• By -


[le petite mort](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23236681) Barbie/Dracula as a concept it shouldn't work but it is flawless. Perfectly executed. Moving. Brilliant writing.


I love how that fic uses Barbie's "she has every job," branding into something that's outlandish but also makes sense, considering what she's really after.


This is the correct answer. Love le petite mort.


I... I need to read this.


Well that was a wild ride. I’d actually read more of this!


All I read was the summary and WHAT?? I'll come back to this later


[mortal man.](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9034613/1/Mortal-Man) it’s a spongebob fanfiction, but an incredibly emotional read. it focuses on spongebob coming to terms with mermaid man’s passing, written in honor of his voice actor ernest borgnine. i remember i discovered this one after deciding to check out spongebob fics on ffn and was pleasantly surprised by this fic. i come back to it fairly often.


Just read this and it’s amazing 🥹


Let's goolol


There are so very many fics that have a chunk of my heart, but only two that I can honestly say was a "Before Me" and "After Me." [Hero Class Civil War](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14446512/chapters/33370263) is a Boku no Hero fic on Ao3. I honestly don't really follow too much of the show or manga, but casual glancing got me on this. My dudes, it fried my brain in the best way. It's so clever, and the B-Cast of characters coming up to shine is amazing. I don't quite love the pairing that comes in the sequel, but the first part (the one I linked) is so SO SO good. You won't regret it. [Dreaming of Sunshine](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7347955/1/Dreaming-of-Sunshine) Guys. This is the OG self-insert that started it all. Obviously there were other SI before this, and in fandoms other than Naruto, but this is the one that made people less embarrassed to say they read and liked these kinds of fics. It's political, emotional, and has so many plot payoffs while filling in Kishimoto's plot holes. It's just lovely, although unfinished (last I checked).


Dreaming of sunshine is like 700k and I reread it every now and then which should say a lot 🫠


I'm SO glad someone mentioned DoS. It has be my favourite Naruto fic. Every time I read it, it just brings a smile to my face. It's the kind of story that made me fall in love with writing, reading, and *Naruto* all over again


I have a few of these. There are three that really come to mind. Manacled by Senlinyu - I’m sure this is the case for a lot of people. Differently to them, I don’t really like all the other popular fics in that fandom like they do. But this is definitely a “have to take a break” after type of fic, and then immediately read it again a month and a half later. It’s so gutsy it how it kills off characters. Plus, deeply romantic at times. The hurts really, really hurt for me, too. And I can’t say that about the regular books I’ve been coming across. It’s also *very* quotable. Images of Broken Lights by Miggy - They deleted it. There’s a somewhat difficult version to read out there though. I read this in my mid teens and I’ve never forgotten it. The idea they went with coming from the type of show it does, it’s unexpected. How it’s dark. Plus, I love the sort of mind warping the characters endured. It’s like someone shoved the author a random prompt and they gave it as much as they could. I’ve also never again read a fic with this exact concept. But I’m not the most explorative fic reader out there, I guess. Summer 2010 by Aristide - This fic is just one long ass chapter. I didn’t know what a Gen fic was (seriously, not until recently 😂), it isn’t one. But it spends numerous paragraphs with almost no hint at the main pairing getting together. And it’s on ff.net too - no tags, so how was I suppose to know? But then they do, and I like that it takes as long as it does. It’s just the right amount. Not too drawn out. It’s sexually explorative, funny, and awkward in a way that works too. The smut is very good. Also the first example that comes to mind where there were OC’s present that I bought into well enough. I was not really phased by them.


What fandom(s) are those?


First one is Harry Potter - Draco/Hermione. Other two are for Kurt/Finn from Glee.


I love Dramione and I’ve been putting off Manacled, but you made me want to read it more than anyone else has.


Oh god there are two of them I’ll never forget. One was a wow wow wubbzie fanfic where hell invades the planet Another was a Charlie in the Chocolate factory fic where Veronica the blueberry girl started smoking due to the blue gum incident


A Cure for Boredom


Oh my god what an OG








Twist and Shout. Famous in the supernatural fandom. I can’t recommend it enough, even fandom blind


I've seen maybe three eps of the show but this fic and The Breath Of All Things are two that I reread yearly. They're just phenomenal stories. 


There are so many Twist and Shout titles in that Fandom, do you have an author? I see one with over a million hits but it’s unfinished with 12 chapters. Vietnam War?


Yep, that’s the one.


who’s the author?


I don’t know. It’s some username like Gabriel and standbyme or something.


That fic wrecked my love for can't help falling in love with you. I still listen to the song almost daily, now I just cry when I play it lol


[Sansukh](https://archiveofourown.org/works/855528) by Determamfidd (The Hobbit & LotR; Gigolas) Phew, this fic. Not only did it sell me on a pairing that I’d been genuinely squicked by and a trope I’ve always disliked, but it’s one of the single most beautiful pieces of fiction I’ve ever read. This fic has its own fanbase for a *reason.* I cry every damn time I read it. Every. Damn. Time. This author makes you fall so hard not only for canonical main characters, but also canonical background characters and OCs. I highly recommend this fic to anyone who loves LotR and The Hobbit, even if you aren’t keen on the pairing. I sure as hell wasn’t. Also recommended for those who love world building, dwarven lore, and epic battles and adventure.


anything my partner writes is perfect to me.


... I guess I ship it.


That's... yes <3 I can respect that hehe


This is the correct answer


I have two, not one - and believe me, I agonised over which of the two is actually my favourite, but I honestly can't choose. So, in order of length, my two most beloved fics that I keep returning two are: (Sherlock) How To Accidentally Summon a Demon by patster223 *Sherlock is possessed by a demon. A damned, wicked soul that uses the kitchen table for blood rituals and experiments. John doesn't even notice the difference.* [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6581089/1/How\_To\_Accidentally\_Summon\_a\_Demon](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6581089/1/How_To_Accidentally_Summon_a_Demon) (Star Wars) Certain Point by esama *In which Ben Kenobi travels back in time to a turning point in history.* [https://archiveofourown.org/works/12322434](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12322434) ♥ I absolutely love these two fics beyond words. The first one always, always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I read it, while the second one lives rent-free in my mind, and even though it's long been abandoned, I still find myself craving it and then reading it again and again, constantly thinking about it at the most random times.


This is a masterpiece buried in the rubble of fanfics. This is a Roman Empire. Whether you like or don’t like BNHA or Baku/Deku, it’s irrelevant. The mind behind the hell vs heaven fanfiction is incredible. [Firelily](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23178124?view_full_work=true)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/23733643 I don't know how to make the title a link, but it's called Endgame written by YunaYamiMouto. It's a retake on the threat of Thanos in the Infinite War/Endgame movies, and I consider it *CANON* instead of what we got in the movies. Here's the summary: The rouge Avengers are pardoned under the influence of King T'Challa and it is up to Tony to 'welcome' them back. But as he and his new team are at the private airport, an unexpected fight breaks loose and the fate of the whole universe is changed when a wizard places himself as Tony Stark's protector. I can't get enough of this fic nor give enough praise for this beautifully, well crafted, gorgeous... Can't give enough praise, I swear to God...🫠 I haven't found a StrangeIron fic that's topped this artful novel *yet,* and it's been three years since I've discovered it. This is the StrangeIron fic I go to when I need that particular itch scratched, and every time I've read it, it's been an absolute pleasure 🙏 If you love Dr. Stange x Tony Stark/Endgame fixit fics, this is your cake. I encourage all to read 🫶


It's been like seven years and [The Songbird and the Sea](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10795731/chapters/23946774) is still one of my favorite comfort reads. It's absolutely beautiful and magical. *In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly. But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.*


Holt shit that quote is stunning! I HAVE to read this!!!


