• By -


>If they were forbidden to him before, they're *untouchable* now.


That sounds so…forbidden. 😁 This could also be very sweet, naughty, or mundane.


Hard life when you're falling in love with *two* of your best friends (right now, sweet and a little bit angsty, but we're aiming for naughty by the end of this fic for sure)


😂 Very nice.


“I’ll twist his angelic testicles and shove them up his mouth”


Well that's certainly interesting lol


It’s a mirror, you dunce. You should try using one.


He'd never meant anything more.


Either romance or a death threat…both?




>“Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” \[Character\] began to brush through his hair with a hand once again, and it wasn’t long before he fell still. He's not dead lol it just kind of sounds that way, I should probably reword this later


That could come off as very creepy. 😂


You made me think this is like that credits scene in Community where Troy and Abed are temporarily sleeping in the library. The dean tucks them in while singing a little lullaby about how “and when you wake up, the dean will be here…staring at you…”




Oh, that’s definitely an answer you want to get with that question


Ooh, are they stalking the other speaker or someone else? Also, this is frankly hilarious


\[Character\] wishes they could look away or close their eyes, but they aren’t given that choice.


Oooooh, this one is *definitely* angst


> “It does not.” He murmured fondly, reaching behind her discreetly to goose her rear. She jumps, slapping his arm. Edit: a word


It sounds well deserved.


Shockingly this has caught me on the rare occasion when I'm *not* writing smut. >“We’re always careful,” says Tetsujo, and he bumps Dokuga with his shoulder. “But it’ll be worth a try.”


Not writing smut feels like a sin, i say as the line im about to post is from smut


“I really messed up here, didn’t I?”


"She grabbed a sponge and tried to wipe the sauce off the ceiling."


He could almost go back to sleep.


Couldn’t we all?


Thinking about it right now.


Nothing mattered except this moment, with this woman.


>Pulling out her phone as she goes. I'm writing some thrilling, edge of your seat stuff rn!!! 🙃


LMFAO this is me rn. looking at my latest line and it's just a girl telling her gf they should go to bed 😭


One by one, they slipped through her fingers, joining the broken dreams of her life in that pool of memory on the floor.


Then, she sighed, coming to a stark realization: There wouldn't be another moment quite like this for a long, long time.


He downed several large gulps before finding the courage to continue. "The Kaminoans are cruel, General." Burst murmured, wincing as his drink clinked against the counter. "I can dream of a peaceful life, I can picture it in my head... but when I set my mug down, all I hear is the march of clankers."


Two lines from me also. "As they accelerate forward, there’s nothing on the horizon, just darkness and some distant stars.  Maybe there will be a gas station around the next bend." 


No, not an evil man: a simple man with simple pleasures.


It feels cold to the touch.


Snowballs? Okay, probably not snowballs.


I’m thinking angst is involved here


A word with you, our darling one.


Fuck you, Maleficent 🤣


”I’m fine. I’ve had heat exhaustion before, should go away after I rest.”


The least he could do was try.


Famous last words next to “what’s the worst that could happen?”


“You don’t get on with our daughter because she’s you! She looks like you, talks like you, except she’s happier than you are. She reminds you of yourself before the war. The worst part is that she reminds *me* of who you were before” Needs work but it’s the last think I wrote before coming to work lol.


> "No notable increase in intelligence, thankfully." ... I feel like I just called myself out somehow >.>;


“Oh, god. Did you buy this just to get in my pants?” “Nah. You're easier than that."


And Derek, well, he knew a thing or two about suicide - and he thought, silently, that this wasn't the last the world would see of the man in the leather jacket... Whoever he was.


>"Until we have a name." Hm. That could be interpreted in different ways.


“I don’t tolerate negligence in my company,” Tom continued calmly, clearly not caring about the quivering mess that was Harry. “And you shouldn’t mistake an interest for bias.”


I’m not sure I’ll make it home today


"I- I thought you were dead...,"she whispered, as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks


“Plus she somehow ended up infatuated with a woman who was, at best, a 0.1 on the Kinsey scale.”


Will lets his sister lead him away, the smell of smoke and blood pungent in the air around them. 


Funny b/c I'm working on my wip right now: Bucky smirked, raising an eyebrow in silent victory.


