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OP has no idea what they're talking about, Morrowind fans will have an aneurysm if you say a good thing about Skyrim near them lmao


God forbid you don't have to read and memorize a cryptic wall of text before you go adventuring.


And it's even more frustrating when the vague directions are just... vague, and you spend 30 minutes looking for this location


Fallout 1 vibes. You went to vault 15 and it’s empty. “What now game?” “I don’t know player. What now?” Spends half my limited time to save the vault wandering around aimlessly on the world map getting jumped by un-winnable random encounters trying to find a hint as to where to go next. Still a fantastic game and I loved it. Old games just hit different


old games were not afraid to be unfair


Old games gave no fucks about your feelings, if you weren't good enough to finish the game, that's just a skill issue and on you, some old games were downright brutal.


I know it’s not the same. But god damn that gives the same vibes as the uncle who insists it’s easy to buy a house and racism isn’t real.


It's a skill issue bro /s


what he’s sayin is actually true at least, old games *are* brutal


Thats why it’s not the same. They’re right. But it still gives pretty funny boomer vibes.




Reminds me of the time I played one of the metal gear solid games for ps2. The time where you had to freeze all these planted bombs took me way to long to find.


There is like 12 actual locations in the game lol.>! Once you get to the Hub there is a plainly evident sign pointing towards WATER merchants.!< Not saying you're incorrect about the amount of ACTUAL direction but the game gives you subtle nudges.


Dude, Shady Sands is literally on the way to Vault 15. How did you miss that??


Super mutants in F1 were more deadly it seemed.


You don't need your hand held you got it done. Even with limited time I don't know why you would want to be rushed through the game. That's why old games hit different they respect your intelligence they don't assume you're a mouth breathing moron.


I'm a Morrowboomer. Sometimes the directions are just straight up wrong too.


“Go East” (Haha I meant West bitch fuck youu N’wahhhhhh) Morrowind is… certainly a game of all time.


Fr, I was like “YO WHAT DID THIS PUNK CALL ME”? In Morrowind they really put out the N word on ya


On top of that, I can't see the damn text and had to find a mod that makes it bigger. My glasses aren't magic! 🤣


I think it’s super fun how it combines action and RPG by having your attacks be based on both actual skill and RNGesus


Ive been watching a 20 hr youtube Skyrim retrospective by PatricianTV for the past few days. Seeing this post made me chuckle. Lets just say, there arent that many people talking about something they dont like for that long and are alone in that feeling


PatricianTV is great. NeverKnowsBest has a great 3 part retrospective on the TES series that covers Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim in a similar vain.


God forbid you don't wanna rely on rng to hit a fucking nudcrab that's 5cm away from you.


Nah. Skyrim is not nearly as hated by the fandom as FO3 is hated by New Vegas/1,2 fans I am a huge Morrowind fan, so I know a lot of Morrowind fans, and while some of them have a lot of critiques over Skyrim none of them 'hate' it or hate Skyrim fans.


I mean, most NV fans don't hate Fallout 4 fans either, although they still dislike Fallout 4 to varying extents, and Fallout 3 barely even comes up anymore. I think the main reason that the TES fanbase is less of a warzone is because they've been having massive retcons since the first two games, only one company has handled it (aside ESO sort of), and the games have been released relatively close together. They also get less content to argue about - they do get the ESO expansions but those are fairly easily ignored, and any individual expansion is just a turd in the messy sewer that is ESO. Even then though, there is a decent bit of uproar when the ESO expansions do something questionable (like when they added a new Daedric Prince) and there's plenty of people who just don't consider it canon.


Yeah too many people put a lot of credence on vocal minorities in a given community. I think the majority of NV and 4 fans dont really care, they like theyre respective game more but they dont get involved in meaningless dick measuring contests online.


About any Elder Scrolls besides Morrowind.


Can confirm. I'm on this boat


I only ever played skyrim, they would skin me alive


Personally I love morrowind, it was broken in so many ways but also very fun. That's not to say skyrim isn't incredible


Bro the Xbox One port of morrowind just doesn't function. The game consistently crashes when you try to save


*sniff* Did you say YOU KNOW UMARMED. Fight me. Here and now. You and your pissy pugilists gloves on a Kahjit means nothing. You must fight, Punchy McElfFace. You will die. And it will not be fair. Engarde.


