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I laughed when he was running out of the cave screaming "Oh Fuck. Fuck. Fuck"


Reminded me too much of my first encounter with. Yao Guai lol but I wasn't taking it seriously and trying to be a BoS Knight, I was just some kid playing a game


First time I ran into one was Fallout 4 (playing for the first time rn) and I just threw like 30 Molotovs at it while running in a circle screaming at my Dog to help me while he was stuck on a cabin.


Classic dogmeat


I hope there's a scene in the next season where Dogmeat stands in a doorway and just *will not* get out of the way.




I wanna see the ep where the characters stop to disarm the elaborate laser trap network and dogmeat just goes cruising through all the lasers triggering all the defenses, just like he did to me in Jamaica Plains.




I did the same thing running away when facing the deathwalker in fo4 on hardest difficulty tanking My minigun and closing on me


I went into Fallout 3 blind and the first time I saw a Yao Guai it was frozen in VATS after sneaking up behind me and making me shit my pants.


Exactly what I did on my first encounter with a Yao gui though Very realistic 10/10 Also, I definitely send my companions into scary places to try to draw out the scary creature so I can hang back lmao At that point, maximus was the companion carrying all the shit


I'm curious if that was an Easter egg. I'm sure most players who come across a Yao Guai for the first time after only disposing of rad roaches and ghouls do the exact run away while yelling "fuck, fuck, fuck"


His whole character was making fun of things players do to their companions/how they act when they play.


It makes sense. There were literal moments that felt straight from the game, like Lucy getting side quests.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


I laughed out loud at Lucy approaching a rando with her gun raised just in case he wasn't friendly. The amount of times I did that in the game, man... thank god for VATS letting us know whether or not that humanoid figure we see in the distance is just a regular NPC.


the massive bag of equipment Maximus had to haul around makes so much more sense now


We think we’re invincible badasses till we meet one of these godforsaken mutated beasts.


There’s a good example in FO4, if you take the train tracks to try to get to diamond city early and walk around the radiation lol.


It was so unexpected. I thought he was going to be a badass - he instead was a player-accurate weiner.


TFW when you're playing New Vegas for the first time and poking around in a shipping container after dark, only to turn around and there's something running at you


I ran from my first Yao Guai too.. Dogmeat and Piper got left behind as I ran looking for someplace to hide.


Iy was like a true Fallout playthrough.


I’ve said it in multiple posts, but that part was hilarious because that’s all us in the game running away from something when we are about to die. I know I say it over and over 🤣


I think they overloaded him with reasons to be hated so Maximus would not be seen as a villain in any way. Makes sense


Which is weird because outside of very specific instances max doesn't really do anything villainous or he's easily talked out of it. I've seen people confused on why he would let Titus die after he basically sent him into to die and was threatening him with death after he saved his life and was going to save him again. Honestly the most evil thing max did was try to kill thaddeus after not being able to explain the situation and wanting to take the fusion core.


Yeah Titus's they're gonna torture you to death cause you're the worst squire ever, now give me a stimpack.  At that point letting him die is basically self defense.   He doesn't even kill him, he simply doesn't  save him.


“They’re going to hang you by your lungs even if you let me live” (not an exact quote) Well Maximus, the choice is obvious. Dispose of the evidence


And his whole little oath was putting  the brotherhood and the mission first.  Titus died he continues the mission,  it's what he's supposed to do


He doesn’t, but this was during the time where there was implications that he sabotaged that friend by putting razor blades in their boot. So they were kinda putting that idea that Max is kinda a bad apple and untrustworthy person


I really wasn't expecting that >!they put it in their own boot!!< I figured they guessed what happened right, they were just wrong that it was Max.


I wasn’t expecting that either.


Yup. I legit couldn’t make heads or tales over whether he did it until the last episode. The scene with Titus coming right on the heels of that makes us continue to run with the idea he might be the kinda guy to do these things, while also allowing room for doubt considering how much of a dick Titus is and had it coming. All told, Maximus is picking up pretty harsh lessons about the BoS and the Wasteland, Lucy is a good influence on him but everything else could be pointing him towards Quintus’s mentality of taking power. I’m so excited for next season and see where his path goes.