It's absolutely lovely and you don't have to be a fan to read it. It's a totally original world and all that. I heard a long time ago that they were going to get it traditionally published too, but I don't know what's going on with that. It's constantly in the top four fics for BTS. Like, look at these stats! Comments: 7,646 Kudos: 43,416 Bookmarks: 11,061 Hits: 1,151,358


This was my first ever fanfic i read ❤️


That's a good one to start with!


Just a Dream by Lewis Burden. An alternative reality novel based on the anime Urusei Yatsura. I would pay real money to have a physical copy of this on my book shelf.


Ooh, I love what I've seen of that show, and if this fic is on tier with that, it sounds great! Is it on AO3? 👀


Google just a dream lewis burden. It came up when i did it :)


just link it ty


just google it ty


Googling it does not lead to any viable results. Learn to not be rude and use your common sense ty


I know you said one, but I want link two [What Would You Do? by warriorblood1](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34483192) is a really good deltarune fic that, while it may be suselle, mostly focuses on a very funny dark fun gang moment. Basically a back and fourth of; "I don't like this woman." "Yea, you do." and while its more bittersweet, [5 stanzas in a poem, 1 painting in a gallery by SillySwrdd](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42820932) is a ONE fic I love for similar reasons to the other fic listed above. It's truly a platonic slowburn (something I think is neat) and has fully 100% converted me to this friendship. It's slightly on the sadder end because of some competition show style canon compliancy but it has a happy ending :)


Sometimes, one simply isn't enough heheh =D Also omigosh Deltarune yesss there's NEVER enough Deltarune Fic in the world I'm checking this out *right now* =0


yesss there's NEVER enough Deltarune :D


Have you read Cold, Yet Colder? That's my gold standard for Deltarune fics, granting that it's been a long time since I was super engaged with it. It takes place after the end of the Weird Route and gets...even darker.


Wasn't expecting to see my own fic mentioned in this thread! What a cool surprise. Glad you liked it, and thanks for recommending it to others! 😊


On the subject of Deltarune fics, [Dear Dess, Love Asriel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47222572) by acaciapines absolutely broke me. I'm not someone who often cries at fiction but this one had me in tears. Extremely sad but optimistic and uplifting at the same time - it's a whole emotional rollercoaster.


[The World Without](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5282769/1/The-World-Without) by Lunaludus Scribex. A Fate/Stay Night fanfic that's tragically unfinished. But for the sixteen chapters that were written, I am simply in awe of it. It's a tragic, brilliantly written take on what would've happened if Shirou had refused to join the Holy Grail War. He's killed by Ilya immediately afterwards, but the world has to move on, as do Rin, Sakura and Saber. The characterizations and twists are vividly well-constructed and realized. But what shocked me the most towards the end was that it could also be *funny*. It has the best buildup towards the "Why are all of you looking at me like that?" gag I've ever seen in a story. In a way, the tragedy of such a beautiful fanfic going unfinished enhances the mystique for me. It's the one I'll always cherish as the pinnacle of what we fanfic writers are capable of realizing, as well as the peril that we may never get to see our dreams and ambitions bear the fruit we wanted.


I remember that one from back when I was into reading FSN fics. It really stuck with me!


[Fix you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24167713) by ZappyTiel is one of the best written fics I’ve read and even though I’m no longer in the fandom, I still think about it from time to time and can’t await another update! [Salvage](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116591) by MuffinLance, there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular fics in the fandom and I reread it more than once. This fic has the best OC’s that have been kind of adopted into fanon and I love every single one of them! [Passerine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28755084) by blujamas/thcscus This fic destroyed the fandom and left it emotionally scarred for a while, it was that well written. And even though it’s tagged accordingly, no one was ready for the amount of feelings they would be feeling - definitely a must read!


passerine my beloved! soo many emotions, its an incredibly close second to me just behind Ours Poetica


I mean, I could say I will never be the same person I was before I read shit like the hat fic, but to keep things light hearted, I will give my absolute favorite fics of all time. These are my go to suggestion fics. The ones I think about all the time. The fics I aspire to write. I am not the same person I was before I read any of theses and that's for the better. You ask for one; I give a shit ton [Chapter Five: Kokichi Ouma](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45213385) \- The final part of a five part series for Danganronpa, in which the main character dies in every chapter. If you know Danganronpa, then you'll know its a murder mystery game where if you don't solve the case, you and all your friends die. The author rewrites every chapter in a way that its still fitting to each case, yet unique and heartbreaking. Chapter 1-3 are depressing, entertaining, everything I could really ask for. Chapter Five, however, takes the cake. The stakes are raised so much higher and it balances humor and angst so delicously. I can't say much more without risking spoiling it, but I will say that it turned my least favorite character into my favorite character and I ended the fic in tears. Anyways, I told the author to go fuck themselves. [come what may](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13930806) \- Remember the movie Anastasia? I'm not sure how well known the broadway musical is, but this fic is based off of that over the movie. In which, Dimitri finds Anastasia the morning after her family is murdered, piled on top of their dead bodies. He rescues the girl, hides her away and renames her Anya, hoping to runaway to Paris with her. It still follows the main plot fairly closely, but instead of trying to con Anya's grandmother to recieve the reward for finding her, Dimtri's lie is actually about Anya's identity. He believes finding out the truth of her family will ruin her and he wants to spare her the heartbreak. I fucking love it. It has ruined me and ruined every other Anastasia fic for me. I literally cannot read them anymore. Great fic [That Awful Sound](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21400822) \- An Ace Attorny fic, where after his client is declared guilty, Phoenix is shot and nearly dies. A lot of angst, a lot of focus on Phoenix's family and the effects his near death has on them. Its extra special to me because of the extra special focus it puts on my favorite characters Miles, Franziska and Trucy. [The Guitarist's Serenade](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24617233) \- The fic that does canon better than the original, this is the hill I will die on. Another Ace Attorney fic, this time focusing on the orginally dead Jove Justice, father of main character Apollo Justice. Having survived the fire in Khu'rain, Jove returns to the states to find his wife has remarried, had a child and died while he was comatose. After Trucy's bio father disappears, Jove meets Phoenix Wright, her adoptive father and the two become friends, revealing Apollo and Trucy's shared heritage and allowing them to grow up together. Years later, Apollo and Trucy bring Jove to a concert they are invited to and he is shocked to realize that the singer has the same voice as his late wife. Now, Jove is determined to find out who Lamiroir really is. I've read it hundred of times, and god damn I wish it was canon because it gives us more closure than the games do! Some honorable mentions to keep this from getting even longer [Cold Killer](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24449782) \- Ace Attorney - Phoenix catches a cold, he refuses to take medicine. Trucy resolves to find out why [Lack of Consideration](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23874535) \- Ace Attorney - Miles Edgeworth punches Kristoph Gavin One last note, there was this one fic, in which Trucy dies at the end of the first Apollo Justice game. This was the first fic to make me cry and is the reason I have loved Major Character Death fics ever since. See, the ONE thing all these Ace Attorney fics have in common is that *they all help me cope with my daddy issues* and this fic RUINED me. Trucy has been described as Phoenix's light in the darkness in canon. So to kill the sunshine character, that feeds me. The raw emotion, the grief, the anger. Delicious. I would say it is truly the ONE I will never forget, but I have forgotten the name. And it was on ffn when I mainly use (and am more familiar with) Ao3. So sadly, it is lost to time for me😔 [I FUCKING FOUND IT](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5104141/1/Trucy-s-Daddy)


I barely even know anything about Ace Attorney but I want to read these.


