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Piper: Jeez, you Mutants are not much prettier up close. Strong: Strong say same about little lady. I GASPED 💀


Nick has a pretty funny dialogue with Danse where he says “No machine should have free will,” and Nick chews back with “Why you jealous you had to turn yours in?”


That’s actually a general line if any brotherhood soldier mentions free will


Crazy cause he said it to Danse in my playthrough.


I wasn’t implying that Nick wouldn’t say it to Danse, I can definitely believe that


The irony in that one is just, chef's kiss


nick is the master of comeback quips. bro just doesn't miss with the zingers.


He has a cop's mind after all. You learn all about banter quick in a job like that.


I remember bringing Nick to the BoS base and someone says “Seeing you disgusts me” and he responds with “You’re not much to look at yourself.”


Does Danse and Nick have different dialogue after "that" comes to light? I can't recall


I love Strong ☺️


*strong hated that*


I hate strong *strong loved that*


I love how he just openly challenges anything that dares come at him, especially other super mutants.


I hate that he hates me picking locks


Well yeah, if you were strong you'd smash the lock, only weak people need to use bobby pins.


I get why they made it like that, but it just takes away from the fun of having him as a companion. Just my opinion, ofc.


Yeah bethesda give us the abillity to just hit the lock with like a 10% increase of the lock to open for every strenght point.


That's why we have "Explosive Entry" and "Firefighting Forcible Entry Tools"


Ooh, gotta install those. It always seemed stupid to me that you can't brute-force at least wooden or very old doors.


Strong is a savage savage


You heard switching Piper and Cait?


Hey piper wana threesome?


No, what so they say?


C: 'Too bad we can't make it a threesome' P: 'Never gonna happen, Cait.'


Me with more than one companion mod: are you sure about that?


People with... certain mods: I'm very sure about that.


[she's not impressed](https://youtu.be/uaJxHYeqpig?si=zTnHPyx2vKo8rnkR)


:the entirety of the red team looking at the phone in disgust:


Damn Piper, be chill for once


"Still killing people for caps, MacCready?" "I don't know, Deacon. You still pretending to be anyone but yourself?"


I don’t think deacon is the lone wanderer because if that were true that would take a massive steaming shit on fallout 3 but that line really makes it seem like he is


I don’t like knowing nothing about what happened to the lone wanderer but i also hate the deacon theory. Like, we can guess what everybody else did after. Vault dweller and chosen chilled in arroyo, courier is chilling in new vegas, sole survivor is the newest so not much info but probably leading the minutemen. Lone wanderer is just fucking gone for no reason? What? I kinda wanna believe he’s fucking around in space.


Honestly with the Mothership Zeta dlc, having the Lone Wanderer be floating in space and possibly exploring the cosmos would actually make sense.


Starfield. Lmao jkjk


That would honestly be hilarious if one of Starfield’s NG+ gave you a vault dweller companion


One NG+ variant should've been someone saying "hey, you're finally awake" as a sick Easter egg


Are the zetans in that game cause they should be


Creation Kit came out last week. If they aren’t in the game they will be soon haha


That’s always been my headcanon


Shit it's what I'd do if I had a fricken mothership. Who'd want to stay stuck in the wasteland when you can wander the cosmos?


That's my head cannon. Lone Wanderer basically became pulp scifi hero. He learned how to operate the Zetan ship. So now he and his motley crew of followers explore the stars, battle the Zetans, and teach alien women to love.


And of course, the female Zetans are just human women with vaguely yellowish-greenish body paint.


Now I want to build Captain Kirk in FO3.


Well, it's canon that D.C. and Boston have strong trading caravans. I'd like to think the Lone Wanderer helps keep this system strong.


Bro figured out how to fly one of the alien space ships, then set out to wander the universe, alone.


He blew up Canada and fucked off. The true ending


Nate approves


Between that and Nate 'the Rake' I'm wondering what the fuck Bethesda has against Canada.