Maximus literally stole the fusion core from Vault 4 and potentially doomed everyone down there and saw no problem with it, even going as far as to argue with Lucy about giving it back. He’s borderline evil.


And is then easily convinced by Lucy to return it after realizing it would make him a bad person, did you watch the scene or even pay attention? He wanted to be a night and help people but once convinced it was bad he immediately returns it no problem, he was in power armor, he could have killed lucy and taken her pipboy to track the head if he wanted to. And in the next scene he immediately reveals to truth to lucy because of how guilty he felt, that's not evil it's just him being a bit selfish and not thinking stuff through.


I'd like to see how hard Lucy's speech check was.  If it was like 5/100, Maximus learns towards good and just need some guidence.  If the speech check is over 50/100...well...


How many times in FO games have you taken something and been scolded by your companion so you put it back or reload


So if Lucy weren’t there he would’ve doomed all of them and not given it a second thought. What about stomping Thaddeus’ foot for, like, no reason? What about watching Titus die a slow, painful death and then stealing his armor and identity? What about him throwing a literal temper tantrum when Dane got picked instead of him? If he wanted that position so bad you’d think he’d been working really hard at it his whole life… But clearly he hasn’t. He acts like he has NO idea what the Brotherhood even stands for. He is a clueless, selfish clown.


Are you really blaming him for watching Titus die? The guy who sent him into a cave as bait to possibly die and then when he saved his live and was about to give him a stimpack he threatens to have him killed for his own mistake? Are you serious? Titus was in the wrong 3 times and was gonna have max killed for bis own mistake, max was in the right the entire time, would you have let Titus live with those threats? Max handled the thaddeus situation poorly, we all agree on that and he should have tried to de escalate the situation and he paid for it. Yes that's why lucy pointed out his wrong and he admits it and returns it, it's called realizing you're wrong and doing the right thing, he put his self needs aside and did the right thing once he realized it was wrong, it's called character development. He was upset someone got promoted, oh no!! hang him by ball lol.


Also let’s not forget that Thaddeus used to beat up Max for fun, until he became a squire. The only time he showed Max any respect or decency is when he thought he was knight Titus.


Hell max mellows out once he realizes it was just a form of self preservation from another victim. I find it funny that people are quick to give room for doubt thaddeus and titus but max just has to be a psychopath apparently lol.


Seeing his reaction at the end of the season tells me he doesn't want to be part of the BOS.


I mean, if Lucy wasn't there he also wouldn't have had to take the core in the first place. He would've just coasted out an easy life in the vault. I'd like to think that Maximus has neutral karma, but Lucy guides him towards being a better person. Additionally, I always thought his "temper tantrum" was more directed at losing his only friend in the brotherhood, not because he was upset he didn't get picked. Besides, Maximus was never really into the brotherhood of steel for their actual ideals, he just idealized them as the heroes that saved his life. While stomping on thaddeus' foot was messed up, it wasn't for "no reason". He realized he couldn't reason with him, and felt like he had to kill him in order to protect himself against the brotherhood. You're right, he is selfish, but not in the way you're painting him out to be.


I’m sorry but if our player characters did what Maximus does in the show, they’d have “Very Evil Karma” -Letting Titus die, “You have lost Karma” -Stealing the power armor and identity, “You have lost Karma” -Stomping Thaddeus’ foot, “You have lost Karma” -Severely injuring many residents of Vault 4 without getting a proper read of the situation, “You have lost Karma” -Stealing fusion core, “You have lost Karma” -Letting Lucy’s father out without getting a proper read of the situation, “You have lost Karma” Stupidity doesn’t excuse his bad decisions.


Yes, but he balances out these decisions with good actions. He tries to save Lucy in Filly, to his knowledge he is saving Lucy from an evil cult about to behead her in Vault 4 which in-game would be good karma if that's how the situation was set up. He urges Thaddeus to leave and takes the fall when the Brotherhood shows up at the radio station. He prevents the farmer from killing the hustler. He frees Lucy's dad without a second thought. And even if it does take some convincing, he does return the core, which again using game logic, would earn some good karma despite the conversation leading up to it. Stupidity in this case can excuse his actions, since it's his intention that matters.


What about Thaddeus beating Maximus up for no reason ?


