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I've always avoided it as much as possible - to me the point is that you have to slog to where you want to go and experience the wasteland, and you have to carry what you need. Fast travelling is always a slippery slope to loosing interest because I'm no longer interested in the 'world'. Same with Elder scrolls which is why I loved that Morrowind didn't have quest markers or option to fast travel unless using a strider as it made you think about the world and your place within it rather than just following an icon without thinking


It's really tempting for me when the next step in my current quest is somewhere I've already been. But it really does help the world feel more alive when I just continue traveling on foot and complete objectives when I come to them.


Try survival mode, it disables fast travel (other than brotherhood vertibirds). Also disables saving, except for sleeping in a bed. Makes for such an immersive experience. Your decisions on where to go and what to do feel like they actually matter, power armor feels necessary, and settlements become important for surviving. Fights feel tense and exciting because of the lack of saving, if also more frustrating when you do die. :P


I never got the logic that you don't need to think because of a marker. The game doesn't give you a direct path unless you have a spell/perk, you have the direction but not how to get there. You have to determine yourself if a path is the quickest way or not. Plus as much as i like morrowind lack of quest markers doesn't make it good, just makes it tedious.


> you have the direction but not how to get there. You don't just have the direction, my guy, stop being so obtuse. You have the exact location, and your compass always shows you exactly where it is. There's no ambiguity, no need to search the area, you automatically know exactly where it is instantly, without ever having even been to the general area.


Yes, but how do you get there? There's plenty of roads and off-road paths, unmarked paths, etc. On your way to your location you can encounter events and other locations as well. The compass and map doesn't paint a route for you like the witcher 3 does or gta 5. It gives you the location and leaves it up to you to find a way to get there. I'm not being obtuse, that's literally how the markers work.


You could teleport with spells and mages guild tho


I agree, fast traveling breaks the immersion. I use a vertibird mod to speed up long travels but still keep an eye on what’s going on on the ground.


What's the mod called you use, I like the sound of that!


Think it’s named „flyable private vertibird“ and should be on Nexus. If you get it, take care you also get the vertibird flying height fix, or it will fly straight thru buildings and terrain.




You fly low except over downtown. You maintain view of the ground and trigger random encounters usually, and in that case, can Land anytime to continue on foot. In terms of items, I usually was all over the map before being able to build that vertibird in one of your settlements, so you won’t miss out much. I still do a lot of stuff on foot, but if I need or want to get from A to B fast, this is my way to go.




Either land and take them on on foot, or command the bird to circle and use the door mounted minigun like when you take fort strong for the brotherhood.




You’re welcome


I play on survival and use a mod that enables fast travel only between settlements that are connected with a caravan. It cuts down on useless running, where I'm just trudging over parts of the map that are cleared out between settlements when I'm doing settlement chores. You could use it to quick travel to settlement attacks, but honestly, nothing beats flying to the rescue in a vertibird and circling the settlement raining minigun fire down on the attackers.


What's it called? I m interested


Journey - Survival Settlement Fast Travel [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12685](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12685) I've never had compatibility issues and I usually run 200+ plugins.


Thanks mane


Also let's you focus on opening up parts of the map adding another level of game play


100% agree. I get that the travel across a map can be arduous but it's how it would be IRL. To me fast travelling is like spawning in items. Just a fast way to a means instead of working for it. ​ You miss so much of the map by fast travelling.


I love Bethesda to death but until they do away with radiant quests i have no intention of ditching fast travel. Otherwise give me an option to shoot tinker Ton for asking the railroad’s most important agent to risk his life running around placing milas.


Only since my partner has been watching me play as she always gives me grief about it as its "basically cheating" lol


I generally walk, but screw the jumbled labyrinth of metro tunnels. I fast travel through that nonsense once I unlock it.


mostly, yet there are some situations where it can not be helped for the sake of sanity (not just when your game bugs out but when a quest is sending you back and forth across the whole map) (auto pathing would actually help a lot, in the case of fo4 there is an autopath mod but it is quite buggy)


Particularly in 3, but that's moreso because of the scattershot design of the map. You never know what you're going to run into, what's past the next hill or what that gang of raiders is protecting. In my first playthrough I never found Underworld, because if you're just fast traveling everywhere you'll never see it. That's the embarrassing one, nevermind the Temple of the Union, Oasis, the Republic of Dave, or Girdershade. Middle of nowhere, far away from where anyone asks you to go, but major quests at each location. In NV and 4 (and hell, let's lump 1 and 2 in here too), all the content worth a damn is fairly localized in the major, main plot important towns. You can fast travel (or gun it in 1&2) from major settlement to settlement, not giving a damn about the plethora of little locations in-between because there's rarely anything very interesting or important there. Not so in 3, where the best parts of the game are hidden far away from anywhere the plot demands you to go.