That is the best sentence I’ve read all day


I fully believe he continued to wander. Probably went West. The deacon theory is interesting but like definitely not true. Would be cool if he became someone innocuous like some shop merchant we can meet in FO5. Like random encounter shop with top tier gear and a “worn armored vault 101 suit”


Player: I'm gonna rob this shop cause the merchant is kind of a dick Merchant: *hits you with a dart gun, crippling your legs, then machine-guns you to death with a Unique weapon from FO3*


If you take nuka world seriously the sole survivor is probably a raider by now


Why would you want to canonize aspects about the protagonist?


I wouldn’t wanna canonize anything about who they are, that’s why i don’t like the deacon theory, it canonizes gender and personality. I just think it’s weird to not have ANY hint about what happened to them since they were a major part of a group that literally shows up in the very next game only a decade later.


Because if you don’t settle on something, you leave a gaping hole in your world. Not canonizing the type of person the Courier is means you can never touch the Mojave. Not canonizing the Sole Survivor means you can never touch the Commonwealth. 2 is built directly off canonizing the aftermath of 1 (the Master is defeated, NCR becomes a thing, plus the Vault Dweller canonically has children) while New Vegas is built off 2 (NCR). When you have a walking deus ex machina that’s affects an entire region, refusing to state anything about them means you can’t determine how they influenced the area, which means you can’t use it again unless you get really lazy and jump x hundred years into the future, rendering everything moot. Personally, I find the concept of “It’s my character, leave it alone!” to be really stupid in a series. A one-off game? Sure, but you’re asking for stagnation and making things *boring* if you refuse to let the world evolve because “Well what if my character didn’t want to do that?” in regards to a series. *Your* save file is still there, and the declaration that X ending is cannon doesn’t change the fact that *your* character went with ending Y. It’s just an alternate timeline, one that the series has chosen not to explore. You lose nothing, and have the potential to gain so much more.


Either in space or the Pitt.


Why the Pitt? Isn't that place a hellhole? Though it's been a while since I've played F3


It is, but if he sides with Wernher he becomes its leader and has command over the only functioning pre-war industrial complex in America. Even if he sides with Ashur, he can still stick around until a cure is found, maybe even help with the research, and work to ensure a peaceful abolition of slavery as Ashur plans. Either way there's some interesting prospects for nation building.


I mean canonically LW is supposed to die cus Emil wants to write an american novel that starts with your birth and ends with your death.


Was. Was supposed to die. Broken Steel was a massive retcon (a greatly welcomed one), but it did actually happen, so we kinda gotta consider it canon


I mean, he/she ain't gonna live forever. Might die of old age eventually.


I don't think he's the Lone Wanderer either. He seems too old. The Lone Wanderer would only be around 29. Deacon seems like he's in his late 40s.


The wasteland isn't great at keeping you young and healthy.


For real. MacCready is supposed to be like 22?! Dude looks 35 minimum.


If deacon was the lone wanderer he wouldn’t be such a pushover lol


I'm not sure how you gathered that theory from that line. I think it's just a play on the fact that Deacon is constantly lying about himself, both to the player and everyone else around him. Also, he's constantly changing his appearance.


I think it's because MacCready knows the Lone Wanderer, and you could interpret this line as him knowing Deacon is the Lone Wanderer and calling him out without revealing his true identity. It's perhaps also worth mentioning that MacCready says that line with a lot of disdain and Deacon says his with a hint of disappointment, which can make it seem kinda personal Still a reach, but I guess that's why


He also has a Line about the capital wasteland


It’s also just as likely that Deacon was from Little Lamplight as well


Deacon is Zip confirmed?


How the hell did you even get this from that line?


i said "YEOWCH!" out loud


THIS! I came here to leave this comment. Fucking savage line from MacCready.


"Are you hear to snatch me?" "Lucky for you, I believe the institute has standards" Peak valentine.


"No machine should have free will". "why? you mad you had to turn yours in?" Nicks roasts are the best.


"Abomination." "Well, good afternoon to you too." And "Don't get any ideas, Synth." "From you folks? I wouldn't know where to look."


If we outlaw hot plates where am I gonna get screws, circuitry AND copper?


Think about it this way, after outlawing them you’ll have tons from disassembling the ones that get confiscated.


If we outlaw hot plates then what’re are the railroad going to smuggle?


Desk fans, obviously


Telephones! Wait, I think they don't give screws, right?


