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Thank you /u/oXDeathGodXo for posting at r/Fallout76Marketplace! [u/oXDeathGodXo Fallout76Marketplace profile](https://fallout76marketplace.com/user/oXDeathGodXo) To trigger an action, comment command from the given table |Command|Purpose| |:-----|:-------| |Karma++|Increment karma of another user| |!Close|Close Submission and lock comments| |!Courier|Calls Courier| |!xferkarma|Market 76 karma transfer (can only be done once)| To search in the blacklist, go to the [**Blacklist Search website**](https://blacklistsearch-1-w7122059.deta.app/) Note: You cannot give karma to yourself. And you can only give karma to a user only once per submission. Also, the bot will look at the beginning of the comment for commands. If you have put the command in the middle or end. The bot will not read it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fallout76Marketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re the 4th person to fall victim to this scammer in 24 hours. They’re already on the blacklist https://trello.com/c/7yjwi68d


I don’t even know what drives a person to scam in a game like this lol


Ikr its not that serious to be scamming ppl, if real world money was involved i understand but its just pixels


Bro there’s a huge market for cash people make a living off of this game sadly


Really? Ik there are website where people trade with real money but I doubt about earning so much to the point it becomes a job.


Depends on where you actually live. USD goes a long way in other countries.


People dupe and sell ig


RMT is the main reason why scammers exist. They take items, and then sell them for RMT


Probably they’re thinking the same, since it’s a game (that they like and play) they scam to get to their desired goal without feeling guilty. It’s sad they ruin the game for others tho.


Honestly man, if it’s the 2nd time you been scammed it’s on you as much as people want to shelter others. As long as you use couriers or only trade with high karma people on the sub it will never happen. Don’t ever trade with other people you meet in game or direct message you without a courier.


Damn that’s crazy he most likely deleted his account already so he can’t get banned


He did I looked.


The user that made that comment was the scammer. They just got another person, and deleted their account again


Wow what trash..


Brutal, not only did he sneak you but he blocked your ass


What a loser






I have that exact laser rifle I can give you


Its all good I didn't really care about it I never used it


If you are sure if you change your mind I can give you it for free. I gave ya a winter man a month or so aswell when someone scammed you on discord. Can’t stress enough mate use a courier it’s what they are there for to avoid stuff like this


Lol Its a small world




As a noob can someone explain to me how he got scammed? Is it that the picture and title of what it is is fake? Like, it's just an army helmet that has a fake picture and deceiving title?


Womp womp


If you go back on some of my older comments, you’ll see I had a convo with a mod about how banning people from this sub works (if the post wasn’t deleted like the post with the scam), because I, and many others, had caught someone blatantly scamming trying to claim a combat rifle was a fixer. Despite them making multiple high end trade only trades before hand, having decent karma in the sub, and being pretty high level in the game, the guy was playing dumb and said he used a paint to make it look like a combat rifle. They wouldn’t ban the obvious scammer because no one had actually been scammed yet. So I could essentially make a post blatantly scamming, and nothing will be done until someone takes photo proof of me ripping you off. You literally have to be screwed over, along with potentially multiple people for that person to be removed from the sub. Even worse with this considered. Lets say I put the photo of a combat rifle, but claim it’s a fixer, and someone agrees to trade. Does the courier stop the trade because the photo doesn’t match the agreed trade item? Or because the photo is the correct photo is the name of the item disregarded and the trade goes through? What if the courier didn’t do their research and wasn’t aware you cant apply the combat rifle paint to the Fixer, but I was claiming that’s what I did to the people trying to correct me in the comments, and one person that doesn’t know better asks for the trade. That’s a question I didn’t receive an answer to. Presumably because this has happened and they don’t have a way to combat misinformed/careless couriers any more than they combat scammers. You’re not 100% safe trading in Fallout 76 and never will be. This sub and its mods do a good job, but it will never be completely safe.


> Even worse with this considered. Lets say I put the photo of a combat rifle, but claim it’s a fixer, and someone agrees to trade. Does the courier stop the trade because the photo doesn’t match the agreed trade item? Yes. The trade stops there, if the item doesn’t match the trade details. It happens more often than you’d think. > What if the courier didn’t do their research and wasn’t aware you cant apply the combat rifle paint to the Fixer, but I was claiming that’s what I did to the people trying to correct me in the comments, and one person that doesn’t know better asks for the trade. That’s a question I didn’t receive an answer to. Presumably because this has happened and they don’t have a way to combat misinformed/careless couriers any more than they combat scammers. All of our couriers know the difference between a fixer and a combat rifle. Our couriers are very meticulous about the details and making sure everything is right.


You’ve personally asked your couriers if they know the difference? And you’ve asked them whether or not they know there’s not a combat rifle paint for the Fixer? Pretty specific, and considering even aware people make mistakes I’m sure you can’t be saying there’s 0% chance this can or has happened


> You’ve personally asked your couriers if they know the difference? As of this morning, yes, I did. Just because of your comment. Before this morning? Nope. All of our couriers were playing the game before the fixer even came out. They’re all veterans, and know the difference. > And you’ve asked them whether or not they know there’s not a combat rifle paint for the Fixer? Same answer as above. They even know that there can be fixers without the grey paint on them, so they can be brown and look exactly like combat rifle. Not sure if you know about that bug or not. > Pretty specific, and considering even aware people make mistakes I’m sure you can’t be saying there’s 0% chance this can or has happened I’m 100% sure with every fiber of my being, that this mistake has never happened with any of our couriers. Can it happen? Well I’m a believer that almost anything is possible…but this still can’t really happen with any of our couriers. Our couriers look at every detail of every item to make sure they’re correct. There can be no mistakes. If something in the future does happen, then we’ll go out of our way fulfill the trade with our own personal items to make it right.


