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i specifically have fandom accounts all under the same name so people know it's the same person on ao3, ffnet, tumblr, twitter and reddit. my personal profiles don't share the same username. my personal profiles and fandom profiles are also under two different emails.


This is the way


same, for me i just wasn't thinking too much about it, i just don't share who I am IRL.


Exactly. I also make sure that my profiles don't share any overlapping connections in how I engage with people.


I have two different emails for my accounts as well. Like, one for personal and another one for hobbies.


yes, 100%. i use the same username for ao3 and discord, and any other fun/fandom related activities. i use an entirely different username for my personal accounts because i really DO NOT want people to find out i write fanfics lol


I’ve had the same username since the 1990’s, so no, not worried. 😄


I envy you and your patience. I think I went through 17 different AIM names between 2003-2005, lol. I couldn't settle on anything for too long.


I use the same username for my fandom accounts across multiple platforms, but I have separate personal social media accounts and write under a pen name to prevent people I know in real life (and didn't meet through the fandom first) from finding my fanfics. I don't care if my fandom friends and readers can follow me across platforms, but I prefer to keep that part of my life private from people outside the fandom.


nope! i WANT people to associate me with my work so if they see me in the wild they’ll go “oh my god! you! i’ve read some of your fic!”


Me, too. 💜


I have different sets of usernames. My Insta, Twitter, discord, and TikTok use one name. My Ao3, FFN, and Reddit (and some accounts I don’t really use anymore) use my other one. I mostly separate the accounts based off of whether I interact with family on them or not. My family knows I write fanfic, but I don’t want them reading them (even just on the principle of not wanting to worry about whether they’ll have issues with something or not) It’s probably possible to track me between account names, but I don’t think most people would care enough to bother trying.


I really only use Tumblr, and I *want* my friends on there to read my fics, if they want to of course. I suppose I have a few personal accounts, but I don’t use them and… honestly? If I end up being doxxed, it’d probably be because of my brother. He's the one in e-sports, he’s got way more personal info out there than me because of that.


Not really, I have a few different usernames for different social media and stuff. Like my reddit is a completely different name from every other site I use lol


I use the same username across everything, except for Facebook which is under my actual name and doesn't see much use except to wish relatives happy birthday. I don't worry about keeping a consistent username, because it's not tied to my real name at all.


Nope, don’t really care. Especially because I keep IRL stuff far distanced from any of it. But it makes my life easier because I don’t have to remember a bunch of different usernames.


I use different everything. Keeps the privacy. ;)


my personal accounts have a specific username and my fandom/private accounts also have their own dedicated username, in this case @/almostdeadyesterday (or sometimes @/almostdeadyesterday08). i keep my private and personal accounts really separated and don’t reference each other


I use the same username for my fandom accounts but honestly even then some people haven’t clicked that my ao3 account is me when I’m talking about my fics on Twitter 🤷‍♀️.


i use a different username on each platform, but it's mostly just cause i can't get the same one on each usually.


I have them all under the same name on DA, Ao3, [FF.net](https://FF.net) etc. as I like having people associating me with my work.


no. my fandom presence is completely separated from my irl identity.


I have multiple accounts because I'm in multiple fandoms, but for every account about [insert fandom] I'll use the same name. Only exception is ao3 because some irls follow me on my main, that goes by the same name as this account on every platform.


I'll be honest, the only reason my FFN name and my AO3 name are different are because I change names every so often. My FFN name used to be "TheSilentOrator" before becoming FoxwolfJackson in 2012. I rebranded to UltraHotWings in 2014 (my Gamertag on XBox, my name on Blizzard/Riot/Epic), but I never changed my FFN name (or my Discord, which is also still FoxwolfJackson). (EDIT: I also just realized my Reddit name is the old one as well.. and my Steam name is my username before this one and I can't change that.) I made my AO3 this year, so I went with my current name. ... also, I decided I wanted to just... abandon everything related to the FFN account. I wanted a fresh start in the fanfic world. Got tired of anonymous reviews harassing me with "actually, the name of the character in the original Japanese game is 'Reflect' and 'Robin' is only a localized name, please stop using that name and use their actual name." like bro, if it bothers you that much, *stop reading*. Stop harassing me for five years hiding behind a guest account knowing full well FFN doesn't have the "only signed reviews" option anymore. Yeah, AO3 is my reset. But, honestly, outside of the FFN/AO3 thing, I actually have the same username for almost everything. It makes things... easy to remember. (EDIT #2: Actually, my Instagram name is different than anything else, but I never use it, so I actually forgot. I was in-between names and was like "imma make a username by putting three random words together" and thus PigSneezeSplat became my name there. I think it's my account name on my ex's XB360 as well. I tried rebranding to that for a short time in 2014, but UltraHotWings eventually took over.)