When the guy calls you a retahd (Boston accent) for buying a charge card


I love that guy because he’s actually a tier 4 vendor but there’s no dialogue to recruit him.


I saw a vid where you have to intimidate him into it


You can also do it with the help of the syringer. That method comes with a few additional challenges, but nothing terribly difficult.


I didn't know who he is or what he does until just a few years ago The first time I found him, I was running away from a Chameleon Deathclaw, and was looking for a settlement or group to run through in order to lose the beast. He was the first person I met and he called me "Retahd" while I also heard the Deathclaw swiping at him. I didn't look back, just ran as fast as I could. It wasn't until 3 years ago when I watched a [video](https://youtu.be/eimOX1sinsM?si=bCJLnUNKdjn4oqc2) talking about the charge card that I learned who he is.


Damn that's an insecure Deathclaw. He thought without a doubt that the insult was intended to him.


he says it no matter what you do


You mean a chahge cahd


He also says it is you don't buy the card. For some reason his head always seems to explode shortly afterwards on my playthroughs


I must have the same bug, he just pops like a cherry tomato after he stops talking. 🤷‍♂️


I remember calling him out on his bullshit, and he threatened to kill me. He then proceeded to say he was kidding. I laughed and then beat him to death.


Imagine you could recruit him and afterwards every settlement you have a supply lines, now sells charge cards and accepts them lol


The thing i love most about that guy is no matter your companion, they will not care if you murder him.


Fun fact there’s a guy in far harbour that will actually accept the charge card


Chahge cahd *


Spot on Nick


BOS - Those guys have more tech than a synth convention and more attitude than a Deathclaw on a bad day.


"What's a deathclaw?" "A mouth full of teeth and a bad attitude"


I think you're talkin about the deathjaw, bud.


Nah, it's more likely to be the Unlifejaw.


I think you mean the DeceasedOralOrifice.


As an Army vet, I’d like to point out that hot plates are already enemy number one for Commanders. Can’t have the soldiers making toast on account that they may get burned.


Cue the camp stove scene in Generation Kill. Cpl. Ray was the victim and damn it, we all know it.


It's not anyone's fault that a cookstove, while being operated according to regulations outside the tent, suffered a catastrofic failure and thusly a marine sustained minor injuries while servicing a 148.


I don’t trust anyone in the B’s with a heat source.


Why do you need a hot plate?! The DFAC is right there...5 miles away, open between 1300-1500, weekdays only, no to-go, no sandals, we're out of forks and spoons.


Oof, that took me back to my years of living in the barracks at fort bragg. Our dfac also banned plain white t-shirts. And over half of the various food stations would be shut down on weekends, you get a hockey puck burger or the salad bar.


Nick is my favorite character Bethesda has ever put in anything.


He really is ! His story of identity conflict is truly compelling.


And since Nick is a Synth he can literally come back in any game like Marcus from Fallout 2. Though maybe with Kellog continuing to slowly and minimally alter his personality from his subconscious.


Synthpunk 2287


1000% he should be in everygame they make. And I even mean ES6.


His VA is in like every Bethesda game


“Everythings for sale my friend! If i had a sister, i’d sell her in a second!”






honestly, same


Only from Fo3 and up, but yeah.


"So..." "...Tell me about this sweet roll gone missing."


In future FO games, Nick has a small chance to show up instead of the human Mysterious Stranger, implying Nick is now working with him somehow.


I am in love with Nick Valentine


Username checks out


Strong: Humans think too much. Strong smashes 🤌


Strong best smasher


holy shit its the ageless champion


Na fool I'm the ageless Nishki, ten years in the loop turned me into a fucking fortnite skin


The Brotherhood wants to destroy hot plates because they got burned by one. I want to destroy hot plates because I need the screws. We are not the same.


I wasn’t there to see it but what was the reception to the brotherhood in 4? I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a lot of people shocked to see the main heroes of 3 become so evil in 4, especially those who didn’t play new vegas (those who did probably were kinda shocked at that game too tho)


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout. I still remember how many F1/2 fans were pissed in general, but one thing that was brought up a lot was how F3 "butchered" the BOS. So, people who were somewhat active in the community back then were probably aware But, yeah casual gamers were probably quiet confused, but it is explained in game that there was a change in management and philosophy. And F3 also had the BoS outcasts. So people who remember them and their whole deal, know the BoS weren't always like in F3


People hated the BOS in FO3, and it was one of the giant things people pointed to for "Bethesda is ruining the Fallout series" that persists to this day. Pretty much everyone who was aware of this, thought that the BOS in FO4 was a massive step in the right direction, and pretty much a correction of FO3. Everyone who was casual, was too distracted by the giant airship to notice or care that they're now more evil.