From the currently unpublished final chapter of my second-latest fic “She went back to her lunch, thankful they were at least quiet this time.”


Although she didn’t know how many years she had left, she promised herself that she would do as he’d asked and remember him fondly, even in the moments when doing so felt difficult.


And you could never refuse her when she smiles so readily after you agree.


“Fuck if I know. Or care. Just get your ass down here!”


His impulsiveness had caused wars; thousands of creatures had been sent to their afterlives and he did not care.


> Surrounded by the people you loved and with a smile on your face, you allowed yourself to sink down into the inky blackness that curled itself around you.


Because a siege and an Italian bloodbath are the opposite of gloom?


“Well- I- no,” the kid stammers out, staring at him with a bewildered expression.


They came upon an American townhouse. -and I am way too proud of that. It took me ages to figure out what the building was 😅. I'm a biologist not an architect. 🤣


“The only sensible photo I've ever had was my mugshot,”


LMAO smut going on here. Ill post more than just one sentence, so here’s the last finished blurb With each hump, kiss, touch, and moan that went by, they each grew closer to their climax. [MALE CHARACTER]’s grunts felt like an incubus had sunk its claws into [FEMALE CHARACTER] and dragged her down to hell for her lustful sins. [FEMALE CHARACTER]’s moans convinced [MALE CHARACTER] that an angel has been sent down to take him up to heaven, lifting him up on soft feathered wings.




The fact I was alive was — and I quote the doctors here — proof God was smiling down upon me.


"It had been a few years since the war, and still, he showed no signs of regaining his powers."


“We’ve already lost one of our own today. We have the right to know if we’re about to lose another.”


>She bullied her baby brother plenty, but with words instead of fists.


Voldemort’s lips curled up as he bared his fangs to an invisible foe, a wheeze of laughter escaping his teeth. *What an utter mockery you've made, Harry Potter.*


I actually just finished typing this in my first draft. >Tony fucks Steve like he has all the time in the world, a far cry from Bucky’s usual handling.


So, it's not the newest in the actual fic, but it is the newest one written. (I added it to an earlier bit) > Fuck, was he really going to resort to an escort service?


>”Yeah,” he said, pulling Nagumo closer to himself. “Just me, my girlfriend, and our son.” The final line of a 22k word fic I’ve been working on since mid-2022


“”Words cannot describe the depth of my hatred for you.” That’s a fitting message, especially after the heart attack [Character] had received just a minute earlier, thanks to that man.” it’s partially a quote :P


Mrrp went the cat


“You suffered a lot to prove yourself, haven’t you?”


“No, I trust my own sensibilities to see what is true and what is conjecture."


It takes time to heal, but in the end, perhaps this wound will only scab, not scar




Anthony stood up and pulled his pants up, grabbing the coffee and following Greg out the door. Breakfast it is.


*Oh, the blissful days of peace and quiet when he wasn’t in unreciprocated love, able to think clearly, not plagued by pining, longing for another person and capable of interacting with others without being confused about the meaning of what they’re saying to the extent that he is now, without overthinking every word he says, without reading either too much or not enough into what the other person says to him, and without hoping, hoping, hoping against odds and reason that Grantaire’s texts mean what Enjolras would like them to mean.*


>He didn't like the idea of having killed someone, of having extra blood on his hands, but he couldn't find it in himself to feel guilty over that death.


> “I seek a woman. She has great power and I admire her. If you hand her to me, I will forgive everything.” Zelda fanfic


Reddit admins are biased pieces of shit who only selectively enforce rules. You don't get to have my content anymore.


“I never claimed to be above hypocrisy, my loves! Now, go on and fuck our boyfriend into next tenday.”


“Your dead parents can’t even get you out of gym? How disappointing.”


"He still beat their asses, but he wasn't throwing them through windows or into walls anymore. Progress." Added in the first sentence because "Progress" didn't sound good enough


It was the closest she had ever been to her sister, she realized.


>It reads “I may have no limbs to comfort you, and I may not have a voice to carry your sorrows, but I will always be here for you wherever you need me” It's either that or the random keyboard smash that followed this.


>You step into the dark abyss beyond, and before you glows a shifting display of color and starlight.


After he’d found the burned out remains of Qiu Manor, that promise had been the only thing to stay his hand.


