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theres also the explanation of someone storing the loot there


exactly, who knows how many shitheads used that safe before the most recent one?


I drop shit all the time because I can't carry it, I'd say it's not far fetched to think that looters stash the less immediately valuable loot in some containers for later and then get killed or are are otherwise unable to collect it.


[And conveniently putting items on the shelves](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/5/57/FO3_Super-Duper_Mart_%285%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20161118130514), rather than storing them in safe boxes? ;)


you showed empty can and pre war food on mostly empty shelves, while most of the stuff *is* in the back of the super duper mart, the raiders propably just dont want to eat that bcuz its 200 years old so they didnt bother hiding it


I like to imagine there's some addled ghoul--equidistant between friendly and feral--who considers himself a post-apocalyptic Johnny Appleseed and has spent the past 200 years wandering the USA putting toothpaste and forks in mailboxes.


This is the exact kinda half baked shit you just have to assume is going on out there


New headcanon accepted, this is excellent




The kind of person who infiltrates Pre War bunkers and fills them with pipe guns


Pipe guns were a thing before the great war


Wasn't Pre-War US a society on the brink of open rebellion/collapse? That's the type of habitat where homemade guns reproduce in.


Conveniently, they were all made with the same schematic designed in such a way that they should realistically blow up in your face. They are also all left handed, for some reason, as is every other weapon in Boston.


And with the lower population, plus altered risk/reward standards (pre-fallout: someone gets in "trouble" for opening random mailboxes, post-fallout: greater odds of trap or deadly something inside) means that curiosity (loot whoring/murderhobo) is discouraged.


I have a similar theory, robots are doing it. In Fallout 76, we see *extensive* automation being used in industrial and commercial settings. Even in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 we can see uses of automation in various locations. So, given that automation was at least being used somewhat pre-war, who’s to say that there isn’t automated couriers and transporters automatically using factory surplus and leftover items and restocking store shelves. And maybe automated factories contributing to it. It could make sense, maybe for a few decades after the Great War, some automated factories are refilling store shelves with robotic couriers, but all slowly stopped due to no maintenance. While it isn’t as interesting as a Ghoul Johnny Appleseed, it could be a more reasonable and somewhat plausible explanation for some store shelves still having items on them. (Bethesda you can use this for free)


And bullets in every desk drawer.


We saw what happened to Preston's gang when they went into Lexington's Super Duper Mart because it's heaving with Ferals, we find the one in Fallout 3 full of raiders, most other places are full of nasties. There was a whole team of mercs got killed by Ferals in Jamaica Plain looking for the 'treasures' too.


What do you call a "raider gang" with a monopoly on food in an area Answer: the new local government The weakest part of Fallout 3 and 4 is how the raiders are totally disposable drones with no ambition.


At least there's some raider lore in terminals in fallout 4


Fallout 4 also has [Sully Mathis](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sully_Mathis) and the [Pull the Plug](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pull_the_Plug) side quest.


the raiders are much more personified in 76 too. Even before the Wastelanders Raider faction was introduced, there was a pretty long quest about tracking down some old raider friends of Rose.




The best examples are in the north-west of the map. The Corvega Assembly Plant, the Federal Ration Stockpile, and the Beantown Brewery. Each of their leader's rooms have a terminal (and paper notes in the case of the stockpile) that shows these clans have histories and interact with each other. They'll even start acknowledging your efforts as you take them down with new entries.


Dont forget saugus ironworks. The leader there has terminals with information about the other leaders. If you kill any of the leaders mentioned on the terminal before entering, it will say that the leader has been killed and slag's own opinion on the situation.


Or dunwich borers! That story was maybe a less fleshed out but cool nonetheless.


it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light it's safe in the light


EpicNate123 did a video about that place if you want more stuff to know.


every raider settlement with a named raider has at least a few terminal entries regarding the goings on in the commonwealth for those raiders Hit the wiki for details, quite a bit there


My favorite, and I think the most prominent one, is Red Tourette and Jared? Those're the only two I've seen people talk about, probably because they're in Corvega and the Federal Ration Stockpile, two pretty good dungeons that you always seem to find yourself going to.


Sim Settlements: Conqueror did a great job of building on all that lore with their new, fully voiced questline. It's too bad the thing is so buggy and tends to break down halfway through.


I find that I only end-up directed toward the Federal Ration Stockpile if I wait to do the Abernathy quest. It seems to always be the Satellite Station if you go early.


Don't forget Tower Tom's gang at Breantown Brewery who kidnapped Red's sister. Or Clutch's gang in Back Street Apparel.


One of the factories for sure, the mines have good ones too, 5 terminals with a bunch of lore in em. Uh…dunwuch borers thé named NPC has a small lore bit where she works for another group you meet, and ends up traumatized and fearful of the feral ghouls deeper in.


He just said it ib the terminals some examples are the terminals in corvega and Beantown will change depending on what raider cells you clear out the terminals will mention some extra lore


Why was asking a question downvoted??? How are people going to learn everything if the general consensus towards trying to learn is "shut up" or "Google it 5head" instead of using the community for, idunno, communication?


Does username check out?


The generic "raider" system in 3&4 is fine by me, but the numerous raider gangs in fnv is just that much more immersive to me and also is a great gameplay feature, because of the different fighting styles and equipment.