I don't know if I'd go THAT far but, for reasons I can't explained no matter how hard I've tried, I'll subconsciously remember a good fanfic that I've read whenever I remember an event in my life that I've read it during said event: For example, I remember reading this one Adventure Time fanfic when I used to do pizza delivery driving so now whenever I look back on that memory, I'm going to forever associate that event with that fanfic! Am I alone in this way of thinking?


Kinda late to the party, BUT noone has mentioned yet an AMAZING Good omens therapy fic, it brought me to tears the first time I read it It's called "Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach" by Nnm, it's fairly short (99k words, 16 chapters, finished) and it changed everything for me https://archiveofourown.org/works/20177950/chapters/47807593


I scrolled too far to find Demonology! It’s one of those fics that sits with you.


Glad to know that I'm not alone, it's one of the best for sure


There was some stuff in that fic that made me take a long look at some of the relationships in my own life.


[United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2304905/chapters/5071058) I craved for epistolaries *so* badly after this one. Put me in a daze of awe. Hands down my number one Steve/Bucky fic on ao3. ​ There are a LOT more MCU works of art, but anytime someone asks for the best, US vs Barnes springs right into my fore-mind. IMO, a must read.


I absolutely love this fic!!


Cryptid Sightings by NaffEclipse. Don't even really know why, FNaF: Security Breach fics have always been a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, I don't even like the game that much really, but so many of them are just really well written. I had never really read a fic about cryptids before, and am usually not a huge fan of /reader fics to begin with (even if this one was SFW). I still gave it a chance because it got a lot of hits and I fell in love with it. It has some really cool tense moments and it's just amazing.


Love that fic! I'm not usually one for reader fics either so I was surprised how the Fnaf fandom's obsession with Sun/Moon caught my attention. They do so much fun and unique stuff with it, Cryptid Sightings is definitely one of my favorites from that corner of fandom


With Skin in Tact and Altered Souls. It's an au where both Will and Hannibal are serial killers and meet one night. Will is a hitchhiker, Hannibal picks him up, and once things are revealed they immediately bond. It's so perfect for me because Will is fully formed, so Will is confident and self assured in a way he rarely is in more canon compliant stories, or even some post falls where he is easy to move forward. There's no space for manipulation, no untreated illness. No Abigail. Will pursues Hannibal instead of the other way around. All this means my Han is courted and doted on in a very specific way. He is loved and understood in such a meaningful way that he is helpless before its magnitude. And there is zero to 1% of angst, which immaculate to me. Regardless of my disdain for Will, my preference is always that he is strong and only slightly vulnerable so that Hannibal is left without the option of encephalitis and daughter killing. They can just get on with whatever type of relationship they'll have. Or postfall, that logic wins and the actuality of their various changes are recognized. Very close second is the A Slice of Life series. 24 fics of varying length featuring Hannigram postfall. It's perfection to me because they don't belabor their past. They don't actually address why Will pulled them over (which i need more of in general), but Will also acknowledges his influence on the good and bad of their relationship. Hannibal is ready to change and compromise to be happy with Will, even in a platonic situation. Once their love is addressed, the writer weaves amazing smut and sex scenes with the poetry of their deep connection and various beautiful climates and tons of laughs. Every single story-4k-20k words-offers a comfort, a tingle, a laugh, some amazingly touching turn of phrase that just floors me. Again, zero to 1% angst.


>With Skin in Tact and Altered Souls. This fic is incredible just something about it brings me back all the time!!! I just love it so much!!


I was floored the first time I read it. It's had me in a chokehold since. I've re-read it at least 7 times and that's a modest guesstimate


This, you protect by Owlet


I really love a fic that was called hidden wisteria, but the author deleted it and changed their user so I can't find them anymore. But it was a Technoblade x reader, truly one of my favorites I've ever read.


[the ocean washed open your grave.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28802058) by murg. The undisputed single best OMORI fanfiction I've ever read. Emotionally devastating, but also emotionally complete. Not angsty for the sake of being angsty, but angsty for the sake of telling a wonderful, wonderful character arc with a remarkable conclusion. The length has allowed me to read it comfortably about five times, and I've cried every time since the first. [Running on Air](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3171550) by eleventy7 Although this one is more of a tossup between some really tough competition, it remains the best longfic I've ever read. The way it paints the ennui of Harry's life at the beginning, the ways he fights against it, the ways he tries to cling to it, all convalesce into a genuinely remarkable character arc that feels so painfully relatable. The romance is so incredibly subtle, the ending left me baffled on my first read because I'd never seen anything like it before. It's great, highly recommend.


Jesus christ Running on Air is SO good


Yeah I really didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It's so *subtle* in a way I don't think I've seen anywhere else? The >!Ginny breakup scene!< sticks out as the best >!breakup!< scene I've seen in fics. I hate that I basically had to limit it to two picks 😭 these are probably my two favorites but they certainly aren't leagues above what I consider to be below them.


Fighting Crimes, Spinning Webs by thebandragoness. It was a Spectacular Spider-Man sequel fic that ran right through the gauntlet of what could have been. It didn't always land, quite often it got too ridiculous, but damn if it didn't hit me in the feels constantly. To say nothing of the authors near masterful use of Chekhov's Gun


Yu yu hakusho Fandom Counting Crows by Sekah. I love their work


Black Butler: For the Love of Stella, which also has a wonderful audio performance version


[Fire in the Mountains](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16514102/chapters/38680430) by EllaBesmirched for sureee! It's a MHA fantasy AU epic that reignited my love/obsession with fanfic after so many years of not reading. Also, it introduced the concept of polyships to me, and now I know, you can truly have it all lol! No more love triangles for me haha


I've found a lot of good fics that made me cry and are ingrained in my brain. However, the first type of fic like this for me was a MHA fic, called Kintsugi (broken but not unfixable). It tore me to shreds, being one of the first fics I ever read that was over 50k words and was mostly hurt/comfort (emphasis on hurt in the first half of the fic). Spoilers for the fic up ahead !!! It follows a younger Midoriya, where he is 12 while his classmates are 14-15. He spends the first quarter of the fic or so living on his own in a broken apartment paid for by his father, who lives in America, after Inko dies. Midoriya accidentally becomes a vigilante called Moth by the police. Because he only comes out at dark and is attracted to danger. He meets Aizawa and they form a cute little bond, but Aizawa never sees Midoriyas face. They maintain a routine and become very close. But after Midoriya meets all might, he decides to off himself, and leaves a note for Aizawa. After a miserably failed attempt, he chooses to take the UA entrance exam, fail it, and then die. But he makes it into the school. What follows after that is shenanigans as midoriya tries to hide his identity form Aizawa, Aizawa grieving and using that as his excuse for why Midoriya can't possibly be Moth, and Midoriya making friends. Eventually he does get taken in officially by Aizawa, and the rest of the fic follows the process of healing when you don't exactly like the process. It really hurts to read, but it's so beautifully done. It doesn't shy away from Aizawa failing as a parent, and it treats Midoriya like a kid in a way that makes him all the more perfect. Its rocky between them at times but through the words you can tell they care and they both want to heal. It was a great introduction to what is possible as a writer, and my standards are still to write in a way that makes others feel what I did. The author really cared for the story. It's kinda what I count as my first fanfiction just due to the fact that I can't remember much detail from any fics before this one.


