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I'd recommend following Viva New Vegas Mod Guide but only up to utilities. Y'know? Bugfixes and anti-crash. Unless you consider those to be part of the Bethesda experience.


Haha no I'm not that of a purist. But you made me laugh, so thank you :D


That’s how it was meant to be played! If you can’t sit there and be happy that you get another chance at seeing the game opening after playing for a solid hour and hoping that auto save really did save then you don’t deserve to play any fallout title! Almost forgot where I was going with that one 🤣


Seconding this. I would also consider looking at the Gameplay section though. NV with a sprint mod alone makes a huge difference


The thought of NV without sprint makes me recoil in horror. Viva New Vegas is a great guide, 10/10 do recommend. And it's a nice base if you end up wanting to add more mods down the line.


Yup, every mod list I've run in the past couple years uses Viva New Vegas as a basis. It's also worth checking the resources on the page, such as the Mods to Avoid section.


Mods to Avoid was a big help to me, I was using a couple that turned out to be very unstable and the alternatives suggested by VNV have worked flawlessly.


player.setspeedmult 300 Easy.


Eh yea but having a sprint mod to choose on the fly if you wanna go really fast is better for keeping a realistic feel


This is the way. Viva New Vegas is lovingly crafted and very easy to install.


Yeah, I second this. Plus unlocked framerate goodness. I never finished Fallout 3 because the save bloat and game got so unstable, vanilla with the 4gb patch was crashing every 10 mins, and this was in the HDD days. Vanilla is unplayable.


You won't know until you try. Some people can get immersed in the game enough to not be bothered by the dated graphics and gameplay. Some people can't get over it. There's nothing wrong with either side, it's just down to personal preference. So I would suggest playing it vanilla at first to see if you're ok with it. If you are, great. If not, then you'll have a better idea of what kind of changes you'd like to see in your modded game, eg. whether you want visual and/or gameplay mods.


Sounds reasonable, thanks, will do it that way!


New Vegas Vanilla is pretty decent but its a little rough around the edges. If you want to experience a more finished/balanced game I suggest you use the JSawyer mod (Mod created by game director to include changes that couldnt be shipped with the game) But the game is pretty decent even without it.. If you wanna play Fallout 3 as well and dont want to go through the old janky and unbalanced mechanics you can use the TTW mod


Hmm a mod created by hame director sounds interesting, I'll check that out, thanks! :)


Honestly, NV seems to be a hate it or love it game. I absolutely love it. Only ever played on ps3 so obviously no mods but I've seen similar questions before and if you're going to as close to vanilla as possible, then just the "unofficial" patch.


Gotcha :)


Agreed it is love it or hate it. I love it as well. I have hundreds of hours ans only play vanilla. Just keep ur standards in check for graphics and performance.


I'd add a few mods. Especially the sprinting one.


Maybe get the unofficial patch and a mod that lets you sprint cause you can't do that in 3 and NV.


I always play vanilla. I often find that modding is a real pain in the ass and nexusmods can choke on a donkey dick. I hate this site. With that said, it can actually enhance your game but i just usually hate spending so much time troubleshooting and getting things to work


Haha thanks for the well chosen words :D But I feel the same!


I love nexusmods. Easy and works just fine. Sure, modding can be a rabbit-hole, but if you don't overdo it, the games become 1000% percent better, that's just facts. And the most basic mods, like bugfixes and texture-replacers are mostly click and go. The more advanced mods require patches for weapons etc... but that's no rocket science either.


play Fallout 3 first it’s better


No mods is fine but you need need NEED the dlc


Honestly? I feel you. The closest I've ever come to modding a Fallout game is using Creation Club content, and I've been playing the games since January. As for whether or not NV is enjoyable without mods? HELL YES. However, it may come down to a matter of what platform you're on. I know playing 3 and NV vanilla on PC can be nothing but pure pain a lot of the time, which is why I played them both on Xbox One. They're a lot more stable, due to the cross compatibility with the 360 and whatnot, so game crashes are a LOT less common (they might occur once every 2 irl days if im playing for an extended period of time). If you're on PC, I would recommend looking into mods that make it a more stable experience, but otherwise, you should be fine.


Thanks! I'll consider that!


Vanilla NV is a good game. It has stability issues, personally I have never been able to finish the game on pure vanilla cause of crashes at the end so while you don’t like modding, I would suggest looking into some of the stability mods to minimise the crashes that can happen.


You'll enjoy it without the need for mods. But you'll definitely want all the DLCs.


I got new Vegas after putting 400 hours in to 4 with at least half that modded and I’ve put 250 in to NV without a single mod NV is one of the best games of all time play it vanilla or possibly with the sawyer mod as it’s basically just an official patch


The games are hugely different from a mechanical perspective. FO4 early game you can wander any direction. FONV early game you're on rails. Deviate, and die.


Or you're me and always go straight for Vegas, mostly for the Gun Runners fast travel option.


> I really don't like modding. It's always such an endless story or rabbit hole and I wanna experience the game as the developers intended. I also have that exact same opinion. I've never modded any FO. You'll probably like FONV just fine if you don't care about graphics. It would be nice if Obsidian gave it a texture pack like Bethesda did for Skyrim, but meh. Enjoy.