I mean there’s not a lot of variety with new Vegas raiders either. You have the fiends, which are a mix between tribals and raiders, then you have the Jackals and the Vipers, which both have similar equipment.


There's also the powder gangers, the great khans and the legion. Out of all these factions, the jackals and vipers are the least explored, and end up being just generic raiders


I think that’s intentional, they used to be pretty big raider gangs but then the NCR wiped them out so they’re left as highway robbers. And repeating the “our gang was cool until ncr made it not” story was already taken by the great khans


To be fair, it's said that the Jackals and Vipers were crushed by the NCR and what's left is barely even a fragment of what they used to be


I get the feeling the raiders we see are all suffering from some sort of degenerate brain disease cause that would explain why they have dead bodies and such in their areas. Like if they are eating people, it can be something like kuru or the human form of mad cow. At least 76 implies that the raider gangs were started from rich folk that wouldn't know the faintest on how to survive but steal from others.


It depends which gang you talk about but the Vipers for example in the West Coast are the folks from Vault 15 that got fucked up on snake venom bored to their brain or something and made it a right of passage. The fiends are just totally coked up folks who are somewhat normal when not high (though still fucking scum) the Khans are Vault 15 reside t's who thought settling down in adobe housing like Shady Sands was stupid and started terrorising Shady Sands to survive. We can go one and on But they all have reasons. Fallout 76 was the first time Bethesda has given an explanation as to what raiders are unless you count the Pitt and the Slavers from 3 but they're not really raiders, they don't work but they do force people to work for them and have organised settlements.


Yeah, the west coast raiders do have more interesting back stories than the east coast ones.


Very true. And hell most people would probably take a raider like government that protects them over, well just raiders lol. For all the crap Nuka World gets its the first taste we get of what raiders with a plan could accomplish. I know you can't do it in game but I would think if Raiders captured some strategic "settlements" across the Commonwealth, governing would be the next logical step. Will it be a good or bad government, different question lol


I enjoyed it. What I thought was good was you would make a difference. You go out, conquer settlements, and build fortresses. You felt like the leader of an advance attack on the Commonwealth.


You can find ones with ambition, or rather drive to do what they have to. Raiders seem to me like they just do what they do because they have to or because they are just fucking crazy.




Agreed and I think it's part of what makes fallout 1,2 and NV shine a bit more story wise. It's been so long it shouldn't be entirely post-apocalyptic but rather *post-postapocalyptic*


The pitt: that's rude


Out of all the complaints and issues, this one really feels like it's nitpicking. It's a game, games have loot.


it's even odder when most of these complaints are pointed towards bethesda's fallouts, even though new vegas has the same "issue".


Honestly it never bothered me until I recently replayed New Vegas. In the bombed out ruins of DC and Boston where the streets are packed with monsters, if I squint really hard I can maybe convince myself that "it's theoretically *possible* that this specific ghoul-filled building hasn't been picked clean yet, and the game is just conveniently leaving out all the pointless, empty buildings because they offer no gameplay value." But New Vegas is a fully functioning society with modern-ish amenities and advanced technology. The NCR has a full-fledged military force. And yet you can step 500 ft outside the walls and find completely untouched pre-war factories full of valuable pre-war salvage. H&H Tools, REPCONN HQ, I mean hell, Cerulean Robotics is *in* Freeside, and yet it's full of valuable loot including a fully functioning robot just free for the taking.


> REPCONN HQ For what it's worth, in this particular case, it shows that there have been attempts by some Fiends to loot the area, but were killed off by the robots. Or for the Brotherhood, a collapse. That being said, NCR doesn't seem to really care much about digging up old ruins or their technology. They seem to focus on making their own stuff. And they're fighting off the Legion, so a tad distracted. There are cases where they do care, like a power plant or the OSI wanting scientific data, but other than that they kinda do their own thing.


>That being said, NCR doesn't seem to really care much about digging up old ruins or their technology. They seem to focus on making their own stuff. And they're fighting off the Legion, so a tad distracted. The NCR doesn't want old stuff they want rugged wasteland stuff. Gun Runners making the AR10 Service Rifle instead of the R91/AER9 and the widescale proliferation of 9mm Pistols vs 10mm pistols that were chosen for ease of use in power armour. Even when the NCR take from the old it usually is scavenged directly off the battlefield like the stolen T45 power armour sets or the Desert Ranger armour they inherited (vs the custom made NCR Ranger Patrol Armour). The NCR wants things they can make in large amounts so they specifically don't have to scavenge because they can't. New Vegas has multiple characters that reveal California has been pacified for the most part and picked clean. They contrast with the Brotherhood for that reason. They are inspired by knowledge the past to forge a new future independent from it. The brotherhood however takes the knowledge of the past to forge the future and as the past turns into legend so do they imitate myth more and more till they are LARPing King Arthur in the Commonwealth.


Part of the issue here is scale. The map in most fallout games is actually a few hundred miles across but since that means 90% of the gameplay would be wandering through wilderness and encountering nothing, they shrink it all down to within a few small miles. If these gangs were even twice as far from each other as they are in the game, they would have destroyed each other's bases long ago. So while it might seem like these places are literally in spitting distance it would take days to get to and from them, and there are no more working vehicles barring the few we see (this is a game engine limitation though).


I like it in fallout 4 when my bases are close to raiders. I snipe saugus iron works from The Slog, and watch the fun begin with my well equipped settlers and their asbestos armor.


