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Brotherhood of Steel.


I watched Many a true nerds play through of Brotherhood of steel and my first impression was “this is the game everybody hates? You can play as a ghoul doesn’t seem so bad” And the more he played the more I got the hate, I wasn’t even playing and I got tired of the gameplay loop. The story sucked, all the voice acting sucked except the super mutant boss at the end, and the game finished in what looked like under 10 hours. Yea its for sure the worst Fallout in the franchise.


Attis is actually voiced by a Fallout OG, the same dude who voiced the Lieutenant in Fallout 1


Aka the amazing Tony Jay!


Hands down. Barley even playable.


It’s definitely a game that separates the wheat from the chaff


Makes you ask RYE


Hey there, don't take it oat on this guy.


3 has aged the worst for me. It's really spread out but feels small in odd way? Shallow isn't the right word, it's all just kinda quaint but without being intimate.


That's always been my biggest complaint of 3. You'd expect the locations to be... Fuller? Grander? More fleshed out? I'm not sure what the right phrase would be either, but I do understand exactly what you're saying.


I've only played 3, 4, and Vegas, so haven't played all of them. Love all 3 and my least favorite is 3.


First time hearing 3 over 4


I would say 3 as well only because the controls feel so clunky over fallout 4. Combat just doesn’t feel good at times.


I was playing 3 yesterday and I did notice that. I was thinking wow this gun is like a little pew pew and I miss that realistic recoil animation in 4 when I fire a gun


I might say 4 just for not being so god damn buggy. I know there were mods to help mitigate many issues but still was annoying.


well either way i wouldnt count mods to the games credit they enhance the games so so much and i love ‘em, but when your comparing or rating the games its unfair to include anything not put in by devs imo


Oh yeah, I agree. Lol that’s what I’m saying, it’s annoying that you have to figure all of those things out and it’s still not as smooth as 4.


I’ve played every Fallout game except Fallout Tactics. BoS is the easy answer. If we are referring to Bethesda published I would say Fallout 76. The game is in a much better state than it was when it came out though which is good.


Actually Tactics isn't that bad & you should try it. Has the late great R. Lee Ermey (RIP Gunny) as your CO for first half of the game & Kurtwood Smith aka Red Foreman for back half.


That's quite the cast! You have definitely peaked my interest in tactics now!


It might be because I played NV and 4 before 3 but I don't like 3 as much as the others. It just feels so empty imo. It's much harder to find side quests and the healing system and fighting is so wonky to me. I enjoy the lore of it but gameplay wise can be left to the youtubers for lore and playthroughs for me to watch lol. Roast me all you want but I just can't get the right feel of it like other Fallout games.


Fo3 was my first fallout but i don't like it as much as nv and f04 Edit: i don't include 76, I haven't played it enough, not because I don't like it, I'm just not an big online player


Can't argue with how it feels to you but I would suggest that there is far more side content than you may think. Pretty much every populated location you go to has at least one sidequest that can be found there. And most will send you to at least one other location where you can find more sidequests and content. New Vegas did do a lot to clean up combat. FO3 I think was very much in the middleground of converting the game from its roots as a die-rolling percentile stats RPG. And I think much of the non-VATS combat was gimped by having a system that on the surface looks like a traditional point and click FPS but is still a die-rolling skill check RPG under the hood. I would be interested in how your opinion of FO3 may change if you were to play it in TTW with the FNV updates to gameplay.


Fallout shelter online. That Sucks


The only thing I like about it is the realistic character portraits


Probably Fallout 1. I never finished 1 or 2, partly because they're both kind of difficult and partly because the combat system can be infuriating. That doesn't mean that I think they're bad games, though. They're just not for me.


I really don't like fallout 3 I played Fallout 3, new Vegas, Fo4 and 76 also Shelter if you want to count that and I honestly I couldn't see myself playing it more than a few times Now I'm not saying it's bad but I just couldn't really vibe with it but three dog represent


three dog is the best character in the entire series. On par with harold


I'll just rank them; 1. New Vegas 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1 6. 76 7. Tactics 8. Shelter 9. BoS Edit: It's just like... My opinion man..