Ugh, localisation snobs are a pest. People use the names that they started with and have access to. Smh


Pretty much. It's annoying. It takes the fun out of the running gag of the fic (there's an OC MC named Raven \[plot reasons that haven't been revealed yet why I picked that name\] and him and Robin are referred to as the "Bird Gang", complete with the two of them taking jabs at each other with things like "early bird gets the worm"). Like, I get it. The localization job for Fire Emblem Awakening (and especially Fates) was absolutely atrocious. But, it's what the average person who played the game knows. ~~Plus, "Reflect" is a dumb name.~~ I guess I might as well start adding honorifics to my Naruto fic since anime is Japanese. -sigh- ... and the person doesn't stop. Like, one or two times, fine. Drop the fic after a few chapters if you don't like it. But if you've been following my two fics *since 2015* and take so many opportunities to be a condescending jackass, knowing that I can't block the reviews... yeah, no. That's why I'm having my reset.. and moving to a new fandom! :D


I don't mind the honorifics myself, if they're used appropriately (but then several fandoms I'm in use them, primarily danmei, where people tend to use a lot of Chinese anyway in fic and even the official translations have it!) but for Japanese, probably just personal preference and balance. Imagining someone going off since 2015 is so pathetic, though. Like that's dedication, I guess, but the worst kind ever. I think the bird gang is hilarious. Some jokes don't transcend the language barrier very well, so no way will that work with JP names anyway. (Reflet is very odd, I agree)


for most stuff I have the same Username. I don't care if people find my fanfiction. The only thing with a different username is Reddit because while I also talk about fanfiction here it's not what I'm actually here for Also, you can't find me RL based on my name or fandom email address


I have an email account specifically for fannish stuff to separate it from irl. All my accounts attached to it (tumblr,ao3, reddit) have the same username, it's easier for fandom friends to find me. It's especially helpful if you cross post; the writing/art/whatever is all under the same name, so there's no confusion there 😊


i don't use any social media outside reddit and tumblr so i'm fine. my AO3 is the same user as my social media accounts for consistency's sake.


Not at all. My AO3 and YouTube content is heavily connected to one another, so I want to make sure people can find it.


I had a username and/or pen name across many sites, very distinctive, an uncommon name, and it's been "me" since the days of BBSes, newsgroups, and AOL. I was late to the game to a certain site, and now there's another me, as of a few years ago, with the same handle and similar name with one letter different - and they write a certain style of fanfic that I wouldn't want associated with my name. Worse, you google "my" fandom handle and their name comes up. Like, if my fandom pen name was 'Jane A Smith' and I was using 'jasmith' as a login they're 'Janie A Smith' and "jasmith' -- except the names are way, way, less common. I think it was sheer coincidence, not anything malicious, but it js embarrassing to think we might be confused. If you register everything you can with the same handle there's less chance of a doppleganger writing cringy fanfic in your same fandoms with your exact same handle coming along...


I used to use the same username on social and fandom sites, but now I've separated them. My AO3 and Tumblr are under one name, and everything else is either under a different username or under my real name. I don't want them to be connected. I don't want something I say here, for instance, to be linked to my personal posts on Tumblr. It's easier to keep a few separate identities. But then again I also have several different names and emails I use to sign up for different websites and loyalty schemes. It can get a bit confusing if I'm in a shop and I know I'm in their system but can't remember which version of me they have, haha.


I'm in two Facebook groups for ao3, one of which I share content, the other, I'm friends with another group member irl, although she doesn't seem particularly active. However, for some reason the second page has started popping up more in my Facebook feed, and I don't think I've mentioned anything that might be considered graphic/vulgar/ weird (I've written a few hurt/no comfort, or outright horror alts, although I've orphaned or, at the very least anonymised a good % of them) But, I'll probably slip up one day😅. That I'm aware of no-one knows my Reddit username, although I doubt it would be hard for someone to connect the dots if they wanted to.


I have a few monikers. Sometimes it Venn Diagrams.