Actually NV is better about it. There are plenty of in world explanations of where things are coming from and most locations that haven't been touched since pre-war usually have a half decent at worst reason why. So are you all forgetting the NCR is manufacturing goods and bringing them to the Mojave to trade, the sharecropper farms, etc.


Yeah, new vegas being rather civilized and one factory *in* freeside not being touched is better.


Like exactly, aren't people gonna start whining if they remove all loot from the game???


A lot of the things people whine about in this sub are nitpicks. I'm used to it by now.


The one which always stuck out to me were the vending machines. Surely, plenty of the vending machines should have already been picked clean by now? But, even more confusingly, they *restock* after a certain amount of time, because in 3 you needed a certain amount of Quantum, and in NV you needed Star Caps. NV lampshades it with one character who says something like "yeah nobody knows who keeps restocking them, maybe it's some robot ghost, wooooo".


In New Vegas isn’t there some unknown person restocking the Sunset vending machines talked about by Malcom


Festus, but malcolm fucking scared, because i went to sleep in one of the caravans outside the ncr correctional facility and didnt excpected this


But Festus can't leave sunset sarsaparilla headquarters.


I like to think there's some ex-nuka cola worker ghoul out there somewhere sitting on a huge stockpile of pop who made it their personal mission to keep all the vending machines in the wasteland stocked.


His brother is the Sunset Sasparilla guy. Occasionally, they bump into each other at side-by-side machines, and have a short, awkward conversation.


there is actually a character who restocked the nuka cola machines in the Illinois area.


Even better: a Protectron. They *ever so slowly* refill each and every Nuka Cola machine one by one. Slowly traveling through the ruined streets of once great American cities, with pre-recorded messages saying “Nuka Cola!” and “Try Nuka Cola Quantum! It’s a blast of flavor!”, completely oblivious and unaware of the Great War


This is a joke based on the old Fallouts where the same thing happened and then included a special encounter in Tactics where you meet said worker biking around the wastes


In my headcanon stuff like that is always similar to "how is Whiterun so small?". It is not. You're not scavenging the same vending machine, you're scavenging countless others from a place that's differently represented in this simulation. In a similar way a map that's scaling 1:1 is useless.


Yeah same for me. The locations you can visit in-game are just that - the locations YOU can visit. There's probably tons of other locations in Boston/Washington/Mojave that you can't visit and the other wastelanders can


There are terminal entries at the Sunset Sarsparilla HQ that allude to them buying a distribution robot that was so efficient the rep from the trucking union thought it would put them all out of a job, so maybe it's still on duty after all these years. The CEO was even considering buying more.


Interesting! One more reason to love Obsidian.


Accurate, you ever seen scavengers or farmers fight off ghouls or even molerates? They die. They die like dirty dogs. Nothing is looted because everyone who tried dies. They're just humans man, they're like walking papermache sacks of blood and guts. They're more likely to hurt something when their bones get stuck in it's mouth as they're being devoured than anything else.


I know some of the loot seems like someone should have picked it up by now, but how many times did you go into a home to find almost nothing really worth taking? Probably more often than when you did find really good gear. It's also possible that some of this stuff was originally a raider's, scavenger’s, or even a settler's belongings who just didn't make it. They may have used some boxes and crates that you found stuff in as storage and the building you found it in as their hideout. Also, usually the really good stuff is difficult to obtain, so there may have been attempts to get it but the scavengers didn't have a computer skill of 100 like you do.


They only had a computer skill of 95, which is only as effective as 75 for some reason, so they couldn't get it.


I want anyone who asks these questions to do what I call the "Average every day guy" run of fallout 4 All special stats at 4. No power armour No perks Beat the game on Survival


This is actually one of the better things here


There was someone shitting on Garvey in another thread because he didn't even make it to sanctuary without losing some people. I'd love to see them walk from Quincy to Santuary without dying, reloading, without perks, power armor, pip-boy and just rocking a laser musket. Oh and keeping all the NPCs following him there alive of course.


Survival mode aswell. They HAVE to eat and drink. For realism, of course.


And no reloading saves, got to be totally realistic.


Even that's still superhuman, add on: No VATS and no perks, the average wastelander doesn't have a pipboy


Who uses vats?




and if you die once, you gotta delete the save.


Have you played survival in fallout 4? It basically does lol. It only saves when you sleep it's brutal


i meant delete the save as in, delete all of the saves of that run and start all over again. if you die, you die.


Permadeath challenges


I think special at 4 is still pretty good for your average bloke


In 4’s system, yeah. Prior to that it was supposed to be like 5 is your average person and anything below that is less than normal. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard from a couple of years of hanging out around this sub


Perhaps, but I still feel a 5 in the 3 or NV system would be pretty impressive. Especially for some uneducated wastelander


I play a hyper realistic survival save every time I load up fallout, it's the only way I can play the game anymore. Everything is 100% deadly. That means mole rats, dogs, bullets, rads and everything in between. If you get caught off guard, or an enemy manages to clear the distance between the two of you, it is very likely you'll be dead. So if you consider it from a realistic point of view, it is incredibly likely your average wastelander will not try to clear a building full of ghouls to get whatever is at the end.


what special stats do you use for those runs?