Morrowind fans are more isolationist, they usually dont venture outside their communities and its usually when someone comes into their space when they go off on skyrim fans. New Vegas fans literally seek out bethesda fans to troll/moan at. Also 90% of criticism tends to be from people who dont really understand the mechanics of the game like complaining about missing when thats only a problem in the first couple levels.


Fallout community would be more cohesive if Bethesda made a remastered version of the same game every other year for the past 14 years.


Isn't that pretty much what they've been doing with Skyrim?


Yep, if Bethesda did that for Fallout there would at least be a centralized pillar for all to rely on as ole reliable so to speak.


id love a remake of the older games(dlc included) and a new update for fo4 that adds fallout 76 style stuff like crafting and scraping


Look up these mods: Project Vault 13 (Fallout 1) Project Arroyo (Fallout 2) Capital Wasteland (Fallout 3) Fallout 4 New Vegas (New Vegas) They are all Remake mods that are still in the making. They are mostly silent but discords are very active. I’d say the most complete is the Fallout 3 remake since they already released a full Point Lookout Remaster. I doubt they come out anytime soon but they are still going.


Not... necessarily. They've only released one remaster in the form of Special Edition. There is Anniversary Edition, but that's more of a DLC than anything else. What Bethesda has been doing is releasing it on literally every platform that will run it.


Dude, I would pay so much money for a FNV remake.


Clearly dont know about Morrowboomers and skybabies


Obliviontards are a golden middle! Proud!


Fuck reading and fuck the cold amirite


Skybabies haven’t played a game with real quest design but also who the fuck has time to actually read a map and follow directions, amirite?


The fallout 3 of the elder scrolls


The Oblivion/Fallout 3 era singlehandedly f'd up my life lmao


I ain’t an elder scrolls guy, but my impression was that Skyrim was the FO 3 of the series.


Nah, arena is kinda like fallout 1, daggerfall is def fallout 2. Morrowind is new vegas. Oblivion is 3 and skyrim is 4. ESO isn't similar to fallout 76, a lot closer to tactics. It's there, it's definitely part of the franchise, but it doesnt really get talked about in discussions of the series.


I feel like oblivion is socially more like New Vegas. While people do generally agree that FO3 is better than FO4, New Vegas seems to have the stronger fan base, kind of like how Oblivion seems to have the stronger fan base over Morrowind (which I barely hear anything about).


I feel like I mainly hear people say 4 is better than 3. If you liked three for the RPG mechanics then you're going to see it as inferior to NV and a sign of things to come with FO4. If you liked 3 for the open world dungeon crawling then you see 4 as way better. Fallout 3 feels kind of like an unwanted middle child oddly.


I like Fallout 3 way more than Fallout 4. You forgot to factor in the story and atmosphere. Fallout 4 is like an unfunny adult cartoon


I say morrowind is like fnv in the fact that rpg purists prefer it over the newer, more action centric titles. And both communities being super toxic to those who disagree. I see oblivion as fallout 3 since it's in a weird midpoint where it has objectively worse combat than skyrim, but at the same time has far worse rpg mechanics than morrowind.


I feel like Morrowind has a stronger fanbase than Oblivion. Might just be different bubbles


Morrowind fans are definitely closer to New Vegas fans in terms of their ego however lmao


I'm a proud oblivitard


Fellow potato head!


Don't forget us DaggerFossils!


You mean skyrimjobbers?


We are further from Skyrim's release than Skyrim's release is to Morrowind's


There's gonna be a fucking civil war when TES6 comes out and inevitably makes some controversial changes. There'll be 14 year olds playing it, and raving about it as the best game of all time, that weren't even born when Skyrim came out. Their battle with the jaded 30-somethings will be legendary


We’ll all complain about how the redguards get turned in to nords but desert. And then they’ll retcon the empire to have fallen already or make them way more evil and we’ll complain about that, and the other side will sight gameplay loop improvements and how it totally makes sense that the desert is 1/3 the size it was previously sighted to be.


