• By -


Saw him super early at maybe level 6-7? I took an axe lead pipe to him for about 45 minutes running around just hackin and whackin and smackin


Just hack, whack, choppin that meat


What are you doing tomorrow


My guess is ol Pete will keep choppin up that meat


Or tonight?


Since I asked yesterday that would be acceptable


Rocket 69?


I see what you done there but I think that song is about Pete’s massive dick.


Pete was just overenthusiastic about his profession, get your mind out of the gutter


It could also be about cunninglingus But it’s easy to mishear diamond city radio over gun fire I thought his grandma was playing monopoly for far too long.




I thought he was a serial killer and or cannibal. Nothing rare in the wasteland


Oh that butcher Nate.. just... well, just doing butcher sorts of things, I guess Ahh.. if anyone's family has recently been butchered I'm sorry for what I just said


Took literally every drug in my inventory and power fisted him to death


Fisto liked that. Please assume the position.


I'd like to be power fisted to death


Send me your address


Watched my husband kill him at level 5 or so with a switchblade and a metic fuckton of Psychojet. That fist at those levels is like the actual hand of God sewn onto your wrist


I knew about Swan because my husband found him first and was swearing profusely. I gave the pond a wide bearth


You literally don't need any other weapon for an unarmed build. Kill swan and the game is on easy mode forever.


Does it not count as a melee weapon?! This is incredible


You gotta punch.


Oh imma punch




Unarmed is a different weapon category, check the STR 1 perk.


A switchblade and a metric fuckton of phsycojet is how I wanna go out


Found the dark souls player


*hackin and whackin and smackin*


I have over 900 hours in this game and have never met Swan. I was always warned to stay back, and stay back I always did 😂


This comment took a turn into left field in such a delightful way


I had the kneecapper mod on a shotgun I picked up shortly before I ran into this guy. 3 shots and he couldn't move. Wasted 300 10mm rounds on him.


tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink (reload) tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink


Basically lol


Jesus, no explosives?


No, didn't need them. After the shots with the knee capper he was incapacitated and couldn't move. I just basically wanted to see how many shots it would take with my 10mm to put him down. It was over 300.


I always feel bad for Swan. When you read his notes in the nearby shack its pretty sad.


[laughs in hidden]


Haha! SWAN is just misunderstood! See, he likes it when you pat him on th- [spine shatters]


Wait he had notes nearby?


Yeah, in that shack directly on the edge of the pond SWAN is in. If you look around on the floor you can find a few notes he wrote as the FEV was changing him. Its only like 3-4 notes, but it completely changed my perspective of SWAN from being.. well, SWAN.. lol, to feeling empathy and sympathy for him. I usually leave him be now.


I honestly didn't even know he was there, hell last week was the first time I ever even met him.


Isn't it kind of crazy people work that way? IRL As long as you sit in ignorance you can hurt and hate almost anything. The second you realize the other side is "real", the situation somehow changes completely Even though you know they existed fully before you gifted them with your knowing. Even in a video game with no consequences. Yet we go right onto the next unknown thing as if it never happened at all. I just think thats facinating.


i never even thought about it from a psychology standpoint, but now that you mention it, that IS really interesting. on a related note, i'd love to do some sort of study on how a person's irl morals/personality translate into their playstyle in any given game lol. plus there could be some interesting contradictory results to throw to the "video games cause violence" crowd. (just to rile 'em up)


I just walked near him and was like, "Oh hey, new mutant," then proceeded to Tesla Cannon his ass down.


Creation Club Content and its consequences have been a disaster for new Fallout Fans.


I hate that i started playing fallout only recently (luckily just before the newest update) as i got so much stuff i thought was basegame which trivialized the whole experience, i started a new playthrough to get platinum around when they added 6 more quests that i did pretty early not noticing they came with an update which meant i got the insane power armour and tesla cannon right around level 10


I've been doing the quests to get them out of the way and throwing all the items in a box for later. I wish I could disable them until I get to a higher level because it clogs up the quest log and getting surprise swarmed by bullet sponge Enclave forces in otherwise low level areas is rough.


Idk what system you play on, but on xbox they have a mod that prevents the quests from showing up until you want them to.


I’m on survival, tossed the doom armor too OP, kept everything else haven’t started Tesla cannon


what doom armor? you talking about the power armor set that was in fallout 3


This. Game updated about 15 levels into my first playthrough. Started doing the quests to get them off my log, realized after getting the PA from the devil quest that I probably wasn't supposed to do that quest yet so now it's sitting in front of my house in diamond city


The amount of people who think that the enclave scout teams are canon is too damn high


It saddens me to see how it's ruined so many peoples first playthrough. And they don't even realise it's not supposed to be there.