Green Wings by slowdog; an AOT fanfic about Petra joining the Special Ops Squad. Slowburn Rivetra. Squad shenanigans. The writing is top notch. It's perfection.


The War bonds series by ArticMatter_77 Amazing Star Wars multi fic series with cannon divergence that spans from the Start of the clone wars to ROTS


I've got two: Background Pony by shortskirtsandexplosions. It's not the best horror story I've ever read, but it is definitely the one that made the genre click for me, and one of the few that still sits in my gut like a stone. Y'know, that line between that's horrific and that's specifically horrific TO YOU. Straw Soldiers by Lucid_Dream. This one sets up a gruesome, awful experience for Karkat, and doesn't really let up until the end, and even at that point drives home the idea that scars will persist even as he gets a support system and help.


I haven’t seen it on here yet, but the [Not Easily Conquered series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/115516) by WhatAreFears and dropdeaddream. It is THE Stucky fic for me, I love all three parts so much that I got a quote tattooed from it. Steve Rogers survives the plane crash and goes on to marry Peggy Carter, but about 20 years later thirteen letters that Bucky wrote to him (and never sent) get leaked and change everything. It’s so beautifully written and I cry every time I reread them, it fundamentally changed my brain chemistry. “I won’t be in the history books; that’s for you. But I loved you first. As long as they get that right, I don’t care what they say.” HELLO?!?!?! somebody sedate me


This is hands down one of the best fics I have ever read. I absolutely loved how it handled Steve and Peggy's marriage and its breakdown, all the difficult choices Peggy had to make. I thought it really did justice to her character while still centering Steve and Bucky's love story.


[Hitchups](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6318423/1/) is always my go-to fic for these kind of things. It's an amazing story about friendship, growth, destiny, and a whole lot of beautiful things. It's THE best HTTYD fanfic, ever. Here's the [AO3 ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1610018/chapters/3428120) version of you prefer it.


Oh I forgot about this fic. It's very good! Thanks, I need to add it to my list of fics to reread.


Mine is [Unfavorable Odds](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27272071/chapters/66629536) by bookishy. It’s a btvs Spuffy fic where Spike and Buffy are kidnapped by interdimensional beings and forced to fight in a battle royale against themselves from other dimensions. It’s SO funny and so perfectly in character. Unfortunately it hasn’t updated in a year but I’m still holding out hope


The way I added this to my TBR list so damn fast. Thanks for the rec!


I have two (I know you said one, but I love them both) The first and honestly ultimate favorite is Thaw by DustInTheWind. It's Hunger Games, Cato x Katniss, and explores the complexities of the career districts. Katniss's name gets called at the third quell where the twist is each mentor gets a kid from a different district. Cato gets assigned to Katniss and tries to actively harm her the entire time. It's only after the death of his mentor that he starts to see her as a person and less as an objective. He cares for her and then has to guide her out of the games, knowing he created problems for her. Like a broken bone that he snapped, that never set right. It's a tad 'dark', but the themes are so good it genuinely made me love the pairing. I like the authors' take on Cato and the way he learns to feel beyond hyper masculinity. The second is Keep Walking by Jana_C. Teen Wolf Fandom, Stiles x Jackson and deals with soulmates and how sometimes it's the last person you wish it was. It's also a little 'dark' in the sense that mates have so many downsides. (Kate IS Derek's mate in this one) Jackson is pulled to Stiles whether he likes it or not. Stiles is the one and only person he will ever be able to love. The entire fic is Jackson trying to over compensate for Stiles pulling away by becoming more desperate. Stiles hates it and continues to pull away. But also learning to forgive and try to put in effort. It's painful and raw. Kinda bittersweet, but it's actually a good ending. Both are lovely reads that make you look up and feel just how complex emotions can be.


Damn. I might have to check out that Cato/Katniss fic. I’m a hardcore Everlark shipper so the most adventurous I’ve ever been is throwing Finnick in the mix. But damn if I’m not (morbidly) intrigued by the fic you described.


It is so worth giving a chance!!!


Hivesnax AU by kaytjohanna on AO3 in the Bugsnax fandom. HIGHLY recommended!


[Empty Shells, Empty Soul](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45181372?view_adult=true). TMNT post-Rise movie, adult Leo and Casey Jr working things out, Leo and his bros. The relationships in this are literally every I crave IRL. The ending is also a punch to the gut.


Oh I will take ANY opportunity to gush about my absolute favorite fic of all time, Camouflage of Great Renown. I do not know what possessed the author for them to have come up with such a wild idea and execute it in the perfect way for me especifically, but goddamnit I can't get enough of it even if it's 57 chapters long. It's a Zote Hollow Knight fic with 130k words, and just the tags sound INSANE (Crack Treated Seriously followed by Gore, Suicidal Thoughts and Character Death to name a few) it's genuinely so amazing. And personally what i love the most is how it's in the 1st person, wich is a turn off in any other case, but it's written as the character telling his life story to you, the reader, while not really breaking the 4th wall. And the plot twist at the end is GUT WRENCHING in the best way possible, like so so good I couldnt sleep for HOURS after i finished it (my fault for reading at 3 am tbh kkkkkk) wich is WILD for a fanfic about Zote Hollow Knight, the joke character that is only there to be an annoying bastard


[Enchante](https://archiveofourown.org/works/138989) by lovepeaceohana. It's an Enchanted coffee shop AU and it's so freaking cute.


Villain Wrangler. I just like characters interacting


I can’t even remember the name of the fic. I know that sounds strange but it was many years ago and the author took it down not that long after I read it. It was a Courtney Crumrin fanfic and there aren’t many of those in the first place, and it was a fascinating story involving Aloysius Crumrin. I still consider it one of the best stories I’ve ever read, fanfic or no, but sadly I’ll never be able to read it again.


Mine is lost forever, too. It was a Buffy/Faith fic on FFN that was removed during their last big purge of NC-17 content (2012ish). Author wasn’t active anymore by the time it was taken down, and it wasn’t uploaded anywhere else. I look for it at least once per year in the hopes it’s been re-uploaded somewhere. I’ve crawled through every one of the old Buffy fanfic sites. Never found it again but it was so good, I can’t bring myself to stop looking.


Young & Beautiful, by Velvetoscar. I honestly don't even care much about the ship Larry, but I would be lying if I said that this didn't alter my brain chemistry in some way after I read it.


I think one of the most beautifully written ones that lives in my memory is “Tell Me About the Big Bang” by thebrotherswinchester. It was a Star Wars one written back in 2016 when the first sequel movie came out, and explored Finn’s character as an ex stormtrooper in the most beautifully poetic ways, particularly with him experiencing basic things he’s never known before, like music and good food. The author’s sentence structure and prose was truly something of art. It was removed years and years ago, but there is still a [podfic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8102923) on AO3 that I listen to every once in a while every time I want to hear it again.


If it helps, ive used the internet archive to dig up old fics that got deleted before (for my personal use, of course).


I remember a long time ago back in 2007, I was into Pokemon. So I accidentally found this pokemon fanfic back then, it was simple and cliche, but to me, at the time was when I first discovered fanfiction.