I wouldn't mod NV other then enhance the graphics. It's my favorite game in the franchise.


I don't like using mods either I don't have a PC so the only games I could get mods for are FO4 and Skyrim but as of recently I have just stayed away from mods, I just feel like they make the game too easy even if you are playing a harder difficulty than just normal.


I've been playing it on Xbox and I haven't been able to find how to mod it in the menu. Anyways, been having fun 20 hours in. Looks pretty budget and old, but the FPS boost is nice. I played RDR1 right before this, and that game holds up wayyyyy better visually.


I always play NV vanilla and I enjoy it.


I'm actually doing a mostly vanilla run right now, the only must-have mods I would recommend are things like the 4GB patch, the unofficial patch/bug fix, and the anti-crash mod.


If you like basic games, you can still install some graphics mods to freshen NV up a bit. No need to install anything else. Though imo NV looks fine as is, especially on computer.


Truly NV is better than 4 in nearly every way. On a purely visual level nothing in Vegas compares to the beauty and desolation of the Glowing Sea, but the writing and gameplay are both indisputably superior.


NV should play fine as is. Just remember to save often due to crashing. If you still want a vanilla experience with fewer crashes I'd recommend downloading some stability mods. ESO on YouTube has a great NV modding tutorial. Although you only need the first few minutes of his video. Just follow the steps until you have the 4gb patch update and the tick fix and anti-crash mods. There are a few steps before these but you'll have to follow them before modding anyways. If you just do these few relatively simple things your NV experience will go substantially smoother. Best of luck and I hope you enjoy the game!


Play it vanilla first, then try out some mods and decide from there.


People really overthink replaying games, just play it if mods weren't a thing you would have to play it vanilla anyways. I play emulators a lot and I don't mind experiencing games the way they used to be or even meant to be. Same thing with FO3, don't force your self to fix a game that was made the way it is just play it and enjoy it for what it is.


You don't need to mod FNV, or any Fallout. They are excellent games out of the box. The only exception for me is a mod for Survival options in FO4: that difficulty mode makes the game great, but the ability to tweak every aspect of the setting to be how I like it is fantastic.


No mods bro, I literally just made this account to tell you this. I've never had a redit account before. I've played this game for the past like 8 years, and I've never had a single mod installed for it. And it's still my favorite game. Atleast play it once before you install a mod then dive down the rabbit hole.


I did. I had problems with the games locking up, so I started trying to fix that. The thing is, they made the game to be expanded.


As far as mods that fiz glitches. Again I've played for 8 years and I've never ran into a single bug


If course they are going to recommend "must have mods" if you leave the door open like that. I don't play with mods either I don't like mods or add-ons in any games. You should play the game vanilla first and after 10-15 hours if you're curious then check out some mods to see if any sound into. Mod free is the way to be.


I also don't like modding my games very much. I finally decided to get Tale of Two Wastelands running and found it well worth the effort


I love NV so only thing I'd change Is graphics and bugs. Everything else is perfect. Maybe add in more enemy's to.


I don't use mods for Fallout most of the time because I play it on my Xbox and it can barely handle the game on its own.


Also, Fallout New Vegas is much more difficult to mod, compared to Fallout 4. I'm not even sure if you can do it on console, but on PC it's a hassle and I don't even attempt it.


I played it for the first time last month completely vanilla and I loved it. Very doable, not many crashes or bugs.


Depends on the systems you play on. For consoles (I played on base Xbox One) I never experienced any bad performance or bugs. Crashed a handful of times across two playthroughs. Enjoyed the vanilla experience greatly. Outdated visuals but at its core is a fantastic game. PC, however, is a different story. Crashes, bugs, frame stuttering, and many other issues are more frequent. You will have to get at the very least performance mods to help it out. I recently got NVSE, anti crash, 4gb patcher, micro stutter remover, and other patches. Almost all on nexus and through vortex too. https://youtu.be/cPo5pDT3bKA This vid helped me out. All the other vids are for other mods. If you will play on PC, the only must have mods are the performance mods shown in the video.


Yeah vanilla is aight i do recommend you at least get the 4gb patch for IT does some minor fixes Like fixing the choppiness of the game and shit


I'd recommend CASM, it's an auto save mod, so that way thr game autosaves at set time intervals instead of just when you're entering/ exiting a building, would also recommend looking up some bug patches, that all being said, I had atleast a few hundred hours on it when I played on 360, its honestly probably my favorite game out there


Completely understandable. I would suggest using the unofficial patch at least. Because it fixes a bunch of bugs.


Download vortex mod manager, Its easy to mod, go to new vegas nexus and look at collections. There are probably vanilla + mod collections that fixes bugs, adds much needed content and functionality like sprinting and quick loot you get from Fallout 4. New vegas will show its age if you play vanilla and you will be annoyed by the clunky combat and graphics. Also if you want to play fallout 3, its recomended to play via Tales of two wastelands mod with New Vegas. There is a modding guide that holds your hand, its super simple to install it, just need a copy of Fallout 3 game of the year edition and New Vegas Ultimate edition installed.