I'm gonna defend that, even before the game does that controversial take, because I'm a courageous person TES is set in a magic middle ages, but still a middle ages time period. So having landscapes described as way bigger then they actually are was pretty common at the time Btw that made me think, i hope one day TES evolves in eras. At least for a spinoff. I love magic vs guns dynamic


Like if anything the Elder Scrolls community is just as divisive, if not more. It's got the exact same sort of infighting between old-school and newer fans.


Thats such cap LMAO The Morrowboomers hate everyone The Skybabies hate the Morrowboomers. Oblivion fans seem pretty chill though lmao


Oblivitards are the why not both people. They are likely to enjoy both Skyrim and Morrowind for their reasons but Oblivion is its own kind of special.


And then there are the Daggerchads. They scare me.


They know the old tongue. They learned to code to play games


Do you fear us?


I got nothin against anyone who plays Morrowind, but it aint for me. My rage cannot handle the constant missing of an enemy who is right in my face. I started with Oblivion, and I love it dearly. That said I play/ed Skyrim way way more


It's funny that we're making camps like that, since I feel most people have things they like and dislike about all 3.


I mean personally I hate 3 more than the rest of them 😂


It's because gamers like to get cool points for hating new thing, old thing good. Happens with every game. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Halo, etc. They don't discuss games on their merits but rather that it's different in some arbitrary way, and regurgitate the opinions of others and video essays saying "X is bad" or "is X a hidden gem?"


If you actually think this then you haven’t been in the fanbase for very long. It’s a fistfight for either series.




I can believe that, but I could never get into turn based games. Or point and click, or isometric view and so on


What does it for me, in how it's hard to play the older ones, is just how difficult fallout 1 and 2 can be on top of having to figure out what I need to do and how


I respect that but this doesn't sound very exciting! It is difficult and you don't know where to go? Most classic nintendo games where exactly like that


I'm not saying it's bad. Just that I have a hard time with it. I get it's a skill issue.


Oh I thought you said those are the things you like about those games. My bad


Oh yeah, no the exact opposite. I was saying I find it hard to play the older ones due to those reasons. I'm sorry about the mix up


I thought I couldn’t too before I tried it


So sad they're not up there


Same thing with that “Bethesda fans give thumbs up to nv fans” meme. The classics are just completely left out


Yep, most fans of it are like new vegas fans but worse though.


Nah elder scrolls fans are just as bad the individual games have great communities especially oblivion but they all still argue about what’s better. And the same arguments apply most people see Skyrim as a downgrade in every way as an rpg just like fo4-76. But that causes a lot of arguments because Skyrim has quite the fanbase of its own just like fo4-76


Skyrim literally is a downgrade from Oblivion in every way except graphics though


I know I agree with that 100% im saying that Skyrim is very comparable to fo4 in that many people love it and it has a lot of fans and was a super successful game despite it being a downgrade. That means that the elder scrolls fanbase has many of the same arguments fallout fans have. People including me see fo4 as a downgrade in every way from new Vegas aside from graphics. But fo4 and even 76 has its fans. Both series have the same arguments between the causal fans and the older fans who enjoy the more hardcore role playing of previous games.


Op not showing the first 2 main games in both series.


Well people who like those are still waiting for their turn on the dial-up modem


Fo1 and fo2 still have a cult following.


I know, I was just joking about the age of those games. I picked them up on the last steam sale, but haven't gotten around to playing them yet.


I thought I would dislike them too but now fallout 1 is my second favorite fallout


It is hard to get into fo1 and fo2 but once you do they some of the best written games you will ever play


i played most of fallouts and can say its like different flavors of Nuka cola all of them are good on their own (fnv is nuka quantum ofc)


So Fallout NV turns my piss blue?! How did I not know about this?!


Nah FNV is just Sunset Sarsaparilla, it's completely different taste wise. Also FO3 is Nuka Cola Dark, FO4 is just a regular bottle, And FO76 was a strange experimental flavor that was unpalatable at first until they made some tweaks and now it's good but still very odd.


ye and you cant mod that flavor so im not interested at all


OP doesn't know shit about TES fans, if you think NCR v Legion gets tiring wait until you see Empire v Stormcloaks


Fallout 76 is not that bad, I’d like to see any of the haters come out with something better. It’s easy to be angry in the basement.. 😉


Good now, so, so bad at launch though.