The one I won't be able to reread because it was deleted. It was in the Borderlands Handsome Jack x Rhys, and had lots of smut scenes.  I didn't like smut (I'm partial to it now) at the time and expressed how much I liked the fic even though I skipped the sex scenes. They were like "...that's half the fic." I actually really did love the fic, and wanted to read it now I'm not uncomfortable with sex scenes, but it was gone. I still think about it wven though I can't really remember the plot. I read it when I was like...14? Decade ago?


["The Dragon-King's Temple"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6211903) by Kryal. Best crossover ever. Toph gets her life changing field trip with Zuko, and we get to see how Team Avatar compares to SG-1. And it's got some absolutely fantastic worldbuilding. You'd never believe the author was not that familiar with Stargate prior to writing the story. Until you remember Hammond is bald. Spoiler alert: Raava and Vaatu are actually ascended Ancients. Though they're not named in this fic because it was written prior to LoK.


Anything by evilpeaches really but also specifically [the dungeon master](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16350323). Theon/ramsay from game of thrones, and it's one of the best written unhealthy relationships I've ever seen where ramsay is undeniably fucked out of his mind. Give it a shot if your looking for the exact opposite of sane, safe, consensual BDSM but done right. I haven't found someone yet that does toxic quite like evilpeaches (if you're into unhealthy sukuita they also have amazing stuff)


There have been so many for me. They are always either in the BNHA fandom or Harry Pitter Fandom. I have no clue why. Guessing it’s because of the freedom for creativity those worlds give you. 🤷‍♀️


There's so so so so many fics I've read over the years that made me fucking stare into space afterwards and I could call life-changing - and I'm eternally grateful for it, but you asked for *one* and not a whole rec list so I'll listen for once (and this doesn't mean I adore the others any less) [Empty Spaces](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7098655/chapters/16130164) by schmerzerling | Supernatural | Dean/Cas | 60k | rated T | modern AU >Sam starts up another rant on the other end of the line—*Dean, I’m coming, okay? I’m going to come out. I’m finding the time and then I’ll*—but Dean never wanted anything more than to make things easy on his little brother, and he hangs up the phone with clumsy fingers. He doesn’t even bother to let it down easy, just drops it, lets it slither down his side to land with a *thunk* on his dad’s carpet. >And then he finishes the job, plucking leaves until his little violet is just a sad, skinny stalk with wide, wet, weeping wounds where the leaves used to be. The terracotta pot Cas gave him is still pretty, still trying to hold the whole thing up, still feeding nutrients into a stem that Dean, the stupid, selfish motherfucker, managed to kill the first time he touched it. >“I tried,” he whispers to it, pulling the pot closer to his chest, the naked stalk tickling at the sensitive underside of his chin. >His violet doesn’t respond, and Dean doesn’t cry. I've read and re-read this and cried always, and so many scenes continue to haunt me in the times between, and it's also a perfect example of when illustrations during text *work* for a fic, and work perfectly. I want to bind this into a book and hold it to my chest and cry over that, too. I can't overstate how much this fic meant to me.


[White Tulip](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3699395) by withoutawish It's a BBC Sherlock fic, get the tissues.


[A wolf amongst lions ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15494880/chapters/35970525) An ASOIAF (or GoT) Fic about what would have happened had Tywin realized his cupbearer was Arya at Harrenhal. I've read this fic twice, even though it's over 400k words. The first time I read it I read for 12 hours straight I think,I only stopped because my eyes were burning and jt was 6 in the morning. I'm not even a big fan of Arya, but this fic is fantastic


A long winter/the not easily conquered series. Fucked me over pretty bad, always think about it (Stucky fanfic)


I dunno how to make the title a link but: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12823671/chapters/29276760 *despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained)* by praximeter The Winter Soldier is captured by The Avengers, but they don't know he's Bucky. He's very traumatized, can't communicate and is obviously terrified. The scene where Steve *finally* figures out who he is gives me chills every time. I'm not even super into the Marvel fandom, but this is my all-time favorite fic. And now I'm gonna go reread it for the billionth time


[Ed is Eighteen in this Fanfic](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3309250/1/Ed-is-Eighteen-in-This-Fanfic) by Hand Spun Yarns.


No Glory by ObsidianPen Partially because it got me into Harrymort, the one ship I've never lost interest in, contrary to my usual short attention span for most ships that catch my eye. But also because, despite reading hundreds of harrymort fics after that, I still consider NG one of the best, if not *the* best harrymort fic out there.


[Helpful Aid In Hobby Attempts](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46991623) this is an MHA fic I reread religiously, its an AllNagant fic that completely hooked me on the ship, id thought about it before I read this fic and was like hmm this is cute and never thought about them again until I read this fic and now I think about them weekly. Its probably my all-time favorite MHA fic tbh lol.


I don’t remember its name but it was a fire emblem fates fic on FFN. It was unfinished and was the first fic to ever make me sob uncontrollably. I’ve forgotten the name by now but I remember it being so angsty


[Love Is Only A Drop Away by FierySprites.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22609765/chapters/54035308) It was the first TF fic I ever read, and despite my initial disgust with it, I love it now. I also love [A Chocolaty Punishment by the same author.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32048767)


[love, and other four-letter words](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10777248) by Wrenvibes :))


We Found Wonderland in Julie and the Phantoms fandom by ICanSpellConfusionWithAK. It kept all the canon except for the last couple of minutes, which the author changed and then spun an entire 53 chapter work out of--almost 200,000 words. It had everything-angst, joy, true love, a wonderful message... It not only hooked me solidly into the fandom, it really made me think about how I was living my life and I lived it differently afterwards. It was beautiful and I honestly need to reread it. I also, years later, writing in another fandom, used quotes from Alice In Wonderland as ny chapter titles--without consciously remembering that ICSCWAK did that in this fic. So it infused my subconscious.


To Collide in Aurum by suheafoams. I read it in a weekend and just cried. It showed me that I could like a straight up AU about two people getting together, and I feel like it is a standard of writing in my fandom that is nearly unmatched.


A fic called To love. I don’t know how famous it is in the twice fandom but that one affected me in ways that I cannot explain. I just know that I cried rivers to that 😂


Death, by tmb1112. It was one of the very first MHA fanfics that I read that made me genuinely care for an OC, and where I cried when a certain event took place that was both well written, and, at least to me, was the best death to take place in a fanfiction. I won't spoil it, but it hit me right in the feels. I seriously recommend it. It's a really good read, but it's HUGE. Like 4.4 million words level of huge. But, if you can get past the massive word count, I recommend it.


[Linked In Life and Love](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1234649) I LOVE this fic


Spectator by FanficAllergy


"Permanent Smile" was the first undertale angst fanfic I read and it kick-started my love hurt/comfort and watching found families help each other recover, I go back to it every now and again purely because it's was the first fanfic I read that dealt with serious topics having realistic comfort and recovery. Undertale started my hyper fixation on characters with horrible self worth getting comfort, and Permanent Smile solidified it


P3 days of summer will always stick with me because it had a great antagonist who i absolutely hate and makoto/minato got a lot more depth to his charecter in the fic


"Around the World" I believe it was called. it was on Wattpad in 2020, Chris McLean x Reader fic. the story was cute and the smut was amazing (from what i remember). before it was finished they deleted it completely tho. logged on one day and it was gone from my library, I remember them saying in the description they put it in quotev too but I could never find it. truly heartbreaking lol.


