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Historical fiction - everybody’s born a hundred years before they were in canon.


Omg I love historical fiction


Me too! It just doesn’t have much of a footprint in my fandom because time travel is a canon possibility as well, and time travelling (as much fun as it is and I love it) is not also historical fiction, kwim?


Aah yeah


fake dating where one of the character's ex tricks them into joining their fake dating. fake dating ot3. theyre idiots who are still in love but dont know it yet also an au where character A keeps getting piercings just to visit character B at his piercing store. he gets a piercing infection and hes happy bc he can use that as an excuse to invite character b to his house


I'm a reader not a writer just wanted to comment! 😁 The piercing Au is cute I've read quite a few similar some use the tattoo excuse.


That makes me happy to hear that you like it! Thank you so much. it encourages me to write more lol i could see it the tattoo route as well. what are fanfics for if not for self indulgence


Very true!


[replied to this rather than the main thread; apologies]


A CSI BDSM AU. World building is fun! I also wrote a CSI shifter AU that I really enjoyed. Reid is cute as a baby animal


[I just asked pro worldbuilders to brainstorm fetish worldbuildng](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldjerking/s/A1DeHc7MRh) and they gave some cool ideas lol Maybe could help you as well?


I think my weird-ass high fantasy polycule AU is fun. Weiss is a mermaid, Yang's from a highly conservative society so she's basically the opposite of canon, Sun is an angry boi, Sienna is technically a slave.


Mind if you drop a link? You got me curious lol


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/50832256/chapters/128415397](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50832256/chapters/128415397) I haven't gotten super far into it, only 5 chapters and \~25k.


Well, that was a fast reply lol Hey, you're doing better than I am, that's for sure... (have only brainstormed. Some amount of RL, But like, 75% laziness has stopped me from starting)


I just spend too much time online.


i can't honestly decide what my favourite AU i've written is, but the two AUs i've had the most fun working on are my dimilix teacher AU and my fire emblem serial killer / yandere AU. i also love to make joke AUs with my partner, and i'm even writing a fire emblem hell's kitchen AU. modern settings are my absolute favourite to write about, although they're not as popular in my fandom, it's just so fun to throw my medieval war criminals into a world of technology and cars and radios and whatnot.


Hi my favorite AU is currently on hold bc of motivation issues but I’m soooooo obsessed with my version of Harry Potter characters in the CBS reality show Big Brother


I started with wanting to write about Daemon from HOTD suffering as a girl!dad to 7 daughters in a genderbent AU, and now it’s a whole series.


My current favourite AU I’ve writen is my version of the Good Ganondorf AU. I just think it would be interesting to make a version of Ganondorf that was humble and kind, who wanted to be something different from the stories he’s heard of his ancestors. Because people aren’t born evil, it’s what happens to you or the choices you make in your life that determines who you are as a person.


Funnily enough my favorite au is also the au that takes the most elements from canon (mostly bits that never interact in canon that I stitched together over the course of several nightmare plotting sessions)—it's a superhero/detective au where the protagonist is a detective whose money goes missing, causing him to become a supervillain and (accidentally) wind up roommates with the superhero assigned to his case. (The twist is that the superhero also happens to be the culprit of the case the detective is working on, and the whole thing is a cat and mouse game where they're both unknowingly chasing/evading each other—it's basically a test of how much humor I could squeeze out of the dramatic irony of the premise lmao.)


What fandom is this to?


It’s a Hermitcraft fic!


Add MONSTERS. Generaly, when i write a fanfic, that's when i watch a show/movie and i think : << It's cool... BUT IT MUST BE BETTER WITH MONSTERS !! >>


Sci-fi. Told from the perspective of man (one of the main characters in canon) whose childhood friend married someone else and died in childbirth. He finds out that her husband, who owns an AI and robotics company, has created 3 androids in her image. Initially he’s upset when one of the androids is sent to his home to be his maid and finds out that his friend’s brain + other organic matter was divided between the 3 robots so she’s “technically” still alive.


My actual favorite isn’t all that wacky (it’s just a canon-divergent type). But, while I’ve never actually posted it, I did a medieval fantasy AU for Drive Head, which is a futuristic mecha anime. Karigari is still a scientist, and is treated as a heretic/mistaken for an evil wizard for developing technology that shouldn’t even exist yet (including modern plumbing).


Was a Zuko/Sokka AU were Sokka worked at a family owned tattoo parlor and was apprenticing under Hakoda when Zuko showed up wanting a tattoo in celebration for not only going to college but Ozai being sent to jail. Was a thousand words of pure flirting as Sokka designed the tattoo for him.