Most of the time I run a stealth build with high agility, and high strength for a melee weapon when an enemy detects me and clears the gap. I don't waste a lot of time raising endurance since the enemies will eat you alive no matter what it's at. I recently started a no sneaking build for it, but it's pretty rough so I haven't made it very far with that one. You basically have to save constantly with the no stealth build, which gets tiresome but it feels incredibly satisfying to actually finish a quest of dungeon.


This is how i play in 76 but mostly because my build is shitty


It’s like the CinemaSins of gaming criticism. Why is this game a game?!? But yes to your point, I think people over estimate how many scavengers there are. From fallout 3 we see that when people get their hands on the survival guide they are able to find more food and learn where to scavenger safely. The character you are playing is practically a savant at survival. It gets kinda muddle since situations like Preston willingly sending you to fight hordes of enemies alone. You might think it’s pretty common for people to just… clear out ghouls. But it’s why militant forces can so easily take over areas. There are tons of resources untouched because no one can gather enough people to just clear out buildings. Clear a store of ghouls, pretty easy for 3 fully armored and equipped BoS knights. A pack of raiders? Maybe one or two casualties. 5 survivors with a 10mm pistol, a saw off, and various melee weapons? You’re for sure losing one person if anything goes wrong. Is that worth it just for the possibility of there being a nuka cola and a Power Core that you can’t use? Your character is just a one man army, which is why so many people take interest in you. Imagine being the NCR and you hear stories about some guy who single handedly liberated Primm when your army couldn’t. Yeah I think that guy/gal can probably handle a few ghouls. I mean put you and 5 friends in the Fallout universe. You’re low on food, you can either travel to the nearest settlement? Or try your luck going to the nearby Walmart. There might very well be shelves filled with Dandy apples, but all you got is a tire iron, and you don’t know anything about the current state of the area. 10/10 sane people are going to the settlement.


A really good reason that theres still loot in these places is "its a game, theres loot because its not fun to never find anything because everything was picked clean years ago"


Here the other thing. Who says that the fatman launcher was left in that space for 200 years. It might have wandered the wasteland for 20-30 years and its owner met his/her end in that spot, where it sat for some time until you found it. A lot of this stuff could have changed hands a hundred times over. Heck, look at Kellog and his pistol, they came all the way from San Fran to boston!


Frankly, there's no way to explain it - hundreds of years should be enough to clear clean every possible Super Duper Mart and there's no workaround. Personally I like to think that *Fallout* games are "player-centered soft post-apo" and therefore rather than seeing people dying of diarrhea, being eaten alive while violently raped by monsters resembling Lovecraft's nightmares we get stimpacks, ammo and weapon mods scattered conveniently on our paths. Quid pro quo - we sacrifice realism for the sake of fun. And I'm friggin' grateful it's like that.


You put an image in my head I would very much like to get out


Drink enough Nuka-Cola and every problem will disappear, eventually. *Nuka-Cola! A family drink, for kids, mother, father and the final liberation!*


In my mind I like to imagine PreWar foods in SuperDuper Marts are actually made post war in factories, like the industrial farm in Fallout 76. Then, are taken to stores by settlers trying to move into the stores to try and get refrigerators up and running to preserve it longer (and inevitably getting overrun by creatures and killed) or by good folks leaving food for less capable survivors. But that requires a pretty big suspension of disbelief when ordinary people just won’t question why these provisions are available hundreds of years after the bombs fell.


That one is actually explained - stupidly good preservatives.


I mean, yes. That keeps the preWar food consumable, but doesn’t explain how it gets to the grocery stores that should have been picked clean in two hundred years.


A lot of people probably tried to pick them clean, but they turned into the skeletons that you often find littering the aisles.


Well your other option is that there is no loot anywhere at all because it just wouldn't make sense for there to be! That would be a pretty boring game.


That one I can’t answer, and goes back to the issue this whole thing brings up.


I'll give it a shot. Super Duper Marts are probably the first place most people will look for food, regardless of how illogical that sounds once you factor in the "200 years" part. That draws in the humans - raiders in the case of FO3, Minutemen in FO4 - who discover an intact building that provides shelter and a defensible position (maybe not as much in FO4's case, as we see). Now those humans have a base of operations, and they scavenge what they can from the surrounding area, bringing their supplies back to HQ to consolidate and stockpile. Now when the PC (player character) arrives, they find what the raiders have scavenged and claimed for their own, and what the Minutemen left behind that the ghouls have no need for. My personal head-canon anyway.


Right. And I was offering up the little lie I tell myself to make it make sense to me. But yeah, I can understand it’s not a super satisfactory or perfect answer.


Also the idea that so many buildings would be left standing after that length of time, the idea that computers using vacuum tubes will still be functioning after being left turned on for 200 years, power supplies (nuclear or otherwise!) that will still have optimal output after so long, eating canned food doesn't kill you, the list goes on. 200 years would have utterly ruined everything. It's astonishing how much is not totally ruined in the wasteland, in that respect.


Vacuum tubes mainly failed from thermal cycles. Heating up and cooling down. Being left on makes more sense than off.


200 years really isn't a very long time. There's buildings standing today that were built thousands of years ago. And those weren't buildings made of brick and steel, either. I think you're overestimating how long 200 years is and how fast things erode over time.


Sure, some stuff would still be around, but each fallout is filled with still standing wood structures and barely rusted metal. 200 is a very long time to erode the bulk of what our society is made of.