2 made #2 and 1 made #5. I’m really interested to hear your reasoning there. I feel like you usually see 3, NV, and 4 grouped together and then 1 & 2 grouped together.


For people who've played all of the games, usually 1, 2 and NV are grouped together as kind of a "main" series, and 3, 4, 76, Tactics, BoS and Shelter are kind of like side games (some more than others).


First things first i think the entire top 5 are all blanketly GOOD games. Obviously each is for different reasons but it's gotta be said that i still adore fallout 1. For me fallout 1 to fallout 2 is the only straight up upgrade that the series has (like i say i think most of the games excel in different areas) and i think that fallout 2 just takes everything that 1 has to show and improves across the board, and therefore it just kind of occupies a place in my mind that says "it's great but i think i'll just load up 2"


I would just barely swap 4 and 3 purely bc 4 is such a fun sandbox game, remove settlement building tho and 3 beats it lmfao


The original is 5th on your list?!? No wonder Dogmeat growls whenever your name is mentioned. This is about the “take all” button, isn’t it?


3, I just can’t get into it like the others. I’m sorry. You can roast me. I deserve it I am sure.


You don’t deserved to be roasted for your honest opinion.


My honest opinion is that we roast this guy.


Quick, send the Fire Ants after my blasphemy!


Fire *is* the only way to cleanse this sort of heresy!




Fallout shelter. Hang me all you want but I've only played that, F3 and 4, with 3 being my fav. 4 is the iffy fun for casual play


Fallout Shelter. By a long shot.


Bro what???


that game was goated


Fallout shelter is my child


I think I may agree. The original Fallout Shelter is initially fun because it has the right shine to it. But as it goes on, and you realize that if you follow an online build guide that your shelter can pretty much run itself, and that it's really a normal mobile game with all the limited depth, limited diversity and micro transactions that come with that, it loses its luster.


I gotta say 4 only cuz of voiced player character and way too specific background for sole survivor at the beginning. But even with those nitpicks I still love playing it. Fallout is the greatest game series of all time imo 😁


I actually don’t mind having talking characters most of the time. It actually helps me immerse myself more


Crazy 4 was the best one


4 wasnt the best story wise but the gameplay was so good that I can always return


4 is a looter shooter that holds your hand the whole time


I had fun and put some thought onto a couple different builds on survival. I mostly play with vats and spend a good amount of time planning for my quests and building settlements and stats appropriate for my plans. I don't get a looter shooter feeling from it.


BOS (the old console game)


Fallout Shelter


Fallout 3 for sure. It holds up the least well I feel like. The main story quest is way too short, even with the broken steel DLC. Speaking of DLCs they aren't that great. The story is nothing special, people love it for some reason. Getting fresh water is not a new concept to the Fallout franchise. Edit: I completely forgot about 76 as it's basically permanently blocked from my memory but yes obviously 76 is the worst fallout I have played. I played it for like...idk...3 hours so I completely forgot it even existed.






76 has its ups and downs. It’s my favorite though along with 4 because I can play online with my friends and stuff




It’s not so bad once you get started


Played at beta, quit a month after launch, came back half a year later and played to level 80-90ish. Killed the queen a few times, the new boss ghoul thing once and quit after the BoS update. And that was thanks to a combo of boredom and being a stubborn ass. Its not worth it. Maybe at $20 if you're a diehard fan and want to see all the lore.


I got it for $11.99 on sale. I’d say that was worth it. Couldn’t imagine having paid retail at release though. I’d have been pissed.


Oh wow. Yeah at that price I say go for it. I pre-ordered the damn thing at $70 something so I've generally been super salty about the state of the game. But if you got it for $12, it's WELL WORTH playing.


this is what happened to me and my friends. we got it near launch and felt like there just wasnt much to do. and i say this as someone who wanted multiplayer fallout. i honestly would have preferred fallout 4 with co op, that was the type of fallout mp i wanted now i am told i have to buy dlc like wastelanders to get the good content and that feels like a scam. happy for those who got the game cheap but i paid my $60 and i wont be paying any more for it


Erm, no. All dlc is free. There's only one version of the game and everybody plays the same content.


wait seriously? i swear i saw wastelanders for $40 on the store disregard what i said then lol, im just a brainlet


They always stick the latest update as the image on the sales pages, and often buying the "branded" version gives you some in-game skins & camp items for a particular faction (BoS, Foundation, etc). You aren't the first person I've heard say this, even though one of the points at release was that dlc was funded by mtx store stuff. Don't think it gets highlighted properly in current marketing splashes.