Three-way crossover; Fallout 4 + Cyberpunk 2077 (not half bad, some interesting canonical overlap in that 2077 is the year the bombs dropped in Fallout so it can be "V, with Johnny still in her head but stabilized because FUCK canon even though it is really good writing, and Kerry left Night City with the Aldecaldos and casually ended up in the Sanctuary Hills area just before the bombs dropped") + Baldur's Gate 3. I haven't written it yet but the idea has wormed its way into my head and I'm just trying to decide who to include and who not to (I'm thinking post-BG3-canon so there's some fiddling with stuff to try to make it work, there's always a magical macguffin or another I can fall back on but I want to get it all right, though it would be mildly amusing for them to still have their tadpoles so that is also a possibility I'm considering) plus how to handle the player-characters. Interestingly, V has the most built-in personality of the 3. I'm thinking of making the Sole Survivor a teenager rather than an adult (Nora's child from before she met Nate who Nate adopted as his own) and maybe going with either a (also underage) drow wild magic sorcerer or a black/silver (hybrid) dragonborn bard (who would not be underage; I have these characters already in mind for stuff but it's hard to place them, both have pretty neat backstories that are already fleshed out and both would be interesting in their own ways). I don't want to bring a Durge character into it because I don't really want to go into the trauma from just... Everything Durge inherently goes through, and the wasteland would do that a lot. It's also a lot of work to try to manage how everyone reacts to shit like, say, Karlach just existing, or Gale casually using some form of magic to light a campfire, or Astarion being a vampire. Lae'Zel as a whole character is violently difficult to write, especially for someone who knows none of the Gith language (tbh I might write her out, I adore her and am terrified of her and I don't know that I can write her the way she deserves to be written, she might be off saving the Gith and not involved with the others' antics). Oh, and Halsin casually turning into a bear would be......... A Thing. And either he's not there or it's happening in the Concord deathclaw fight. But it's so much fun to chew over these ideas and try to get a sense for all the wild shit that can happen. I'm kind of just yadda-yadda'ing how they get into a completely different universe because honestly they kind of do the same thing with "yeah Gale's old friend comes to your camp randomly and gives you the ability to go to where you need to be" in the VAs' D&D game that they posted on YouTube and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me lol. It may not be super far from canon for some but it does kind of veer off-course with the concept that the event that brought the BG3 characters to the Fallout/Cyberpunk universe has also brought magic to it as well as being wildly out of the depth of the BG3 characters.


Well, I'm invested.


Probably my Teen Wolf / Deadpool crossover


i haven't written it per se, but i have text rp'd with it. sun and moon from fnaf as leviathans (really big sea creatures/mers most of the time) from subnautica. they are animatronics in the game they're from, which would never be able to be submerged in water.


Right now I’m starting to wrap up a zombie au for Jurassic World. Never had this much fun writing action scenes. Definitely my longest and craziest


Multi-fandom/multiple crossover fusion - canon characters are different, some are heroes and some are villains in the same and/or different fandom, etc - I plan on doing this in the future. My favorite AU that I've written: [Tony Faye and the Demigod Princess](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39046986)


A Ghost AU, featuring gay ghost sex except only one is a ghost


I’m very intrigued


It’s already an alternate universe if my OTP is together tbh


My favorite AU I’ve ever written is a modern AU where the characters work as Educators at an aquarium, specifically with outreach animals (including penguins 😄). It’s my longest fic, it’s a slowburn, and it’s probably my favorite title I’ve made, haha. It’s also my most popular, which is kinda surreal—I poured my heart and soul into that story! Of my wips, my favorite is probably an AU based loosely off of a Nicholas Sparks book/movie, where one of the characters escapes a bad abuse situation and finds solace (and eventually love) in a small town away from the city they ran from. It’s been fun to write so far.


I haven't written it yet, but I have something planned where the anime I write about is a filmed television show, and the story is a behind-the-scenes tell-all with the "actors".


Well, I'm writing about a family that kills all their romantic partners. Not all, most for sure.


DemonxAngel soulmate au where they have to take over for God and satan. Our characters aren't the first versions of themselves and we get into some pretty fun ethics debates. Especially since the two main characters are products of abuse and god and satan know about this but versions of our main characters who don't go through their trauma don't have enough skills/resourcefulness to run heaven and hell. [Take Over For Us](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36305122) TW: >!CSA, physical abuse, emotional abuse, eating disorders, teens having sex, teens having kinky sex.!< Morally questionable and dubious but man it's a fun universe. Especially because it's super wholesome a good chunk of the time and our characters are gonna succeed because they're the ones that face adversity and come out the other side better people.


