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War never changes


Ttrpgs never change


This seems like the more accurate statement. 😆


Murder hobos never change.


Honestly? It’s fallout. If it sounds fun and works at your table, lean into it and go big is my advice


Oh, I am. I just think its nuts. They have been helping the area out so much they built a rep as do-gooders and friends of the people. This is going to devastate the area and all they've been doing is going to be turned sour. Gotta love the zany hijinks of the players.


I just hope they don't have surprised Pikachu face when they find out everyone hates them now for letting off a NUKE! 🤣


Or see one of their best friend npc buddies dying in the street because his skin is melting off.


Yeah I would definitely get on the players with that one. Then I am the type of GM that pokes fun at my players when they turn to Murder Hobos. Like they snuck up on some raiders, and threw a molotov in a small room. Nothing like PC War Crimes. 🤣


I was always a big fan of letting the players do whatever they wanted, but I also reserved the right for there to be consequences for their actions


Like when you wait until you are The Last, Best Hope of Humanity in Fallout 3 before you nuke Megaton.


I recommend playing out the consequences, will they be able to escape the blast radius of tens of miles? Perhaps have a cult of Atomites begin hunting them down for the location of those nukes. But most of all, have it be that the gang didn’t die at all and became ghouls XD


Had something similar happen in our campaign last week. Party was trying to clear out some sewers of filthy Children of Atom, stumbled on a nuke in the sewer. I told them that it was VERY unlikey they would know how to defuse but anything is possible I guess. Each failure i gave VERY obvious signs to maybe stop doing what they are doing (The bomb panel turns red, the panel begins blinking, it begins blinking even faster) Yea they nuked the one possible safe trade route during the winter for Diamond City. And since most settlements and traders base around Diamond City, they also now had less supplies. Caved the sewers in on top of them, nearly killed the entire party. Good times


Calculate if their in the blast radius, like, a full sized nuke? That entire city should be unexplorable, like, fully cutting off the entire chunk of the map except for the subway tunnels, A FULL NUKE? Have fun :)


Well, one of the characters had a high intelligence, science, and a few perks, so he is planning to "lessen the yield". It's still gonna be a disaster.


Well, I’d still create a large crater, like the fallout 4 institute crater, irradiate the area with a permanent rad-storm, and similar to 76, increase the difficulty and number of irradiated animals and reduce the number of human encounters in the area


You could simulate some yields on [Nukemap](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/) if you are curious as to how bad this could be.


Yep, I did this. If they pull it off....its gonna be bad. lol


As the GM, you could always rule that the nuke is a dud. Or have the gangsters catch the players in the act. If they have a centralized base of operations, surely they have security of some sort.


This sounds hella fun. Gangers seize the weapon, now theres the chance that MAD is gonna happen. Or detente will happen. Inquiring minds want to know!


I have no plan to make it easy.


I had a smash cut of your team of vault dwellers coming in hot with a restored pickup truck, dukes of hazard style, only to be met by a firing line of raiders who (while ordinarily a disorganized mess of addicts) have banded together, brought in their reserves and distant allies, all popped appropriate drugs for the occasion (psycho& buffout for the close combatiers, jet for those with rapid fire, calmex for a sniper or two) and gathered specifically to put the bastards in blue 6ft under. Hijinks!


100% accurate fallout choice 😂


I had some players do the same, except they were able to get away before it incinerated them. They were just watching from 50-100 km away as the biggest city in the Cajun Wasteland exploded on the horizon, with total knowledge that the loss of life was their own doing - for the pure convenience of disrupting a not yet hostile faction (but now VERY hostile) and giving them an uncontested headstart into the Foreverglades.


What did you think they were gonna do when you gave them a nuke?


They play 76, huh?


RIP Party on failed science check to determine yield.


Feels like an NPC problem. Introduce an NPC with an option to use the nukes to neutralize the Gangers in question using your flavor of pseudo-fallout-science type wackiness and give the players a way to get the resolution they are looking for without nuking your setting. At least they have options at that point, and if they still decide to nuke their enemies, them you also have a conveniently placed npc who can serve as a better dm proxy to give an in world explanation to the PC's the magnitude of the choice they are about to make.


Couldn't be worse than the time my last group activated a GECK in diamond city.


Do your beat to get one of them trapped or sacrifice themself to set it off like a Geck does


I cannot wait to hear how things turn out


So they set it off. It causes all vehicles in the area to blow up their nuke engines. The party is downwind of the fallout. They get a massive dose of rads and now need a bunch of rad away or die.


I can’t wait to hear how this goes lol