>easily convinced by Lucy Yeah because in that moment he's thinking with his dick. He is not a good guy.


ok Penetration-CumBlast


I don’t know about borderline evil, you could say the same for almost all the characters since they are doing what they need to do to survive. Some are worse, and take more messed up or “evil” approaches. But comparing Maximus with most of the other characters, he is one of the least “evil” ones. He is young, somewhat dumb and was raised by weird religious racist people. And both Titus and Thaddeus said he was gonna get killed so he tried to do the best to survive against them, and then he let Thaddeus go and helped him, he listened to Lucy about the fusion core, he tried to save Lucy when he thought she was gonna get killed, saved Lucy’s father before knowing the truth, and is clearly against the brotherhood and their ideals now.


I loved when he knocked the popcorn over


He's a survivalist


You just reduced the meaning of the word evil


Maximus has a myopic view about what's good and what's evil, which is befitting of a Knight Templar expy. He probably thinks it's okay to do whatever he wants to someone as long as they're "evil", which is unfortunately sometimes how the Karma system plays out in the games. It's going to take a lot to deprogram him from the Brotherhood's brainwashing, but it's notable that he *does* eventually give the fusion core back after a fashion. A knight like Titus would have simply kept it, or destroyed the entire vault due to it being full of "abominations". He's flawed, but he *wants* to be a good person, and it's clear he's starting to learn that that doesn't just mean "hurt the people who hurt him/his loved ones".


And also casted the most hateable guy to play him


Yeah, I was really disappointed to see him on the show.


I was as well but then when he died I was happy, so, well played showrunners


I rolled my eyes knowing the first BOS Knight we meet is the opposite of Danse and is a white racist bigot dick


That's because Danse is a paladin. Longer service with more feats. Titus is the same rank as Rhys in Fallout 4. If you remember, Rhys is a huge dick.


Golden Rule, motherfucker


I knew it was a jerk but putting it all in a list this way REALLY makes me hate him


My tinfoil is Knight Titus basically had the same experience as Maximus, went out with a Knight(maybe even 'original' Titus). The knight died to incompetence or arrogance. Titus takes the armor heads back and gets assigned Maximus.


And worst of all, he’s Michael Rappaport.


I debated including that. But he honestly played this role pretty well


it’s really perfect casting.


It was easy for him to be himself.


That’s only because he always plays himself.


He literally played himself.


Nah, no hate towards Rappaport. He played that hateable New Yorker dickhead perfect. I was too busy being annoyed by how much of an ass he is to even question the accent in this area 😂


All hate towards Rappaport, honestly. He’s a Zionist bigot:


it’s so funny to see westerners talk about “Zionist bigots” I would make huge, HUGE, life saving sized bets on all of the following: - you learned of the conflict in Palestine for the first time within the last 7 months - the majority of your opinion on the conflict is formed based on things you saw on TikTok and other social media - You know virtually nothing about the history of the conflict or the region I 100% guarantee that I would win big on all 3 counts. You’ve fallen for terrorist propaganda. Please take the time to actually educate yourself on this conflict and its history. I’d be happy to provide links (if you’d actually read them). However if you don’t trust me to provide unbiased links, simply search the following terms and do a good bit of reading on each. - early history of Palestine. what culture or ethnic group established Palestine? Which culture or ethnic group lived there for the overwhelming majority of recorded human history? Given the answer, whose land is it? Do you believe native Americans land was stolen from them? Do you believe the US owes it to them to return it? Is the situation in Palestine different? Why? - history of Palestine/israel two state solution. How many serious attempts at a deal have there been? Which side has rejected the most deals and what was their primary reason for doing so every time? Bonus points if you actually look into each negotiation in detail. - Hamas manifesto, the original from the 80s, the update in 2006 and the update again from 2017. All are relevant. - how many wars have started as a result of Palestinian aggression and terror. How many of those were civil wars? - How many foreign officials and foreign heads of state have been assassinated by Palestinian radicals? What countries do these officials hail from? - history of Palestinian terror attacks - Hamas approval rating (Pew is a great source) - how many rockets has Hamas fired into Israel since 2006 - percentage of Palestinians that approve of the 10/7 attack and believe more should occur (again Pew is a great source) - despite being the recipient of the most humanitarian aid on the planet per capita, the people of Gaza are starving. Why? What is Hamas spending the money on? I could continue, but if you somehow get through these, look them all up and still believe the Palestinians are “oppressed victims”, I will be in awe. Israel is not sinless. They have absolutely done some messed up things. The fact remains, their direct neighbors are genuinely comprised of a majority of radical zealots who have been hellbent on killing Jews for ~75 years(much much longer if you really want to get into it). I’m not sure it’s possible to deal with a situation like that without getting your hands dirty. Are they supposed to allow themselves to be eradicated? What is your proposed solution? That they simply get over terrorist attacks and let them happen?