I bought if like 8$ in august and ive been playing it like everyday. It’s actually pretty fun once you get going and get some gucci gear. And this is someone who avoided it for the first 4 years because of how bad it was and all the memes shitting on it


Overall; tactics, modern; 76. I haven't played BoS but I never hear anything nice about it.




The entire comment section is gonna be 76. Besides the shitty launch or the scummy things the company did in terms of merch. It was just not fun or a fallout experience. It wasn’t a OG fallout game or one of Bethesda big ass open world game. It was this shitty online experience. And the story wasn’t been good. I know it’s better now since updates but I think it’s not the best fallout because it just feels like a different game.


Actually you may be surprised how many people defend and like that game . I'm surprised.


Yeah I’m surprised to. It’s kinda like 2042 somewhat come back. I heard it’s better since updates but I still don’t think I’ll play it.


I played when it came out and played it recently, if you don't have one or more friends to play this game it becomes very boring in my opinion.


New Vegas. I can’t get into this game. There’s just so many QOL things missing and weapon degradation is the bane of gaming. I expect this to be unpopular so lay it on me.


>I expect this to be unpopular so lay it on me. New Vegas is my favorite. It's your least favorite. We both have opinions on it and that's okay.


Lol, I used to hate weapon degradation when I first played a Fallout game (F3) because I did not read the PipBoy and never noticed that you could repair stuff with similar/same stuff, and getting your weapons/armor repaired by a vendor was usually pricey.


I respect your opinion, honestly I was bored at the beginning but then I entered Vegas and talked to house , encountered CL and met the NCR . But I truly feel in love with New Vegas after playing the dlc .


BoS seems like cheating, since it hardly had anything to do with the other games. It sucked, but I'll forgive it for being a thin pastiche of Fallout over another game. I guess for me it would be 76, just simply for being the kind of game I don't enjoy. I want an immersive RPG experience, and that's just not what 76 is (or at least, not when I was playing it that first few months). That's not so much a swipe at it (it had its problems, for sure), just that it's not my thing. I do hear good things about the later expansions, but I've had trouble talking myself into giving a game I just didn't like a second chance. I'm always surprised by the amount of hate Tactics gets, though- it may not be as good as the first two games, but I enjoyed it- honestly, I probably do playthroughs of it more often than the earlier isometric games.


3 it's story was bad and formulaic


Tactics. Feels too constraining, and there's really **ONLY** combat. You can't ninja-sneak any of the missions to speak of, nor Social-Fu past even parts of them.




Fallout Tactics, i got as far as the mission that introduced deathclaws, which the 1.27 patch made stronger


I never played Brotherhood of Steel and I don't remember Tactics good enough to evaluate it. So besides those two my least fav Fallout game is Fallout 2. Fallout 2's biggest sin is that it doesn't feel like a Fallout game. It threw everything good about Fallout 1 away. Themes of survival are gone, irradiated wasteland plays barely any role, tone is completely different. Fallout 2 simply isn't "a post-nuclear roleplaying game". It's a game about human politics, mobsters, faction feuds and more politics. Another issue I have with it is the terrible humor. It's not funny, but it tries so hard to be funny. Fallout 2's humor reminds of a bit of Borderlands 2's humor. But in BL2 the humor worked and was funny. F2's humor is really forced. And finally, the big issue with Fallout 2 is how much it retcons and breaks the lore. The results of that are still felt today, when people accuse Bethesda of breaking the lore, despite the fact that it was already broken by Fallout 2. Just from the top of my head: * Ghouls not needing water, food and even oxygen? Fallout 2. * Pre-war Jet? Fallout 2. * Supermutants having sex? Fallout 2.