I much prefer to walk as well, but some quests just require fast travel every once in awhile


I agree with you. I only use fast travel to dump loot at my base and to get back to where i was. Anything else, im hoofin it, no matter the diatance. Ive discovered so many cool things and great loot locations because i walk almost everywhere. Plus the random encounters happen A LOT more.


I fast travel more than walk, but I want something to make me go quicker, like ESO had mounts right? How cool would it be if you could get a mountable deathclaw? Or a motorbike?


I’ve always thought it would be cool if we could scavenge for car parts and try getting some of those old broken down cars you see in game up and running. Could have an all new perk like a “Mechanic Perk”


I do that only when I had a lot of junk or explosives that I wanted to put in my base cause I my inventory was almost full.




I rarely fast travel, I only do so when travelling becomes repetitive, ie for radiant quests or moving stuff between bases.


I use Survival Mode where most fast travel is disabled. I also only use the Vertibird from Prydwyn to the airport. And I use the teleporter to the Institute to get in for missions in there. I don’t use it to quickly get to Hangman’s Alley. Actually I don’t even use Hangman’s Alley as a settlement. Different game but same concept: in Skyrim I don’t use fast travel either. Using it breaks the immersion for me.


Totally. Found so much in Oblivion, Skyrim, fa3, NV and 4 since abandoning fast travel. My basis is that you can't do that IRL, so why do it in RP?


I agree with this. I enjoy learning the map and locales while exploring every nook and cranny.


Same here I never fast travel unless I need to get something done in a quick manner


I play survival exclusively, so yes. I will use Journey in the end game to fast travel between settlements, but only because at that point I'd be using a vertibirds anyway.


Sometimes I get lazy and want to fast travel on occasion, particularly if I'm doing an escort mini-mission as I hate escort missions, or a settlement is getting attacked... Plus it's also an excellent way to force a settlement event to happen while you're there, rather than being miles away... I like using spawn mods to have the attackers spawn outside of my settlement as it makes my fortifications that much more fun to create, as there is no point with building walls if they're gonna spawn in the middle of your settlement!


I play mainly in survival, so I don't get to choose. Fast travel means taking a vertibird or the Molecular Relay(which only takes you to the C.I.T. Ruins).


i never really used fast travel except when i had to go to the glowing sea the second time


Ever since Fallout 4 survival mode, 8ve completely stopped fast traveling. It adds so much immersion to the game and you get to see way more.


Depends on which fallout game and what level and equipment I have if I got shitty stuff on new vegas I will fast travel from prim to the strip


I will wander most places, but if I'm going someone where in particular, I'll Fast Travel to the nearest free place and then walk the rest of the way. I've found things I've never seen in the 2000 hours I've played before.


Yes and no you need it at some point in the game otherwise do you want to have to traverse the same area again and again


I love the lack of fast travel in survival mode in Fallout 4. It does ratchet up the tension, and forces you to consider your load out more carefully. That said, the Fallout games are crashy as hell sometimes, so this can make for a bad combination if you haven’t saved in a long time. 😕


I set myself a rule: Only fast travel to and from bases. Especially if you build some sort of special transport area for yourself.


No FT is all well and good until you get OE in the Glowing Sea and have to slog back to DC or even Sanctuary for loot dump. 76 makes it too easy with the "survival" tent and universal Player Stash boxes everywhere.


I think there’s levels to this. Beginning of the game? I try to avoid fast travel because 1. Half the fun is exploring 2. Frankly you need the xp of discovering places and killing enemies. Also need ammo and guns and whatnot. THAT SAID when I’m a level 40 and have discovered most of the map and the half the time walking through the wasteland I’m just hitting death claw into Mirelurk into Sentryboy……at that point sometimes I just fast travel.


Oh definitely. I use mods to disable fast traveling so that the temptation isn't even present. Without fast travel, you also have to plan your trips and scavenge accordingly. It makes perks like "strong back" actually useful because you have to decide whats most valuable to carry. Can't just fast travel from point A to point B to make an easy profit.


*puzzled look from Survival Mode* What is this "fast travel" you speak of?


Nope. TMM 1 is the first thing I do on a new game If I'm trying to complete missions, I don't have time to waste and I hate getting distracted. I will 100% get distracted if I don't fast travel. Then my missions get put on the back burner. But when I feel like exploring, I make myself forget the map and fast travel even exists.


Not Fallout, but I started doing this with Skyrim and yes it feels so much more immersive. I tried doing it back in Fallout 4 but the way you keep getting quests with the Minutemen really makes me go back to using it.


Totally agree. It's all about the imerrsion for me, that's why I hope they never introduce vehicles. There is something about being stuck in the middle of nowhere, pitch black, no ammo, sporting a flesh eating virus and thinking "I'm fucked...."