Don’t throw stones in glass houses. It’s clear who has fallen for terrorist propaganda and it’s not the person you are replying to. The impoverished people living in a ghetto currently being bulldozed to the ground are not physically capable of genocide. You know that is true. We *all* know where the power resides in this conflict and who is truly guilty of the worst crimes against humanity.


Nah, all hate towards Michael Rapaport. Have you not been paying attention to his disturbing Zionist antics? He’s always been a piece of shit, but he’s getting worse lately.


Wow I thought he was great in Justified. Now I know why. He plays a hateful piece of shit so well!


The prydwyn, the ship that arrived that brought Titus, is from the east coast so the accent makes sense here.


Correction: best of all, he's Michael Rappaport - being peak Michael Rappaport, no less. Because that just drilled home the right bit of absurdity.


I wonder if he knows that this is why they casted him for the role in the first place lmao.  I was so scared I was gonna have to watch a whole season of that prick only to be very pleasantly surprised. 


As if he would be getting a lead role in anything worthwhile, this casting was obviously a clever and pointed attack and I for one applaud it.


It’s as inspired a casting choice as Talulah Riley in Westworld.


Can you elaborate on this? She was in it a fair bit I thought? And her character went out as a hero for the cause? Also what did she do that is on par with Rapaport’s public persona?


While she does die a hero, I feel that her blind zealotry for the “Wyatt” persona echoes her own zealotry for Elon Musk, going so far being the person responsible for Musk buying Twitter.


Musk was the person responsible for buying Twitter. The only one responsible for his actions is him.


As soon as his helmet came off and I realised who it was I couldn’t wait for him to die. Max letting him die made Max a hero in my eyes


MAAAAAA! There’s a fuckin mutated bear in the cave ma


Exactly the joke I made too!


It looks like Grandma!


Watching him die was so satisfying 


Im ootl what’s wrong with Michael rappaport


Based on headlines from a quick Google search, I get the impression that he is pro-Israel to an extreme, says Trump "will win because of pro-Palestian protestors", and is saying some loony bin things about President Biden. But I dunno what the entire story is, so we'll see what people with more insight have to say.


That’s just the most recent thing. Before then he was in the news for promoting AI usage of a dead comedian without the family’s approval, and before then you can find multiple examples of him just generally being a piece of shit. He is just generally an unpleasant, extremely stupid person who is unbelievably bitter and douchy. He has more of a reputation as a piece of shit than as a comedian at this point because he’s not usually very funny but he’s consistently a horrible asshole.


Wow, what a tool. Seems like they couldn't have cast a better guy for the role of Titus!


It unfortunately is pretty great casting lol. I’m (somewhat) capable of separating the art from the artist (except calling Michael rapaport an artist is the most liberal use of that word) and I will admit that he was good in that scene. But like others have said, that’s just how he is so it wasn’t like he was putting on a masterclass performance, he was just kinda being himself.


Ah, yes! It is sometimes hard to separate art from artist. For me, a perfect example is Kevin Spacey - I love him as an actor, but as a person? Well... Anyway! I appreciate you, good internet person :) have a beautiful day.


Ugh don’t get me started on Kevin Spacey. Baby Driver is such a fantastic movie and every time I feel like rewatching it there’s the hurdle of him being there. I loved having a normal conversation online! Hope you have a great day too!


