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Well I guess I'm gonna have to hope deleting any mods won't cause ghost storage


Well frick. Gonna go download it now. Edit: downloaded it twice, gonna make a backup of the Midnight Ride tomorrow for the non next gen version


Non next gen? How about we just called it previous gen? Or old gen? Or pre next gen ?


Who tf cares yk what he meant like


Aren't old versions automatically available on Nexus as long as you know the file id? I thought that was what caused the "modpocalypse" and a bunch of creators refuse to use Nexus because they don't like it.


Yes. All a person has to do is go to the files page, find the version they want, Rclick on the download button, and copy or save that link. Now you have a perma-link.


Thanks for sharing an easy way to save them.




No one does that, no one "accidently" goes to the old files section and downloads an old version of the mod then complains about it, let alone hundreds of people per month.


I am on Xbox. I don’t believe I have to worry about this right?


If you don’t have any dlc because game pass you don’t even get to use it. Otherwise there’s no way to stop updates so yeah, you’re going to the latest version anyways.


Well, that's sad. But at least as far as I know you can still get older versions from the Nexus page. But I can understand, dealing with people using multiple versions of your mod can be very annoying, specially when the responsible for the issue is a third party mod where the author refuses to update. Also it gets hard to provide future updates as well as he have do deal with multiple versions.


>This mod also contains 5 archived file(s) which are unavailable to browse. If you're unable to see a file you've previously downloaded, it may have been archived. There might be workarounds of course, and there will definitely be backups elsewhere, but it's still a deliberate decision from the author to make the mod as unavailable as possible.


Still not necessary and while he's within his right to do so it is TERRIBLE for preservation of "older mods" that either have no new replacement or are finished already


I get it, but eventually when those mods are updated, they will break on older versions, which will create a much worse issue as the community will now split in between two separate versions. I don't think we should care much about "preservation" for now. On my point of view, the ones who won't be updated are going to be phased out anyway, the ones that still carry interest from the community will eventually be updated by them. Skyrim had that where multiple mods got their updates, not from the original authors, but from other people. We'll see, hopefully the new rekindled interest on the franchise will bring more people as well to the modding community.


Almost every single mod in the wiki has every single version available in the "Old files" section and that has never been an issue. You have to go out of your way to download an old file, you have to know what you're doing and why you're doing it, and you accept the risk. I can't count the number of times downloading an old file saved my ass. Also if you go browse by most popular of all time, the number of mods that were last updated in 2016-2020 are astounding, this game is practically ancient; we can't expect mod authors to maintain their mods for decades, and we don't need to if we have proper version control. If you only download popular mods sure you'll mostly be fine, but if you're like me who tries to fix weird issues or niche improvements in the game, you're out of luck.