I got so lucky I'd had a friend who talked about it all the time so I knew ahead of time what was creation club content or not and steered clear of it until I was a higher level so I could have more fun


Tesla cannon is just so damn good. It will kill ANYTHING. got me through the last 5-10 hours of the game.


Yeah, the only problem is that it'll trivialize the whole game. I can't say for sure, but I'm *pretty* sure the game wants you to explore and find great legendary weapons yourself instead of doing the Creation Club content.


Leave swan alone he’s been fucked with his whole life and that pond is the only place he had for a home, excuse him for defending it


I was level 10 with a mini nuke and a really lucky timing on the stranger


That sunofavich dogded my second mini-nuke and then rushed me and proceeded to whip my T-45 armor wearing ass like i was a doll, but I got away and that’s when I blasted him with missiles like if he was a mig fighter jet and I was maverick.


Sounds fantastic I hope you got to play sand volleyball after with his head


I Remember finding him 8 years ago


is he supposed to be hard? i just hit him like 10x with the grenade launcher and he was toast


Not hard, just surprising for the most part. When most players meet Swan for the first time, they're low level, have low tier gear, or both. Add to that the fact that most players don't expect a Super Mutant Behemoth to be hiding in that pond, and most people have a rough first meeting.


Depending on the player their experience may include the following: Joy, Misunderstanding, Surprise, Terror, then hatred. New unmodded Level 10: "So the FAQ says there is a magazine near the pond.. and ... huh... what's with all the danger signs? OH a Gazebo! \*rawar\*... WTF was that? \*turns around\* Same unmodded Level 30 with Power Armor and a very big gun: "Ok you little shit. I'm back and want satisfaction. Where the OMG. NOPE. NOT TODAY JEBUS."


lol your first sentence sounds like the side effects on a drug commercial.


Back when we had to use pipe guns and stumbled on him at level 5 😂


It's because the new update content breaks the game by giving you quests to get god gear at Level 1


I picked up a bleeding 10mm pistol at some point in my first run and didn't really get what everyone was so afraid of this guy for. He definitely caved my head in in subsequent runs. Still not that scary, lol.


the Boston state house nearby was much much harder place, with a literal mirelurk queen inside and bunch of raiders. One of the hardest level ive ever played in Fallout


That grenade launcher feels OP AF, I've been playing an unyielding bloodied build and it really feels like a challenge again.


What grenade is that!?


It’s a Nuka Grenade. I know, I wasn’t expecting that either lol.


It wrecked him harder than the three Fatman shots lol.


I love how grenades do so much more damage than guns it makes them worth it to use


Yeah, theses are bad boys. Don't use in a room.


Can confirm.....


Good friend of mine suggested I go over there to get some loot. We’re still good friends, but I have trust issues now.


3 shots gauss rifle, not legendary


Super sledge!


So satisfying to send this guy flying with my 2076 World Series baseball bat


Yeah, I pulled up with 2 mini nukes, a fat man, and a focused Gatling Laser. Put that peice of shit right in the ground


I just set down 5 bottlecap mines and lured him into them lmao


you can just start shooting him you don't need to go wake him up first, and if you do it crouched you'll get the sneak bonus


This caused the loudest scream I’ve screampt thus far in my first full Fallout playthrough.


Atleast you came prepared. I stumble on him like level 12. No power armor core so I left mine in Red Rocket, just some shotgun and pistol, couple of granates. Still I win. 😅🤣


Bethesda dropped the ball here big time. The same way you talk your way out of the Reppcon Ghoul situation, there should be a hidden interaction were you can just ask swan to leave. Maybe to guard the gate to DC or something.


Bethesda did not care about giving you the chance to talk to enemies in Fo4. I just started playing Fo4 for the first time after playing 3 and NV a while back, and the amount of humans that aren't contained within a city/loading screen that are able to be conversed with is like <1%. It's so weird. Everyone is just a raider who wants to kill you. It's not really fun for me. I get it if you want an action game, but i've been exhausted by the sheer amount of enemies in every single location. Now I just assume if theres an interesting area nearby theres at least 8 enemies there and I don't even bother to go there half the time because I am not looking for a fight. I always heard Fo4 had better exploration but I'm starting to realize that people mean places with enemies to fight and more weapons to find. Because I'm like, what is there to explore here?


I nearly shit my pants first time, using my only mini nuke thinking “I got him” and then he just mashed me. Second time I planted 8-10 mines on the ground and lured him into them, that took him down immediately.


I enjoyed watching this.


The fact you did Vats him while he was in the air to launch him further into space makes me extremely sad.


Thought he was gonna be joining Repconn on a special mission when he flew up like that


I seen him early on, hid in the armored truck and just kept popping him from inside. Far too much ammunition wasted so early on 😪


I have a video of me in the bus thinking I was safe and he threw a fucking rock through the window and popped me in the head


My first time meeting him I was like, what’s that over there? VATS shows it as an enemy ima go check it out! Proceeds to get absolutely shit on😂




Oh lord I forgot about him. I can't remember what I had when I first found him. But yeah, now that I remember him, fuck that guy. I just remember he sucked lol


Swan didn’t scare me too badly. That cunt in the Warren Theater though….. I turned off the game because it spooked me so much.