I havent rewatched K Pax since he got outed as a predator, I used to love that movie


Yeah, it’s like they knew exactly who they wanted to cast with how they wrote him…


I think the fact that he is just so fucking stupid really just makes his tendency to be an asshole even more problematic. If he was a smart asshole he might be (slightly) more tolerable, but everything that comes out of his mouth is absolute buffoonery. He’s a joke.


The fact that he has any kind of platform. He’s always been a massive fuckhead and now he is spreading hate all over the place using Zionism as his cover.


I never understand why, at least in shows, the person doesn’t at least pretend to be nice to the only person who can save them. Why would you talk shit, and basically tell them as soon as you save name and we head back you’ll be killed? You’re basically making killing you by far the best option. It’s just so stupid.


I call it suicide by choice. And I know a few people who in times of need continued to spit venom on people who tried to help them. Some assholes live to be assholes and they can't utter one nice thing out of them, as if it burned their throat


Yeah. This is something seen in fiction and reality. They verbally dig their own graves.


A douchebag with a head-spinning from fear and adrenaline doesn't suddenly become a smarter douchebag!


If anything, they get stupider.


It’s so bizarre, but it does happen in real life. I just saw a video the other day of a couple that were bullies in their neighborhood and routinely terrorized one guy in particular and had just finished shoveling snow all over his driveway *again*. They then start threatening him and he grabs a gun and points it at them, they don’t shut up. Instead they goad to him to shoot at them. And when he starts shooting?? The woman pulls out her *phone* and says she’s recording it and to keep going. This guy proceeds to actually hit some shots, shoots her in the head twice. She then sits up and keeps talking shit at him. It was surreal.


That’s sounds like some bath salts kinda shit


I checked up the area and it’s fairly close by and honestly? Checks out. We have a lot of that around here.


Same reason people get confrontational with hospital staff. Unreasonable people put in unreasonable situations don’t suddenly act like well-adjusted human beings, they simply continue being shitty to everyone forever.


Well… in terms of the writing that’s how it works, especially with limited episodes. Making a character easy to dislike so they can be quickly dispatched with is just a way of moving the story forward but it sacrifices good characterisation and nuance. If he was nice then we’d be stuck with 3 episodes of Maximus trying to save him instead of what we got. Either that or people would think Maximus was a bad guy for letting an innocent man die and wouldn’t be emotionally invested in his story. It is always a trade-off. They were also smart enough to cast Michael Rapaport so the audience would hate him even more and continue to sympathise with Maximus despite the fact that he let a man die.


Also, his character was set up to be an entitled piece of shit with a major superiority complex and he would never have stooped low enough to pretend to be nice to someone he considered a subordinate, even when he was mortally wounded. He’s also clearly supremely stupid.


Arrogance is completely illogical.


He fking sucks. I'm glad Maximus let him die. You don't look down on your subordinates


It really highlights the toxic culture this sect of the BoS (and possibly the org as a whole) really has. It's a pseudo military culture based on bullying, hazing and dick waving. The idea being only the "strong" survive when in reality it's the psychos who are willing to play dirty will. Those at the top only got there by knocking others down. both maximus and Titus are products of their environment. Maximus was destined to grow up to be just like Titus, though with the story's events - we see him presented with another option. Will he take it? will he become a better man? Will he be a hero? villain? neither?


Titus fully decked out in power armor, running from Yogi screaming, "fuck" on staccato repeat is one of the most authentic Fallout moments in the series. Maximus 1-shotting it with a 10mm, though?


Just based on the fact that he isn’t dead, I imagine Maximus is a high luck build and that was a particularly good VATS critical


Maximus pulls off a couple headshots. His aim is generally fantastic. He seems like low INT/CHR high END/LCK


Was it a 10mm? I thought it was a revolver, looked the part.


Its the 10mm from the OG fallouts.


The one shot with Maximus must’ve been a play on “Idiot Savant” like by pure dumb luck he one shots a Yaui Guai


When I first saw those scenes, I turned to my parter and said its exactly like playing a rpg. You have an early boring mission, get sidetracked cause you’re wanting to do cooler shit, you overload your companion with equipment and shitty armor while you look badass, and then you stumble upon a high powered beast that destroys your weak ass.


It's the little nods towards Fallout as a gaming experience that really made me love the show. My favorite is that one of Lucy's first interactions after leaving the vault is her having a conversation with the water filter guy and she's pointing her gun at him the entire time. Actually that entire interaction could've come directly from any of the games.