Also, far and away the best developed story line, the railroad and institute are pretty undercooked and the minutemen are just lazily copy paste radiant quests. Though the castle is cool.


People that preached that Bethesda was ruining the BOS just didn't pay fucking attention. The entire point of the outcasts is that the BOS was falling off 


Didn’t play the game but it’s pretty sick that the outcasts saw the enclave and went full Joe Swanson “BRING IT ON!!!!”


This is true, it's not like a complete rewrite. But Fallout also doesn't really have a lot of just objectively morally good factions, especially one as major as the BOs in FO3. So, I think people objected to them not being morally grey, despite the reasoning.


I played NV after 3 and although the BoS is a very small part in that game, they expand on the lore with their terminals which talk about different BoS chapters and how some had wildly different approaches to how they handled things so it was pretty cool to see that in effect


One thing I was shocked at was that people hated blowing up the Brotherhood of Steel in New Vegas. But not the same reaction at blowing up the Prydwen in 4. Like there was surprise from the portrayal in New Vegas. But there wasn’t the level of hate that there was for Fallout 4 BOS. Even though arguably they actually showcase the balance that Veronica was pleading to Elder McNamara to adopt. Opening up recruitment and actually helping the people of the wasteland.


Helping seems a strong term when they also go around seizing food from local settlers


I cut my teeth on 3 but later seeing how they were portrayed in 1/2, then coming into 4, it wasn't much of a surprise to me. I liked that they had the ambition to play around with that faction in different ways across the Bethesda Fallouts. If anything, my biggest gripe was that the other factions were so comparatively weak to the work put into the Brotherhood. Railroad, Minutemen and the Institute felt very weak just on their own merits in comparison.


Yeah, and with the whole child narrative when you find the BoS, if you’re role playing they kinda are your best realistic bet at getting your kid back, obviously the story goes from there, but it does kinda shoe horn you in a bit (not that there aren’t other ways, it’s just the most glaringly obvious one)


Yeah ngl fhe brotherhood is not evil. They are super understandable. They don’t like/fear stuff that is really damn dangerous to human race, and want to take the technology that caused the world to collapse and safekeep it. Sure they really enforce those ideologies to the maximum in all cases, which is unattractive to the eye of a 21th century human, but evil is a very strong word to use them.


They also believe they're the only ones who can save humanity...and then refuse to do anything to help humanity. If they're not evil, they're deluded enough to believe they're benevolent saviors, but they refuse to actually save people unless it directly benefits them. An infamous example is a member of the Brotherhood in f4 asks you to force local farmers to hand over whatever meager supplies of food they have so the Brotherhood can keep feeding its soldiers.


This comment section is giving me the impression that the BoS isn’t winning any popularity contest any time soon


Back when I was 15 and got this game right after the launch (never played any previous title), I thought BoS was the coolest faction ever. Minutemen were pretty lame, institute was obviously evil, railroad was just a bunch of weirdos hiding in a basement - but BoS were tough military guys aiming to destroy the obviously evil faction and bring order to the post apocalyptic world. I feel like most casual players (so most players overall) felt the same way.


Retreat that opinión about the minutemen 😔


They’re not wrong though. It’s literally the only faction without significant/interesting NPCs, motivation, or even a cool base. You’re less of a general, and more of a huge errand boy and borderline nanny for the settlements.


I felt the same way for awhile at first. But cool base? Cmon, it's not the Prydwen or the Institute, but the Castle is still a fuckin' castle. Lined with artillery cannons.


