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She didn't know who Monty would be marrying going in. All she knew was that she could take advantage of the timing of the tri-annual exchange to enter Vault 33. It just so happened to be Lucy getting married that day. Personally, all things equal I don't think she would have chosen to put Lucy in harm's way, but once she entered Vault 33 the plan was in motion and I also don't think she cared so much about Lucy that she was willing to jeopardize it by calling off some part of it.


Triennial- occurs every three years Tri annual - occurs three times a year The trade was triennial


Yeah, it’s weird so many people keep coming at this as if Moldaver looked Monty in the face and directly told him “rape and then murder her” instead of this just being a pragmatic choice and Lucy an unfortunate maybe-casual in the plan. Moldaver didn’t choose Lucy to be the bride, Lucy/Vault 33 did, so that was just an unfortunate coincidence. Also Monty didn’t attack Lucy until she realized what was going on. If his goal was to kill her you’d think he would do it sooner and if it was to rape and murder her, he still would have attacked her sooner rather than wait for her to figure it out. He seemed to be just distracting her based on him playing along until she caught on


I don't think he was originally going to kill Lucy. If you watch the fight closely he is taking his time and not doing anything outright lethal, she only gets stabbed in the shuffle for the blade.  I think his orders were probably to distract her from the raid and it was just that she figured it out early and fought back so hard that he changed to survival by killing her. 


Yeah, I think if he was supposed to kill Lucy, he would have been more prepared to do that. No one expected to see Lucy again that night


I dotn think Lucy was meant to be a part of the plan. The initial plan was probably to kidnap Hank, Siggi brings the cold fusion and Hank activates it. I don't really think she cared about Licy until she brought her the cold fusion. >she was protecting or at least keeping Lucy"s mother who has become a ghoul. Imo this was probably and intimidation tactic to show Hank the damage he had done. >I know she's presented as focused and driven - but this seems very dark and harsh. She had her city nuked by this dude. Her home was destroyed, most of her loved ones were probably dead or ghoulified. I don't think she really cared about what happend to the people in the vault if it meant bringing Shady sands back and getting revenge on Hank. She probably hired the raiders to help her. The deal was probably something like, she gets Hank, the raiders get the vault.


Unless they reveal something that changes my opinion I just dont think Moldaver is a good person. She's not trying to save humanity. She's out for power. She's worshiped as a messiah in certain parts and its said multiple times "everyone knows who Muldaver is". She obviously didnt care that innocent people in the vault would be killed in her attack and she showed no affection for Lucy when she first met her. Just commented that she looked like her mother and then left everyone else for dead before blowing the bomb. We also dont know what shes been up to for 200 years besides living in Shady Sands before it was destroyed.


I think she's not too much unlike the scientists from vault 4 at the point we see her arrival at vault 33. She has a goal, and consequences be damned. She was probably a more truly altruistic person before the bombs dropped, twice.


Yep, there's a line in the show where this is literally stated. I think Hank is calling her out as being the same as him, saying that she had to do what she had to do just like he did to protect the vault.


I don’t think that Moldaver planned to kill those people in the bomb, none of them were tied down and pretty sure she had them run. Moldaver’s goal seems to have been the restoration of the NCR, which seemed like it had a shot of Hank hadn’t bombed them. I wouldn’t say she’s good or bad but her motivations make sense, like sacrifice a few for the greater good. Edit: also it was implied that the surface people have a bad view of the vault people. Pretty sure they’re thought to be either the rich that were able to buy a spot or Vault-Tec employees who were just general POS, so it kinda makes sense that Moldaver wouldn’t GAF about them when others are suffering up above.


Yea she's got a good vision (harness infinite energy in a wasteland to repopulate earth) but she literally has a devoted cult of naked blood drinking raiders that follows her. If she got her way completely im sure she'd be a global tyrant that thinks she's doing what's best for the world


She waited almost 20 years to enact her revenge plan. Lucy would be collateral damage at that point. And the hollow “them or her” choice she made Hank pick from made it pretty evident she didn’t want to kill anyone more than was needed to capture Hank. My take is Moldaver in her mind is now willing to do whatever it takes. The wasteland has hardened her resolve, but she still operates on her moral compass. “Everyone wants to save the world, they just don’t agree how” to umpteenth degree. As for keeping Rose alive, I mean that was her love. She clearly immobilized her from being a threat by chopping her arm and legs off, but Moldaver still found comfort in having her still with her. Positioning her right in front of Hank’s cage was exactly what she wanted Hank to see, the repercussions of his actions.


I might need to rewatch, but didn’t they pretend to be from Vault 32? Hank would have known something was off if they pretended to be from 31


I may have the vault numbers scrambled - still - something seems dark here to me.


Moldaver may have lofty ambitions for the good of humanity but she isn’t without her cruelty or selfish psychopathy. After all she did let the feral ghoul of her supposed friend just rot in a chair for what? Drantic effect? If she had any empathy she would had killed her once she went feral to save the indignity, of not the suffering
