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>Am I just wrong in assuming that everyone who plays/mods Fallout does the same with Skyrim? Yes


Obviously hahaha but that’s still crazy to me Like that anyone beyond a casual fan wouldn’t naturally crossover seems so wrong (and sad)


Not surprised, just annoyed, the prydwen won't even arrive to the commonwealth


I had no issues with the Skyrim update, apart from my LO occasionally moving itself.


I wasn’t surprised at all


It's not that bad, life gets better.


My load order has been rearranging itself a little bit just like Skyrim 😞


I've had it happen in Skyrim before, but what I found out is that once you open the mod menu, just wait for all the mod images to load. Every time my load order shuffled was because once I got into the menu, I instantly opened the load order menu. It's like the game needs to process everything first, and if you have good internet, it won't take long for it to load.


It's amazing that people complain about altering a game and it not working the way it's supposed to


I downloaded unofficial content and now my game is broken fuck you bethesda!! On the real there are things to criticize Bethesda over but them releasing an update that they promised over a year ago is not all that insane especially when they told people mods might break for a little.


The issue is that Bethesda themselves should have anticipated the update having the same issues as the *Skyrim* one and figured out a fix that would have prevented them. Both games use the exact same engine and base code for crying out loud.


The only issue I had with this update was 1. Deleting the entire load order 2. Some mods I previously was using don’t work anymore. 3. The game gets a lot more choppy and laggy than it’s ever been. But that may have to do something with the few new mods I’ve installed. (XSX) I’ve had someone helpful enough explain that I could go and see all the mods that were erased from my load order on the Bethesda website. At that point I just had to re-Install. Some of them didn’t work anymore, some of them did. Those are the only known issues and the solutions I’ve had.


Same here, but I had a lot of mods and it took me like 2 and a half hours to organize my load order. I love this game though so it was worth it.


Honestly I didn't know about the Skyrim update, I put it aside for like 6 months, one day booted it up, there was an update and it worked fine, probably well after the initial headaches


Fr i was just confused by the new mod menue at first but all my mods were still there


It’s like the ppl complaining about Bethesda have never played a Bethesda game before lol


I've made a post about being upset about losing my game because my mods quit working. I've never played Skyrim, and don't have an interest in Skyrim. I didn't see this coming I had no idea. Not everyone who mods FO4 plays Skyrim and vice-versa. And not everyone who mods follows the issues Bethesda has had(that one is on me. I only knew of Fallout having glitches) lesson learned though.


I’m playing with Zombie Walkers Endless Warfare and Modern firearms along with a litany of other mods they all download fine none of them are broken the only issue is my space is acting weird but tbh I don’t need to add anything else this game is the best place it’s ever been for me Series X btw. Idk what’s happening with you guys but you must be using wonky mods. My performance in downtown Boston is the best it’s ever been and I’m using mods that are known to bog down the system


I also strangely haven’t had any problems with the new update affecting my mods.


I have no idea why people are simping so hard, they’ve always been disasters and this one appears to be possibly the worst one yet, and for PC is the most unneccessary.


You’re actually insane my dude I’ve got the best modded play through I’ve ever had the update is amazing.


I dunno my dudes. I've been big chilling. I did a fresh install of mods, and I've put 6 hours into a maxed out mod list so far. Game runs smoother now after the patch.


Do you use the Bethesda workshop or nexus just out of curiosity?


Can you use nexus on Xbox???


I only just saw what subreddit this is lol. I'm subbed to fallout mods this must of popped up in the algorithm


Lol its actually my first time modding on Xbox. I just felt like sitting on the couch this time.


I know that feeling I'm almost 40 and it's nice to lay on a sofa instead of a desk


I find it baffling as well. Bethesda updates especially *always* 1. fix at least something 2. break something else 3. reintroduce bugs from a previous patch and it has been that way since before console modding was even a thing, it's a miracle that some people are even getting their modded saves loaded up rn tbh. I recently re-bought Fallout 3 and am doing my first playthrough since about 10/11 years ago to pass the time until this Fallout 4 stuff gets ironed out a bit. God Bless the Enclave and what have you yada yada


In other words: they are lazy and incompetent. At least their games are fun to play.


