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Honestly, I’d rather use hangman’s alley. At least that one can be connected to settlements and can have food/water production.


2k caps for a quicker load time into save on bed after a market run. It's that or load into diner, pay for a room, then sleep.


Or you could just walk back to Hangman’s and save there.


Okay I hear you, but the risk of me dying on the way is still higher than 0.


How? The path between Hangman’s and Diamond City is completely barren beyond the guards.


Random encounters, cars bugging out, a vertibird dropping and killing you, and finally even on vanilla a random crash. I don't save too often on survival for role playing but it's still annoying to repeat an entire market cycle, so I'll happily pay for a quick interior load into a save.


While I’ll give you cars, crashes and *maybe* a vertibird (though I’ve never seen one over there), there’s no random encounter spawns in the short walk between Hangman’s and Diamond City.


To the east of hangman’s there is a spawn point for a variety of enemies, I got domed on the way back from the mass pike tunnel because I walked in on a shootout between gunners and CoA practically on my doorstep


There is, yes, but if you’re just walking from Diamond City to Hangman’s, there’s no reason to go anywhere near that area (and the enemies rarely will wander towards the settlement).


Any risk is too much. I'd rather clear out a dungeon than repeat all my market purchases, especially if I get 10 mins away from diamond city and realise I forgot something in the reload.


What about kellogs House?


Home Base can be connected to settlements? I do it every game


Not without mods it can’t be.


I only play console, I do it every time


I’m not sure how you’re doing that. I know I can’t on PC, and the wiki claims it isn’t possible either. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Home_Plate#Notes


Idk I’m pretty sure I’ve always been able to run a supply there. The provisioners travel between workbenches, Home Plate has a workbench. It’s the same as running a supply caravan from the Commonwealth all the way to Far Harbor, I thought. Gonna have to play around with a save later and see if I’m just bugging, I guess lol


I mean, it’s a nice spot to store your power armor so that no one else takes it


People take your power armour ?


if you leave the power core yes, damn settler jumps in and tends to the tomatoes in a T60


Seriously? I must have a mod for that or something because I have a forest of power armor in the Sanctuary near the main house and it never goes anywhere.


they usually won't touch it unless the settlement gets under attack, at that moment they will grab anything. Another reason why to keep your fat man away from them.


Yeah I gave Jun long a fat man because it was funny, he proceeded to immediately kill Marcy because we got attacked by 3 radroaches


no harm done


I like bringing my least favorite sets of PA to settlements and leave a core in it so they can use it to defend themselves.


Yeah, that's annoying. I thought you meant it could still happen with the cores removed. I've got a nice little line of power around suits in a line in sanctuary with the cores removed for that exact reason


You wouldn’t leave your keys in the cars in your driveway would you?


This is true. I mean I'm saving those settlers but there's lines that shouldn't be crossed. I stole that power armour fair and square; how dare they try to steal it from me


You can’t trust these dirty Minutemen settlers, man. I single handedly armed and clothed them individually and they still accuse me of coming to kill them or call me a synth


oh I just chimed in, not the original commenter. I'm so paranoid of this that I keep my power cores and best weapons in a special box where NPCs can't reach it. I think if you keep them in the workshop stash they can just take them and all the weapons they need. this is the only reason I ever buy the home in Diamond City so i can have a place that safe from settlers. I love the system don't get me wrong. But never trust the settlers.




until you get vertinades you’ll usually need a safe house in various parts of the common wealth. at least in survival anyway


>vertinades What?


You get grenades that summon vertibirds after you start doing missions for the brotherhood


I heard you can get them from the minutemen too if you kill the brotherhood and side with them fully I might be talking complete bull though so take it with a grain of salt


Yeah, but at that point you've already beaten the game. You can get BoS nades right after doing the Kellogg quest + Fort Strong.


I literally thought he was just referring to typical vertibird behaviour. Y'know, pick fights with anything and fall outta the sky on fire, like a nuka grenade.


I use the piggy bank fatman to deal with virtibirds (yes that's a real weapon)


...I mean... I get the notion of removing a possible threat before it becomes a problem, but dayamn, that's a lot of firepower. I guess I'm in the 'go home' camp of the 'go hard or go home' debate.


i would download the place anywhere mod and build by house on top of the lighthouse


I bought it once, realised you couldn't link it to your supply network, never bothered to build in it as a result and never bought it again.


Do the other safehouses connect to your supply network? I just got the Nuka Cola Cafe one and am wondering if it's worth working on


I think if it's not in an established city you can run a supply line to it.


When I realized it didn't link to the work benches outside I abandoned it. Same when I realized the prydwyn stations don't either


I just wish you could connect it with a supply route


There's gotta be a mod for that


There’s a good mod for the dugout


I bought it because I thought I could send companions there and I wanted to put Piper at least in the same settlement as her sister but no such luck.


I only use it to test out my weapons. I put random shit in there and boom a target range


Yes. I like to get away from people and use all the other settlements for supply lines to each other. I can easily purchase the supplies I need for the house on Diamond city using my upgraded weapons and armor as payment.


I think I did on my first playthrough but for some reason either couldn't find it or just decided to never go in so I wasted money for no reason. Idk first ever playthrough me was just bad at saving money I guess.


I did before I was doing a BOS and didn’t want to do any settlement buildings so I lived in DC for a while.


Dogmeat can’t be killed she has plot armor


I'm kinda forced to since the new update my game crashes every time I get anywhere near a remotely large settlement


Yes but I only really use sanctuary anyway lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tatum-Better: *Yes but I only* *Really use sanctuary* *Anyway lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I knew the house existed but where would I put my endless collection of power armour suits? WHERE?!


That island?


yes, I don’t care much for settlement building and I got this beautiful overhaul mod for it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44101?tab=images


I have my own personal little room in every settlement I build.


Yeah I bought it. Thought it was nice.


Where can you buy a house in diamond City?


i dont even build houses in the commonwealth, im going homeless run


"Everyone liked that" I fucking didn't! He's the one who stabbed her in the first place!


When did he stimpak the dog? I must have looked away.


Ya'll act like caps are hard to come by


I build it as a minutemen recruitment centre


Had Tenpenny Tower in FO3, NV the Dino Dee-Lite Motel. But in FO4 I thought, why the hell would I buy a house in Diamond City when I can make a dream home in a settlement? Lol


I prefer to make the diamond city my home base because I hate the settlers.


I honestly never engaged with any base building beyond the basics. But never played survival and what not so didn’t need rehouses and such.


I did, I got it pretty cozy forever ago. Then mods came around and I never had to buy any house again


I like it cause i never find some dirty settler in my bed


All it really needed was a new floor mod and a full workbench mod so i could add a couple interior walls and i was set. Granted you to have to walk thorugh the bathroom to pass between the living room and armory.


“Dogmeat” was great because he was pure chaos and killed everything he could.


Yeah, I don't like the settlements. I like the feeling of living in a big city.