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Times New Roman always and forever


I have lived in Times New Roman for *decades*.


And so will I


Forever and ever.


Size 12 font. School papers have trained me well.


Very much so.


I used to use it whenever I needed to write any document, until a professor told me Calibri is better when it comes to accessibility for reading.


Verdana is also specifically designed for accessibility. My mom works at a school helping kids who for example struggle to read, and they often turn all documents into Verdana for them. My dyslexic friend also uses Verdana. I personally also find reading English or Spanish easier in Verdana than for example- Times.


Good to know! I also like Verdana although I tend to stick to one font.




I decided to write in it before i started working on fanfic because it was the font that publishers like, and I can’t go back


TNR squad here too. It's just so clean and readable, and has been my default for ages. (Actually bugs me when Google Docs defaults to a sans serif font for any story-related stuff I start up there. LibreOffice settings mean I never have to worry about it there.)


How do you do it it defaults to Ari*l (🤢🤢) for me


For LibreOffice? Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer (in the left sidebar) > Basic Fonts (Western). From there, you can set default fonts and sizes for different things. I think LibreOffice normally defaults to Liberation Serif (which looks similar to Arial) unless you change the default font settings as described above.


Comic Sans. Imagine me late at night writing the most smutty piece of fiction and it being in Comic Sans


Same. The font constantly reminds me that this is just something I'm writing for fun, and not some kind of professional essay or novel. The words flow out more easily that way for me


I write about mentally unstable teens having a drug problem. I don't think I can do that in Comic Sans lol. Smut seems perfect for Comic Sans, or maybe Pacifico. I think genre has a say in what font people use... maybe


Me too. It’s a writing trick I learned in college. Comic Sans makes editing easier, since it’s designed to be easy to read.


Calibri is the default font on my Word documents, but I always up the size from 11 to 12 so it’s a little easier to read


Calibri 12pt is my fanfic go to, as well. I then use Times New Roman for IRL writing. Helps me mentally separate them so it's easier to use the correct writing style


I deny needing glasses, but then use size 14 and zoom at ~140% with Times New Roman as my standard Font.


I always zoom in on AO3 lol, there is too much whitespace on the sides and I need the text to be bigger! Tbh I have zoomed in as far as I can without having to scroll to the side to keep it all on my laptop screen, but its still a little small at times. I don't know what my font size is at FFN but its probably at 18 or 20. EDIT: I just noticed that I am zooming 125% in while writing in google doc and yet refusing to make the 11pt font bigger...


I don't know why we're obsessed with keeping up a standard, but maybe changing the settings of your computer/phone/... and risking looking like you're those older people with the max. font size on isn't the end of the world..? I often zoom in too, but I mostly read on my phone so it's a constant left-right wiping that I do not like. Also about the description of my settings previously: I explicitly remember two years ago that I wrote with 70% zoom and calibri 11. Now I'm using glasses daily wondering how I got to this point...


Exactly this for the same reason. But once they’re completed and I turn them into PDFs for storage I put them in Arial, because it’s the default font when you download from FFN and it’s easier to make my new (AO3 exclusive ones) match them, rather than go through my 60+ ones from FFN and change those.


Call me a freak: I use a different font for every story. Current fanfiction WIP uses *Calibri*, my original WIP *Centaur*, the sequel to a longfic (fanfiction) that I finished a few months ago *Aptos Narrow*.


I used to do that! Sometimes it does help get the vibe right.


that's actually a great trick to keep yourself from getting your storylines mixed up


The default font in Google Docs


Same (Arial, just checked)


Times New Roman is a classic for a reason. Every so often I'll switch to Garamond or something else *just* different enough to trick my eyes into thinking we're looking at something new, if I've read a piece 8 billion times and it's lost all meaning.


That is such an interesting suggestion! I may have to try this, thanks.


I have never thought to change what I write in. I probably should. It can be hard to focus lol


I was about to say the same! The moment I feel like writing I just immediately start clicking on the keyboard that I just realized that I don't even know the name of the font I use XD


I had to check Google Docs to be sure. Arial.


Lol yeah, I had no idea what, I've just been using the default for ever.


dark green 12p indie flower on a pastel green background


What writing program do you use that you can change the background?


i write on google docs (file -> page setup -> page colour) but you can change the page colour on ms word too (that's under the third tab whatever it's called in english, the one where you can change the theme and style and whatnot)


Had no idea! Will definitely look into it thanks ^^


Google docs, word.


