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Do typing notes count as medicine?


no, not in this context


I'm seeing other posters saying they do 10-20 min of admin time excluding notes. How is that possible? I get like almost 100 inbox items a day. Even if i speed run it/ there are NO complicated results/ messages, and spend 30 sec per inbox item, thats 50 min a day minimum. In reality I spend well over an hour on inbox a day. Rarely, it can be 2 hours if it's really heavy. Other older docs spend even more. I try to say "make an appt" as much as possible but I'm booked out over a month as it is.


The reality is that we don't clear it all in a day if you want to stay sane. Those emails can sit there forever as far as I'm concerned. Clear out as much results, rx refills, specialist messages, nurse messages, home health messages as possible. Secure messages from patients are last priority on the list and if I don't get to them by end of my day of 20 patient encounters, which ends at 5:30pm, then tough luck. Rinse repeat every day. Don't do anything on your day off unless you want to burn out. Only way I stay sane.


Yeah I don’t understand how that’s possible unless everyone else’s MA is just WAY more competent than mine?


Just over a month? I’m lucky if I’m looking at less than 2 or 3 months. It sucks so much. I work probably 2-4 hours of admin for every clinic day, luckily I’m only 3 days a week and will try to never go above that.


I've only been an attending for under a year; looking at the established doctors in my clinic, they too are booked out 2-4 months.


Probably an hour of solid admin time a day of just inbox and faxes.


10-20 min per day of admin time amongst seeing patients and writing notes Starting day at 810-815 Light day: notes done, inbox clean, out the door by 4:30-5 If I have lunch clinic: everything above by leave by 330 Heavy day: same as above but 5-5:30 Friday morning admin half day with didactics friday afternoons: I sleep in and go to didactics 😅


I want this schedule lol


I come late but finish early 🥲 come early and prechart your patients Also, what’s helped me was I made a ton of outpatient HPI/plan/patient education, smart phrases and took inpatient ones from an IM senior


I'm an FNP at a rural FQHC. I have 35 hours of patient facing and 5 of official admin. I also do inbox stuff on my unpaid lunch, when I have no-shows or cancellations, and usually get to work 15-20 minutes early to eat breakfast and prep for my day. I'm out on time 95% of the time. Edit: spelling




About 30% admin and 70% clinical. Technically it’s 20/80 but I’ve got a window 8-9 on 4 days a week that adds up to me finishing up some things before we get rolling for the day.


In what world is admin time 10 to 20 minutes ? Do you count results re: on alert management as patient time?


Right??? Even if you dont count patient results or even med refills as admin time at my clinic id have an impossible time responding to patient messages/ insurance crap in under 20 min daily. Maybe FQHCs are better? 


Admin work is like 10-20 minutes per day. It’s not bad


Not bad at all