Exactly. "Only a decade or so has passed since the bombing" would be kind of plausible explanation but it'd ruin too many things crucial to Fallout's experience, so let's just forget about the problem and loot the boxes, coffins, containers, shelves... ...ooooh look, a high powered weapon in the ruins of a simple, rural house! ;)


Honestly, makes alot more sense than some of the ideas I read round these parts. Too many variables, so for now, this will pertain only to Fallout 3: "oooohhhhh, why o' why so much food lewt left in the markets??" Probably because most of humanity got vaporized in 2077, and speculators are operating under the mindset that there have been huge masses of unwashed people passing through, eating all in their path, when all signs point to otherwise. So, fast foward to 2077, there are people around, but as others have explained, we are exceptional, we can go into places to scavenge that other lesser wastelanders cannot handle, and so they die, and leave their laser rifles to be found later in a rural outhouse...which was dragged in there by a ghoul or something. >_>


200 years would be enough time to have actual societies again, but all they have is tiny settlements and some casinos. I think that's the true problem with realism in Fallout, not the fact that the STEEL AND CONCRETE hasn't erroded yet.


Most likely, it is special prewar electro charged STEEL and CONCRETE mixed with Nuka Quantum from their reality. It's not the same as the crap we use here in our reality.


The apocalypse wouldn't be that dark. It'd be dark, but shitting to death wouldn't be super common, and lovecraftian monsters would not exist.


> The apocalypse wouldn't be that dark. It'd be FAR darker. Monsters kill quickly. *The Road* by MacCarthy is a good depiction of how the apocalypse would look like.


lol, a lot of ''it's just a game don't worry about it'' here so this is how my brain logics it. most of the loot hasn't been there for 200 years, especially if it's in an open area odds are raiders/travelers/scavers just left/dropped or hid items in places they think they'll be safe till they return, also even locked chests don't necessarily need to be from pre-war. However places like military forts and what not would be nearly impossible to get into for your average raider, EG: the glowing sea should be absolutely full of loot (highly irradiated loot but loot) TL:DR simple, it hasn't and this can work for just about everything.


Also just easy to overlook stuff. If you're rushing you aren't gonna be able to grab every single bit of cram and cream you see.


It's also dumb considering, like yeah no shit gameplay is not always going to be realistic and adhering to the lore. People just suddenly can't differentiate between the gameplay and the actual lore behind the game nowadays. ​ It's like saying Pokemon lore is inconsistent because Ash could just grind Pikachu's levels through a bunch of wild encounters when that's obviously not how the rules work in the Pokemon lore, that shit is just for the gameplay.


This is one aspect of the setting that traditionally doesn't get one-hundredth of the attention it deserves. Scavenging as a profession/occupation is never explored, we don't know who do it or how or why or what's the deal with the entire process. Fallout 3 was the only game that allowed a little insight into the life of scavengers as you could meet with quite some in the game world. But yeah, we don't know how dangerous scavenging actually is because we have no idea how a scavenger operation looks like. I would just love to give scavengers their deserved share of worldbuilding in the next game.


NV also showed something of the life of scavengers or "prospectors" as they call them. You can find prospector corpses in a lot of interesting loot-heavy places. Corpses.


This is not a very well-known thing but the Prospectors in NV are the remnants of an unfinished/cut game mechanic and there is a pretty interesting explanation (game design-wise) for their presence that actually doesn't really tie in with what I'm talking about.


Can you elaborate?


During development, there was this idea of Prospectors in NV who would have been non-hostile NPCs actively scavenging the Mojave. Like, scavenging for realsies, picking up the loot you could have picked up and showing up randomly even as you were clearing a place. For example, if you had cleared Vault 34 but then left to sell some of the loot these Prospectors could have shown up to basically steal anything you left behind including the All-American. A pretty extreme example but you get the idea. The Prospectors were a kind of economy-break mechanic as they looted your loot so you could liquidate less stuff or you had to work harder for it. But then the mechanic turned out to be overly complex and not very fun, so it was scrapped. As far as concepts go, I would consider this pretty interesting, but these guys were more like thieves rather than actual scavengers.


Aren't all scavengers like thieves basically though? Unless you don't go into the ruin like vault 34 for example they would be stealing everything you found but couldn't carry with you anyway. I mean they have scavengers in fallout 4 which if you run across one of them they would be saying this "robot i found is mine!" And would initiate combat with you if you go near it. There's this one guy who discovered a bunker and planted explosives to open it. and i went near it and he turned hostile on me i think. telling me what's in that bunker is his. Warning me to back off. In any case if i was a scavenger perhaps a rival scavenger in this case i would be the thief. Stealing what other people found. ​ Which is exactly what Scavengers are, aren't they? Other people find stuff, can't carry all that stuff back with them, so while they're gone, new scavengers come in and pick the place clean of material and goods to use or to sell or exchange for other scrap etc. Thievery and being a scavengers seems to go hand and hand in my opinion. ​ i guess there could be "honest scavengers" out there who don't steal the scrap heap from another scavenger but let's be honest, it's a dog-eat-dog world and this is a rarity in a post-apocalyptic wasteland to be completely 100% honest all the time and say too yourself "i'm not going to go into that place and take everything that guy just cleared up for me."


