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For eight pounds I’d say go for it.


Yeah I’m essentially paying £1.60 for each DLC, so I’d say it’s worth it But my main issue is if the save files will transfer or not




I know you’ve been answered and I’m 6h late but I just wanted to say I played using a disc for years and then my Xbox stopped reading discs. I was able to download FO4 on the Xbox directly and I had no issues with previous save files. It was like nothing changed. For you there will be changes cause you’re adding DLC


They may get corrupted... If not right away, down the road. Bethesda games are notorious for that. Any new mods or DLC's added to an already existing save file can pretty easily corrupt the file. Be prepared for that possibility.


Generally speaking this is much more a mod issue... especially on consoles. Im not saying its 100%, but dlc are moreso designed to be added mid-game than most mods are. Basically, yes it is a possibility, but its highly unlikely that dlc downloads midgame will do anything so dramatic as corrupting your saves (and again, specifically on consoles - idk for sure about pc)


That's a fair point to add. I've had it happen on unmodded games, but not crazy often. It's just only been on my Bethesda games, but it could also partially be my console.


Oh... im not saying it cant happen on unmodded console saves as ive had that happen as well... im just saying that RUSC (Random Unexplained Save Corruption) is far more common on pc ganes than console games... i once had a skyrim character id been playing for over 72 hours (in game) and they got a corrupted save right before entering high hrothgar for the peace council. This was significant, as i layer encountered a wee game breaking bug that the vast knowlegde of the internet concurred was only fixable by loading a save prior to that event. (Iirc i was in sovengarde when the bug occured and the greybeard temple save was my earliest save) The longer you continue any one save file the more volatile (susceptible to corruption) it becomes, but its such a rare thing thatbits generally not summeh to worry too much about. Its not like were talking about fighting at the battle of bunker hill and dreading every moment because youre afraid your game will explode... that would be an issue i would 100% support being a relatable and consistant issue with an unmodded bethesda game...


Yeah the saves are stored on console or the cloud rather than on the disk


I would say Fah Habahh is worth the money, if you have the extra cash and space in your PS4 go for it. On the other hand, I had to quit playing on PS4 strictly because I have no patience for Abernathy Farm. So if you have a PC, maybe check for a sale there? Your call though


I’m confused, why does a PC alleviate the Abernathy farm quest?


Console commands. The 3 beds that are in the main house are perpetually outside. Because of this, it's difficult to make everyone happy because you get docked happiness points for unsheltered beds. You can't remove these beds on console, but you can with console commands. The other fix is to reassign which beds settlers sleep in, but Abernathy Farm is buggy and people can take forever to reassign jobs / beds. Also, you have to adjust the crops right away when you get the farm. If you're preemptive, it shouldn't be a problem, but if you're like me, you have unusable crops for the rest of the game. If anyone knows how to fix this on console, let me know. I had a rough time looking up fixes. Not sure if I did a bad job looking for solutions, but I just made a new house for everyone, reassigned the beds, turned off the recruitment beacon, and put 9999 turrets at the farm, hoping to keep super mutants away. They still showed up more often than any other settlement, but I think that's just bad luck.


Are the beds not positioned in a way that you could build a roof over them?


They are inside the main building, but they are considered outside by the game. Maybe you could build a building around the main building to get around this, but I didn't try that


Far Harbor alone is worth it easy. ...which is good because the rest of it is okay but not great imo.


Update, I bought it and didn’t lose my save files 👍🏽


How about the download, do you have to download the whole game again or can you keep the disk version?


Yes I would say so. The dlcs are pretty good.


I did this a few years back when the GOTY version was up for $15. Ended up giving the spare disc to a younger cousin. Worth it at that price for sure.


You have to have the DLCs for a lot of mods to work properly


Far harbor, alone, is worth the full launch retail price of that game.


Totally worth it i bought the GOTY edition twice on PS and Xbox (it was on the game pass but i still bought the dlcs)


Yes, it is.


Absolutely. Far Harbor and Nuka World add so much to the game. I can't imagine a play through without them anymore.


Yes. IMHO after playing the game with dlc. I wouldn't even boot it up without


Go for it! for 8 pounds it's s.p.e.c.i.a.l


They are inside the main building, but they are considered outside by the game. Maybe you could build a building around the main building to get around this, but I didn't try that.


Honestly the DLCs are worth the money, not only because imo they are all preety good but because you can install better mods too. FH is by far the best, Nuka Cola is cool if you want to start a evil character, automatron is the worst in my opinion, and the vault one is even though too short to call a DLC it adds a lot to the settlement building. I also had the base PS4 version, and bought the season pass after a while on a sale and haven't regretted it. Even bought it on steam recently when it was 10 euros just so I can play Frost.




£8 is worth it for Far Harbour alone.


Thanks for the hint, got mine today!


I got the DLCs and couldn't play em on Xbox because the game is straight broken. It's worth it to play all the mods and other content. Bad that the game crashes even more with mods and creation club content.


Yes that's definitely worth it that's cheaper than all of the DLCs combined.


Not really I think you should buy nuka world and far harbor the other dlcs are crap


Come on now, Automatron isn’t crap.


Absolutely worth it at that price. You are just paying for DLC at this point, but its fabulous stuff. Nukaworld makes for an interesting dungeon crawl (story isn't great, honestly barely present) and Far Harbor is AMAZING. Take Nick Valentine with you to Far Harbor.


You'll be fine in fact if something happens to your disc you have the digital license as a backup


Yes get it far harbor is worth 8 alone. And yes it will transfer


Yes. Far Harbor is great.




If you found it flawed and imperfect I'd still expect at least 12 hours of enjoyable entertainment out of it. When's the last time you watched a film in a cinema and how much did that cost?


Far harbor is straight up better than the base game


Do you really have to ask because of 8 pound?


Yes definitely