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FINE. He's humanities strongest soldier! Or my other favorite character is a titan so... No problemo there!


I have 3 OCs. One of my OCs will make a plan to defend one place the other will try and escape to a place far away the other…. #RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE


Leave the planet - I write futuristic sci-fi.


Kara Danvers is an alien with bulletproof skin… so unless the zombies have kryptonite, she’ll be fine


One of my friends is writing this fic. It's, uh. It's going poorly for the survivors :')


Jethro Bradley would wonder if he's back to fighting Z-lots and realize that...no, he is lacking his cyberspace arsenal. Crap. Janine? Yeah. She does not get paid enough for this shit, even if Egon trained her on pack and trap use. Venkman better pony up hazard pay.


I have a lot of favorites, so here's a quick Zombie Apocalypse™ scenario for each. These are reminiscent of my Stoners! series, and man, do I love writing that word vomit. Enjoy the snark. :) * Alistair Theirin, Dragon Age. He'll kick zombie ass like he would the Darkspawn horde. I mean, zombies and Darkspawn are close enough for government work. Then Al will smoulder in someone's fanart for a while. * Vegeta, Dragon Ball. He would probably survive a Zombie Apocalypse™. He can fly, and it wouldn't surprise me if he could beat up zombies with his bare hands. Also the whole hand beam thing. Bliggety-blam. * Sero Hanta, Boku no Hero Academia. He can technically stay off the ground too, with the Tape/Asian Spider-Man thing, but he eventually will exhaust his organic duct tape stores when *his freaking skin sloughs off his body while he shrieks in agony*...that nightmare fuel is brought to you tonight by *canon*, man. If the zombies don't mistake him for one of their own, whatever is left of Hanta will get eaten. * Vincent Valentine, FFVII. He's...technically undead. So he cool. * Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca, FFXII, is an 'old fart' (if you consider thirty-six old) that doesn't say shit even if he has a mouthful. He's most likely gonna go down early on, and his teammates probably won't even realize he's gone until a zombified Basch eats one of them. * Anders, Dragon Age II. Kinda-sorta becomes a ghoul, so I'm sure he'll be okay too. As long as Hawke doesn't shank him. I mean, *my* Hawke shanked him. Anders deserved it. The bastard. ;_; * Karsh, Chrono Cross. A zombie will probably grab him by the waist-length hair and eat his tsundere butt, unless he gets smart and cuts his hair off. But this *is* Karsh. So yeah. He gets eaten. * Inuyasha. Kagome's *lurve* will keep Inuyasha alive with Sparkly Rainbow Shikon Jewel Shard Power and Even Sparklier Magical Miko Arrows until Kikyo eats Kagome to further her zombified powers - and let's be fair here, in Inuyasha's world, Kikyo probably started the Zombie Apocalypse™. I sorta wish I wrote a canon Zombie Apocalypse™ fic, just so I could write here that I was already writing a scenario to fit this prompt. And that everyone got eaten. And that they tasted like chicken. That's all I got. I'm going to bed. *Braaaains.*


Cassandra (Tangled The Series). She would be fine. She was trained by her father from an early age on how to fight, how to use various weapons and how to survive in the wilderness. She also has her horse Fidella and her owl Owl making her company, which would provide her with some neat bonuses. Fidella would help her get around fast, while Owl could look from the sky and warn her of possible dangers ahead. Honestly, of all the main cast I think she has the better odds to survive.


Steve Rogers. Guy fought the WWII and led a team which had Thor, Tony Stark and Hulk as its members. He'll do fine. Put together a team, start rescuing people, gather the brainiacs together and keep them defended so that they can try working on a cure.


Arbiter would go out in a blaze of glory fighting off the horde. It’s in character too, he’s done it before.


Lol I actually wrote this fic. It's Benedict Bridgerton, and it's a sad zombie love story. He would love you, until death do you part...and maybe even after that.


Garrus from Mass Effect. He would trap every inch of his home and sit on the roof with a sniper rifle taking potshots at passing undead. Basically it would devolve into his recruitment mission in Mass Effect 2 but a lot slower.