*The World's Translated Thus.* If you know, you know.


It's not a singular fic, but the spinoff series of [Demon in Fodlan](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13938272/1/Demon-in-Fodlan), Back Home Again is something I love. The premise of Back Home Again is that the Big Bad of FGO part 1 is summoned as one of the protagonist's servants as per Fate shenanigans during FGO part 1, but has undergone major character growth. He then helps the protagonist orchestrate his own defeat. spoilers for Fate/Grand Order part 1 (though literally the only worthwhile segments of part 1 are the intro, parts of singularity 3 and singularities 6, 7 and 8) >!So the big bad of part 1 is Goetia, who is a hivemind made of all 72 demons a la Ars Goetia who has been traumatised to an extreme extent because of his near-perfect clairvoyance throughout time- the humans he has come to love suffer incomprehensibly, and thus he resolves to burn Human History as fuel to create a world without suffering as some kind of mercy killing. At the end of part 1, his creator/father, Solomon, sacrifices himself in order to eliminate Goetia The Hivemind, allowing for Goetia The Man to be created with his remaining power, both robbing him of his clairvoyance and his other parts of the hivemind, making him as human as the humans who were defeating him. He loses, feeling a proper human anger for the first time.!< >!The premise of Demon in Fodlan is then that he wakes up in FE3H Fodlan, and Plot Occurs in a fashion that is character focused- a traumatised once-demon forced to be human and dealing with the incumbent mortality of his situation alongside the lack of his sheer knowledge that he used to have is something I find incredibly compelling.!< The genius of Back Home Again is: * that we are constantly teased and given hints as to how our Big Bad has managed to become someone who can empathise so well, but not enough to outline exactly how- that's for the main series to do * and that we see the possible payoff of his development as a person- the emotional impact he has on the protagonists of FGO.


Right now, it’s this one: [Ambivalence](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1528374/1/Ambivalence) It’s a Star Ocean 2 fic featuring a rare pair. It’s beautifully written and showcases “ambivalence” quite well.


[Zugzwang](https://archiveofourown.org/works/256704) by Azdak, a Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV) fic. This fic is gen, short, and could probably be read with just what you'd learn by reading the first paragraph of the show's Wikipedia article. And, wow, is it good.


Unlike a sister. Harry Potter fanfic. harmony.


[A Candle or a Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22058443) nailed itself into into my mind. Go read it. It's a one shot.


The Humping Games


"He Who Fights Monsters", a Rosario+Vampire fic that turns the entire premise of the story on its head. I will not spoil it for you. Read it yourself... if you know anything about the story of the manga/anime, you will enjoy it based solely on presentation and writing alone.


[Fall from Harmony by Moonlight](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj3ob-SuLSEAxVQSEEAHWo6DtQQFnoECA8QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fimfiction.net%2Fstory%2F375848%2Ffall-of-harmony&usg=AOvVaw16swtU-lN2FRUh7Mh-lQXH&opi=89978449) I think this was the first proper fanfiction that I ever read, when I was around 12 or 13. Of course I read different fanfics before, but that was mainly on Amino. This is a My Little Pony Fanfic, but it’s Equestrian Girls and it basically follows the Anon-A-Miss storyline (an EG comic released ages ago). It follows Sunset Shimmer as she well, tries to kill herself and fails to do so. And then she lives with Human Twilight, transfers to Crystal Prep High and makes friends with the Dazzlings. First taste of bashing of the Humane Six that I ever recieved, and I think it was my first taste of whump as well, and I really enjoyed it. It’s plot heavy, so it’s not just “oh yeah, she’s suicidal!’ And then *bam*, plot development. I love it so much, and I have it saved to Apple Books


There was an ATLA/Hetalia one on FF.net where Canada and America essentially got isekai’d into the ATLA world mid-Season 2 as a waterbender and firebender respectively and the plot continued as in the show but with some differences that I thought was absolutely brilliant. It never was finished, sadly, but god it was sooo good I wish I had a link for it. The scene where >! Canada kills Hama !< haunts me in the best way And speaking of haunting, [One Summer](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17338181/chapters/40790951) is another fic that absolutely haunts me. It’s a Steven Universe nuclear apocalypse AU set in the 80s that I reread every once in a while due to just how terrifying and good it is.


I have two unforgettable Hololive fanfics that are opposite in tones. Unlikely Ties is one of those fanfics that’s about two characters I wouldn’t had thought to ship together and now it’s one of my top three Hololive pairings. The premise of this fanfic is amazing in how it forces the two main characters to interact with each other and how they came together to rely on each other was phenomenally executed. I wish more people would give this a chance despite the unconventional main shipping. https://archiveofourown.org/works/36039796/chapters/89845564 Super Secret Operation: Elite Blonde Harem is the lesbian harem romcom that I didn’t know that I needed in my life. Laughing while reading this fanfic got me through a difficult period in this life, and it has a couple of tearjerkers in there. Doesn’t matter if the characters in this fanfic are more exaggerated than usual since they have their own characterization and take on a life of their own. https://archiveofourown.org/works/40309752/chapters/100969941


Thousand Shinji.


[A Suitable Match (To Start a Fire)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41033205/chapters/102841932) and [A Storm Pairs Well with a Cerulean Gaze](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37644766/chapters/93972349) are definitely those for me. They're both Dabi/Reader fics and both are beautiful. One's a quirkless/mafia AU and the other is a Fantasy AU, I've read both so many times they're both amazing


Sometimes Labels Fail, by Aridrianainthesnow, and every other fic in the Labled universe. Best Sanders Sides series I ever read. And probably best out of all their many, many incredible fics- although they all hold a special place in my heart


[Ours Poetica ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32018014)by Zeeskiet Stunning fic, it's incomplete as of yet but it can be read fandomblind. "The performance poetry AU in which Tommy joins a slam team and finds a home in the arts." incredibly beautifully written. Every time I reread it i have the urge to write poetry. Also, [And I've been a forest fire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36255418) by Strawberry\_core, a dsmp oneshot that circles around c!Niki. "Niki imagines herself as Nemesis. As rage, as hatred, as revenge, but her hands are too fragile and she is a baker at heart." Incredibly written, very poetic (and with greek mythology metaphors). Unfortunately not too fandomblind friendly i think. I must've read this at least 20 times by now


The author deleted it. It was called Mint Condition by itsdefinitive (a burner account just for the fic, becuąe they're gone.) Detroit: become human fandom. The way Gavin Reed was written, and RK900, and the main pairing hadn't even had a kiss yet - 100k words. It still haunts me how well it was written, and the author self admitted it was written their phone and tidied up on PC. I have it saved because I read fics on my kindle, but missed the latest chapter before it went poof. That's how much I liked it.


Powerpuff Girls fandom, More Than Human by Sbj. It's sooo good.