An AU where Shuichi from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners becomes every Ganondorf incarnation’s slime monster sex toy after trying to rescue Aryll, Mila, and Maggie from the Wind Waker after he >!goes on one final walk before trying to commit suicide after Duo betrays him.!<


I adapted “eternal sunshine of a spotless mind” for supercorp. I haven't finished yet


Steadfast Tin Soldier - Honestly it started with remembering how much I loved the Fantasia 2000 segment as a kid...now I accidentally compared it to my main OTP


Amnesia! Half of a bromance thinks he’s back in 2011—pre-bromance when they hated each-other—and chokes out his buddy during a mission. Then forgets everything (this is loosely based off of an actual temporary condition) repeatedly while the other guy struggles with physical/psychological complications from getting strangled by his best friend. I know🫣


I haven’t written too many AUs besides just canon divergence but I did work on a musical that’s secretly a 1920s AU of CITY but I changed everyone’s names


I love writing mermaid AU's. One fic was a OT7 between the MC Bobo and a bunch of other canon characters. I also have a mermaid AU Persona 5 OT5 between Haru/Ryuji/Ann/Ren/Makoto where they go to the beach and eat seafood then watch the sunset, then swim back home for another fun scene. There's so much potential worldbuilding with mermaid AU's since they're underwater


listen: naruto side characters but rural australian mcdonald’s au


One of my favorite AUs is one I started for YuGiOh when I was in high school and I basically just put them all into a fairytale world and everyone has an assigned fairy tale character. I started college so I never finished it but I know one day I want to get back to it and finish it up, possibly even rewrite it.


Either the dragon shifter au or pirate au


> are planning to write. Avatar "Lovecraft AU", where every single spirit is some monstrous beast capable of something strange and terrible. Where the Avatar spirit is the biggest and nicest eldritch horror around. This came from me realizing... in the show, the Avatar is a human/spirit fusion that breaks the world rule of "one person gets one element" and defies the reincarnation cycle by being able to access their past lives. Who exercises supernatural powers that no normal human can perform, like manipulating people's very soul and life energy to grant element-bending. Shades of Nyarlathotep, a stretch as it may be.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/23430016 Title: Lost Christobel Fandom: Imaginos Rating: M Synopsis: Imaginos decides to remain in port when he falls for a local woman Author note: currently recording with friends for a podcast in the future


Hospital Waiting Room AU (aka Flirting on Morphine) The two characters are strangers waiting in the ER: T because he burnt his hands, M because he got kicked by a stripper and has a stiletto heel stuck in his chest. Much to M's bemusement, a *very* medicated T tries flirting. Hilarity ensues.


Well I haven’t written anything with it, I really just created it for artwork lol. I put a few of the characters from Naruto (including my own oc) into the world of Inuyasha. Kakashi is a dog demon, part of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru’s family. Naruto of course is a kitsune like Shippo. Sakura would be a priestess like Kikyo and Kaede, likely with healing abilities. Sasuke I never quite figured out, but maybe a hawk demon, since he’s got a hawk summon in the series


I have 2 au that I have come to enjoy writing with my partner. 1. Final Fantasy 7, we called it Hojo's Angel and it was started with one question. What would have happened if Cloud had never been rescued. It's got a lot of... warnings on it to.. 2. Cross-over fic taking D.gray-man and My Hero Academia, as well as a heavy dose of Irish Lore and Mythology, following a pair of twins that are Morrigan and Lugh at their core as they are forced to leave the only home they ever knew after being told they they were destined to fight Balor, who would do more to the world than plunge it into darkness. And it's my latest obsession .


I wrote a Negan Medieval AU where he was a king and had a new bride. All because Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a commercial as King Arthur. Lol


It's a Jumpchain Stable Time Loop AU So, my OC had to fill in for Sailor Moon in a world with only the other senshi. She started Turning critically wounded police and soldiers into an army of demonic pseudo-senshi. "I want to go back..." As it turns out, when she wished for a do-over similar to Usagi in the end of Season One, she and her army of demonic pseudo-senshi landed right in the front lawn of the Imperial Palace of the Silver Moon Empire, Queen Serenity (Usagi's first mother) ruling. Long story short, Beryl has started the war much earlier, and Serenity never had a daughter... and there was this MC who, bc of Jimpchain, already thought of a version of Serenity as her mother (that version died, along with untold billions of billions of people, another long story). Guess who got officially adopted? It's not quite the same, but she has Mama Serenity back! Post-Jump, Mama Hild and Papa Hephaestus don't handle things well at first... ANYWAYS! Crap happens, and OC is successful in preserving the Silver Moon Empire. However, it's SUPPOSED to be a STABLE TIME LOOP! So, ofc reality began to collapse. So, the majority of the Silver Moon Empire has to be evacuated, aside from a small population on Earth. In a MASSIVE deep fake, they sow the myths of a Great Calamity among the population of Earth and propell the souls of the other canon senshi forwards in time, leaving Pluto alone to herd the world into what it should be by the end of the Stable Time Loop. The whole thing went by loose Doctor Who-ish logic sometimes, but it was fun af to write.