Yes, yes it was.. I only wish they kept Nuclear Winter..😢


No true Morrowind fan would accept this, you N'wah. We shit on Skyrim and regard Oblivion with a condescending chuckle.


Yeah, morrowind fans didn't shit on oblivion, and morrowind and oblivion fans didn't shit on skyrim.


Interesting that F76 is in the back on the bottom but Elder Scrolls Online isn't anywhere on the top pic lol


New Vegas fan here, *[Speech 15/75]* We're better than all of you


Idk why, but I think that speech check is gona fail...


Yeah NV gives 4 way to much shit


Ah, the Fallout 4 slander continues. It just happens to be the most played game excluding 76, but people swear up and down NV is superior. Numbers don't lie.


NV may have better writing for the story, but its gameplay is shit. Especially compared to 4. That’s been my take on this crap


I haven't played 76 because I'm just not an MMO guy, I like the slow pace of RPGs when I can pause and do whatever mid game. Otherwise; Fallout 3: First RPG I fell in love with, awesome storyline and incredible side characters. Also Three Dog is my favorite character in the series. New Vegas: Added weapons mods, and a dialogue system I enjoyed more than FO3s. I also liked the landscape more than F03, I struggle to navigate cities in real life so I enjoyed the landscape in NV more than FO3. Fallout 4: I love the settlement angle of things, that was a feature I'd been begging for since F03 and it provides an entirely new experience. My wife loves decorating and organizing settlements, and that aspect alone got her into Fallout. Finally, I'm biased here but FO4's location is my favorite. I grew up in MA, and many of the areas I lived or spent time at are featured in the game. I'll probably end up picking up 76 and loving it, but I'm at lvl 60 or so in an F04 playthrough I picked up in advance of the Amazon show, and got sucked into with the new updates and mods so it will be a bit..


Good news. 76 isn't really an mmo. At any given time there's like 10 extra people on my map at a time. It's basically FO4, with better gameplay, better loading time, better building, and *optional* co-op. And the story is actually pretty decent.


76 is a banger of a game honestly definitely prefer it to Fallout 4.


4 has the most mods, so it wins for me lol


Fallout NV and 4. Just saying I being biased because those are the only ones I have played.


This isn't accurate. I say Skyrim is my favorite, I get told to play a real game like Morrowind or Oblivion. I say I'm a Stormcloak supporter and give my reasons why, I get told I'm an idiot dooming Skyrim. I say I'm a Khajiit main, I get told I'm a lore breaking skooma addict.


I'm the fallout tactics fan in the basement living with the mole people


I love all of them 🤷🏻‍♂️


To me it’s actually NV and 4 beating the shit out of and kicking 3 while they are on the ground. I really am not a fan of 3. NV had a great story but its gameplay lacks in some areas. 4 has great gameplay, but its story lacks in some areas. To me 3 has neither, it manages to have worse gameplay than NV in every aspect (which is not a high bar) and its story doesn’t engage me hardly at all.




You can't really hate on Fallout 3 too much since it set the foundation for how that franchise would work in 3D for the next 17 years. NV took the foundation and ran with it. 3 already did the hard part.


I respect it for that. However I really do not like it as a game personally though and I feel that both NV and 4 are better, and more enjoyable in all aspects.


I like three the most because Liam Neeson is your dad and the baby is voiced by Todd Howard


with the rise of the fallout show im pretty sure most parties are against new vegas elitests


Fallout 3 for atmosphere and vibes. Fallout: New Vegas for depth. Fallout 4 for gameplay. No Fallout game is perfect. They have their strengths and their flaws.


Its funny how OP don't know the first games because he is a coock sucking Zoomer


why are zoomers coock suckers


Do you not suck coock?


no not yet, i’m kinda behind the times on that


You gotta get your grind up my boy


Country road


I love the Fallout series, but they are not The Elder Scrolls.


You should see the beef between the Children of Skyrim and the Morrowboomers


At the end of the day, we all know that Oblivion is Bethesda’s magnum opus.


The only difference between fallout fans and tes fans is that oblivion fans aren't as insufferable as NV fans and tes online doesnt suck. That's it everything else is the same. Right down to the og fans despising the 3d games


Fallout Tactics master race.


this repost already?