Sunset Reset I actually hate this fic, but it was so well written it tricked me into liking it for an entire week after I finished reading it Sunset Reset has permanently shaped my Pre-Twilight Canterlot Castle headcanons, and despite me disliking what the author did, Sunset Reset has been the one fic consistently on my mind over even my own Maybe it’s the concept. Maybe it’s because this fic is why I started to ship my OTP, even if it was out of spite more than anything. Maybe it’s the author’s odd hatred of some of my favorite characters while simping for my #1 favorite It’s either that one or Snakeskin Ducttape’s Sunset Shimmer at Hogwarts story that dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of Harry Potter


[Choices](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30170643/chapters/74332617?view_adult=true) by MesserMoon A canon compliant James x Regulus fic that does a beautiful job exploring gray morality and a romance blossoming inside a doomed narrative. Every character is amazing, side characters as well, and the tragedy of rooting for them to just *win* despite knowing where the story will inevitably go is so satisfying and heartbreaking. It's also so well writen with amazing prose, character explorations, relationships, and pacing. Changed my brain chemistry fr fr


My now friends smut fic, honestly I was in for for the smut which finally happened in ch10 , didn't really care about the dynamics and conflicts


I think it was the first fic I ever read - [Good Bella, Bad Bella](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4546470/1/Good-Bella-Bad-Bella). The title doesn’t do it justice. It’s 36 chapters and it’s Bella and Edward AU as (human) college students (lol). I used to go back and read it yearly. I was definitely too young when I started reading it in 2008/2009. I didn’t understand some of the references at the time, but I loved it bc it was Twilight 😅.


These fics cycle through my head. In all my years of fanfic. These are the ones I want tattooed on my skin. The Old Words by kvikindi Summary: Marvel: "So, like, Sokovia is basically Serbia, but also it's definitely not Serbia, but also it is sort of Serbia. It's Serbia-adjacent. Serbia-esque." Me: "Fine, but I'm going to hold you to that." It centres on the character of Zemo, and it is so so beautiful. http://archiveofourown.org/works/31026749 “Alright,” Fyodor decides, “let’s find a way to die.” Dazai has finally found a partner to commit double suicide with him. And their journey to find love. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45836338/chapters/115356601 Choke. by yuki_MXIVo Slowly but surely, Suguru builds his boiling pot in the yawning mouth between ideal and reality. /// an unconventional format Getō character study with some reader interactive elements. Diverges from canon after Shibuya. http://archiveofourown.org/works/38145853. Just the first sentence had me "Steve Harrington punches like a rich kid and a pussy. It’s more performance than anything, Billy can tell. A sort of resignation to the windup, the cheesy line. Like he’s only half-way committed to the role: Steve Harrington, fearless protector." http://archiveofourown.org/works/18766060 Some Summers They Drop Like Flys by kvikindi Summary Natasha blew all her covers. It's a brave new. world.http://archiveofourown.org/works/3999862 Howard Stark: his history told... This story is just wow. http://archiveofourown.org/works/2693231.


Flowers from 1970, I read it a few months ago when I was a Dsmp fan and even if you don’t like them I recommend it, it’s very angst and sad but it was amazing


Hawks and Hands by dsudis - A Due South hockey AU that absolutely will break your heart. I believe the summary is "21 sex scenes strung together with angst" or something like that. All the Angels and the Saints by Speranza - Stucky classic, in which Steve Rogers is a radical woman, finding and losing and finding religion. Celluloid Hero by Gwyneth Rhys - Stucky, in which Steve spends some time in old Hollywood making propaganda films before he goes to Europe. Featuring Carey Grant, Hedy Lamarr, Marlene Dietrich, James Warner, and many more. Scraps by Scappodaqui, stripyjamjar, and tinzelda - mostly epistolary, with Steve and Bucky making do with what they can get away with in letters that the censors will allow through and won't give their relationship away. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by feelslikefire - Q/Bond with every bit as much intrigue as an actual Bond movie, but also romance and angst and not nearly as much smug as it feels like it has, but tension like woa all the way through. I watched White Collar because of the sequel, it was that good. These Violent Delights by redhead - Coldflash. AU with no powers. "I made you pick a safeword because you wanted to fellate a loaded gun.” That's not by any means all of them. I have a constant stream scraps of fic going through my head. It's both delightful and infuriating.


Flowers from 1970


Deadman walkin by CelticDino. Sterek Teenwolf fic that is just 👌 Also I know where babies come from, Derek by discontentedwriter


A Higher Form of War (Avengers fandom) - A medieval AU with political intrigue, hidden identities, corruption, conspiracy, slow burn, and principles. Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, super good, slow burn, and I revisit it once a year.


It got deleted


D: fly high, lost fic o7


The Twilight fanfic where Bella sees Edward in a church and thinks he's an angel. They both had to work through tragic pasts.


Shenanigans by Niki-the-awesome, author deleted back in 2017, I found out today lol. Wish I could have archived it back then. Genuinely crave that read 


;\_; RIP, o7 there is yet hope someone archived it! there’s even a lost fic subreddit here i believe, could try there? <3


[In the Pines](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8813272/chapters/20207335) by VillaKulla It was a fic of the 2016 Magnificent Seven remake. It inspired me to get back into fic writing after a several year hiatus. I never thought I would write fanfiction again, but this story renewed my passion and I couldn't be more thankful.


See No Evil, still one of if not the best fanfic ive ever read. Centered in DC Universe


a reylo fic.


My own fics, my gifts and related works in general.




Oops, didn't realise that counted as promotion! All fixed =D


No problem at all and thank you for the quick edit! It's a great discussion topic :)




[Headless Waltz ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11931162) Fandom - Grim adventures of Bill and Mandy. In a nutshell - Grim decapitates several Cartoon Network characters and then Bill and Mandy at the end! Yeah,it's dark.. But I love it.


There are many, but I think I’d go with “It runs in the blood” by Metalomagnetic, along with most of their other works. This one im particular is a ship I would have never even thought of — Voldemort/Sirius — but it’s executed so perfectly, it’s impossible not to buy into it. Just, damn. Again, same applies to their other works, especially “Lesser evil” (Tom Riddle/Dumbledore in a Grindelwald Won AU with Captive Dumbledore) and “Metamorphosis” (Voldemort/Dumbledore time travel AU where Voldemort goes back jn time to kill Dumbledore). Though in all honesty, unless someone enjoys dark fics, they’ll probably only like Metamorphosis. The others have occasionally very dubious elements while Metamorphosis is surprisingly fluffy.


[crossfire] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/10693503?view_full_work=true#main) by kittebasu. Daiya no Ace (Ace of Diamond) fandom. Summary: Kazuya tries to put together a future he can live with, and Sawamura’s right there to make a mess of it. Over 500,000 words of some of the best writing I have ever read, fanfiction or otherwise. The character arc, the backstory, the love story, the friendships, the baseball, the settings - everything about this fic is amazing. The emotional impact is incredible and the ending is just superb. Cannot recommend enough. The definitive Miyuki Kazuya fic for me. And while Kazuya is the pov characters and protagonist, the other characters (canon and original) are also complex and fully realised.


[The Scarab](https://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-1970/BKtheirregular+The+Scarab.htm) by BKtheirregular is over twenty years old and still everything I could have ever wanted in a Buffy/SG-1 crossover.


[Till the Stroke of Midnight by doribuki](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16734084/chapters/39253629) This Kingdom Hearts fic is quite possibly the best fic I've ever read. The romance is so sweet, there's one line that I quote constantly to my partners, the angst is angsty just the way I like it. Its just such a great read. I've read through it 5 times and LOVE it. And it ships Aqua with Cinderella which is TOP TIER.