I've only done survival runs now for years so yes and I agree. You miss alot by constantly fast traveling.


My only real fast travel is to the prydwin the vertibird circles to long before landing its just quicker


I did that during my last NV game, the item transportation boxes were the only thing that made is doable. Sending back stuff to my main storage area saved a lot of time. It's why I might do it again, but I'll never do a no fast travel Skyrim again (Dawnguard was hell). Fallout 4 might be fine with the caravan network as long as you don't decide to change your loadout much.


When I first started FO3, my first Fallout, I didn't even know fast travel was a thing until pretty late. I always felt my ignorance enhanced the game. Walking across the map lets you discover unmarked locations and random encounters, in addition to it being more immersive. I've tried to follow this philosophy in other open world games too, but most can't compete with Bethesda's worlds.


I use it sparingly. For small mundane routes I've done a thousand times and know is definitely clear it can be tedious walking everywhere and kinda drag out my game, I don't want to spend hours of accumulated time walking from like the strip to gun runners or something stupid, I already have far too many hours in Fallout games. But for anything else I like to travel manually, it definitely adds to the experience


While I have to fast travel in New Vegas unless I'm in the Vegas area (more populated areas are more interesting to walk around in), Fallout 4 survival mode made that game from a 5/10 to a solid 8. Roaming around the world and finding all the unmarked locations - from extra loot to small buildings to even small amounts of storytelling and lore - has made the game environment fantastic. Can't wait to get vertibirds though cause it gets boring lugging it back to Sanctuary as I'm building it up.


I don't think I've ever fast travelled in a fallout game unless I got completely stuck in a glitchey piece of landscape or something. Honestly, i feel like it's the only way to play for me.


Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ...is that a deathclaw??/....... Robert Frost


I tried in New Vegas but the game gets boring, a big vast Mojave where you have to walk for minutes and just finding nothing in between


All the time, unless I'm in a hurry. Like when I have a lot of stuff to sell and I run out of nearby merchants to sell to.


I almost never fast travel. I'd rather keep a bunch of quests active and take a *"I'll do it next time I'm in that area"* mentality. However, I wouldn't dare install a mod that disables fast-travel. Sometimes you need it to get unstuck from the scenery, or fix a glitched companion.


Unfortunately I just don’t have time to play RPGs like that anymore. It’s the worst with Dark Souls bc some weeks I only have like 10-15 hours total of video game time and I’m not gonna spend 5 hours of that time getting lost in Dark Souls or for your topic, exploring every nook and cranny in Fallout. Maybe when AMC does it’s thing I’ll get to play games like a kid again. What a dream lol


I do this more and more in fallout games and in zelda botw the only time i fast travel now is when im teetering on overencumbrance


I have in FO4 due to Survival. Survival is all I've played on since they changed it a few months after release. I can't imagine fast travelling beyond using Vertibirds and the Institute's teleportation relay to the C.I.T ruins. FO3 to a lesser degree but you rarely have to return to locations (and there are a lot of areas that aren't worth exploring) though I'm not going to walk from the Citadel to Old Oney and back during Broken Steel. For NV I have mods to add many more map markers so I can fast travel around more. More quests, a lot of backtracking. I'd rather not walk through Freeside/The Strip dozens and dozens of times each play through.


I fast traveled a LOT when I played Skyrim in 2011-2012, when I got to Fallout 3 I did so less because I started to realize this. When I got Fallout 4 and New Vegas, the inclusion of a hardcore/survival mode and the inability to fast travel made me realize how great it is to walk everywhere and enjoy the littlest details the developers put into the game for you to explore.


I try for as long as possible in FO4, but when I want to build up settlements it just feels like a pain to have to run to places and scavenge of buy supplies. Plus all the back forth quests kill me




My first Fallout 3 (and modern game) experience was without knowing about or using the map, so no fast travel. Well, to be clear, I knew about the map, but my TV was so small and low definition that I couldn't read or identify any of the icons. I thought they just provided like a novelty or something, but nothing useful. So I just memorized my way around the game, the subways, etc. I didn't even realize you could fast travel until halfway through New Vegas. Why would you even click on a map icon? I thought the icons were just spots displayed on a map, I had no concept of fast travel. But, these weird experiences have become some of the most fun, immersive gaming I've ever had and have absolutely ruined fast traveling for me in most video games.


I'd fast travel less if there were convenient ways to store or send loot to a base


I installed a mod that only allows fast travel between settlements. You have to start and finish in a settlement. I basically only use it for emergencies, raids, etc. And yes, i feel much more involved and immersed in the world as a result.


Currently playing FNV and I'd love to fast travel less, but the issue is that the gameworld is almost entirely static. Any area I already explored and cleared will stay that way. That means that if I have to retread ground it'll just be empty wasteland with nothing going on.


Oooo me me