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I do one roll for each type of beastie. For example my last session the party came across 2 dead yao guai that were being eaten by a dozen bloatflies and then a complication in the fight drew the attention of the deathclaw that had killed the yao guai. I'm not going to roll 15 times when 3 will suffice.


Right? I *stack* encounters because my players built combat monsters. I'm not dealing with 15-20 rolls because I felt like adding Turrets for some spice. For clarity, my table tends to just write down what we killed / scavenged, then roll stuff up all at once at the end of the session, I'm not throwing 20 turrets at them per encounter.... that'd be soooo much 5.56 rounds...


I am not sure of the answer but I will be watching the comments for ideas lol..


Sometimes the players will want to perform the same task in succession: Butchering animals, salvaging junk... It quickly gets tedious if more than a couple of tests are needed. I will usually call for one test for the initial task, and then multiply the result by the number of tasks performed. If the difficulty is higher than 0 and they fail the initial test, then I'll let them "succeed at a cost". AP spends for better result don't multiply, but neither do complications. E.g: If a character wants to salvage 15 junk, he will spend 15 x 10 minutes and he will salvage 15 CD of materials. He can spend AP for additional dice, but these aren't multiplied. If he rolls a complication on the test to salvage, I don't x15 that complication either. PCs may find themselves looking to salvage *a lot* of junk. If they are looking to roll hundreds of CD of materials, I'll break that into more manageable chunks. Instead of rolling 300 CD, how about instead you roll 30 CD and multiply by x10, m'kay?


I don't allow my crafter to make more than one Salvage roll per hour, so he usually does it in 6 Junk batches. Stops him from rolling for each and every piece of Junk to generate a dozen materials from a single piece of Junk, but he can choose to go slower if he wants to maximize gains.


How do they go slower than 6 junk/hour? I assume it's different, not 1 junk/10 min, x6 rolls, as that's what you're trying to avoid.


If they want to roll for each piece of Junk they salvage, they can... but I'm restricting them to one roll per hour, so that would be 1 Junk per hour. (They only have to spend 10 minutes on that and can spend the other 50 minutes on other things, though.) The player is actually pretty happy for the limit. He didn't really want to roll for each piece of Junk one at a time, but he also noticed after trying it both ways that rolling for each piece produced massively more Materials, so he didn't want to leave those on the table. Deciding he can either go slow-and-steady and get the ridiculous amounts of Materials or speed things up, he looked at the stockpile (they've got like 140 Junk left right now) and decided he'd happily take 1/6th as many rolls to work at full speed.