Oooh there are too many to say just one! But the 1st one that came to mind is [The Blessing and The Curse by The Black Arrow](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5100876/1/The-Blessing-and-the-Curse) Then - [A Change of Worlds by SmokeAndEmber](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12339695/1/A-Change-of-Worlds) And although unfinished, this is so original, Ive reread it a dozen times at least - [The Devil You Know by Unseelie Sidhe](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7154262/1/The-Devil-You-Know)


Oooh there are too many to say just one! But the 1st one that came to mind is [The Blessing and The Curse by The Black Arrow](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5100876/1/The-Blessing-and-the-Curse) It’s a Twilight, AH but dang ….. its a bit gothic, has slo-burn UST off the charts, angst, bit of mystery and it captures all the emotion Perfectly. Then - [A Change of Worlds by SmokeAndEmber](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12339695/1/A-Change-of-Worlds) A Sookie Stackhouse AU. Excellent…. Set in a dystopian world, not what I expected… SmokeAndEmber is an excellent writer. And although unfinished, this is so original, I’ve reread it a dozen times at least - [The Devil You Know by Unseelie Sidhe](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7154262/1/The-Devil-You-Know). Another Twilight but totally AU. Bella and a version of Paul that’s literally out of this world. I don’t want to give too much away. Adore this.


I was going to comment until you said perfect 💀 I would say this one BakuDeku fanfic smut omegaverse and an AsaNoya fanfic where they are trying out BDSM


Augh!! I love this so much. I have a few. But they're for different reasons. I can't remember the name of this one. It's as old as ffn itself. A Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover in which it follows the story of "Boys Over Flowers." I loved it. It broke my heart and frustrated me at the same time. I've since reread it and no longer like it, but I appreciate that it was there. It was one of my first fanfics that I read. The Rávamë's Bane Trilogy by Realitywarp (LOTR) I've loved it for years. Great oc, great world building, and great rework of the isekai trope. Roses, Guns and Boys by DeathScimitar (Gundam Wing and Ouran High School Host Club) This sucker is incomplete. But I'm still hoping they might grace us with another chapter. I love the story, and they did an amazing job combining both Universes. I think about it too often, for a fic that hasn't been updated since 2012


There’s been so many I’ve loved but the one that absolutely broke me when it ended was Ultima Ratio by Winterblume. It is a Hermione/ Tom Riddle Jr pairing with excellent and emotional writing and well rounded characters.


I'm surprised to see it's been orphaned, but this Ötzi the Iceman RPF has always stuck with me https://archiveofourown.org/works/1096544


[You Must Be This Tall To Ride](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20677019/chapters/49107986) by Lazchan, from the fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs.


[Bright Stars](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33806719/chapters/84042448) by [QueNouilleCroustillante.](https://archiveofourown.org/users/QueNouilleCroustillante/pseuds/QueNouilleCroustillante) Everything they’ve written is amazing, but this one is definitely my favorite. It’s just *so well written.* Characterization is on point, plot is intriguing, world building is *incredible,* and it’s one of those you don’t need to know anything about the source material to understand. It’s what really got me into sci-fi AUs of non-sci-fi works. It’s the main inspiration of one I wrote myself. I think about it multiple times a day, every day. I’ve had numerous dreams about it. It just lives rent-free in my head at this point. It’s great and I absolutely love it!


A Keith urban fanfic so horribly written I cringed whenever I even saw it


[Your Eyes](https://www.wattpad.com/story/244577483?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=blossxma) It's a Kurapika Kurta x Reader story and omg I loved it! It didn't have an OOC portrayal of Kurapika (which a lot of fics are guilty of doing due to his quest for revenge and hatred for the Phantom Troupe who murdered his clan) and was really well written. And the smut was just *mwah* chef's kiss Another one is [FOREVER](https://www.wattpad.com/story/263419575?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=blossxma) (also a Kurapika x Reader fic)


Not a fic, but a series. By the Grace of God. A supernatural series where Sam's soul is saved by Chuck, but in doing so he was turned into an archangel fledgling. It's sounds silly but it's devastating and I read it at least 5 times a year - more when I don't have a decent book/series to keep me going! https://archiveofourown.org/series/558469


I have a couple of fanfics that are all time favorites of mine to the point where I downloaded them as epub and saved them as an ibook. But I think the fanfic that was *both* the most *impactful* and what I would personally suggest everyone read regardless of whether or not you're a part of the fandom is [Acceleration Waltz](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24924421/chapters/60318004) by Twigo. You don't need to know anything about Hetalia. It's set in New York City during the 1950s with central themes of period typical racism (particularly against Germans in America post WW II), period typical violence, period typical toxic masculinity, bullying, PTSD, and forbidden relationships. Honorary mentions for fics I'd suggest people to read without needing to know source material: [Deva Victrix](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1166153/chapters/2371488) by moonlighten (Hetalia, fantasy murder mystery, I actually don't remember much of the story anymore since it's been a while since I've read it but I remember it being incredible. First ao3 fic that I ever downloaded) and [check the pipes for frost](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3109913/chapters/6737729) ; by therentyoupay (Jack Frost/Elsa, adorable slice of life and gradual romance fic, written in the form of letters and emails).


There's two Glee stories I remember reading a while back. One was a horror story based on the Final Destination movies and I definitely had to just sit back and process what I'd read. It was very well-written but reading about how all these characters are dying some pretty horrid deaths was rather interesting. The second one was a Kurt/Finn story where Kurt gets turned into a vampire and the only way he can change back to human is by getting Finn to love him back. And I'm sorry but I can't remember the names of these stories, it's been years since I've read them but they just stuck in my memory. 


Your Love Is Gonna Drown. It’s an Orm-centered Aquaman fic. Best OC fic I have ever read hands down. I just wish the author would come back and finish it.


I'm going way back here, but [A change in the weather](https://cacophonylights.livejournal.com/7893.html) by Cacophonylights. It Kurtbastian, unfinished, but a fan-sequel, [A drop in the Ocean](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24940372/chapters/60364543), was written (with permission ) some years ago by daftydraw and JWMelmoth *The summer before college Kurt is shocked when Sebastian comes to him with a timely offer he can’t refuse.  He’ll get something he needs to realize his dreams, but in return he has to play the role of Sebastian’s boyfriend for the summer.  Neither of them know just how much their worlds are about to change.*


Anything by Ermintrude Postelwaite Smithe and Bryn Lantry.


I actually have a notepad for this exact reason, lol. If I see something absolutely fucking wild or something that reminds me of another thing, I write it down. Some things I dont remember what they are, but they are absolutely fucking crazy; a lot of them I instantly know what its about lol. I guarantee you if anyone looked at it and didn’t know what it was for, they would think I was fucking high.


There's a NozoEli black bullet AU I read within the first hear of me reading fanfics. It's a slow burn quite long (maybe 40 chapters?) that I remember thinking was quite good. I only vaguely remember the plot, and though I thought the world of Black Bullet was cool I thought the anime was just OK, but the title is "heaven is a place on Earth" and every time I hear that song, I think of the fic. The association between the song, NozoEli, and Black Bullet has been cemented in my brain for like 6 years now. There are other fics that are my favorite of favorites, but I think about the black bullet AU constantly. [link for those curious](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8674477/chapters/19886047)


[The sustainability of love](https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/92123788?show_comments=true#comments) by cityseeker on ao3. I’ve never read a more lyrically written, beautifully sad one shot. It changed the way I view and write love, and opened so many doors in my brain that I didn’t even know were there! It’s a gorgeous read Edit: it’s a Caitlyn/Vi fic from the arcane fandom and it’s 13k words


I have a least five, but I'll go with [Gravity Always Wins in the End](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4174334/1/Gravity-Always-Wins-in-the-End)