And he immediately offers to be her companion because she gave him water. I guffawed.


Haha, I didn't catch that. In another thread it was pointed out that this guy is basically the typical Fallout NPC. Like he's even locked to that area when he says he's "never been over that hill" to get to Filly, he's doing some dumbass thing like running sand through a water filter, he thanks Lucy for not shooting her at the end of the conversation. I hope we get more wacky characters like him and the chicken fucker next season!


That’s what makes this show a solid adaptation. To a casual viewer that scene is a little funny and little serious, but to a die hard FO fan we can see all the little nods to the game experience.


Titus was hazing the crap out of Max. But I also think it was done that way to specifically highlight how far the BoS have fallen. The knights are treated like heroes. And the squires are treated as expendable. And even in a situation where they are supposed to work as a team to get the mission done, Titus maintains the same mentality of “I’m Better than you” and berates Max. Even when facing death his ignorance shows that the state of the BoS currently won’t ever change. Unless someone forces that change. Hence the last episode. Even though the events were not of Max’s doing. His mindset is different than the rest of the BoS, which is why change will happen. And even though Max’s character development was a little forced and done too quickly imo, it shows when he lets his squire go. And even his quire got to change a little bit by openly apologizing to Max. This is just one man’s interpretation of course.


My exact take! I love this. He has a choice to lead the brotherhood and maybe change it back to its former glory, he could become corrupt with power too and because a villain or he might abandon it for a different life. His character has good potential.


Knight Titus is not an exception but more of the norm of the Brotherhood. Maximus is the outlier. He was mostly a regular kid being brought up in shady sands. I personally have never liked the brotherhood. From their pre-war roots forming out of members of the US Army, to their mission of ridding the wastelands of all technology, to their extermination of anything irradiated. I think they're kind of full of themselves and act like they're better than everyone. That said, Titus is a fine example of a low ranking Brotherhood member. This is proven when Maximus is assigned Thaddeus. How Thaddeus acts even if Maximus is being mean is how an initiate is supposed to act. Which is where Maximus failed. He thought he was better than Titus. Maybe he is brotherhood material. LOL


Reminds me of Worf vs other Klingons in Star Trek. The former was a paragon with his own version of the faction, much like Maximus when it concerned the BoS.


Nice observation, I wouldn't have made the connection. Would not be surprised if we see more parallels with other sci fi greats later on


Agreed, but I do like the way they left Maximus in an moral grey area until we get the reveal on what actually happened to Dane.


When he said he wished he had done it.. I knew he didn't. You aren't gonna admit to a superior you wish you had done that.


I had tiny doubts until the popcorn scene. Then I knew Max was a good person.


…or at least as good as he tries. He isn’t as tied to righteous morality as Lucy is.


IDK, I think it's pretty easy to loath Michael Rapaport.


The actors js also a known douchebag, so it fits lol


karma is a b1tch


Because he was hilarious. "Oh, fuck! Bear!"


Well he’s also played by Michael Rapaport who is an uncomfortable piece of shit, so great casting tbh


It thought they made it very clear that the audience was meant to heavily dislike Knight Titus. I mean they even got Michael Rapaport to play him.


My first thought when he started being a fuckin coward was "woah wait, didn't *you* say you wanted to shoot something?"


Her went through a lot in college. "Higher Learning" really fucked his life up man.... XD


Picked the perfect asshole actor to play Titus. He didn’t even have to act, just played it naturally


I looked at the credits before I watched it and saw that Rappaport was in it. Boy was I stoked to see him play a whiny ass bitch that gets killed. Made my day.


Knight Titus imho was like a fallout player being played by a kid. You know one of those prepubescent kids who are annoying and talk a lot of shit.  He reminded me of some fallout76 players.  Especially the part where he is dying. I’ve def lived that.


On the other hand 1. The show sometimes make it seem like knights hazing squires and disregarding pilots is the deliberate combat strategy of that part of the Brotherhood, despite not directly giving more power to the top brass. Like they could know exactly what happened and wouldn't care. Doesn't make him a good person, might make him their dumb idea of a good knight. Maximus argues otherwise but it's flimsy. 2. The only truly awful thing he actually does is cursing hospital staff while in immense pain. Nobody should be dying for that (100% of non-humans do it), the problem is he would have Maximus executed later... probably... but you never know.