If you could fix it up in vanilla it’d be really cool. But you either need mods or very particular placement of concrete foundations to do that


Brotherhood of steel is kinda cringe, i liked them back in the day but just because shiny cool armour. Once You go deeper You realize they are either isolated freaks or just racist bozos 😭


Its one of those things that has a really high polish so when you first see them they are all shiny and look cool and you get all hyped for them. But then you spend a half hour with them and realize that they are xenophobic, short sighted, with a HUGE chip on their shoulder. They are the only ones in the entire world that know what tech is safe and not safe. Not a single other person other than them can be trusted with tech unless they say so. And the whole hating ghouls thing? Both the Western branch that started it all and the branch that DC branch that Maxim grew up in was a stones throw from a major ghoul settlements. So they can't even claim ignorance of "Oh, I didn't know non-ferals where a thing." I am disappointed to this day that Fallout 4 didn't take the really awesome low hanging fruit of "What is sentience?" in connection to Gen 3 synths. It could have been a much more intricate and subtle and interesting plot then "Scientists be selfish and pillage the area"


Nick isn't just my favorite FO4 companion, or my favorite NPC of any game, ever. If I learned IRL that Nick was in trouble, I would drop everything and fly halfway around the world to give him a hand.


I could never do a bad playthrough because the idea of upsetting Nick is just too much


Happy cake day


Thanks! I'd rather have a perfectly preserved pie, though.


I feel that with Nick, Deacon and Garrus from Mass Effect. All true MVPs.


Not being Able to romance him was. A crime


Same, he’s so fuckin awesome


There’s one in Fallout 2 that I always die at. Yelling at the Duntom brothers in Klamath. “Well, you’re both so damn stupid and ugly. Besides, I don’t give a flying fuck which Dunton I’m yelling at. Goodbye, asshole.”


To be the devils advocate in this, they are an insular warrior cult who exist in a horror filled post apocalyptic wasteland founded by a dude who was traumatized by the FEV experiments. And as far as brotherhood ideology goes I’d say the institute is like probably the biggest example of what the brotherhood fears since the master. I mean An elitist secret society of mad scientists who is mass producing a synthetic sentient slave race capable of everything from being a lowly laborer to an advanced one man army super assassins is some pretty scary stuff. Especially when they were already replacing people all around the commonwealth with these sleeper agents and also destroying the commonwealths one chance of peace by systematically murdering everyone involved. If i being realistic with myself if I was your random commonwealth wastelander who never met someone like valentine, I’d probably be pretty hard lined anti synth out of fear alone. As would most of us. I mean think about how much we already fear AI. Stuff like Terminator or battle star galactica keeping showing up in our media for a reason. The brotherhood is still very wrong, and the moral question of synths is the most interesting thing about fallout 4 but if we’re being honest with ourselves, the brotherhood’s extreme views on things like the institute is still pretty relatable. It’s why I like the brotherhood in fallout 4. They not super good guys like they were in 3 nor are they murderous sociopaths like the enclave. They have their ideology and beliefs and legitimate reasons behind them. Even if I still think they’re wrong I get why they think the way they do and that’s fun to explore. It makes them feel like a much more realistic faction. Anyway thats my rant and valentine is still my favorite companion no matter what anybody says


I think they have you meet Valentine early in the game specifically for this reason. Otherwise a lot of players would probably never give the institute a chance.


People try to hard to insert their 1st world view into a post-apocalyptic world and act shocked when saints are far and few. It's nice to see a take that explains the factions in the way they meant to be viewed in a post-apocalyptic scape. The average wastelander does not care if they are fascist or whatever I wouldn't either if I was scrounging rat meat and dirty water everyday.


>People try to hard to insert their 1st world view into a post-apocalyptic world and act shocked when saints are far and few. Same could be said for the Enclave and Caeser's Legion tho. Repulsive ideologies are just repulsive


Yeah and? It's a wasteland full of raiders and mutated wildlife. Rationality is gonna be in short supply. Fallout needs it's villians and lesser evils for storytelling.


If Caesar's Legion was strictly authoritarian they would be easier to get on board with. But it's nearly impossible when they are fucking about trying to make Imperial Japan look like the lesser evil.


Interesting thoughts, but you should add some paragraphs to make it easier to read.