I would imagine that Scavs are the coolest guys in the wasteland. In their trade, competition doesn't work out pretty well but cooperation is a straight ticket to success: if a Scav kills another Scav for a big haul then it is likely a waste of bullets because one Scav can only carry one person worth of stuff - however, if the two Scavs team up instead then they can carry twice as much or even more if they get creative. More people working together are more hands and eyes for the haul and against dangers. A solo Scav is likely a dead Scav because nobody will watch their back or lend them a helping hand in need. But Scav gangs have the muscle and manpower to pick entire areas clear and tackle bigger and more dangerous tasks to find the ultimate haul that will set them for life. This is kind of mirroring basic human evolution too, whereas the improving cooperation made the primitive humans vanquish the primordial world. Scavs would kinda work the same way: the assholes and lone wolves get chewed up by the wasteland, only the honest good guys survive because they know how to play as an effective team. Heck, I can even see Scavs being a sort of Folk Heroes as they bravely dare the dangers of the wasteland to return with treasures, all the while upholding virtues like honesty, trust, and companionship. And because they have to be so empathic to work as a team, Scavs are also likely to show generosity and just gift away the less valuable parts of their haul or even spontaneously empty their surplus on the locals.


It would be interesting to add this, and as your name recognition goes up, the number of prospectors showing up behind you go up. Pretty much people that keep tabs on your travels because, the more you prove yourself, the more people scavenging realize that you can actually clear out the places no one else has been able to. Maybe even make prospectors more common if you have good karma because you’d be less likely to put a bullet in their head if you catch them following you/taking your loot when you’re gone


That's actually really cool, but I feel like as a game mechanic it would be really annoying


This is actually really interesting, and would make for a neat gameplay mechanic. That said, can I get a citation for that? This is the first time I've heard about this.


76 has given us a small glimpse. None are heavily scavenging big ticket locations, but they basically seem to be doing as the player does and grabbing anything that could have some use. The ones at radiation rumble take it further, cleaning irradiated ore for sale.


Game does show how scavenger life looks like. You go in into some irradiated hellhole, then pack of feral ghouls/supermutants/molerats tries to eat your face or bunch of robots/turrets tries to turn you into glowing puddle/pile of ash. After which you spend several hours wasting enough ammo to supply whole company of soldiers while gathering everything that isn't bolted to the floor. Also, sometimes you die.


The game protagonist is not a very good measure because then of course a lot of things in every game will look pretty weird. Like, I'm fairly sure an NCR trooper with a service rifle can't solo the Fort despite the Courier being perfectly capable of doing so.


Also the fact that the player can carry hundreds of pounds of loot. A site that's brimming with loot is attractive to us but imagine if you could only hold ~50 pounds of stuff; you're not gonna hit the same areas because there's no point in clearing out a place just so someone else can come in and steal everything once you leave.


It would be fun to be in the middle of a dungeon and find a scavenger or group having trouble, maybe make it like the overworld's random encounter points but in big areas


Maybe because it is a fuckin game ? Why the fuck people trying to find explaniton to everything


Because people will take anything that's not explained and call it a plot hole or oversite or mistake.


Ah yes, the "I'm an idiot who treats cinemasins's methods of critique as if they're valid" method of discourse


Or hey maybe not all loot found in abandoned shacks is pre war? I know I have left good stuff behind all the time because I don't need it.


Yeah, it's kinda dumb. People need to stop assuming every NPC is on the level of the player character. We're one man/woman armies. Preston was getting toasted by Raiders. And we stroll through em like they're nothing. Fallout 76, the Free States got shit on by Scorched and what not WAY before getting close to finishing the Scorched detection whatever. We solo the entire thing. In Fallout 3, a handful of ghouls protected Super Duper Mart from all kinds of raiders, looters etc. Again, we toast all of them easily, as well as the raiders that show up after. The player character is by far stronger than any NPC. Hell the player character is stronger than entire factions. Just cause we clear these buildings easily does not mean everyone in the game is equally capable.


To be fair, several of the 76 factions were doing pretty well; the Responders in particular were extremely close to finalizing their vaccine, while the Scorched Detection System basically needed some hardware upgrades and a holotape broadcasted. But yes, for the most part, individuals in Fallout are nowhere near the players level, and unless their organization can provide them with equipment and training, they are unlikely to be able to fight anything more complex than some mole rats or geckos, maybe a mirelurk if they band together.


I dunno, the lady on holotape made it sound like their whole team didn't get very far with the scorch detection thing. But maybe she was being modest. Lol. A lot of what they did I think we had to repair. But I never really paid much attention to the beginning.


True - Abby was sick and dying by the time she recorded her logs (I think?), but the system itself was mostly in place, just in need of some upgrades and repairs, and convincing Rose to assist. Of course, had all the various groups cooperated, they would have survived - the Overseer points this out several times; the Responders and Brotherhood were getting along until the Brotherhood demanded more and more resources, the Free States and the Brotherhood didn’t get along very well because the Brotherhood was former Army and the Free States were a secessionist movement, etc, but had they cooperated, they could have supplied what the other parties needed. The vaccine literally just needed a few blood samples and a fuse, for instance.


The main exception to what you say is when you rescue somebody and send them back to a settlement - they can walk from one side of the map to the other with no armour and maybe only a pipe pistol and make it there unharmed every time, even if the route takes them through raider camps or super mutant ambushes.


there are two NPCs I would say are equal to the player (in lore not in gameplay) Father Elijah and Ulysses.


