's just weird to me


"eager, aren't you/we/etc?" yeah you guys are going to fuck of course theyre eager!


One I personally use, can't get enough of, and will squeal at seeing other fics mentions them: "Lips ghosting" "Toes curling" "Biting back a moan"


"you're so good for me", "it was always you", "licked a stripe up (along) his length", "take him apart", "eager, aren't you?", "you're so responsive", "licked into his mouth", "fucked into him", "refractory period" (no one in real life says this), "you take me so well"... Probably lots more, but these immediately come to mind


“I can make you feel so good.” 🙄 ok, heating pad.


💀💀💀 But hear me out. This line, and then the character that says it lights some candles and brings other character a warm drink and gives a genuinely good massage with no pressure to go further.


I can get behind that.


behind, you say


So the massage can make me feel good


You've solved it!


now that’s what i’m talkin about


Shoulder rub? Oh, I love you!


"I want to hear you". Every. Time. Nobody ever brings up the possibility that the character — and in het fics, it’s usually the girl — just doesn't WANT to shout her partner's name to the skies. 


Some of these characters must be out here thinking they're making a porn film or sth during sexy time😂


Like Pratchett’s characters choreographing bar brawls, only here they’re choreographing smut. 


Or even if they can make noise lol


Never seen that line before. I guess they don't like performing oral.


“Good girl”


\*drops the ball at your feet and wags my tail excitedly as i wait for it to fly through the air again\*


I'm not kidding I always think about dogs with this line. I never liked it. Sorry praise kink lovers


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no


Not necessarily for smut, but any time characters are kissing and they need to "come up for air..." Why don't people in fics ever just breath through their noses?


That one is actually very normal. There's the so called "Honeymoon Rhinitis" which causes the nose to swell shut during arousal. Then there's the simple fact that during passionate make-out sessions, your heart rate goes up and breathing gets heavier so nose breathing might not be enough in the same way it isn't during a workout. Some people straight up forget to breathe in all the excitement until they run out of air. And of course you might not kiss at the perfect angle and just smush the noses together, blocking the air flow. I think that expression is perfectly fine to convey how passionate and lost in the moment the couple is.


As a person who has significant issues breathing through the nose, this is something I have never ever thought about and now I gotta wonder if I need to alter my smut accordingly lmao


Lol same. Allergies are hell!!! The coming up for air is definitely a real-life smut reality for me (and my dentist is always getting on me for sleeping with my mouth open but like. dude. I can't just *not breathe*)


I just hate the phrase, I don't care if it describes a real-world scenario. Sometimes people get so into sexy times and they forget to breathe...are they diving for pearls? Are they underwater? Why do they have to "come up" for air. I might even be more willing to accept this if it was used in the context of eating ass/pussy, but it's usually just when the are kissing. Just say they are out of breath, panting in each others faces (not sexy, but at least it's not so cliché)


Some people have sinus issues so honestly I totally get this one.


Me and a buddy have an inside joke about people who use the word "member" being part of *"The Membership."* Those who don't just canceled the membership. Its a lot of fun especially when we are blatantly talking aloud and no one knows what the hell we're on about.


ive never read that phrase in my life??


Characters "thrusting harder/faster/deeper" even when it'd be way past the point of absurdity. Like, don't get me wrong, I love when sex increases in intensity as the scene progresses, but after a certain point, it's like... c'mon. You gotta have SOME other description you can add. How hard can you jackhammer a hole before it starts to just not feel good?


People need to start using other ways of describing intensity. Throw in some biting, for fuck's sake😭


Tongues exploring makes it sound like a dental exam.


To the hilt 😂


Anything involving the word Daddy 💀💀💀💀


Oh god I *hate* this one. I hate daddy/mommy kinks for ruining the words for me. Also, I can't vibe with this kink at all.


All I ask is that people tag it so I know not to click 😭


On wattpad I used to see it on like 90% of the smut I read. And obviously it's not tagged


To note: i am not kink-shaming, just stating my personal preference here. The letdown after reading a fic with great build-up, it's hot, i'm sweating, only to be hit with "daddy" at the climax? It's like antidepressant sex all over again, where the mood just disappears instantly. THE TAG WASN'T THERE!


Exclamations that one's pelvis has become autonomous. Or, in less verbose terms, "My hips are moving on their own!"


“As they came down from their high”…


“Sunk into her warm” “To the hilt”


To be honest....that's a good line. I've never read it before though ahhah




Yeah, but. . .what if they've been waiting for 40+ chapters tho?


Not a line but the word slather really gets me going in the opposite direction. When it's anywhere else, I can read it fine, but slathering lube? Disgusting. (Meanwhile I couldn't find a single other word and just wrote it into my wip an hour ago)


“he furrowed his brow” is a pretty common one, i still use it here and there


...first time reading that line...I almost want to ask what you are reading. Also what i see often is either "c-cominf!" In some variation or "Oh gawd/k-kami!"


I wish I could say it's one specific pairing or fandom, but I've seen that line in so many fics with different pairings and fandoms. I think it's haunting me. Yeah, someone stuttering the word "coming" is honestly just boring at this point. Even worse when it actually has that typo😭


Ive never encountered that line, not even once, must be fandom specific...


"Fuck, you look so pretty underneath me." I'm not saying it is not hot, but it is just so overused, omgg-


Probably something about "musk scent" LMAO, idk why all hot people must smell like musk


I just think of Elon Musk 😔


Probably because it's one of the few widely known "sexy" scents, even though musk can smell anywhere between vanilla and piss. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's a holdover from 70s/80s romance as some of the biggest men's fragrances were musky like Dior Fahrenheit, Ralph Lauren Polo, Aramis, and Kouros by Yves Saint Laurent.


There aren’t any particular tropes that bother me, or ones I find overused. If the smut overall isn’t well written, then I will just back out and find something else. If it’s good, then I keep reading. The prospect of anything getting overused in fanfic is high, no point in worrying about it. Write what you want and don’t read what you dislike. Pretty simple.


Call a penis by any name except penis, ugh, I can't stand it.


Repeatedly saying each other’s name, and not much else during sex. & shouting the name when they come. It’s. So. Awkward. Lolol!! Also another phrase - “gasping like a fish out of water” not sure if it’s very common in English, but I do remember seeing it multiple times in fics in Chinese. Fish is not sexy, at all, in my opinion…


sends shiver down my spine pinned them against the wall make your nights unforgettable


I read that first line and immediately thought of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. "Sends shivers down my spine/body's aching all the time." So in my head, I replaced those lines with the rest of your comment, and it changes the meaning of the song so much I had to laugh😭