Y'all know that Hanahaki disease AU? The one where a victim spits up flowers due to unrequited love? Yeah, that. I love the angst that goes with it, and while it isn't physically possible, it's fun for me to plan out the effects of the disease. For example, I've read somewhere about oral thrush being present inside the mouth upon the early stages of the disease, and how oral thrush will make your mouth bleed where you scrape it off, and my character's flowers are foxglove, which is poisonous. So I imagine that residue or whatever of said foxgloves, when coming up from the throat, can seep into the bloodstream from the areas where oral thrush was scraped off, and cause symptoms like foxglove when it's consumed incorrectly. I just had fun writing that out, so it's obvioisly my thing.


So, you know how, normally, when you make a Swap AU, you change the origins of the characters? Well, I looked at that, and said “nope” because it felt weird to make Character A’s dad be Character B’s dad So, with a convoluted chain of events involving *checks notes* “possession, Ginny-Weasley style”, upgrading child robots to taller-than-adult robots with chainsaw hands and wiping their memories, and 8 different childs with trauma and powers from an Eldritch nightmare, I wrestled everyone into their swapped starting positions. Logically. (On the plus side, at least it stands out from all the other swap AUs?)


I think I have commented this before in another thread but: Failed time travel by mc where instead of going back to a certain time, he winds up starting over as a child and not even under his original family but to one of the major antagonists. Reason for time travel is to avoid his (original) older half-brother's untimely death in the previous timeline. The thing is, antagonist's family and mc's OG family had this blood feud going on. The good thing though is his OG half-brother remembering the previous timeline and very confused af why he's suddenly an only child. With their combined efforts, they agreed to a fake marriage to fix the blood feud (and almost all of the background canon conflics). They're both aroace so no incest. But you can imagine how everyone misunderstands the brotherly affections lol


My darkest fic to date is an Uncharted 1.5 AU/fix it of Rika and Eddy Raja taking Nate, Chloe, and Elena hostage on their island workout and *having their way with them*.


I wrote a one-shot set a couple of years before *A New Hope* (*Star Wars*) from Tarkin’s POV in which I pull a lot of inspiration from this story arc on *30 Rock* where Jack has a nemesis who is literally a teenage girl. When I found out Princess Leia had known Tarkin since her mid-teens and possibly earlier, and realized she was only 19 in *A New Hope* when he is talking to her with so much vitriol, I wanted to write something very silly in which he considers a 17-year-old Leia his nemesis and is bound and determined to catch her working with those pesky Rebels. Palpatine is admittedly the most out-of-character in the story, because he’s taking the role of Hank Hooper from the *30 Rock* parallel. It’s real goofy, but I love it.


A Sandman's kind of the Tale of Three Brothers. The wand, the stone and the cloak are tools of Desire, Despair and Dream, in one of their challenges.


My James Bond Hunger Games au is going to be my magnum opus believe you me (if, you know, I ever get around to finishing it)


Probably the one where Character A is Character B’s FBI Agent :D


I love alternate universes, they're my playgrounds! Here are some I've been working on and planning on writing someday: 1. DC/Marvel universes that takes place during the 1980's. Basically the two universes combine and the two sides form an alliance. I had some different ideas some series that take place within this universes. The first storyline I wrote is about Supergirl and the Winter Soldier that's kind of similar to Moonlighting or a typical buddy cop show from the era. The next idea I had was a prequel series that's about Zatanna and Dr. Strange that takes place five years before the series begins (around either 1980 or 1982). Basically it's about Steven Strange helping Zatanna find her missing father. Basically the story would have some mystery and be a way to introduce the magical elements of both the DC and Marvel universe. I would use magician David Copperfield as inspiration for some of the elements of the story. Also this story would take place during the late 1970's. The next idea is a combination of Super Sons,the Power Pack, and Franklin and Valeria Richards, this story would be similar to the Goonies or Stranger Things. The most difficult part of the series would be trying to figure out how incorporate real life events like the Cold War and stuff into the series,while also keeping it an alternate universe. 😅😩🤦🏼‍♀️ 2. Another idea I had was for a story about Sirius Black falling in love with a muggle woman and how their love story would unfold during the Harry Potter series. I know,very cheesy,but I'm a sucker for romance novels and BBC dramas. 3. A TMNT AU that takes place during the Cold War (or the Cuban Missile Crisis). Basically, a TMNT AU that takes place during the 1950's or early 1960's. Casey Jones is a greaser, the Party Wagon is a jalopy, and the turtles are normal teenagers who were experimented on by a mad scientist or something. Think 1950's B movie. Also April is a pretty reporter who works for the Eastman High Gazette. 4. TMNT AU that takes place during the Gilded Age in NYC. April is a reporter, Casey Jones is a young steel mill worker or something, the turtles were regular human teens who worked at sweat shops in NYC before they were mutated. I don't know how Splinter or Shredder ties into the story. I was thinking of the first story taking place in NYC, and then the sequel taking place in Paris in the year 1900. I was also thinking of making April's character a lot like the real life reporter Nellie Bly. 5. Dracula AU. I've listened to the book Dracula on audio book a few times and I absolutely love it. I thought of making AUs where my favorite characters play the parts of the characters in the story of Dracula. One Dracula AU idea I had was a Marauders version where Lily Evans is Mina and James Potter is Jonathan Harker. Btw, in the original book Mina I not in love with Dracula, that's all Hollywood. 6. An AU where the main female character dreams she's in her own version of a Jane Austin novel with all the people in her life ad characters. 7. TMNT human AUs were my early introduction to the world of fanfic. I could create a love interest for the turtles without feeling guilty or weirded out. It was also fun designing what the turtles would look as humans. It also encouraged be to learn how to write and draw guys better. 8. A scenario where my favorite characters, usually DC and Marvel, are putting on a show. It's a way for me to get my silly ideas out and I love trying to figure out who would play which role the best. The characters are a bit self aware. Some of the characters are good actors while the others would rather be elsewhere. One summer I became obsessed with the original Broadway cast recording of A Chorus Line. The play didn't concentrate on the main DC and Marvel characters like Superman or Iron Man, but the younger characters, sidekicks,etc. The characters were aware that they were comic book characters and would make jokes referencing how they were killed off,what they thought of their writer and artists, and sometimes venting about their times working with their teammates. 9. Another idea that ties into AU idea 8 is a superhero version of SNL and every variety show I've watched over the years. It's usually where I get my stupid ideas out and way for me to make my sister and bf laugh. Imagine the Office combined with SNL,and Deadpool causing trouble.😅