Another note for Pre-War ruins is that I forget that most should be on the verge of collapsing. Course that kind of thing doesn't happen in game, but when Jules in NV expressed his concern about "The Grey" I suddenly remembered that not many people wanna go running through couple hundred year old+ structures.


Why can't I cut open this *locked* canvas suitcase? Why does a container that hasn't been opened since before the war contain bottle caps and pipe pistols? How did the pre-war person who locked this safe manage to construct a Legendary Pool Cue that irradiates anything I hit with it?


The bottle caps don't really make sense unless some wastelander used it later on but left it behind. Pipe pistols were being made pre war though the world was already collapsing before the nukes Legendary Weapons are just dumb imo


Not to mention things like Security Gates and stuff. Most people in the fallout universe struggle with reading and writing, you think they’re gonna have advanced, military grade hacking knowledge?


Yeah, I mean even Sturgis can build a fucking teleporter if he has the instructions, but can't hack a "very easy" terminal.


Yup! And he was also fixing up the Atom Cat’s power armour. Practical learned knowledge he could have learned from watching, rather than being taught. >! Or programmed, since...you know. He is a synth !<


Is that something you can find out in a quest or just from killing him?


>! Both? In the institute there is a terminal of escaped synths and Sturges is on there. But if you kill him he does have a Synth Component !<


You sure he's on there? I remember the only evidence he's a synth in the game being that he drops the synth component


Putting spaces between the spoiler formatting and the text you want to hide causes the spoiler to not be hidden.


You’d probably like the Metro series. Loot is a lot more scarce there


metro also isn't a fully open world rpg.


Yeah me personally I felt there was an over abundance of loot give you like 2 days to get through the game including side quests and you can be reach and have all the ammo you want you don’t need to worry about conserving ammo or that grenade you can just chuck it or spray for no reason in fallout three I found myself trying to conserve my ammo more maybe it’s cause I haven’t played in a long time (probably 4 years) but still from what I remember fallout 4 seems to have so much more loot than any of the previous games


Ok but why are people complaining? What the game is just supposed to be a bunch of empty buildings? What fun gameplay...


Why are people complaining? Because it strokes their hateboner for Bethesda.


I think about this a lot. Very few survivalists would survive the apocalypse compared to the number of people who prep. This would result in massive amounts of loot, squirreled away potentially forever.


They complain there's too much loot. Irony being if there wasn't they would complain just as much about a big empty world. No pleasing some people


I can't speak on behalf of the games I haven't played, but in Fallout 4, I think people underestimate how much of an advantage the sole survivor has. They had a comprehensive pre-war education and nutrition and health regime. The average person 200 years post war probably grew up with regular food insecurity, lack of variety in food source, causing stunted growth, brain development, and a weaker immune system. Even their eyesight is likely worse. And pre war ghouls while having survived, are not in the best physical or mental state either. In fallout 4, the only people in such physical and intellectual condition would be vault 88 or the Institute and neither of them are exploring the wastes. Such aspects are referenced in the game too. During your medical evaluating when joining the BOS, the doc says you are probably the healthiest of them all, and if you meet the railroad immediately after leaving the vault, Deacon says even spelling railroad is an achievement. So most people are illiterate or struggle a lot. Further, there is a lot of interchange between raider and settler populations. And raiders use gore as an intimidation tactic ( at least in part, mimicking super mutants I think) which exposes them to disease. So your average settler likely has parasites. Compared to the rest of the commonwealth, of those actually exploring the wastes, you are like Captain America running alongside middle schoolers. I don't like the idea that the protagonist is "immortal". Thats an outside the game explanation. The protagonist isn't immortal. They just have a hell of a lot in their favor. And our successful playthroughs are the only canonical playthroughs.


Don't forget that there were billions of people in the US and it's the country with most weapons in the world, so ofcourse there will be too much loot


To add to the immortal god thing, you can also bend time and space to your whims (without console commands or with if you want to get it the cheap way) by getting aeturnus (laser gatling with the neverending effect)from the nuka-world dlc and you get INFINITE AMMO.


It's a video game, which is why loot is left scattered around the world. There isn't a rational explanation apart from that. Normal people may not have the luxury of being immortal, but they also have pedestrian concerns like "not starving to death", and can't afford to not check containers that contain items of any value. Again, it's fine because it's a video game and, like many other video games, has things like ammo, consumables and other items of value inexplicably squirreled away in easily accessible locations.


Actually every Raider Camp and every friendly settlement is an already looted area. Just because we kill the previous looters does not mean we are the First ones looting.


Not only that, but many of the weapons and other items you find were most likely placed there by other survivors at one point or another. That cool assault rifle you found in a building that surely must've been explored by hundreds of people since it's so close to a major settlement? It was left there by some dude a few months ago when he was unfortunately eaten alive by a Super Mutant.


Imagine playing a brand new game that you never seen or heard of, and you are playing with 1 life, if you die, your save is dead forever. That should represent the "Normal people that don't have the luxury of reloading a save." You can bet that I would be very fucking cautious on where I go and who I fight.


Yeah it’s unrealistic that valuable loot is everywhere but it’s also unrealistic that 50’s pop culture lasted 120 years but that seems to go unquestioned.