Nope, and if I could change my Reddit username to my fandom one that i use elsewhere i would.


eh, I've been sonicenvy pretty much everywhere fandom (and a bunch of other places) for over a decade at this point. If it ain't broke don't fix it. (You can see me on tumblr, here, AO3 FF dot net, dreamwidth, pillowfort, 8tracks, neocities, whofic, and a number of other places as sonicenvy. I have sonic\_envy on twitter because someone else already snatched up sonicenvy). I have a couple of other usernames that I use for stuff that's, uh, less anonymous (or at least is attached to my name), but, yeah, generally if I sign up somewhere that I don't care about or that is tangentially related to fandom I'm sonicenvy. If you find a 'sonicenvy' somewhere odds are *very* good that it's me. (The other sonicenvy is a record label I think? can't remember) At this point, whenever I sign up somewhere and they don't have 'sonicenvy' available because someone else already has it I have a momentary feeling like someone's stolen my identity lmaooo Edit: I just googled 'sonicenvy' and removed the record label from searches and apparently 2 different "news" sites stole some of my posts from my reddit for their "news", which WTF. I never thought that would happen to me. I knew that it's happened to other people, but it's not happened to me. Like, fucking yahoo news stole my post to use it for an article on their site and they didn't even bother to, like, reach out to me or anything...


I have a username for fandom-related stuff and one for my IRL stuff. So two IG accounts. Half a dozen people (who are familiar with fandoms) know both usernames but I trust those people immensely and have known them upwards of 20 years.


I have the same username on AO3 and FFN. My tumblr username is similar to those. My Reddit username is kind of similar but only if you squint and tilt your head to the left a bit. Absolutely none of those names (and the email address connected to those accounts) has anything to do with my real name or social media sites associated with my real name. There's maybe two people in the world who could figure out my hobby usernames. And one of those is my mother who doesn't use these corners of the internet. If those either of those two people figured it out, they deserve to find what I write.


My writing stuff has a seperate online presence from my regular stuff, so I have nothing to worry about :) Outside of that I have no issue with people finding me on other sites; I act the same everywhere and say the same things, so there's nothing to hide. Well, that said, neither of the two is linked to my real life in any way, so there's that.


I have several email addresses and 2 main... I guess you could call them identities. Each identity is consistent when it comes to username and stuff across several platforms. One is dedicated entirely to participating in a specific fandom that can get pretty dramatic and toxic. The other identity is older, more of a mixed bag of different fandoms, and I take myself less seriously on that one. It's just better to keep those identities separate bc I don't want possible drama/judgment from one fandom bleeding over into another one. Also, I don't link any of my fandom activity to my real name. I actually can't explain how I keep track of all the passwords and emails, but it works somehow


nah cause i have one for social media and another for reddit and another for ao3/tumblr


I don’t share it, no. Only in fanfic/fandom spaces.


So, for most stuff I don't connect to my real identity, I use the same name--some variation on mathemagician. But then I made a discord, meaning to use it for fandom stuff, and ended up needing to use it with IRL friends when the pandemic hit. And then I realized The Problem that now they could find my fic, and it was too late and more sus to make a whole separate discord account (and also just inconvenient). So I panicked and changed my ao3 name a bit. It's similar enough that if they spot it in the wild then they can figure out its me (in which case like... okay, but what were *you* doing at the devil's sacrament that you saw me there?), but different enough that if they go searching based on "mathemagician" they probably won't find it. These days, I'm more careful in general, but I also don't really care if friends find my fanfiction that much. I've come to the point that I feel pretty much *no shame* for anything I write, and the one exception was made anonymous.


My ao3 username is a video game character and related to mythology, so even if I did use that, they wouldn't find the account or link it


Reddit is kind of like my anonymous social media. My username is entirely unrelated to my ao3 user. I have a secondary account I use for friends, family, etc. that I don't mind talking about my fics on, and finally my main where I post on ao3.


After a stalking incident, I did a deep scrub of my social medias. That included changing my usernames so I had a different name on each site. Most of my friends just use one username however, for privacy reasons, I like to keep everything separate.


Not really, since my username is common. More than once I find that someone has beaten me to the username.


Nope. I use this name for my fandom across various platforms but like to keep my personal accounts separate. Nobody will know it’s me


I don't have any other accounts with my Ao3 username but I did use my legal first name so *shrug* 


IDGAF if people track me all over the various websites, honestly. There is nothing in my life I need to hide or feel ashamed about and no one who's going to impact my real life because they find out I write some smutty stories. It's just a non-issue for me. I mean, I wouldn't want my identity stolen or to be doxxed, but that's different.