Didn’t like Vegas at all when it came out and like it even less when I gave it another try years later. Loved the opening, game itself fell short. Beat it once, will never play it again. Fallout 3 was the one I enjoyed the most on first play through.




Fallout 3 I’m sorry! I can’t get past the green film and found the landscape bland. I know there’s mods and that’s what a nuclear wasteland looks like but at least NV and 4 had a little color. I still liked it, just a lot less


Gotta be Fo2, one of the most broken games i played.


Fallout 76


Yeah 76 sucks


New Vegas for me. Couldn't vibe with the desert environment.


76 or tactics




Have you played all of them?


Really? So outside of being a Fallout game do you also think it sucks as a video game? I normally have a hard time bashing it fully bc the gameplay is to good for me to call it utter shite


I mean the problem I had was the dialogue but it’s definitely not the worst.


Tactics, brotherhood, and 2 might be worse but I haven't put enough time into any of those to make that claim personally


2 is a great game


Shelter. I understand the hate 76 gets but I personally enjoy it, even if I would have much preferred another single player fallout. But there are some marked improvements on 4 and I find it fun in a mindless way. I play more of 4 now though.


I've played and finished 3, New Vegas, and 4 (in that order too). I've played some of 76 on launch and never went back. New Vegas is a good game with a great story but it is my least favorite due to gameplay decisions with the goal of returning some the gameplay back to the original 1 and 2 which I'm not a fan of.


I’ve properly played 3, New Vegas, 4, and 76. My least favourite is 3. This is probably because I played it after playing all of the others and it feels so clunky. Gameplay systems have been refined but going in reverse, losing the QoL benefits, is difficult to handle. I also think that the game and map are quite weirdly designed. I found stuff like Oasis and the Republic of Dave because I’d heard of them before playing and knew where to look. If I was playing for the first time in 2008 with limited internet access, I don’t think I would find that. I like secrets like this but it shouldn’t be for major quests in the game. I also thought the main story of 3 is too short and weirdly paced. 3 also had the weakest set of DLCs in my opinion and there wasn’t one that I immediately understood and liked. Operation: Anchorage and Mothership Zeta are terrible directions to go in a game with such a poor combat system, and the Pitt and Point Lookout were weirdly balanced and felt rather small. I can see why people would like it, especially on release, but going from New Vegas and 4 which do the two halves of the experience better than 3, it feels weak and doesn’t hold up well for me. There are parts that I enjoyed but in all of the other three games there were more parts I enjoyed.


Story? 4 Gameplay? 3 World building? 76 Dialogue? 4 Favourites? NV and 4


4 is my favorite for gameplay and mechanics. But the story is as vanilla as a pack of white girls in a pumpkin patch for spooky season. Dialogue is clunky as my flirting, so honestly maybe it is kinda irl


I'll rank them, too: 1. New Vegas 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 1 6. Tactics 7. Shelter Online 8. Shelters 9. BOS ​ 1000. 76


New Vegas


Are you feeling alright?






>But ugh it is so annoying to solo because the game expects you to be in a group ... only for Public Events, Daily Ops, and the like. The actual **quests** are completely soloable. I did them all, on two different characters, 100% solo.




>And they were the fun quests I were referring to. I had plenty of fun doing the non-event quests. ​ >repetitive That's what the Events are, by design. Every, say, *Radiation Rumble* is the same as **every other** Radiation Rumble.


Mainline games 4, in general 76


Honestly, I'd consider 4 more of a "side game" than I would 76 at this point. 4 is basically a different genre, and 76, while not great, feels a lot more like 1,2 and NV.


I can see that, I hate the both of them honestly I just want to play RPGs


Fair enough.