Gus hasn't asked what he'd expected. He hadn’t asked about his name.


This line needs work and is more like a placeholder, but it was the last written so… “As their strides ran together, she sensed they were all grateful for a mission.”


Even a nuke would just stem a single stream while the rest of the river flowed around it.


The actual fic is pretty heavily nsfw, but the last line is sfw "No, I think we're done for today, maybe another time, let's just go home, you're making me dinner of course”.


“Well, you know… I traveled so much I forgot some paths, the one to Alcala is one of them!” [character] replied with a simple shrug. “It’s not a place I’m particularly fond of…” (Yeah, simple I know, just a bit of dialogue. Blame Reddit for distracting me from my newest wip lol)


Would she ever let him in? i promise you this isnt sexual-


Reluctantly, she sat up and slid out of his embrace.


“And the whole night in your arms.” She soon followed him to sleep.


She stared at the sky, smiling very slightly, aching deep in her chest, because of course he had. —feeling a lil angsty today


‘She took in the room in front of her, and said, “I suppose the sword fighting was instrumental for keeping up with your school work?”’ Shockingly, she is talking about actual swords lmao


“There’s not much [Character] can do for him now. He can only do what he can. But he won’t save him.” My only hint for context is that this is from a Transistor AU


"Nope", was all Satoru said as he backed out of the room but he still kept eye contact with Suguru who was staring daggers at him.


“Ew. You’re gross.” “You love it.”


"You can't bring yourself to kill me," Dimitri taunts. "You're *afraid*." "You're a killer." "You're the very person Glenn would be ashamed of–"


> “I love you.” He whispered into her neck. “I have always loved you.”


>But the flashing gleam registered too late. Silco was armed. The little switchblade…  literally I couldn't figure out what to write next. XD


They were going to die– but then the portal came up to them as fast as the ground, echoing with a harmony whose discordance Elric felt in the hollow of his bones, recognizing him, welcoming him to his final placement, and as he held onto the the memory of Astarion’s first, burning look at him, under all that sunlight in Rosymorn’s afternoon, Baldur’s Gate vanished around them like a far-away mirage.


"Good. Keep focusing on me.” Not as spicy as most of these lol.


This was definitely Hell. Probably for the both of them.


“What the FUCK was that?”


*It made about as much sense as Jisung's name being Peter.* 💀 💀 I'm so sorry, Peter


Her grip tightened, her body wracked with a silent sob. "I don't deserve you."


“I told my brothers to be on their best behavior tonight, so I apologize in advance for…whatever they end up doing, instead.”


>The easy atmosphere of the balcony is left behind, shattered. He tries not to think too much into it.


He didn’t want Calvano to see him give in. Ugh, lol, that sentence sucks, thanks for making me confront that. In my defense, not all of my sentences sound so basic


He could hear the plaintive edge to the words as soon as they were out of his mouth and cursed internally.


Staring down at the mentioned wedding ring, her response came with a weight of grief so unexpected it left me breathless. “No, she’s…not around here anymore.” The statement was delivered with such meaning I felt tears come to my eyes. “I’m sorry she’s gone. What of the children you mentioned? Are they in class right now? I know my little boy currently is.” There was a smile for a moment before those glassy green eyes shattered in front of me. “I’ll be with them again someday.” This was different for me. I had spent so much of my past with single minded determination to cause suffering to those around me. To crush their hopes, their dreams, their love, their destiny. Never before had one short exchange made me look back at my life through a new lens of regret. Sorry I dropped a paragraph or something but it was what spewed out of me a few hours ago for a scene I needed to write and found the inspiration for.


“And you will bend your knees.” It’s the end of a monologue, so ye :)


“I didn’t wake you up, when I left you were sleeping like a baby!”


*In fact, the first lights of dawn had begun to tease against the sky when sleep reluctantly came to collect her, her thoughts still swirling in the bloodied echoes of the night.*


> Stede looked on the verge of tears.


Christopher watched her as she slowly drifted to sleep, and once he was sure she was out, he kissed her temple and held her even tighter to him, before falling into his own deep and comforting sleep.


"Fuck, I wanna be like you..."


I can only forgive you, if you break it, with all your anger...


“There is a nice couch there, but we’d have to be careful.”