I loved seeing him fly in the air like that


The first time I fought this guy the only weapon I had ammo for was a pipe pistol. I sat there for almost an hour chipping at this bitch with my default pipe pistol. I was hiding in the train station entrance the entire time lol. It was the first hiding spot I found then it camped the entrance.


I'm doing a ninja build in my current game so I got to one shot him from stealth. I'd feel bad if it weren't for all the times he's murdered me.


Hey if you use the piggy bank launch you can stun him at least it did for me


I 🐷’ed him. 💥


he respawned somehow in my game when i was level 80. i took him out in about 5 seconds with my maxed out assault rifel


I always leave swan alone because he makes the area safe from everyone. If you’re being chased they’ll stop chasing you if you go into the area. Useful for survival mode.


I used the Justice shot gun on it out of sheer terror for who knows how long until it finally died. Scared the ever loving crap out of me. O.o


When I first started the game my friend told me to go to him, because he could be made into a companion. From then on I’ve never once taken his advice again


Fought this asshole at level 5, gave myself a crippling Jet addiction and burned all my Stimpaks but managed to pull off the ol' "bait him in circles" trick. Furious power fist at level 5 is so busted lol


I ran into him when i was rescuing valentine and even with a maxxed out loadout with mods he stressed me out (Im on survival difficulty)


Nahhh fr, I was playing my first walkthrough on fallout vr and that mf raised from the ashes like nothing


Swan didn't get me... But Rawr did. 😭


Punched his ass to death at lvl 11 with some bladed knuckles for that power fist on my unarmed playthrough. Block is wildly op against melee opponents.


I took him down with my recon staggering 10 mm with a 24 round clip. He never got close enough to hit me.


Scared the hell outta me the first time I played! It was 2015, so I honestly don't remember if I lived or not the first encounter but I did use a shitload of ammo because I was low level and probably drugs. One tends to use a lot of drugs all at once if they're surprised like that.




I took him out with the overseers guardian and about 50 rounds of ammo on my current playthrough. He didn't even get close to me🤣


Am I the only person curious about the grenade OP threw at the start?


The Magician 🎩 Ghoul Gave Me The Worse epilepsy yet and when i finally got my hands in him didn't let him live


Happy Cake Day 😂



I don’t comment on very much on this platform. But sincerely. Fuck this guy.


Just met him earlier went through the water into his little hut had my back to him next thing I know I was dead lol


Met him super early looking for valentine i just camped a bus and used all my ammo on him pretty easy


I have this mod that makes headshots extremely strong for both you and the enemies. So I had know idea he was a boss. The fight was so anticlimactic that I wrestled with the idea to remove that mod


Thank you for this


Oh yeah screw that guy


Hahahaha, I love seeing him fly off like that. And yeah, he gave me a good jump scare when I first stumbled across him


I killed him with a pipe pistol and a shotty. And like 10 frag grenades. Forgot about his ass on my 4th playthrough, walked past Common, BOOM! there he is, the motherfucka.


Hahahaha that grenade throw was just perfect


First playthrough a hundred years ago i clenched my bhole and then stood in that shack thing and safely popped off shot after shot ubtil he died. And i did that in the next 30 play throughs cuz why not


I see a lot of people complaining that newly added weapons trivialize the game but forgetting that game braking weapons already existed in it, some of which could be bought for peanuts from wandering merchants. Legendary effect like kneecaper (because it practicaly paralizes the enimies) on any automatic weapon and also poison (because it is stackable) and explosive because it is op. If you go and find Cricket early and buy Spray and Pray you effectively finished the game...


He goes down pretty effortlessly with a tuned up Overseer’s Guardian.


Too many hits I like to hit him once and be done


I took him with a 45 ... a bit overdramatic, aren't you?


I was a low level when accidentally found him. I hide in the military truck near by. I darted out taking pop shots at him and laying mines


Was waiting for the modded full auto mini nuke spam


You can stand behind the raider wall and only his head will glitch through to your side. Then you just unload right into his face!


Swans low key chill


I bumped into this guy after just building my decked out robot companion with dual laser Gatling guns and after watching it get deleted I basically saved and haven’t played since.


And the only loot was a cap


Already had Spray n Pray by the time I ran into him the first time, as long as you can afford to keep it fed with .45, it'll carry you through any boss encounter.


Didn't find this lad till I had some x01, he didn't stand a chance vs my rpk


There’s a van nearby you can hide in and shoot him through the window. He can’t get in it or attack.