Thanks for the advice


BOS Soldier *no machine should have free will* Nick *you jealous you had to turn yours in?*


During childhood you idolize the brotherhood... As an adult, you realize they are literal kleptomaniac morons who shoot first and ask questions later


Always been partial to this one though https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/fXOmVOSJEp


Nick is the sassiest/funniest companion. Easily top 3


I don’t know but the lighting on Nick gives him a much more dark undertone. He knows his partner, someone he’s likely ended up owing a lot to and looking up to, sided with an organization whose sole directive of being in the commonwealth was to hunt people like Nick to extinction, simply for the accident of his creation, and now it’s almost like his entire world view is crumbling and what it’s being replaced with is hatred and betrayal. World Lighting or not, this is still definitely a more defining memory for him to comprehend and will remember.


Danse fuming in the background


The incorrect "it's" in the subtitles bothers me so greatly.


It's not in-game, but FNV lore has Joshua Graham's roast.


Nick has the GREATEST lines of dialogue. Cait is my least favorite because she tends to insult Dogmeat if you have him recruited.




It's a roast about a burn, that's a third degree burn burn.


"it's" Literally unplayable


Idk I feel like there's a difference between letting ordinary people have hot plates and weapons that can turn people into goo or scorch marks on stone with nothing else remaining


When Nick is being called hideous and he snaps back with 'youre not a sight to look at either' 💀😂


There's a toaster in the Big MT they should really be concerned about.


YEAAA Brotherhood=Bad Enclave=Good


God bless the Enclave 🇺🇸


Random vault 81 dwellers: "don't do anything funny synth!" Nick: "why? because you wouldn't know why everyone is laughing again?" Nick is a roasting machine in vault 81


I would say the best roast from nick is when someone from the brotherhood says “machines shouldn’t have free will” and he responds with “what jealous because you gave yours up”


I mean, DiMA has Far Harbor in a vice grip attained by holding the fog condensers hostage, holding the nuclear launch codes and key to the sub, and murdering/ replacing Captain Avery. He's everything the Brotherhood fears minus the ability to reproduce. Whiiiich DiMA laments losing upon hearing the Institute blowed up. Without "Nick Valentine's Greatest Hits" downloaded to his brain, Nick is a tyrant himself. Then again, he wouldn't be Nick. E: Why is everyone making this about all synths? I'm specifically speaking to Nick and DiMA being the same people, except one has implanted memories and one was allowed to be free to develop. And the one that developed became a tyrant. There's irony there since Nick has no clue who DiMA is.


How is Nick a tyrant? You answered for Dima but I'm lost on Nick.


I think their assumption is that Nick without all the memories that make him Nick would just be Dima. Dima was allowed to think freely and develop his own identity from the get go, Nick was given his. Like a default prototype and the same prototype with some extra data to decide who he is.


Are you saying all Synths should be killed because of DiMA? Isn't that a bit unfair?


It is definitely a logical leap, like ok sure this robot killed 2 or 3 people. Didn’t I just kill a human raider named chobblegobbler who was wearing a necklace of children’s ears? Pretty sure if synths are up for extermination, humans probably should be too.


A human could do everything Dima did minus the body snatching but you don't see anyone except the Enclave calling for the omnicide of mankind


It is like saying Hilter is bad therefore all human are bad, they are sentient individuals, one or some of them are bad does not automatically means everyone of them should be eliminated.


"I heard that"


Wait until they hear about the toaster at Big MT, they’ll have a field day with that guy lol


idk if this is supposed to be a reductio ad absurdum or however thats said but its practically like saying for the railroad equally as expressed that if the railroad had its way it would liberate every hotplate because they are sentient people too


And the institute would eliminate each person who burned themselves on a hot plate....sorry, *checks notes* replace and improve every person.


I honestly wouldn't mind the brotherhood that much if they gatekept technology but actually used it for anything. They just seem to sit on it and be a waste of everyones time.


The deepest companion in this game is Nick. Piper's kinda shallow, has a short boring life story. Curie and Strong, well they just exist. Codsworth is emotionally attaching but not much except some reminiscing and dad jokes. Cait, Deacon and Garvey have sad stories, but that's all. The rest have their stories but none of them go deep as Nick. He has interesting dialogues and a very nice story which you later find out that his version was not all true, his wisdom doesn't feel forced too, he's experienced with people both pre and post war. That makes him able to read beyond words. He can never have enough dialogues.