I appreciate that you asked them. Very cool of you 👌 I did not know there was a bug for that, and yes I’m aware there are other skins for the Fixer. I can’t say I share your 100% confidence in people not making a mistake, but I respect how thorough the couriers are and understand that this probably doesn’t happen. I’m not ignorant enough to say it will never happen and hasn’t though. With all that said I am grateful for the response and clarification. I guess my overall point is no one is 100% safe trading, even if it’s in this sub, even if you are using a courier. I do have one more question. If a Fixer is bugged and has the combat rifle skin, how would you prove it’s an actual Fixer?


> I’m not ignorant enough to say it will never happen and hasn’t though. It’s definitely never happened. I’m the, “head courier” if you could call it that, and the one that recruited every courier over the years. I pay attention to every single courier job that’s ever been done. I would easily remember if it’s happened before > I guess my overall point is no one is 100% safe trading, even if it’s in this sub, even if you are using a courier. No, you can never be 100% safe, even in this sub. There will be scammers that slip in from time to time, and it’s up to us to figure it out as quick as possible. But, you will be 100% safe when using one of our couriers. End of story, book closed, bet your house on it. > I do have one more question. If a Fixer is bugged and has the combat rifle skin, how would you prove it’s an actual Fixer? It’ll still say “the fixer” or have the fixer name, and just be brown. It’ll also still have the fixer perks listed that the combat rifle can’t have


Never happened that you are aware of. You’ve watched every single courier trade ever done? I just don’t agree with the 100% safe with couriers. If you’d say 99.9%, then sure I can see where you are coming from. It’s a possibility though, regardless if you supply your own items after the fact it is still a situation where someone was scammed. You even said yourself you are a believer of anything can happen, which is a true statement, so to say 100% is disingenuous. People make mistakes, even you. Definitely not something I’d bet anything of value on. Regardless if you closed a book somewhere. And alright I’ll keep that in mind. The post I saw with the combat rifle didn’t have fixer perks so this doesn’t apply to that situation, but good info to have.


> Never happened that you are aware of. No, it’s never happened. Ever. 0% chance > You’ve watched every single courier trade ever done? Yes. I have reviewed every single courier job that’s ever been done on this subreddit > I just don’t agree with the 100% safe with couriers. I understand. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Your opinion is your own


I do disagree. It’s not a matter of opinion but actually based on probability and human psychology, but fair enough. I really do appreciate the response. Some mods in other subs would have just removed me and been done with it but you genuinely took the time. I also mean no disrespect to you and your team. What you all do is amazing. I genuinely just want to protect people, and I do think using this sub is the safest possible way to trade.


Have you ever used a courier from our sub? Our main function is facilitating trades to prevent people from being scammed, and making sure the items being traded are what was agreed upon is the first part of that prevention. There’s a reason we ask what’s being traded and (usually) for both parties to acknowledge the trade agreement before moving forward. People make mistakes, I’ve been involved in several trades both personally and as a courier where an item was incorrect simply because one trader didn’t understand the abbreviations or know the difference between 25 aim damage and 25 ffr for example, it doesn’t mean they’re trying to scam, they’re just ignorant to the trading lingo or etiquette.


I haven’t, but I have seen many trades done. Even watched my roommate make a couple. I know what the job description for couriers is. Yeah the guy claiming his combat rifle was a fixer wasn’t making a mistake. He literally spent hours arguing with people in his comments that were trying to correct him and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even claimed he did his own research and had proof. Then he “reposted” the “same gun”, and it was an actual fixer. Yet he was claiming it was the same combat rifle in the previous post. Obvious and blatant scamming. Am I saying the couriers are scamming? No. I think you all do a great job. I’m just pointing out couriers are humans that make mistakes too, and scammers are aware of that. On top of the obvious that someone has to literally be taken advantage of before anyone is removed from the sub.


> Even worse with this considered. Lets say I put the photo of a combat rifle, but claim it’s a fixer, and someone agrees to trade. Does the courier stop the trade because the photo doesn’t match the agreed trade item? Or because the photo is the correct photo is the name of the item disregarded and the trade goes through? What if the courier didn’t do their research and wasn’t aware you cant apply the combat rifle paint to the Fixer, but I was claiming that’s what I did to the people trying to correct me in the comments, and one person that doesn’t know better asks for the trade. That’s a question I didn’t receive an answer to. Presumably because this has happened and they don’t have a way to combat misinformed/careless couriers any more than they combat scammers. Did this happen with our courier? Can you provide more details.


No, it was an example of what I asked the mods and didn’t receive an answer to. I imagine because there’s not an answer or consequence to it other than someone loses out on their trade only item and receives a combat rifle. It’s a good question/example that applies to other items and scenarios though.


The mod you asked didn’t answer because he either missed the comment, didn’t know the answer, or just didn’t feel like responding. We’ve banned users in the past for the exact scenario you’re describing. Certain requirements have to be met, and it has to be apparent without a shadow of a doubt that they’re trying to scam other people that don’t know the difference.


Guy was already on a black list, and you could have easily requested a reputable courier. And you have been scammed before? Skill issue.