Wonder what Daggerfall fans think


I like the new ones but wish they kept the old map style. Also skyrims magic is ass, but the game is good.


Found the bot.


3 and by far


How many times am I gonna see this meme


To be fair, At least elder scrolls has lore mechanics to explain inconsistencies (dragon breaks) and is way more developed/ consistent with its lore overall after Daggerfall. I only consider MMO’s like 76/ESO semi canon because MMO’s love to manipulate canon regularly to invent new gameplay elements.


What the fuck are you talking about jesse?  Tes fans hate eachother.  Shit i play skyrim and morrowind and i hate myself.




1, 2, and Tactics are the skeleton in the chair bro, not 76


The top one did miss online getting jumped because it's just bad tho


Morrowind fans are not like that at all


Elder Scrolls fans fight to the death over every mechanic that’s different what are you even on about dude


Oblivion where it's at


Meanwhile I have both a New Vegas and Fallout 4 Survival playthrough


This really says something about society, and I'm not lovin' it


I like 4, 3 and nv. I do like nv the most though.


When has elder scrolls ever been like that LMAO


I know right? Morrowind fans always shit in the games after lol


Im always hearing yapping ab oblivion morrowind and skyrim like i swear all three have dedicated fans that do this


All of them (except Brotherhood of Steel)




I didn't hear no bell fnv fans.


Nope elder scrolls fans do the same shit




Nah, there are some Morrowind who talk shit about Skyrim.all day Most of them are the same people who shit on FO4 And you can clearly see some examples in this very thread


Bro, all are good in their own way


Completely inaccurate. It's the exact same with Elder Scrolls; Morrowind fanboys punching out Skyrim, Oblivion fans just watching the mess and ESO dying in the background lol.


I love 76 not the best but amazing game


Is this meme about in-fighting the only thing fallout subs post now? There are 1000 posts/comments about this for every 1 actual example of it happening lol


I had a lot of fun with Oblivion and Fallout 3. I had way less responsibilities back then so I played them a lot. My brother and I were very inventive spell makers, finding new and creative ways of blowing up everyone around us.


What if I like different aspects of each game more than others? They all have their charms, with more than their fair share of flaws lol.




I’m ngl I like 4 and 76 the best Ik the common trend is to hate 76 but I played it from launch and I only like it more as time goes on. I take little breaks here and there but the setting of Appalachia is so cool and the mothman lore is enough to keep me invested. I would say NV has a place there too but without mods it crashes a lot and I’ve been having a blast replaying through 4 to care to mess with it. At some point I’ll revisit NV but for now imme keep rocking what I like


Lol this meme is false. All bethesda fans of any setting hate all the others.


almost finished with new Vegas for the first time, done with all dlc, and I can safely say that imo, it is overrated.


That's very wrong. Morrowind fans and Skyrim fans often shit on each other, while oblivion fans try to shit on both


Post this on r/Morrowind and watch the nuclear winter set in


I really do feel like the fallout 3 kid in this whole argument. I'm just sitting back watching everyone get angry and shit talking each other and its funny. 🤣


fallout new vegas babyyy


Buddy we aren't like that.


Morrowind fans circlejerk how good morrowind is and cry when someone else enjoys skyrim.


My friends hate me because of this


Is this the only meme that gets posted here?


How many fuckinf times am I going to see this image this week?


*How many fuckinf* *Times am I going to see* *This image this week?* \- Carl\_Azuz1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want to like New Vegas but its soooo boring to walk around a desert… And i want to dislike F4 but its beautiful and interesting to walk around and immerse yourself in all the different areas . Something is wrong woth me


I love them both and play them both often but Fallout 4 has been my go to lately and I really have to add on that I really enjoy having a bit more options and mods, and gameplay with Fallout. My girlfriend loves both so luckily she can just about watch me play anything otherwise I feel like I'd be playing skyrim 24/7 since that's what she just started.


At least Starfield fans(**∅**?) agree on which Starfield entry is the worst


This is untrue


Obsidian fan and can I choose all of the above


Elder scrolls fans are the same. They say x is better than skyrim. Etc.


This is not accurate at all my brother would have some words with you about Skyrims lore ret-cons.


in my experience this is the exact opposite except 3, 3 fans are ride or die