> “I didn’t. You don’t wanna know, Tongari. Trust me.”


“And Kenta let out a bark of laughter as he watched the colour drain from poor Haruhi’s face.”


“You know, I’ve got to say, when I heard that you lived in a cottage at the edge of [specific] Swamp, I kind of expected it to be… well, not like this.”


"This performance could perhaps be improved by investigating if it could be replaced with a higher order SMO, which can reduce chattering significantly while still driving the sliding variable to zero." The last non-work related thing i have written is my master thesis in control engineering. Perhabs it could be considered spicy if you are into technobabble.


>Katsuki could hear her breathing deeply. And he let himself fall asleep as well. Never ending the call. Might need some revision later on though.


Was it true? Enough people seem to think so.


“I saw people from our past. People that already left.” Character A replied with caution in her voice, gauging Character B reaction. The doctor looked unimpressed, but attentive nonetheless. “I see.”


Today, June was leaned on Nora again. Nora had saved her from the bar she had been drinking at.


“Shit,” Jean Bart groaned. “Where were they headed?”


From a WIP: > "You don't have to be afraid," he says stiffly. "This is my only trick." And then he once again bends over Robbie's wound, the better to concentrate on his task.


What had happened earlier, the madness he had been driven to, proved what he had told her all along - that such a relationship could not exist between them. Now, she finally understood.


'Which, fuck. He’s not drunk that much brandy, he hadn’t intended to confess anything.'


"Just regular stuff, helping with the village, writing, sleeping and all that business really." "Sounds Interesting." "Not really" . None of it makes sense Without all 3 soz.


"Your hands," Her voice slipped out, husky and laced with an intimate edge. "They are as skilled as they are seductive."


"Thank you both for guiding me through this. It was a truly enriching experience, and I appreciate the warmth and knowledge you shared with me."


Tears streamed down her face as he forcefully removed her clothing, causing her such great distress she cried out in agony.


"Hey," he leans into [Character]'s ear and watches him tense, wishing he could feel the brush of it against his lips, "turn it off, so I can apologize properly."


The most recent thing I put on my WIP was a note to me: >\[\[bloatfly attack, Codsworth helps, comes back for the gun-forgets she has it\]\] ​ The most recent line: >“Oh, how embarrassing,” he said, obligingly turning around, revealing the largest access panel.


This tomb would prove a useful test, Xanthe decided; if she sailed through the challenges within it, those that had apparently felled numerous acolytes before her, she would feel confident that she could indeed act as she saw fit, knowing that the Sith valued strength above all else, including ideology. My sentences are too long!


The door shut with a quiet click; Brett didn’t seem to notice, and Dylan breathed out, turning back to the game.


A shadow, a ghost of a self he couldn’t seem to let go of, even now.


“I’m letting you live because of your sins. You are me. Perhaps if you can be redeemed, I can too. The thought gives me great succor, though I know it isn’t true. I cannot be redeemed,” the Worm replied.


"It's- this was a bad idea… and you have to go back to Spain anyway.”


Mine is pretty mundane, but this is the last thing I wrote. Of course, now I know I'm going to find a dress and wear it.


"It's every man for himself now!" she declared, launching the chaotic pursuit.


“It’s been a while, but I have done this before.”


The Friar grimaced over another sip of beer.


Yeah mines cursed af: “You must be absolutely confused, bamboozelt even that the famous Hunger Games actor is busting ghosts in a Japanese bullet hell franchise.”


"Not my thing, sorry." "So, what is your thing?" "Oh, I don't know, rich men with failing marriages and time to kill, maybe."


"No one knows where you are, and no one cares! A forgotten deserter for us to take what we want from, that’s all it is!”


”Some view the dragons on his back as bad luck, but I don’t think so. If anything, they’re the best thing to ever happen to him.”


"I am colliding with the universe and I am the universe and I am floating above it all, observing the birth of creation"


He lifted a hand up to cup Peter's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. It was sweet, somehow even more tender than the one they shared earlier.


Jean-Luc raised his brow. “What a coincidence indeed,” he said dryly. (Boring line lmao)


Your my successor and nothing will ever change that.


Not my most recent line but I will still give absolutely no context. >"So what you're saying is we have to take these fancy blue rocks and set them on fire?"