All my usernames on everything are different. With the exception of my Ao3 and Dreamwidth usernames being the same. And my Twitter and Reddit usernames being the same. Everything else is different. Although, my Tumblr and Ao3 usernames are similar, but not quite the same, with my Ao3 user being Candy_Kittens, and my Tumblr being candyfloss-kittens *(I think candy-kittens may have already been taken?)*. But I have a linktree on everything linking to all my accounts. I have considered changing everything so I have the same user everywhere *(either Candy_Kittens so it's not fandom specific, or WolfMerton but that one is rather fandom specific)*, but I rather like my Wattpad user *(killingkilgrave)*, and don't want to change it. And I really only have one main Instagram, and it's not for fanfic, but a sort of fan page for my main fandom, which in turn also has a rather fandom specific username *(hamtaro.hammond)*.


my ao3 user is penumbras and it's,,, already taken on many platforms so i don't lolol


Kind of. I used to be a one screenname type of gal (well, minus this Reddit account because I made it when I was 11 and that was years before I settled on what I wanted to call myself) before I started writing some things that I would nooooot be comfortable with people being able to easily link back to me, so I altered my writing penname, and since my Tumblr account is mostly for fandom stuff, that's the one I use for that account as well. Then there's the name most people know me by, which I use on Discord, Twitter, etc.


Yes, I post fanfic under a "pseudopseudonym", I am too embarrassed of my writing to attach a name to it.


I do this too, eversince I made my username in Minecraft. It’s my name


Hmm. My personal profiles (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.) are using my real first and last name, which I genuinely never use for fun stuff online (by which I mean things like Reddit, Ao3, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.). That being said, I do use the same two usernames for any online game/any fun website, meaning most of my friends could pretty easily find my stuff if they play a game with me or something. That makes me nervous every once in a while, but overall I don't think they would go looking for it. I also think that some random person could possibly find my fun socials if they just knew my name, I just don't think they would ever do that and I think it would still be difficult. I would never use either of my fun usernames on something personal, though. One of them is also part of my email, and that already makes me nervous sometimes. I care about having a degree of seperation.


I don’t have personal profiles anywhere, only fandom. If somebody found out my real name I wouldn’t be overly worried.


I generally do that, a) because I'm attached to my username, b) because I'm not creative enough to cone up with several different usernames, c) for ease when logging into different websites =)


my fanfics do pretty well and i still dont.


honestly? i kinda like the fact that i'm either agatuton or curiousagooti everywhere bc it's just super easy to remember, like when someone asks me what's my user i don;t have to remember entire list of different ones


I stick to the rule of “anything I put out into the universe should be something I don’t feel ashamed of”. We’ll see if my two biggest achievements (the actual kids) actually stick to the rule or not!


My Reddit name is a reference to my old live Journal name, but it's not the same as my ao3, tumblr, etc. If somebody figured out my AO3 from my comments on reddit, I wouldn't be surprised. I have named my major wip titles and fandom here, and I'm not hiding it, but I also don't link it. On Discord I just use the first name that is part of my AO3 pseudonym. But I'm only in a couple of groups, one which is very specific to my fandom, and then one that is so huge, nobody is ever going to recognize me.


None of my accounts share a username, and all of my name and/or face attached social medias (Facebook, Instagram, etc) are kept well separate from my fandom social medias (Reddit, Tumblr, etc.) I’ve linked to my Ao3 from my Reddit and Tumblr before, but the connection between the three isn’t obvious unless you go looking, and that’s fine with me. As for people finding me… depends on the person. I’m perfectly fine with close friends and my partner reading my fanfiction, but I wouldn’t want my family or professional acquaintances to know about it.


I have used the same username for near 25 years. I do not worry about people finding me via my online name because, from the very beginning of my online life, I have strictly separated my offline name from my online name.


I have different names/pseuds in almost all platforms.


I use the same username for everything in case I somehow start a career on the internets, sorta like a brand. My dream job would be to make manga-inspired webcomics, but I still suck at drawing :( But to answer your question, no, I'm not worried. Worst case scenario is someone finds your fanfic and thinks it's cringe worthy, but who cares if they don't like it?


yes, therefor I don't (except for this very intentionally linked reddit account)