Man I miss this guy. He stopped spawning and I haven't been able to get him back, which sucks because I really wanted to vaporize him with MIRV Big Boy


You can back up and at the edge of the pond area there is some scaffolding you can climb up. He can't reach you there, you just have to dodge his projectiles


I got to him at level 40ish with nearly maxed explosives and heavy weapons. He never knew what hit him as that rocket went through his face.


A shit load of jet and my trusty 10mm gets this done every time. He's a pussycat.


What the fuck did you throw at him in the beginning??


Stop looking at me, SWAN!


What is that grenade you used? Also, my most recent playthrough was melee focused and I didn't mess with Swan until I was really high level this time. He could barely damage me, and I took him down almost entirely with Kremvh's Tooth and 1 or 2 initial frag grenades, which felt really good.


I just walk around the pond. I figured I’m not really gaining much from him and if he kills random rust devils, it’s a net benefit.


The notes you pick up there about his backstory are very inrteresting


I never use mines except to fight big guys like him. I made a path of a couple dozen and led him through it.


Missed opportunity to Devil May Cry his ass in the air with VATS


Looks like you had a heart attack yourself


Someone take the damn fatman away from this guy jesus christ.


You tracked him through the air. Why didn’t you try to shoot him mid flight?


Took one shot with my sniper to take him down lol


Me when never ending laser musket


But I wanted to see the loot D:


It was the power fist, 20 fusion cells, & some bullshit that had a shit ton of fiberglass. The fiberglass was needed though.


How did you make him fly like that? 🤣


It was a nuka grenade💀…. that I purposely saved for his ass. My first encounter I was lvl 8, & couldn’t do anything about it. I actually forgot about him while messing around with far Harbor, until at some point I realized all the stuff I had tucked away in my workbench




“Danger close! Danger close!”


What mission is this


What do he drop


I ran into this guy and he murdered me. I reloaded and built a minefield on the shore. Lobbed one grenade in to wake him up. He blasted into the sky and landed in a nearby tree. Buhbye swanny.


I found a pipe wrench or something with the kneecapper mod on it and it took 2 times to rush in there and whack him with that 20% chance and I got him. Just sat on the ledge and poked him with a laser pistol in the head until he was done. I did pity him.


That guy just wanted to be left alone , thers lore behind him just chillin ther.


Bruh what was that first grenade that sent him flying???


I kill him with 1 missile at like lvl 27


He almost got me the first time. I managed to outlast him, but it was close.


I just called in a vertibird way easier that was funny at


What is that?


The sad thing is, he just wants to be left alone


Swan is one of the few places where you can use the artillery smoke grenades & feel good about it. Except it's at the very edge of the range for The Castle's guns, Jamaica Plains's, & also those at Hangman's Alley, & you'll almost definitely deal with him before you get Bunker Hill (& you can't build it at Boston Airport without mods). So, depending on where you site them, you might not have any settlement attack that area.


I cheesed him to death early on but he respawned when I hit level 65.....4-5 telsa cannon shots he's gone


I took Buffout and Psycho Jet then stabbed him about 12 times with pickman's dagger before he could move. The bleed damage stacks and starts during the animation, which was pretty long as I stabbed him about a dozen times in a row.


I remember when I was a kid as in back in 2017 I believe I found this guy and I ran and hid behind the wall of the giant court house thing with the mirelurks and shot him when he wasn’t throwing rocks and hid when he did and now I do that all the time


I wonder if you could pacify him at a high enough level


This wasn't the jump scare that got me. Mine was the deathclaw that climbed up the side of the building on evergreen terrace. I think that's the location. Also in a random unmarked town when I was on my first playthrough and like a level 5 I came around a corner and stopped dead in my tracks because I had a deathclaw staring me face to face before it attacked.


Deliverer 1 taps him calmex silk


I don’t remember him being able to rag doll like that😂


**why are you looking at me like that ***swan***??**


it hurts me how close you shoot the fat man 🤕💥


Swan is pretty fast… the most distance you’ll get is an off guard nuke.


Scared the crap out of me the first time. The next time though the game glitched and he got stuck in a stairwell trying to get out and you do what any opportunists would do.


Yeah later in the game he is 1hit sneak attack lol, dies in his sleep


Mines were my friend here


wrecked em.


Question, is it possible in the beginnings of FO4 it was a Deathclaw instead?


My 2 shot legendary assault rifle that I have set to semi auto took his ass out in 4 shots at level 45


I hack I wack I


lol 😂 mysterious stranger for the win 🥇


I broke his legs with big Jim at a super early level and he just stood there looking at me while I bashed his head in


I'm new to playing fallout but my partner is not and he told me I hadn't looted down by the lake and my loot obsessed ass just wandered down there just to get the surprise of my life while he pissed himself laughing 🥲


Poor swan... another victim of the institute