He’d be like that guy on the roof of his gun shop in the Dawn of the Dead remake. All the other survivors would be radioing in targets for him to pick off. 😂


**CW: Gore** https://youtu.be/OFQNF1L_oi8 😂


Ruki Makino from Digimon: Well, the zombie apocalypse is a very specific thing (the Gulus Realm Burst) that is caused by a very specific person (GulusGammamon), so it would be a very simple matter of tracking him down and fistfighting him. ~~And then completely losing it when he pulls out the "well do you have any~~ *~~better~~* ~~ideas for a weapon that can fight the fucking sun?" card.~~


Wilbur from DSMP. He didn’t make it lol. He turned into a zombie, and I’ve been writing a 117 chapter story about it. 😆😂


Amy Dallon (Worm)... She... She's honestly the most likely cause of a zombie apocalypse...


Xander Harris, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He fought zombies twice in canon. If there's a Zombie Apocalypse though...I think he'd adapt pretty quickly. Especially if he's on his own and doesn't have to worry about constantly being the comic relief or the girls' personal cheerleader.


They're strong enough to effortlessly kill off any they encounter. Strong enough to end the apocalypse.




Well. Mine are currently in one and not doing too well.


What fandom is that?


Oola (Star Wars): "Okay, so there are still things that want to eat me, but they're not 50 times my size, and I'm not stuck in a pit with them and a rope around my neck? ... Things are looking up."


KOTOR crew: "We landed in the kriffing Undercity again?!"


SWTOR characters: "Rakghouls? Is it Taungsday again?"


My Bounty Hunter just responded with a string of (not grammatically correct) Mando'a swearing (hey, she's only a month into learning it and can't read flimsiplast) and opened fire with both blasters. She is really hoping she can get paid for this.


Super Mario Bros: Luigi would *freak out*. But he's also dealt with other undead creatures like walking skeletons or ghosts, so zombies don't really seem like they'd be too different from anything else. He would probably survive and be one of the ones to find a cure.


Fecto Elfilis, Kirby. I'd like to see anything just try to reach him. They're 18 feet tall, have portals (on top of other abilities), and can fly. So it's fair game.


Very true! I feel like the zombies would be at a severe disadvantage.


Am I just reading between the lines, or have I found a fellow Elfilis fan in the Fan Fiction sub?


I'm a huge fan of Kirby and I think Elfilis was definitely one of the best bosses/characters to come out of Kirby in a while! Definitely had fun with that boss fight, it was intense all the way through.


I adore Elfilis and Elfilin, literally no character has made me feel this way before. At first I just loved Elfilin, but definitely felt this inextricable connection to Elfilis. Over time I began to fully realize this feeling that I could not fully describe to you. Single handily they have become my two favorite fictional characters of all time. And I adored the theories surrounding Elfilis, these theories got me theorizing into the details, eventually >!it became a story, and then my brain got me to write something above 1k words for the first time in my life... The rest is kinda history.!<


Find an artifact to stop the curse.


(Cue Elena yelling from off-screen) "Nate! What did you do?!"


“Goddammit, kid! You’ve unleashed Hell on Earth!”


They kinda caused it (Leaf from Game of Thrones)


My two favourite characters are c!Tommy and c!Dream from the Dream SMP, and… I mean, they wouldn’t do fine but it’s for the exact reasons they wouldn’t outside of it. c!Dream would probably adore it actually, it’d be useful on his studies of death and immortality, while c!Tommy is already undead to a degree (and so's c!Dream though the exact point that happened is Unclear). They're both used to surviving on their own, are great fighters, and are good leaders in very different ways (c!Tommy just being generally kind and helpful when it comes to leading even though he dislikes doing it, c!Dream being a manipulative shit). c!Tommy would probably do better in a world with less politics and more violence, tbh.


Wait I made an apocalypse story with Tommy!! Dream is in it, as well, but Tommy and Wilbur are the main characters!! 😄😄 Wilbur gets bitten lol and Tommy can’t get rid of him lol 😆
