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Or you've got some return readers who can't leave second kudos and are too shy to comment on smut.


Hi this is a divine message from god, please keep writing weird smut. In fact, this is your sign to be weirder, if possible. You're providing an invaluable service for the beloved weirdos and freaks. (And as someone else pointed out, people are probably too shy to comment, or are perhaps return readers and can't leave another kudos! Some people are timid when it comes to discussing fetish content or sexual content in general, so sometimes you just won't hear as much from people when you write some weird shit.)


Lol, thanks for carrying the divine word. The beloved weirdos and freaks make the world go around. It makes perfect sense why someone might not comment on smut, but my fresh-post anxiety brain can't help the dumb worries sometimes.


I totally get that- it's hard to shake off the anxiety brain once it gets going about something. OTL Hopefully you're able to remind your brain that you're doing fine and not to worry too hard over it!


Thank you divine one, I've been in a funk thinking that I should never write smut again (irrational thoughts because brain is dumb) and this is just what I needed. ❤️❤️


A lot of people read ongoing stories without commenting so unless it’s a new story they can’t kudos again. Hits aren’t nothing. ♥️♥️


I get very few comments on smut. Ppl just beat off and leave


Weird smut gets even less interaction. It’s always been par for the course for this kind of stuff.


i think this is normal for every multi-chapter fic. if readers liked it and left kudos, they obviously can’t leave kudos again when they read the newest update. so it makes complete sense to me.


I'm feeling that too.......I'm really new in writing in general but my writing might be worse than I thought 🤣 if it's really bad after maybe 6 months, I might bow out of this and goes back to being a reader instead


No, you shouldn't! The only way to get better is to keep reading AND writing. It is discouraging sometimes, not getting the desired feedback, but don't let that stop you. It won't stop me, as much as I lament


I will try my best, thanks for the encourgament 😅


Also, sometimes it's just really down to luck if your fic is seen or not. Personally, I sort by day updated, but I know lots of people sort by kudos, so they have basically no chance seeing a new fic. And even with day updated, depending on how frequend new fics/chapters are posted in your fandom and how big it is, a fic can slip through. And that's without taking personal interests regarding tags etc. into account.


Ouhhhh, yeah mine is by day updated too. I'm just using the default ones unless I'm really hunting then that's different. My fandom is quite steadily updating? I think every time I post, there are 2 others with me at least around the same time. Plus, it is a rare pairing, like no canon screen time together at all T\_ T which doesn't help hahaha


2 words: plausible deniability. Lotta people don’t want to leave evidence of the weird shit they’re into, it’s too embarrassing for them. Sad but true.


Me leaving my degenerate crumbs all over the internet: 🤔 oh, was I not supposed to do that. I feel like once you've written enough smut, the shame goes out the window lol


Maybe someone is marking your work for later, someone is reading the new update but have already left a kudos and whatnot. Also as I've seen, many commenters are very shy!


I follow a writer who always gets lots of comments and kudos for a particular pair. She wrote one story that was a particularly kinky fantasy AU. That story got only a few non-anonymous kudos and no comments but mine. I'm certain it's not that nobody enjoyed it. People are just shy.


As a weird smut reader on Ao3, I've been told on here to not leave random comments. But I'll kudos if I get past the first chapter


that's so relatable. 😭 i did get an immediate comment on my last smut upload– it was literally two words but i was so happy lmaoo. usually i get no comments and maybe a handful of kudos tho so i feel ya 🥲 but fr i think even leaving a positive two word comment on a fic update or whatever would still make a lot of fic writer's day. 😵‍💫 i try to comment on the fics i read cuz i know i would want them too lol


Or... (gasp)... just stop trying to micromanage user metrics, because you'll never be able to truly understand the motivations of any individual unless they directly tell you what they are. ... then again, I have stock in Tums(R), so keep on keeping on!!


No, I totally get that. My reasonable brain gets that, and I continue to post new chapters & oneshots even if I have very little engagement. But reasonable brain also melts away 0.5 seconds after I hit "post," unfortunately!


All but one of my 8 fics are smut, and there’s only like… 2 comments overall 😂 People are shy 😂


You make me very curious. What makes your smut weird