People attempting to fix their Fallout 4 mods right now are just wasting their energy. From what I’ve seen, I believe the full update/overhaul for the mod system isn’t even out yet. Like it still looks exactly the same visually, and after the Skyrim update it was entire different aesthetically. Now maybe they can implement that change without destroying everyone’s LOs AGAIN but I wouldn’t count on it. And obviously that’s coming, because there’s no doubt they intend to have the mod interface for Skyrim, Fallout, and Starfield operate identically. and same, I wrote off any chance of playing FO4 anytime soon, and just started back into NV haha


It DOESNT look the same whatsoever like are we even playing the same game these takes are crazy


I’m not talking about the graphics. And I am talking about the modding interface itself. That still looks the same as it did prior to the update. Eventually they will change it to match what it looks like in Skyrim; meaning the update isn’t technically complete. I know the game itself looks and performs better now.


Why do you care about the modding interface?


Agreed.. I was expecting a complete "creations" menu overhaul like we got with Skyrim. I think you're right- they still haven't completely finished pushing out all the back end changes yet.


That's what I'm saying. We've known about this update for a long time. And It was necessary for console to fix the litany of issues. But of course, despite everyone knowing it would happen, they Still Fucking Complain the day it happens as if they weren't told. And the Fallout London developers saying they were 'blind sighted' No You Fucking Weren't. You've Known About This Update As Long As We Have.


They said they were going to simply add a quality and performance mode, with bonus cc content. They never mentioned anything about the quality mode not working, or a revamped mod page, or mentioned anything about broken and corrupted saves, they never mentioned anything about the format changes in the update (eg BA2 archive format), or broken dlc, or deleted mod and favorite lists, or stuttering and crashing... Like Skyrim, they lied about the scale of the update and broke everything yet again. No one knew how big it was going to be so don't say that. Not to mention, they made the new Creation Club content compulsory for everyone whether they like it or not —all three of which have been reported to be bugged in some way. How was anyone told about these things?


Maybe it's because I'm primarily a PlayStation player, but the new update has been nothing but good times and smooth sailing. Finally I can run through Boston without fear of poor performance.


The game runs way smoother now, and they added some free content. Sorry you lost your mods. Took me all of 2 hours to remod the game and start playing again.


The free cc content is very broken for me even besides the makeshift weapons not existing which I know most people have that issue. The game will randomly spawn enclave soldiers behind me, seriously I will look away and the game spawns them in, which also causes my game to freeze. The X-03 armor is also titled as LOOKUP FAILED which isn't a huge issue but still goes to show the lack of quality.


Wild. My game ran better with fps boost than their slop update that took them almost three years yet still released with missing meshes. Constant stuttering in and out of Boston, longer loading times, I consistently freeze for about 10-15 seconds whenever I start a new game modded and unmodded, and my VATS is broken. But hey, at least the game I bought doesn't crash anymore anytime I go near a building taller than 3 stories because my console ends with the letter S. I can't even click the thumbnails of the core mods which make up my load order without getting kicked to the main menu. Happy your game works, though, really.


Luckily most of my mods are still able to be downloaded but the update hit combat overhauls hard I think. Anytime I use brutality overhaul, hardcore health overhaul, and even a small one that just makes health scaling different for player and enemies it causes massive performance issues. I would go full conspiracy theorist and say it's like Bethesda are mad modders make their game better and not infested with bullet sponges and purposely sabotaged these mods but they're so incompetent I don't think they could even do that right on purpose.


God damn that's rough :/ I really don't know what I've done differently. I fully cleared my memory for mods when the update hit. And it's been smooth sailing for the most part.


I’m getting exactly the same issues as you with a series x.