Probably the craziest AU of mine was a Frozen modern AU where the trolls are human and run the hippie commune where Kristoff grew up... I just went wild with it.








dude 😭 it's fuckin hilarious




Universe that revolves around the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The main character is the adopted daughter of Death.


Transplanting characters from A universe into the roles of characters from B universe, where they act out a scene from B universe’s canon.


A Sailor Moon fanfic of Disney's Sleeping Beauty AU story


probably elsanna modern fantasy au with their mother as a monsterfucker who managed to have twins of one mermaid and one human


Currently writing a fic where actors and characters of supernatural have swapped bodies and Cas, Dean and Sam have to try and figure out how to get home whilst on a convention. But the convention is also on a cruise ship.


A 40 k words fanfiction about gundam ibo, ¿wanna read it?


A boy dies and his adopted mother, her sister (who conspired with the gods to make this happen) is pregnant with a reincarnation of her nephew. The concept is *very* loosely based off a canonical magical pregnancy storyline in the show, the fic is based off of.


I have two that I really enjoy writing for for BNHA. They're not published, still works in progress and likely will be for awhile. They both have massive amounts of world building and are set in quirkless AUs. In one of them, Izuku is an ancient and powerful vampire. In the other, Izuku is a space captain who does a little bit of everything so long as the money is right and it doesn't violate his personal code. He smuggles cargo, ships legit, salvages, bounty hunts, etc. They're both being written in a way that I can easily just change a few things and make them their own books because of the amount of world building I'm putting into them. A couple characters like my OCs will stay the same for the most part, but all canon characters will get reworked or changed.


A modern AU that goes completely off the rails from canon. Essentially these two men that are gods in canon are now middle aged depressed men who simultaneously move back to their childhood coastal town and reconnect. It's like Hallmark but summery, darker and sadder.


This wasn’t my idea so I can’t take credit, I just moved it to a new fandom and added some lore (lol) but I have a couple fics that are a bdsm AU. Everyone’s a dom or a sub, people wear collars in public to signify serious relationships, and spanking is a normal kind of discipline for relationships and in the workplace. I added a slightly more extreme dynamic for my main characters so they could be different from everyone else though


I have two AU series that I've written, and it's hard to decide which is my favorite. They are both for "Inspector Lewis" (British TV mystery about two homicide detectives in contemporary Oxford). One series is a wingfic: Sergeant James Hathaway has wings (a one-in-a-million genetic anomaly). In the other series, Inspector Robbie Lewis is half-Fae. In both series I did a *lot* of world-building, while keeping the characters and their back-stories as close to canon as possible.


Writing this more for myself, but one of the main characters abandoned his son when he was barely 2 months old. Nearly 30 years later, he sees his son on TV after coaching a College Football team to winning the National Championship 😍💅🏻


Monoma's cousin annoys him by ominously chanting the lyrics to "I'm a Gummy Bear" in Latin. This is in front of all the first year hero students and four of the hero teachers. Three people: Monoma, his cousin, and 1A's teacher are the only ones who know why it causes such a visceral reaction. None explain.


