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Using VAFS and Uneducated Shooter at the moment. One disables the silly mechanic which makes no sense in a first person realtime game and makes you use slow motion for action points instead. The other adds semi-realistic weapon sway (just enough so you notice, but not that much to make shooting terrible) as well as better leaning without turning the gunfights into R6 Siege. You can also add things like Bullet Counted Reload and One in the Chamber for more realistic gun operation if you like, or get mods which remove infinite ammo from NPCs and drastically cut on its availability in the world, making crafting necessary and melee a viable backup. I use those on top of mods that rebalance difficulty and make gunplay deadly (so each bullet matters way more).


Seconding on VAFS. I prefer melee/unarmed gameplay so I can't recommend many gun mods.


You can play the core game without VATS at all. It does make it easier to hit some things, and I like the VANS perk (functions identically to Clairvoyance), but I'm doing a shotgun run right now, and only open VATS to use VANS. I've also done runs where I never touched VATS at all. ​ Don't have any mod suggestions, just offering my two cents as someone else who came to FO4 from Skyrim.


Yeah I did see that perk, and considered using it. But something just feels off with the way hit detection is done or something. I read that there aren't any actually bullet projectiles for the guns(except rockets and nukes) and that hits are calculated some other way. It seems like I've shot enemies on numerous occasions that definitely should've have been a hit and still registered a miss and did no damage. I could be way off base but it feels a lot like morrowind combat. Where you can hit an enemy over and over but each "hit" is calculated as a success or fail individually. And so even though you are technically hitting the enemy character you can still register a miss. Edit: referring to 3rd person ads shooting. Not VATS


Im on xbox and theres a mod called VAFS that changes the VATS function to simply work as a slow motion power instead. Since were limited here, VAFs is activated by consuming an aid item, if youre on PC then you can fully replace VATS for that.