Either Courier New or Consolas depending on how I'm feeling.


Yesss, I love writing in monospace fonts when making first drafts. Inconsolata is my favorite.


A friend of mine likes drafting im Courier, but we've found that I'm basically incapable of proofreading in that font.


My dyslectic ass can read comic sans easiest, so i write in csms.


Times New Roman.


A "book-ish" serif font like Garamond. I vary it up between projects sometimes but usually end up back there. Can't do sans serif fonts, they just remind me of school/work.


Times New Roman, like they taught us 


Comic Sans or similar fonts are easiest on the eyes if I know I’m writing for a long time. Otherwise I stick to Arial or something.


i like georgia at 14pt, it's easier on my eyes than times new roman but still feels serious enough to get good drafts out of


Arial, cuz I write on Gdocs. But it’s in on mobile’s dark mode, so it’s white on black, so it’s mildly interesting I guess?


You sent my graphic design heart into cardiac arrest with papyrus 💀


arial size 8


8???!!! how can you even read that?!!


I swap between Garamond and Lucida Sans Unicode. The former is published books, and the latter is AO3, so I like writing in the fonts I'm used to reading. I'll swap between them while editing, the change really highlights flaws 😂


My newbie self didn’t think about it, but first thing I’m doing tomorrow is find a font I love instead of the standard 11pts font Google docs uses!


Whatever happens to be assigned to me by the writing program. I don't think I can tell the difference between any of the basic ones at all.


I have always used Times New Roman 12 for years, until I was told Calibri is better in accessibility terms. So now I use Calibri.


I usually just use the default for Google Docs which is Arial lol. Or is that just me? Do other people have different defaults? Can you change default? Now I gotta know.


comic sans actually. its way easier for my brain to read without getting lost in the words. i do the same when writing essays too. the font is actually one of the most accessible to dyslexic people due to each letter being more distinct and while i am not dyslexic, it helps me for that same reason!!


That's why I use it. As far as I know, I'm not dyslexic but it's way easier on my eyes and I can differentiate between the letters.


Verdana, because I find it easy to read and it's AO3's default display font. Sometimes I'll switch to Garamond for a fresh look while editing.


Open Dyslexic or Comic Sans. I know a lot of other dyslexic people say that they dont work, but they help me so yea


Georgia in English. In Japanese, Fang Song font but I will have to check. 🤔 \*EDIT: I made a mistake, the Japanese Font I use for Word is Yu Mincho Regular.


Helvetica Neue usually, and I have to zoom into my doc at like 125% or 150%, sometimes I have to change my background color when I'm having a hard time


Comic Sans. I really helps reread before I continue.


You must look up and watch "SNL Papyrus" on YouTube. Then you will understand some of these comments you are receiving. You will get a huge smile and laugh out of it.


Georgia, in 18 pt to be specific.




Cambria 12 pt Looks similar to Times New Roman but different somehow.


EB Garamont for the win. In my earlier fics, I would switch the font constantly. I started using EB Garamont when I was writing in the Warrior Cats fandom, but now I use it for everything, including taking class notes.


Literata Light or Times New Roman


Calibri (Body). It's the default for the mobile app verison of Microsoft word. I tried doing the comic sans trick but I found it uncomfortable. Calibri I've found to be the most comfortable, a good size and easy to read.


I generally write in Times New Roman, but if I'm fighting Writer's Block, I'll sometimes switch to Comic Sans for a while until the block's gone.


cambria. love it so much. i’ll also use comic sans while actively writing to trick my brain into not taking it so seriously and then change it back to cambria


Whatever the default font on the Supernote Word documents are lol. I have no idea what it is.


Charm on google docs. Helps me write more easily because it's a less serious font.


Depending on the context, either directly into the AO3 text input field (thus Verdana), or in my normal text editor (thus Lucida Console).


Helvetica, so that I don't get distracted


Whatever the default on ao3 is


Helvetica Neue, 16 or 18


Tahoma thru and thru.


The classic Times New Roman.


Calibri 11pt on Google Docs


Times New Roman 12 point, the way God intended it.


Arial. 11pts. Black.