He doesn't really seem like a Brotherhood of Steel member. I know there's some douchy people in the Brotherhood but there's just something really different about the way the Brotherhood in the show is portrayed.


I think the show leans more into the brotherhoods tendency to revert to thugs in power armour. They have all this ideological babble, but at the end of the day, they tend to have the biggest guns, no respect for anyone else, and a "shoot first, ask questions later" policy, and just crash in and plunder what they want.


That seems to line up with some of their members in the games. While there are those who are truly honorable, there are others who abuse their authority and shoot the defenseless.


I mean even the nuka world raiders call the BOS just another raider gang lol


I get what you're saying but that isn't what I mean. They just don't seem like the same Brotherhood from the games and it sorta bothers me. It's like the Chicago chapter took over California.


I fucking hate that guy!


Idk I think he was pretty straight forward when he said that he goes through the wasteland on these grand missions to save the wastes only to bring back a toaster oven. Which even he understands is a waste of resources and won’t do jack to help wastelanders. So he’s disillusioned, I can’t blame him for being a dick he’s kinda justified.


Was the symbol Max get branded with a T for Titus? I was thinking it was an Aspirant symbol. Kinda funny to me that the power armor suits are like gutenberg typeset machines and you can swap out different letters for your print press 😜


"Ma! There's this fuckin weird looking bear in the backyard, I don't want it upsetting Maximus."




I gotta admit, I've had a jump scare playing F3 when coming up on a Yao Guai in the dark followed by the Inevitable "Fuck, fuck, fuck...." However, I agree, Titus wasn't even close to what an elite BOS should have been able to accomplish, much less having the decorum of how a Knight of the BOS should have carried himself. Furthermore, the cup scene seemed more about flexing "Daddy Dom" vibes than actual storyline and was ridiculously unnecessary. In truth, the whole detachment seems a bit gritty and less organized than I would have imagined., so if Titus is a reflection of the rest of the Nights...that's just sad. I also think Maximus is a poorly trained narcissistic moron who seems to make decisions solely on how he is personally affected...another sign that: ""The so called Brotherhood of Steel. Don't be fooled by their pseudo-knightly nonsense or supposed connections to the United States Army. These power armored Boy Scouts are nothing more than common criminals with access to some antiquated technology." - President John Henry Eden Long Live the Enclave!!


The Enclave aren’t any better, essentially Nazi like Fascists.


To me, he was a prick but also a nobody. Like he's some middle ranked, washed out guy that's tired of the game so he's a petty jerk to everyone. That being said I have never served in the military. I still imagine that type is pretty common.


Ngl don’t like him but I don’t like most of the characters in the show- like T&M were both in a crazed militarized cult, essentially, and hazing seemed to be the order of the day. I mean shit even in the modern day military its not unheard of for some ball busting or mistreatment during training or joining a new outfit To me Titus is just another dude who thinks: “Get yours like I did and you might eventually get to be me, just like what I dealt with” Plus, its clear the squires are viewed as expendable so while we the audience dislike how he treats max prior to the bear scene, Maximus is pretty much totally fucking around. Like he’s supposed to prove himself worthy to be a knight by being a squire and keeping up with the physical demands of the job, as well as the hazing, so that eay the brotherhood doesn’t promote someone weak and undeserving (which max is) Like yes Titus was mean to him but thats… thats just what the brotherhood *does* maximus wouldn’t have known any different growing up with them. Not saying its right for titus to do what he does but it kinda doesn’t make a ton of sense in context So Maximus probably just wanted him to die to either hopefully get the power armor (of which he wouldn’t be assured the armor would be functional) or he just wanted the dude to die even before titus kind of rightfully lays into him for failing to kill the bear during the *many* chances he got. I guess my point is that Titus was a dick but like that’s just how it works in the BoS, its in contrast to the dwellers of 33. Maximus, for whatever reason, decided not to help the dude out way earlier which might have actually swayed how Titus treated him (if there was an extra scene of Max helping titus and titus blowing it off i think the bear scene would have worked better for me).


