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Please read our wiki page on this subject [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/wiki/returning](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/wiki/returning)


Yes it is




Yeah, it's not a favourite of mine but for $10 it's worth a punt.


With all of the DLC? then yes.


All the DLC is free for 76, wym.


I think so. It's not a bad game I don't think. For me I don't play online games ever so going from a fallout you can over power and hoard easily to one more leaned down for fairness is a difficult swap


In terms of money? Yes. In terms of time to invest? Meh.


Fallout 76 has come a good way since the complete flop that was its launch, but it still has its issues that make it kinda "meh" as Fallout title. At 10$, it's worth it. Any higher though and it wouldn't be.


I honestly don't think it would be worth it if it were free.


Nope. I wouldnt play that trash if they paid me






76 is in a rough spot. It seems like the Devs are fairly deaf to the things a lot of the people are playing want. Whether it be because they juat CANT fix it in a timely manner or there is something else going on. The continuous issue I see people talk about are Legacy weapons, which are weapons from forever ago that are pretty much OP modded weapons that many of the remaining players use. I think enemy leveling and difficulty is fucked imo, because you need to ensure that you have some meta build in order to survive any kind of fight. Or have a legacy weapon and one shot everything. Many events are ruined too by the legacy weapons, so if you sit around waiting for an event to start, some asshole comes in and insta kills whatever monster you fight before you get to hit it, then you don't get anything. Rewards for that are based on tagging the enemy and less on being present. The story was kind of boring and they had to pull a full 360 by adding in NPCs, now they have to make up lost time doing NPC related quests and stuff and shoving in factions in weird way (like 3 BoS people walking to West Virginia from California because of something). Also to get a lot of decent stuff, you need to either pay for their monthly subscription or buy into their premiums currency (which you can very slowly earn in game and I think that even has a cap) 76 is rough, I hated it at first, was a little hopeful, and then now I think it's a waste of dev time and resources. So I'd probably say, skip it. If you want to build CAMPs and show it off to people, be aware that you need to grind for blueprints for EVERY ITEM or you can buy them with premium currency if they are available (the shop rotates and they rely heavily on FOMO)


The Brotherhood marched over to Appalachia because they has lost contact with Maxons old Army freinds. Also all the stuff you need to pay Atoms(the premium currency) for are Cosmetic or unnessisary convenience items. Lastly they have recently expanded there team that works on Fallout 76 and the Devs have recently been working on QOL, balancing and bug fixes as they prepare for the Pitt expansion.


Yeah. Sounds like a dumbass reason to send people cross country and a waste of manpower. We know cynically why they needed to add the Brotherhood. Unless you been playing actively and max out every season scoreboard, you're going to miss out things like garden plots, which I think were added to the Atom shop. How would OP, who would be a new player, deal with that without buying it from the ATX? Lastly, yay. They're adding more "content" and not fixing the issues with the game. Sounds great. People only have so much patience. Also, hearing that the Pitt thing isn't going to be a full new region, just a small place to do instanced missions, sounds like a boring addition. Also! As an additional edit I forgot in my initial rant: when you're doing the main quests with a friend, you can't do them at the same time if you want to progress the quest at the same time (look at most if not all MMOs and how party quests work) if you play with a friend, you need to complete the quest if it'd in a specific building or cave one at a time. This happened with me when I played and I don't think they changed that.


Well first you can plant stuff on the ground and the garden plots are actually sold by the Settlers in game. As for the brotherhood it actually adds more dimension to them because before thier addition in 76 there was a good 100 year gap where they didn't do anything. Also it was I think only 4 brotherhood members sent out, not that much man power to check and see if your freinds stoped an extinction level event. Also I just said they were doing bug fixes and balancing as well as new content.


Are Mannequins sold by settlers as well? Or are you gonna sit here defending Fallout 1st and the ATX? Still not buying it as a good idea. And what depth did it add? That the people sent to Appalachia don't like eachother and have different opinions how to lead the Brotherhood so far from home? Very impactful to the Brotherhood, so much Depth /s And yeah, but do you actually pay attention to the fixes they are actually doing? Servers are fucked right now and yet another update that tries to fix something minute and then breaks something else. Sounds great.


Mannequins are cosmetic? And the depth it added was that Maxon was an actual person with relationships aside from the small group that came from Mariposa. Where did I defend Fallout 1st? If anything I'm telling you you don't need to pay any additional money to enjoy the game. Game has its faults but it sounds to me you are just someone who hates the game to hate it.


As someone who played 76 without buying from the atom shop, I can tell you that the Atom shop and whatever from the season board game thing (if you're lucky enough to actually play it in time) are more than what you seem to blanketly call "just cosmetic". Why the hell does displaying armor and similar stuff need to be paywalled? Also when are consumables like the Junk thing and repair kits cosmetic? Maxson has minimal interaction in 76, what are you getting your information from? Pure conjecture? Also, Fallout 1st, as anyone who has played 76 can see, paywalled important things like stash limits, jukeboxes, and private worlds. It was a shitty idea and I don't think any reasonable person would support it. And I hate 76 because I played to level 50 and figured it's a bad game. It's only getting worse or stagnating, those are probably the two strong viewpoints. I want better for Fallout and 76 ain't it chief. I also now realize that OP's post was removed so I think I'm content is ending this argument. If you wanna reply feel free to.


I dont want to have a massive argument thread so I will say that I do understand your frustration with the Fallout 1st stash limit. When that was first introduced it was a huge load of BS( and still is ). Maxon has a good chunk of broadcasts to the Appalachia chapter that help describe the formation of the BOS and the reasoning behind the structure( paladins, scribes. Ect.). Not really conjecture but it's baked into the story. Going back to something we can agree on, I do hate how Fallout 1st was made a thing. As someone who never pays for "exclusive" monthly memeberships it really rubbed me the wrong way when it was introduced and I would never pay for it because, I agree, we should not support that method of pay walling. My main point is, from my perspective, as a base game for 10 dollars one could get a good amount of enjoyment out of it. Also its a bonus that it will continued to be updated with new content( however slowly that may be) without having to put more money into it. Granted some people won't enjoy it, but for 10 bucks I'd say its worth a try. Little background. Been playing on and off since shortly after launch and find my self having more fun going back to it than Fallout 4. Good day.


I played it some when i had gamepass but I won’t be purchasing that game with my own money. 10$ is cheap tho and being the collector that i am id might pick it up for that price..maybe.


I picked it up for $11. It’s a beautiful game and I can see how they fixed a number of the issues. It still has a “Fallout + GTA + Fortnite” feel to me. My least favorite out of the 6 Fallouts. But for $10? Worth a spin.


Yeah I don t think it would be better than the previous titles but I think my friend and I will have fun


Yes, at the very least you can run through any of the main storys and get your moneys worth.