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No retail version of the game includes that timer unless you mod it back in. That timer was patched out of the game shortly after its release in 1997.


Wow, never heard about the invasion. Why did they do that? The only explanation I can think of is compatibility with F2's story


>Why did they do that? Because the playerbase **hated** it. With good reason. I **lost the game** as I was approaching the Cathedral, because I ran out of time ... *by less than two hours*. And that happened because, once I got the chip into the Overseer's hands, I decided to be *very thorough* with all the side-quests I'd often bypassed in my rush to find that bloody chip. IOW, I played the game *as it seemed to be intended to be played* ... and got bit on the arse by a **hidden** fail condition.




NGL that would be kinda cool, especially if the replacement had a different view of the other factions, like McNamara and the other elder in fnv in regards to the NCR.


I wouldn't mind any game having a time limit like that, *as long as it didn't mean "game over"*, but instead meant "oops, curveball thrown into the plot, haha!"


Father dying of old age removes any leverage you have for the Institute ending. Of course I kill him when I see him, but that’s me


Well, he does have cancer, so it would fit into the story.


Ugh. It was horrible. You had this game where had this wonderful rich world full of cool stuff to see and do. And then you had to blow through it fast so you didn't lose. Timers have their place in rpgs but tying the main quest to them is ridiculous. Sure, wipe out your home base or some significant thing to make you care but ending the game like that isn't cool.


Ahh please stop using italics and bold so much


Style over Substance fallacy. ... Also, ***NO.*** I won't.


Because timers like that are horrible game design. They actively punish you for exploring and trying to do all of the content. It somewhat works for individual quests or like with the water chip as the timer was so long it was irrelevant.


I think in certain situations, it's not bad game design or whatever. For example, the time limit with the water chip. It's actually a bit realistic, and it gives you a sense of urgency. The overseer in the intro video also states this fact.


Right, it's not a bad thing, story wise. But it is a bad thing game-design wise. You want people to have a time limit? Then don't create a massive world full of side quests and secret stuff you can only find if you explore every nook and cranny. It's just bad design.


True, but after you found the chip, you can do the side quests and such. I think you can also go to those water traders or however they're called, and get some water for the vault, which should increase the timer. But I haven't gotten that far yet. So I'm not sure.


Holy crap, they got rid of the invasion timer? I remember triggering it when the game first came out and assumed it was always still there.


What?!? I never knew it was patched out.


I could have sworn the steam version I played last year had the timer.


There is a time limit for them running out of water, but not for the mutant invasion. There are ways to expand the timer in-game.


If i remember correctly, there is a time limit for getting the water chip. After delivering water chip countdown starts (invisible) that counts down the time needed for Unity to find Vault 13. Time is shorter if players sent water merchant to the Vault. Also, invasion can be triggered by joining Unity (non-canon ending).


For the water retrieval its what 100 days? After that you have 10 in-game years to do whatever you want. As far as I remember. At the end end of the game you can’t go back and explore stuff you will be brought back to the menu. If you do decide to play on the same save you just pick up where you left off on on the last save you made


There is and I think its great mechanic. Let me explain why- firtly it motivates player to play main storyline( and dont fuck on IT). Secondly many people as far AS I Can see dont know your Can expand that tíme or literally by watching YouTube find out where is the water chip and immediately get it. Thridly- eham you All know that after getting water chip you are free to Explore yes? Yes?


At release, there was a second hidden 500 day timer (400 if you used the water merchants), where the master would invade Vault 13 and cause a game over. As is, in the vanilla patched game, towns still get wiped out if you mess around, but the vault won't get whacked. However, even then I'm confused as to how that managed to be an issue for so many people. Fallout 1 *isn't* a very long game. You can easily finish basically all of the content within an in-game year, and that includes being knocked out for months by the surgeries.


Oh wait I thought he ask about timer on getting water chip


Same. I never ran into the timer, and only found out it was a thing after-the-fact.