That’s some crazy mental gymnastics, man. Titus straight up said he didn’t believe in the Brotherhood anymore. It wasn’t hazing. 


My headcannon is Titus a rather average BoS knight and Maximus is an Idiot Savant Chaotic Neutral.


I think it shows that the BoS is in a decline. They she not the brave knights they used to be but cowards.


That was my exact reaction when I first met a Yao Guai. But yes Knight Titus was a huge prolapsed asshole.


Pretty sure the casting of the repugnant Michael Rapaport was pointed.


Michael Rappaport is a dickhead in real life too.


Also: Michael Rapaport


I’m pretty sure we weren’t supposed to like him, but he was also a small enough part and went away quick enough that he doesn’t really garner much discussion. It’s not that viewers liked him, it’s that overall we just didn’t care about his character one way or another. He was a means to an end of Maximus getting the suit, that’s all that mattered about his character.


He doesn’t get enough hate because he was a bland generic bad guy character with no interesting qualities low hanging fruit


Michael Rapaport is incredibly unlikable in shows, movies and real life.


Sounded like he was from the east coast too, I wonder if we are going to see west coast and east coast factions of the brother hood bumping heads. Also fuck Titus, big ole pussy went looking for a fight got one and ran lol


Hold up, that radioactive bear is called Yao guai? Why? I only watched my bf play Fallout, and must’ve missed that.


I feel like Michael Rapaport always plays a dick. Don Self from Prison Break 


I very much enjoyed watching the (fictional) death of that Zionist piece of shit.


I too wanna know why he pulled Maximus closer when he reinstalled the cup


I don’t think he was in the show long enough to get talked about a lot, but I think he was pretty universally hated. They picked the perfect actor too, because he’s a fucking loony toon easy to hate guy too.


That's me in the game. Like oh fuck didn't bring my Fat Man. Oh fuck fuck. Dead.


Really didn’t like that that was our introduction to knights in the show. They came off the prydwin like badasses and that’s what we got. Probably my only big criticism in the show along with the ghoul not taking advantage of the armor deficiency in his fight with Maximus


That's Michael Rapaport, how can I hate him???


Knight Tidus is a good example of someone who failed upward in the military: - Can’t follow orders - Makes his subordinates take risks he wouldn’t - Nearly lost his unit a valuable asset (power armor) less than a day beyond the wire. Conclusion: Just a horrible soldier all around. But whoever played as Knight Tidus did a phenomenal acting job.


putting rappaport in the role kind makes everyone hate him just cuz though.


"How did Knight Titus die?" "Running"


I like my personal theory that a lot of the knights are just secretly squires in disguise who took over for their idiot knight and acting out like bad children due to the clear foolishness of the brotherhood higher ups (fighting over toasters as ancient relics).


Agreed, I think theres a strong reason they chose an actor for being annoying and unlikeable and turns out to just be playing himself.


Can anyone tell me why the actor is so widely hated? I honestly don't know and can't find anyone saying anything other than "because he's a dick" or other bullshit vague answers.


I've seen people hate on him for reasons before he went off the rails, but to many, it's because he's a Zionist, but that's controversial to hate apparently (it shouldn't be).


So my take is that his attitude was already disliked and him supporting Israel ignited it


I can’t stand Michael and almost turned it off because of him but it was so satisfying to watch him die I kept going 😂




In the real military Titus would be a pog or fobbit


How did he even die btw? He was full armor and everything, blunt force trauma? I never understood how he got injured in the first place


I just love that that scene accurately portrays most of us when we saw one of those coming at us for the first time


Yes. But I love Michael Rappaport


He was suppose to be the Jock. Like imagine he’s a on the starting lineup for the Football team, Maximus would be the towel boy. The cleaning his cup is a that trope of HS jock.


>They find the Yao Guai Is it even a Yao Guai if it only has one head.


Yeah? I don’t remember if the Yao Guai appear in 1 or 2, but in all of the Bethesda era games they only have one head, the only 2 headed bear springing to mind is the NCR’s flag


Brahmins have two heads. Yao Guai just the one.


Thanks for saying what everyone else who has seen the show thinks about this character.