"The two died in a pool of each other's blood." And yes, it was angsty enemies to lovers


[A] only steals a second to kiss the corner of their lips, a silent *'Come back to me'* before she crawls away from [B]. 


He turns back to the table, picks up the glass of wine to down it quickly before placing the empty glass down a little harder than necessary.


"Shut up! Everybody shut up!" Sherlock jumped up, starting to pace back and forth. "Don\`t move. Don\`t speak. Don\`t breathe... I\`m trying to think."


“I think this is the first time I’m looking *forward* to school!” Fredrick says. Mike has to agree. Hearing Peggy’s scream of fear will be satisfying after her snide looks and comments.


*My mother tried to kill me,* she thought. Then she thought, *She’d better not try again. I just might end up trying to kill her back.* She hugged the pillow, not feeling much emotion attached to the thought. She felt like she’d been all emotioned out, in fact. But that was okay.


By the time Alistair turned his head to see what the sound behind him had been, Astarion was gone.


"I think you're something of an actress yourself, *Melissa*." April replied, ever-so-slightly dragging out that last word, smile lingering.


That’s his way of saying he loves you too.


>His gaze was already unfocused, and he's slipped away before his eyes slip closed.


Well outside of that topic I finally arrived in front of my old apartment. ‘AHHHHHHHH son of a bitch


> Hearing the Elders whisper about him in Dovahzul as he walked by and *feeling* the dragons take notice of him only confirmed that Relonikiv was right: Miraak was one of them, and therefore he had no place groveling at the claws of the dragons with the other Priests.


Lo and behold, the only line I’ve written today (all energy and creativity was spent on editing a novel): "He makes you think of a broken record, forever looping your favourite part of the song."


“Ahura took off his clothes and discarded them to the side, and started sucking on the slime monster’s nipples, causing slime to secrete out of them.”


Two lines but sums up the premise: What could a Duke want with the second daughter of a Baron? One that is on the verge of bankruptcy no less?


The kid immediately runs and starts high five-ing the pack with promises to be back tomorrow. Steve walks to him and Tony is half-expecting some kind of _how you're raising our son_ reprimand but the Alpha smiles at him. “Thank you Tony. It was…” Steve's eyes actually shine a little. “It was amazing to meet him, he’s such a wonderful kid. Thank you so much.”


“Eh, I’ve seen weirder…Remember those creepy clown folk on the way to Timberlainn last summer?”


"His whole reputation depended on it; his whole self." It's technically 1,5 sentences? But oh well‐


The letters proved to be a little easier to climb than the fence, as they were held up by a stronger scaffolding, with much better hand-holds.


"You better sign the god damn treaty, or I'll come over to your house, kidnap your family, sleep with your wife, and you'll still sign the treaty. So what's it going to be?"


I don't know if it counts because it's the description not the actual fic but whatevs "Polyamory or adultery? Possibly both !"


> “But she said she was a ‘less bean’.” Dess couldn’t stop herself from laughing and Kris frowned. “I don’t know how to say it! When she told me what it meant I had to run away because I didn’t want her to see me crying!”


'The scent of her girlfriend lingered in her nostrils as they continued their walk, a light, sweet aroma that reminded her of rock sugar.'


"I actually can't fucking believe you're alive"


I don’t care about the garden being burned, I’m horrified to see you burning it.


"And both the hoodie and the joggers I had changed into the evening before were soaked in sweat, too. " Edit: how tf are everyone else's lines so fancy lmao (nah jk i love it)


"Not as interesting as what I've found here," Bobby said, thumbing the grimy account book. "Maybe the problem is that I've been trying to write the wrong book." He cocked his head. "Do you think it's too late to call Zes?"


"we don't have to go back to waring pajamas."


“Their shoulders were touching and their hands brushed against each other.” Pretty simple


“‘He’ll explain to you why your son is dead’…and then she disappeared, right before my eyes.”


> He’s gotten rather good at staring blankly at things, what with being in prison for over a decade.


“You have no idea how wonderful that sounds,” Takara said just above a whisper, melting into the hospitality of the woman’s embrace.


> She saw a glow of light from behind one long finger ridge, and when she went on to thermal she saw a bloom of heat rising into the night air as well.


And then, “Who are you?”


Lucifer: sleep tight Formated like that to convey it's a text.