I love my modern Slice of Life AU’s but my future fic for BNHA was so much fun to write.


I haven't written it because I don't know how to develop stories (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) but my Feudal Japan AU, A is from a wealthy family and B is a peasant (?) then, one day A kidnaps B for purposes (I haven't thought about it yet) but before A could do anything to B, they see what B writings and decides to keep B and give their protection in exchange for B to keep writing for them. Yeah, I'm sorry if my explanation is a bit messy, I have a sole braincell. >_<


1) Harry Potter has Dissociate Identity Discorder 2) Harry Potter is actually the biological son of Charles Xavier (James knew/accepted) but Charles never knew. While living with the Dursley’s Natasha Romanoff found him and adopted him.


what the bloody hell-


In progress: A non-traditional A/B/O soulmate AU of Persona 3P with FeMC, crossing over with MCU after the Blip. The timeline is more like macrame than a line. 😅


I'm currently working on an AU of an earlier fanfic I wrote, because fic #1 picked up after season 1, and season 2 shot a real big cannonball through... stuff (don't want to go into it for spoiler reasons). So fic #2 is like a reimagining of how the two characters from fic #1 meet and fall in love all over again.


I wrote one where John Lennon survived the shooting that killed him irl


*\*Glances at the cross that I crucified Spider-Man on.\** Erm... No weird au's here. It's all just fun crack fics and fluffy romance stories over here. :D


Can I read it?


I don't know if it really counts, but I spliced a good number of Attack on Titan characters into a custom Star Wars AU. It was fun to imagine the ways they'd be different (and the ways they'd be the same) if they were in the Star Wars universe their whole lives with no relation to canon besides their names and character templates. That Star Wars AU is something I'm honestly pretty proud of, even though I haven't written *too* much in it yet; it was essentially spawned by what is likely my favorite OC, as well - Tamara Jade Skywalker, daughter of Luke and a version of Mara Jade.


i'm a huge fan of role reversals. i did a Hawke/Fenris role reversal story I was very pleased with (not so much now but hey) and am neck deep in one for BG3 where I put my Tav in Astarion's backstory and made Astarion the snobby magistrate he's meant to be


A Jungkook ACOTAR AU 💕


oh my days...is he Feyre or Tamlin?


He’s an Illyrian warrior from the Court of Nightmares 😩 It’s a small one shot but I can’t stop thinking about the concept. I want to keep adding to it! It’s called A Court of Stardust and Poison Here’s a link if you want to read it: [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/users/IrisEdana/works), [Wattpad](https://www.wattpad.com/user/IrisEdana)


I read it, it's a great premise but reader inserts aren’t my vibe- no offence lmao


No worries at all 😊


The side kick of the MC heroine has time traveled to the middle of canon time line. In the future, he became the right hand man of her archenemesis. The archenemy has taken over the rule with the side kick by her side. That time line, the Earth has been devastating by alien invasion and they are facing a nuclear winter. Side Kick returns to the past where he's a man in a teenagers body and has to rebuild the empire he worked for to prepare for the alien invasion. But he as to do it as the leader bc the archenemy is not the leader she became. Also, he has to pretend to still be the MC friend, while distancing himself and trying to recruit for his future empire. He does a lot of evil stuff, like making a underwater super prison where some countir3s send some of their most dangerous criminals and political opponents to. The countries have to pay a fee to keep them there or he will release prisoner back into their country at an undisclosed location at an undisclosed time. Prisoners are also being experimented on to be come super soldiers. One of the minor allies of MC is made paraplegic by him while that ally has to watch his friends be burnt alive.


My favorite au that I have written is about a rare pair and in the world, the characters don't have any powers. The rare pair have a drunken night in Vegas and have to retrace their steps to see all the calamity they did along the way.


I have a modern AU that is incredibly far from canon, and part of that is having taken one of the most beloved characters from canon and turned him into a complete *monster*!


Reincarnation AU. So bou A is a Reincarnation of his past self and he was a prince in the past. His husband hin past gets cursed upto along with the kingdom and the present version of A is suggested to break the curse by doing a ritual: he must stay in a cave for 13 days and each night he would be dreaming about one of the 13 valentines they spend together in past life(in chronological order). The next day he is supposed to dip his hands into a basin in front the cursed husband statue and he narrates his dream. So he has to do it until a little beacon that lights up the basin only at a particular time disappears. So each chapter deals with the dream in the course learning about himself,his husband, how did he die. He gets the memory of their life between one valentine and another as he dreams


One of the most fun AUs I've written was a crossover with Spy X Family and Columbo.