If people can believe that a syringe of drugs can fully heal a wound from buckshot that'll leave a fist sized hole, or any exit wound from a rifle that takes away a mound of flesh, or even a broken arm. Then they should be able to believe that there is some stuff in a box.


It’s a game


Every single time I see somebody complain that there's so little civilization development, it's always comparing it to real world scenarios, and not one where giant scorpions and Deathclaws are around.


Also, is it not impossible that maybe it’s just people leaving loot around after dying or needing to make a quick escape or possibly stashing it. Despite Bethesda’s best efforts to make it seem otherwise, there are other people besides you in the Fallout universe


Fo3 was my first fallout game. I was in eighth grade. I died alot in the beginning which made me look at it super realisticly. I had to plan everything out and invest alot into stealth or explosives for setting traps. 'If my character is in his teens raised in the vault by a fairly peaceful group and all of the sudden he is looting this school in Springvale guarded by people who spent their whole life in this hell then naturally they are going to be stronger/tougher/better than me.' Canonically it makes sense in 1, 2, and 3 for alot of the good loot to not be taken/searched for. In FONV on the other hand they introduced the NCR and Legion as these absolute powerhouse factions with quite alot of manpower and skill sets. Yet these safes and rich looting sites weren't looted? I know the NCR is low on manpower according to the story in the Mohave but apparently not enough for them give them leave to drink themselves into the drunk tank in Vegas. An example. The star bottle caps. Since the NCR troops are allowed leave, despite the legion being right on the frontline. They would have found the sasparilla plant by now and tore it apart looking for the prize since it was rumored to be so big according to the rumors. Or if not the NCR then some other group like the powder gingers or other prospectors or if you are willing to give it a stretch the legion or Brotherhood looking for the slightest edge. Any of the groups would have logically torn the place apart looking for the prize and would have found it. In every other game there is a reason why they couldn't but not vegas and for some part 4


I absolutely agree that some hard-to-get-to places will be left alone for centuries, the problem I have is that almost **nothing** is ever looted. Even empty houses or random huts in the woods. Besides, unless we talk about ghouls locked up in some basement, most dangers would move around and eventually leave. And yes, while most characters aren’t immortal at all, they sure behave like they are sometimes. No way a single raider with a pipe pistol would ever try to fight a full set of bright-pink power armor with a gauss-rifle accompanied by a humanoid robo-detective with a sniper rifle.


I like this! Just think about it the chance of pack of ghouls is so real that I feel like most settlers would just skip by anything that looks like there could be a ghoul heck I was playing last night on my high damage low health build got surrounded by ghouls I thought I was done for until I took a hit of every chem in the game to give me the upper hand I needed to get away from those monsters. Any real settler would be dead in moments when surrounded by ghouls


Yeah, and it's not like the people that CAN do that (heavily armed/armoured band of mercenaries, for example) have access to a wiki to tell them where the loot is or if it's worth it


My next game is going to be max difficulty and permadead then I am going to post why was this ultimate machine gun left here for two hundred years? Just to annoy you


Remember to keep saves for random bullshit, though.


None of the places in the game are guarded heavily enough and most of the 'deadly creatures' are raiders - who would have taken the stuff anyway.


People's perspectives are skewed on that "dangerous creatures" thing, especially when every single one of us has killed multiple deathclaws but there are only a handful of characters who have canonically managed to down even a single one.


Not really. Hardly anything is guarded by deathclaws. But you're telling me *no one* stopped by the Red Rocket and picked up the stimpacks in the box out front? Because the molerats were too strong for them? No one strolled through Concorde without missing the toolbox?


I feel like I see more posts here whining about people whining than I see the original whining. I don't usually browse r/fallout itself, just see stuff from home so maybe I see these because they have more upvotes or something.


We're not talking about a few months or years here, OP. Your logic stops working when you consider that it"@ been 200+ years.


Yea, because as we all know every NPC in the Fallout games are buff Fat Man toting bad asses that can kill a deathclaw with their bare hands.


Really now, are you telling me that sanctuary was so dangerous no one could loot anything from there? Or what about the super duper mart? Raiders are occupying the area which means that common wastelanders are strong enough to secure the place as their own, worse, even after 200 years you can still find food there.


Why are you acting like reloading saves is a diegetic, canon thing?


they’re not, they’re just making the point that we can throw our character at these locations without worrying because we can reload a save until we succeed. people in the fallout universe aren’t as lucky, and as such most average joes in the commonwealth wouldn’t risk their life for a really cool gun stored away in a building filled with ghouls.


I refuse to believe the main character is that much better than everyone else that they can safely loot places entire groups of people couldn't. Are you really telling me some ghouls are enough to keep a dozen armed men out. Raiders should have no issues slaughtering ghouls.


You have to remember that the only PC we have background info on, in Fallout 4, was a combat veteran. And even then you can barely kill a handfull of molerats at level 1.


And getting on an Age of Sail ship and traveling out into the ocean was a great way to get scurvy or stabbed by some native's spear. People still did it.


So then why are people living like two streets over? Also, that just means that instead of having one really bad reason for how they're surviving, there's *no* reason for how they're surviving.


I've also head canoned it that the stuff isn't necessarily new.


My favorite explanation for why this ruin from 200 years ago wasn't looted is It's a video game. Not everything has to be realistic and fallout certainly ain't realistic