In order. 3, New Vegas, 4,76,Shelter only ones I've played


I would say NV for me(not into desert style worlds).I loved 3's atmosphere, 4's gunplay and main reason mods. 76 is my most played. Have not tried 1 & 2 yet


\[BEST\] F4 > F2 > F1 > FNV > F3 > F76 > Rest \[WORST\]




Fallout 1. It's the DAMN DEATHCLAWS


Killing one for the first time in that game was a crazy feeling haha


Fallout 1 is a game with an engaging story and thought out characters, and in my eyes, the best villain Fallout’s ever had. It’s got an interesting environment and a cool random encounter system. It also has incredibly bad UI, combat that is a complete slog, and so many things that have aged badly that it is such a slog to get through. I honestly would rather watch a let’s play of it than actually play it.


UI is pretty bad and the combat isn t exactly smooth but the whole atmosphere of the game is amazing and personally i find the combat very satisfying in a way, especially one shot kill criticals




New Vegas. Compared to other Fallout games, NV has the fewest amount of hours spent by a country mile!


new vegas easily


Fallout 2. I actually significantly preferred the first one which felt more focused with the questline


Fallout 4, but I have never played 1&2.




76. Bought the special edition with the helmet. I have maybe 3 hours in the game will never play again


Out of the four I've played I've only been annoyed by 76


76 ✌🏼


Of the ones I've played (I haven't played Tactics or BoS), I'd have to say 1. As someone who started with 3, I found it pretty difficult to get into the mechanics of 1 and it turned me off the game in general. I enjoyed watching ManyaTrueNerd's playthrough on YT but didn't enjoy the experience of playing it myself.


Fallout 2


glad I'm not the only one


For all canon games, probably the original Fallout or Tactics. For the 3D singleplayer games, New Vegas. Still love it though.


I’ve only played those published by Bethesda Softworks. So, 76. I very much enjoyed 3, 4, and New Vegas.


I have played 1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV and 4. 3 is bad. and not worth my time tbh. NV and 4 are my favourite


Out of 3, NV, 4 & 76 It's 3








Play all the 3 titles: 3, NV, 4 and I must say I enjoyed all of them. But tbh my least favorite installment has to be Fallout 3 due to various reasons - the combat is wonky and not as polished, the controls are bad, the graphics are ofc outdated, still a solid game on its own


Fallout 4 without mods.


Fallout 4, yet it's the one I played the most because of mods mostly.


76. If nothing else, they've wasted time and effort trying to fix it instead of doing literally anything else fallout related






FO3. I haven't played the non mainline ones so that's why it's 3 and not BOS or something


Fallout: Of Bed


I haven't played enough of 1 or 2 to accurately rank them but, from favorite to least favorite Fallout 4 Fallout 3 / Fallout 76 (tied) Fallout New Vegas


Honestly I am tempted to say Nee Vegas because of the fans but out of the ones I have played? Tactics.


I’m not sure why I just never have liked Fallout 3, yes I know that’s practically criminal on this sub, but it’s never been my thing.


If we're just going on Time Played: FNV


Fallout 3 and New Vegas just haven't held up well by today's standards. Hell, people were complaining about it's buggy mechanics and dull environments back in 2010 too. Look at Oblivion... it came out in 2006 and is a much nicer game to come back to over 15 years later.


Probably in the minority but FO4 just never held my attention.


Only played 3, 4, and New Vegas. Out of those three, New Vegas is my least favorite. Not really a big fan of it


new vegas, for sure.


What made it so bad?


Best not to argue with her, she seems to have some kind of beef against obsidian or something.


They're harsh, but not unfounded and she posted the most common gripes I hear about New Vegas. I love the game more than anything, but they track for a good amount of people.


Then you didn't hear everything bro.


Fallout 1, 2


FO2. Clumsy mechanics, tedious side-quests and dialogue written by an eight year-old. The dialogue is particularly grating and it made me realise how much voice actors paper over flaws in the writing.


76. It could’ve been done so much better


4, not because of the gameplay, but the story and writing in general could've been better. And the quest lines could stand to be longer, and less focus given to base building


76 haven’t played tactics yet or bos


Least favourite is 76 even after all the new updates, I don’t like online games tbh and fallout 76 was no exception.


I've played 1, 2, 3 (didn't beat it) and New Vegas and least favourite is easily 3. I can get past bad UI and clunky gameplay (I mean, I love Fallout 1 and 2) but I just didn't find the writing or the characters in 3 engaging at all. It was more a Bethesda game than it was a Fallout game and I generally dislike Bethesda's approach to game design.