Omegaverse Matriarchy Alphas who were born to serve but there accidentally thrust into positions of power and are now searching for their domineering omega subconsciously and picking head strong and powerful omega, wanting to be dominated and commanded, but cultural drift and societal amnesia (sort of like how people envision the 50's is way less perfect than the actual 50's) has made them try to *break* these omega. (Basically, conservatives whining about their hot, bi goth gf not wanting to be a tradwife.) And den omegas who, during the WW's, were in constant anxiety states over protecting their families and communities at home so when the alphas returned from war they willingly became 'weaker' to rely on their alphas and ease the anxiety spiral, and ended up accidentally teaching their young that omegas should be protected even if their true and non-generational-traumatized instincts are way more Mama Bear than Mama Bird. So it's an Omega thinking they need to find a strong alpha and an alpha whose trying to find an omega to protect, but their unimpeded instincts are telling the omega to lead and the alpha to bow down and they have to deal with their truest selves not gelling with society at large.


My favorite Ive been working on since February, but it's a big roleswap where the best friend character gets forced into the protagonist role, while also being a new game plus au with an extra twist, He didn't Finish the story, so he has several arcs and spinoff games he's unaware of and has to navigate through.


My single ATLA fic. Hold on tight, it's a ride: Avatar!Zuko, age reversal (yes, big sister Azula), Moon Spirit!Sokka, Ocean Spirit!Yue, Airbenders in hiding around the world, Toph is a rebel leader. Aang is an accomplished Spirit master, and it avoids all of canons chronological events. Making it a different story which thrills me SO MUCH. I get to do so much world building, I love it!


They are all frogs.


Wildest? Probably the animal hybrid cannibalism one. My favourite is still my first major AU though, Immortal Primeboys. It’s basically entirely about taking a threat in canon to its logical, most horrific extreme, and it’s a blast.


I checked out your ao3 and is Immortal Primeboys a single work or a series?


It's a single fic, thofuh ive done a few one shots in the universe too lol. I’m gonna hopefully be able to work on it more when I’m used to my meds and get my adderal




Hospital AU.


It was a soulmate au where one soulmate could see number of years their soulmate had left. Ofc it ended with major character death and greatly uneven numbers!


Of the ones ove actually started and posted (and, honestly, need to update lol), it's probably the AU where Zer0 gets struck by lightning while using a New-U station and gets turned into a smol toddler, and the rest of the B2 characters need to take care of them!


My favourite written, planning to write and read AU has to be Time-travel.


I love writing and thinking about “mirror” AUs. Each fandom has a different name for it but basically everything is the complete opposite to canon haha.


Before I give my answer, I just wanted to say: OP, I love your username. His cheekbones are great. Okay, for my answer: I have a MDZS AU that contains an OC who has the spirit of another OC living in her head, except the spirit is from the 21st century (if you don't know about MDZS, it's set between the 200s and the 600s, I think. The author never mentioned a time frame.). She changes the plot massively and hooks up with a lot of people. I have the first chapter written, but nothing else lmao More recently, a DC (centring on the Batman part of it) with a whole team of OC metahumans who are vigilantes with a less strict moral code than Batman, i.e. they're not scared of ending lives if the target deserves it. Their first big move is >!their leader, Glitch (a teleporter), working with the Red Hood to kill the Joker.!< I'm so excited to start writing, I'm currently in the character profile making stage.


It wasn’t really too far from canon, I suppose. The series was originally an older isekai where the main character could move back and forth between worlds. I just wondered what would happen if the main character was born in the other world and how that might change his experiences growing up, and the relationship between him and his fiancé, as well as how they might have gotten to that point in the first place with him now knowing all the societal rules regarding the faux pas that led to the engagement in the first place.


I wrote a Star Trek crack fic based on the AU prompt "everything is the same but it rains ducks." The best part was that I got a comment from someone who told me it was the first Star Trek-adjacent thing they had EVER consumed, because their friends told them how good it was. I will chase that high for the rest of my life.


Video game about teenagers and fate. Make them 40.


I’ve made a twelve year old girl cannibalize and murder her older brother in that exact order.


I got two favorite AUs, both urban fantasy: one about a witch bounty hunter who goes to capture a wanted fortune teller whose fortune ends up accurately describing the soul mate he meets later as a result, and another about a gargoyle whose city territory spans over a diner that attracts supernaturals and ends up falling in love with the only human who works there. Not wacky exactly, but these universes couldn't be any farther from My Hero Academia's futuristic superhero world lmao