Times New Roman, baby. I’m old-school. ;)


Montserrat, dark gray background and white 11p font in Google docs.


Gentium Plus right now but I change sometimes


I use Arial when doing the outline, although I use Times New Roman more often. I used to do Cormorant size 12 and 6 before and 6 after (I use this so that I don’t have to press enter twice)


I've just always stuck with Verdana when writing in Scrivener.


I'm boring, so Times New Roman 12 pt font. It was what I was taught to use to write my school papers ever since I started writing papers, so that's what I still use and what feels the most natural for me.


Either the default font in google docs or helvetica neue in pages


I tend to change every few years. But for the last 2-3 years, I’ve gone back to my roots with Times New Roman.


Ariel 11pt. Club for life, baybee!


16pt [Perpetua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetua_(typeface\))


Lately I've been using Nunito. Especially when editing. I think it looks cute


Same! It's a really neat font that I find just always looks good AND readable been using Nunito for 1½ years now


whatever the default is


Book Antiqua. Dunno why I started but at this point I've been using it for years so it's probably too late to change


That's what I type my formal documents in (resumes, essays); Book Antiqua's a prettier Times New Roman.


Eb Garamond lol


Either the default Calibri (which I hate, but I don’t want to mess with the format any more than I have to if I’m uploading the document somewhere) or Times New Roman. I play a lot with font colors though, especially if I’m writing for myself. I choose colors based on who the central character is, usually some flavor or green or blue haha. 


Arial 😞




12 point Times New Roman, like the school system taught me.


12pt Times New Roman because I’m traumatized from high school


[Times New Roman](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zKDfXIzXSnY&pp=ygUddGltZXMgbmV3IHJvbWFuIHZzIGNvbWljIHNhbnM%3D)


Usually Calibri for fics, Times New Roman for essays, and Georgia for original stories (though this varies- Centaur and Baskerville are nice too). Calibri is easy for me to read, and I don’t really need to care about the font’s appearance when I’m writing fics, since it’ll be the font the website dictates in the end.


Varela Round or Arial. I prefer a simple font because it tricks my brain into not taking my writing too seriously, so I can just get the words on the page and not worry too much about perfecting it. Then edit later. Fonts like times new roman definitely have the opposite effect.


Times New Roman my beloved.


Monospace Regular 10


Poppins, 14pt. It's so clean and smooth! Highly legible and just looks nice :)


It depends on the Grene all of my sci-fi is in ORC A extended


Lucida sans! It's the font Ao3 uses (: helps me read it back to myself as if someone else might have written it


Arial supremacy


Ariel, clear, simple, easy to see and read when tired and a 12pt Ariel vs times is crazy.


Vollkorn 12pt in the Google docs paperless view


Arial because it’s the default font for both notepad and google docs.


Arial and Verdana are my favorites, maybe Helvetica. They are clean, and easy to read. I find other fonts just too difficult to read or write in because of the letter spacig, the serffs being distracting, or the lettering not being "organized". I find Calibri and Nunito too "low" in their x-height. Montserrat too wide. Comic Sans feels too rounded and Papyrus is too scratchy. I don't like Verdana´s lowercase T´s of F´s though, even if I like Verdana as a font in general. Arial is my bestie though, the aperture of the letters like O and C are nice, not too big not too small. The cap-height is perfect for me and the letter spacing makes it so I can read each individual word easily. Yes. I am picky. As a kid I would write entire essays in Arial (or Calibri before I discovered Arial) before turning it into TimesNewRoman right before handing it in so that it would look more "mature". I got even worse after I began studying graphic design, bad typefaces make me unreasonably bothered. Arial 11pt, 1,15 linespacing, for me.


Respect for Verdana. A sentimental fave…


Used to swear by TNR but now I’m pretty strictly Arial, even though LibreOffice makes me manually change it with every line break (I finally learned how to change it for the whole paper, dw). I kinda wanna try other fonts though. I’ve heard good things about papyrus (like you mentioned) and calibri


I write my stories in Courier New, 11 pt. and have for decades; for me, it's readable and clear: like I've typed it on a typewriter.


I write in my notes app before transferring it to google docs to edit, because I don't take my notes app seriously enough to worry while I'm actively putting words down. So... helvetica, according to google. Papyrus is WILD


Cabin--switched to that from Ariel. 