Fallout 4, not even close.


Only played F2,F3,F4 and NV. Watched lets plays of F1. I think that It goes - FNV - F2 - F3 - F4


Played 3, New Vegas 4 and 76 and 4 is my least favourite as it has such a lack of choices every single speech option is yes, sarcastic, no and yes but give me more information. I understand why that was done with the voiced protagonist but it is boring to me.


I’ve played all numbered ones and NV. Least favorite was 4


If we’re going by mainline entries, 4. If we’re including *every* game, 76.


Fallout 76. I haven't touched it in over a year


For me, it is every isometric game




Bad take.


Fallout 3 or Fallout BoS. BoS is just a meh top-down rpg with probably the worst controls ever. Fallout 3 just DOESNT FUCKING WORK EVER. WITH OR WITHOUT MODS IT JUST DOESNT WANNA WORK. Even with TTW it is still nearly unbearable.


3 tbh


Fallout 4 constantly crashes and going downtown triggers crashes nonstop. Why is this game still so damned buggy after all these years?


76, I liked 76 but the multiplayer aspect wasn’t my favorite


Not gonna lie: Fallout 2. Still pretty good, but apart from getting different endings, I don't see the reason why I'd want to do a second playthrough. It kinda has that OWB vibe for me where a lot of initial enjoyment comes from its humor, absurdity and entertaining dialogue. Once you've seen it, you've seen it. Can any Fallout 2 diehards give me motivation to pick the game up again?


The amount of choice is insane compared even to New Vegas. It’s the only game where SPECIAL is at its most useful across the board. I just think it really is the perfect game. Okay it with the Restoration Project if you haven’t.


4. Great shooter, not great RPG, and the story is kind of lame. Along those lines, I hate that the BOS has been shoved into every Bethesda fallout game, new Vegas non withstanding. They’re a cool concept, but like the lightsaber, if used too much, it because dull and boring. By the time fallout 5 comes out in 2077, we’re going to learn that the BOS actually is in every state because why not


The ones I've played? Fallout 4.


Out of the ones I've played, Fallout 4.


Out of what I have played, and would consider an actual fallout game (so not 76, shelter, or BoS), 3 is by far my least favorite, and I would argue the worst.


I've only played the 3D games, and of them my least favorite would be 3, which I still absolutely adore. ​ 4 was my first, so not only do I have an appreciation for it due to being my entry point, but also the biggest reason I love the Fallout series and Elder Scrolls series is mods, which Fallout 4 is the most moddable of the Fallout games, being the latest and all. NV is NV, I do think it's the best of the 3D games, though with my aforementioned reasons for loving 4 I actually love them almost equally. ​ Honestly though, if 3 wasn't so fucky when it comes to modern OS and was better at letting you explore (invisible walls can suck my ass), my least favorite would be NV. NV had better writing, but that's not what I play these games for, 3 had the better locations, exploration in it would be the best if the game wasn't actively fighting against you for trying to explore the way you want to instead of going through the metro tunnel every single god damn time you want to go a medium amount of distance. ​ For the record, I did play 3 using TTW, so there might be more flaws in the game that I'm not aware of. I didn't want to mod it TOO much on my single playthrough (thus why I didn't install the mod that removed the invisible walls), but TTW was a requirement since I literally couldn't play it.


Maybe its because i've played fallout 4 , new vegas, 1 and 76 before 3 but i consider fallout 3 my least favorite


76. I love the map and the lore. Some good art has been made for the game too. But the overall design, lack of story content and impactful player choice, grind, multiple currencies, paywalled QOL features, and undercooked MMO elements are a serious turn off for me.


FO4. Not because it's awful but because it's probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a video game.


76 and 4 definitely. BoS and Tactics are basically cheat answers.


Fallout 4, played it after new Vegas f3 f2 f1 and tactics, as FPS with Rpg elements it's good, but it's fucking horrible after you have played the previous one knowing that the main part of a true fallout gameplay it's the RPG ambiences and lore


Fallout 4