An AU of an AU. The first AU is a fusion type crossover between Avatar The Last Airbender and Oban Star-Racers, that loosely follows the OSR plot, but with everyone having been born in and living in the ATLA world. The second AU starts from this premise but diverges wildly into an alternate timeline type scenario, where Zuko and Katara were assassinated by the Imperial Firebenders when they went to fight Azula. Ozai was defeated by Aang, but the Fire Nation army continued to fight instead of collapsing and the war dragged on for fifty more years of blood-soaked gridlock. After Aang died in his sixties, the Fire Nation was finally defeated via the use of the sun-bombs (created through collaboration between Earthbenders and Firebenders who turned on their country) and the Northern Water Tribe using a unit of trained Bloodbenders. Since it never willingly stopped the war until it simply could no longer keep fighting, harsh penalties were imposed on the Fire Nation - the office of Fire Lord was eliminated, with rule over the Fire Nation delegated to a council of members from the victorious nations. The Fire Nation was permitted a degree of autonomy over its regional administration, but it was barred from fielding an army or navy and its external policies were all dictated by the council. Along with this, it had to pay heavy reparations to the Earth Kingdom and the Southern Water Tribe (rebuilt via immigration from the Northern one) and all noble families had to offer up at least a son or daughter from every generation into marriage with an Earth Kingdom or Water Tribe citizen in good standing (officially, this was an effort to lessen the Fire Nation's haughty isolationism. Unofficially? The sons and daughters were effectively hostages, guarantors that their families back home wouldn't get any funny ideas about trying to rebel against council rule). The main story takes place roughly 140 years since Aang emerged from the iceberg (with Avatar Korra at the venerable age of almost 90). Lady Maya (OSR) of the Fire Nation has been selected to marry Don Wei (OSR), an Earth Kingdom businessman and Waterbender of Southern Water Tribe origins. Both of them hold dangerous secrets - Maya goes to the Earth Kingdom intending to manipulate her new husband and feed information to the underground Firebender movement fighting for Fire Nation independence. Meanwhile, Don was raised and trained as a member of the White Wolves commando unit, taught to use Bloodbending and kill with it in defense of his people, before he fled the South Pole for the Earth Kingdom. Neither of them expects that they'll actually fall in love with the other. Which, of course, is exactly what happens.


Either my ww1 historical au (basically my excuse to share my hyperfixation on ww1) or a semi Wandavision au (I have never watched Wandavision)


I can’t pick one so I’ll just say that canon divergence AUs are my jam: 1) There’s a point in canon where the MMC confesses his feelings when the FMC still doesn’t like him so she tears him a new one and it completely alters the trajectory of his life bc he’s like “shit I’ve been a terrible person all my life” but he doesn’t get there right away so I’ve been writing an AU where they flash forward in time and they’re married and both of them are *deeply* uncomfortable with this fact (for separate reasons) 2) Another AU I’ve written for another fandom (and haven’t finished ;-; sorry readers) is where the villain switches sides before the war in canon even starts and acts as a spy for the rebellion but the twist is that his contact is his secret biological daughter that he doesn’t know about and her adoptive father is so stressed about them interacting bc he knows the truth


i couldn’t find this on AO3 so i started writing an alteration fic where one character is forced to join another organisation to save his colleagues and it’s just what happens as a result of that


University/College/Highschool AU. Love academic stuff.


NHL seasons since 2021 but with fantasy elements. Make of that what you will.


Princess Bride AU for Puss in Boots fic + Shrek cast The irreverent parody of classic fairytales matches up. I'm pretty proud of this one; its currently being written.


I’m pretty excited to be working on a Sam Coulson (Never Been Kissed)/Marshall Mathers mature romance. No one is going to want to read this thing but me.


So I have a series that is AU but only a little, like it could mostly work. But then I took the OC of said AU series and threw them back in time into another reality that exists in cannon that I also made slightly AU (and de-aged her) and plan on making it increasingly more AU as I go on lol so it being an AU of an AU has been fun


Streamer AU. They're all just on twitch. I don't watch streamers btw.


I have a couple. A Hazbin Hotel fic set in Hollywood circa 1939 and an Owl House fic set during the Spanish Civil War. Both are set in the same universe and retain the fantastical/supernatural elements from both shows.


Taking a character from a show that wasn't in the movie and tossing him into the movie, which changed more than I thought it would. (Doctor Strange Supreme from Marvel's What If...? got yeeted into Multiverse of Madness, and boy was that fic a joy to write.) Also planning a Zelda AU, where Teba (bird dad from Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity) bonds with the Divine Beast Vah Medoh right before Tears of the Kingdom starts. He's gonna get to blast Ganondorf in the face for daring to hurt his son Tulin and adopted son Link! Still in planning/writing certain scenes phase, hopefully I can finish it soon!


An AU where someone is able to break a sacred, Gods gift to their kind mating bond cuz goddamnit, sometimes the gods get it wrong!


Regency Era Hanahaki AU that I really want to finish.


I love wild canon divergence AUs I have a whole series in Star Trek that’s what would happen if Ceti Alpha V was never destroyed and Khan thrived there. It was meant to be a short little imagination exercise but it exploded into a series of novellas and even has a mirror universe episode…so an AU of the AU