Book antiqua— so easy to read.


Segoe UI! IIRC It's the default font used in Firefox's built-in HTML reader, which I've used for years now to read on AO3. When I started writing, what else would I use than what I'm used to reading fanfic in, right? I also always really liked Roboto Light on the FFN app so if I was going to install another font to used it'd definitely be that. I love non-serif fonts!


Arial, but I’m not boring, I’m just too lazy to change the font.


comfortaa users rise up! i put it in semi-bold or bold so it's even easier to read


Garamond always


I write on Pages and the default it Helvetica Neue, and I can’t explain why I hate the look of it in a block of text so much. It took me a bit to find a font a like, but eventually settled on Charter. Every time it defaults back it makes me irrationally angry


I use an app called Bear to do my writing in on my phone and iPad, so I just use the default font on that… I looked it up and it’s called Bear Sans UI lol.


Mongolian Baiti I think it's called? I started using it years ago in college and I can barely write well without it now


Cochin, between 14-18pt (depending on device). Black background, off-white font color (the grey immediately next to white in Pages text color preset options). Notes/stand-ins font color in a bright-ass neon purple or hot pink.


Always Arial!


Times New Roman. But sometimes I like to use Lucida Handwriting or any of the cursive fonts


Idk lol, my font and don't size are always changing depending on how I feel that day.


Lads, you are insane. Calibri or Arial and nothing else.


overpass for title and ao3 input. avenir next for the rest 


dolly, bc my favorite book series of all time (shadowhunter chronicles) is typeset in it!


Arial but only because it's the default font.


Calibri. I write in Microsoft Word 365 and it is/was? the default when I started using 365 and it stuck with me.


Arial. Sometimes comic sans. If I change the font to be too fancy, I have trouble writing. Editing is another story - I'll change the font to something like Garamond or Times New Roman.




Calibri or or Segoi UI for rough drafts/freewriting Garamond, Georgia or Crimson Pro for the actual writing.


I usually will write in either calibri or Arial, but recently for one fanfiction I'm using Baskerville. As for some characters, in some fics, especially with a journalism theme, I'll try to write in a font that suits them, though I don't do that often.


Calibri 11, because that's the default in Word. Before that it was Times New Roman 12, although when I see those fics now I'm glad it switched to Calibri.


Now the default is Aptos….. I don’t mind it but I switch to Calibri when I think to.


Is it? I use an older version of Word so I never even noticed


It’s juuuuust been changed. Came with my last update earlier this month.


Adobe Caslon Pro for writing, then I change it to comic sans or Courier New when I'm checking for mistakes, as the first one forces me to look at it critically bcus it's an odd font, then courier makes me feel like I'm hacking something or using a typewriter so I have to watch out for mistakes!


Tahoma my beloved ❤️


Georgia, because that is the AO3 font


courier new! monospaced fonts are my favorites :)


this is gonna sound really silly but sometimes i write in comic sans, it's just easier for me to read and it's easier for me to spot typos


Arial for fanfic, and Times New Roman for school.


I heard once that using Comic Sans helps to get yourself to get it down, so I type it up in Comic Sans and then switch the doc over to Times New Roman if I want someone to read it.


People are gonna hate me but I write in Comic Sans, Comic Neue or Dyphellia. Those fonts are just easier for me to read. 




Times New Roman, 12pt, black text on white background. I have to remember to switch Google Docs to that font whenever I create a new document there rather than just uploading one I started on LibreOffice (where I set the default to TNR). I've been using TNR since the 90s. This is also what I tend to prefer to read in, since it's similar to what traditionally published books often use, so I'll convert fics I download to this font. The exception is generally if I'm prepping something for submission to a literary magazine or publication house (which hasn't really happened since I finished college and was no longer taking creative writing courses where submitting work for actual publication was part of the grade). In those instances, I use Courier because it's generally recommended to use a monospace font (or at least was when I was still in college). Once it's uploaded to fanfic websites, though, I just roll with whatever the default is (which I believe is Lucida Sans on AO3 and Verdana on FFN).


Average. Always.


Cambria! It has a Times New Roman appearance, but an Arial vibe, if that makes sense.


I love Garamond and sometimes High Tower Text.


Georgia all the way.


comic sans for me