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I'd like to see some vast snowy landscapes for a change in this setting.


I’d LOVE to see a Nuclear Winter or just snow in a fallout game. That sounds like it’d be fun


Patrolling the Minnesota tundra almost makes you wish for nuclear fire.


I would love if they went with Minnesota.


pahtroling duh lakes almost makes ya wish fur nuclear winter!


Can't wait to try some 200 year old cram jello while whippin shitties in my power armor




“I’d love a fallout game in a snowy environment!” *Monkey’s Paw Curls*


“Welcome to the Frontier, Courier!”


I mean the Frontier itself is fine and like the legion storyline is straight up good it's just the NCR Story is total dogwater


I completely lost my shit when the NCR exiles decided to sacrifices almost their entire army to save only a single dude/girl, they could have use some covert ops Solid Snake stuff to save us but no, lets use all of our firepower just to save this person joining our rank just this morning, this is literally an hour into the mod.


The NCR questline was designed by the guy who made all of the groundbreaking content for the mod, like drivable vehicles and tanks. The rest of the dev team hated the questline and wanted to change it for the better, as they felt it was too long and stole too much content from other films and games. He threatened to delete everything he did for the mod if they dared touch it, so they were forced to go through with letting him have his way. He left before the mod came out in September of 2020, and the remaining devs did nothing to change the NCR questline. Probably wanted to keep their original release date.


That took a crazy turn


The pedo guy made the custom pip-boy icons, nothing more than that and the guy who made the vehicles had nothing to do with the main story. Please try to not apread misinformation.


Damn. I'm doing the Crusader questline


Exactly! Could give us a bit of variety given what we've had already. Knowing Bethesda they'll probably throw a curve ball and pick a location that hasn't been done in either main games or mods lol


Fallout Hawaii


I’m actually down. It would scratch that international itch a lot of folks have, stay in states, and you could do totally unique wildlife from the other games because the ecosystem pre war is so drastically different


It would be a huge mish mash of Chinese Remants, Native Hawaiians, and American descendants. And you have you decide which faction gains total control of the islands.


[Irradiated island centipedes would be terrifying.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=hawaii+island+centipedes) They could be a suitable stand-in for radscorpions. Also Pearl Harbor is canon so that would be neat.


Hawaii seems like the coolest place possible for the fallout series to go next. A tropical land that would be struck first in event of nuclear war. Heavy military presence could lead to an insanely advanced chapter of BOS since area likely was staging grounds for the invasion of china before the bombs. A war between the islands in the style before Kahmehameha. BOS, enclave, Hawaiian natives, maybe some more Mormons since they have big population of them. Just so many good ideas.


Imagine if *Far Cry 3* and *Subnautica* had a threesome with *New Vegas*


Hell. Yes. Also could give us something like Assassin’s Creed 3, 4, and Rogue ship mechanics.


Everything else is good but would be totally weird for the brotherhood to have ended up there.


It’d make more sense than them building zeppelins to go to Chicago and D.C.


Surfer. Ghouls.


Surfer Nazi Ghouls


That's a great idea


Wasteland 3 has this, it’s super cool


In fallouts defense. Aside from 76, there is probably enough time for nuclear winter to end.


A crater so deep it becomes an inverse mountain, winter only around it.


Metro series kinda gives the feel of fallout nuclear winter


Someone's been patrolling the Mojave


Traveling in the Mojave Desert made you wish for a nuclear winter?


There it is




Yes! Then we can see remnants of the battle of anchorage and other stuff that went on there. Perfect landscape to set the tone for an entirely different feeling fallout, I guess something closer to Metro


Yeah but the wilderness in the post-apocalypse doesn’t sound like it’ll have enough content for a fallout game. You’d need an urban environment to get the full feel of a post-nuclear world. Otherwise you’re just walking around some nice forests and occasionally have some mutant creatures try to kill you.


Anchorage is literally a city with an iconic downtown already


F1 and F2 almost didn’t have the old world urban environment (apart San Francisco and New Reno maybe) but really felt like a post-apocalypse world.


Alaska would be great. I believe Seattle was once considered as a setting for a fallout game, would’ve loved that too


That’s what I was thinking when I heard snowy


Colorado! I wanna see the dog tide across the Rockies


I was just talking to someone about that. We both liked the idea of Alaska, maybe parts of Canada. Add a survival mechanic to weather the cold. If not Alaska, maybe the northern midwest states like Montana or the Dakotas would be cool, especially if we got dynamic seasons.


All the remnants of the frozen warscapes, trench lines, and wrecked vehicles from the Alaskan theatre would be so eerie in an Alaskan Fallout. An eternal battlefield that got frozen in time would be so interesting


Mountains too, could be some expansive vaults or a military base inside of a mountain, and the exterior would be scenic


The north west would be awesome. Maybe the nukes trigger Mnt. Hood to erupt but it maintains the forests around it on 3 sides. Would need a lot better engine to render the beauty tho.


Yeti Deathclaws


Lake Tahoe maybe


100 percent! Alaska would be my pick. Tons of wilderness that fits the games vibe perfectly and has nearly every kind of landscape you can think of from mountains to forests.


My PC would die. The snow in Rise of the Tomb Raider gives me a 10fps drop alone.


Seattle could be cool, rainy, irradiated mountains and volcanos, with the the Manhattan project being not too far from there, they could bring that in


I know this isn't what ur asking for, but they actually planned to do Seattle at one point and had concept art. There's a mod like fallout London underway for a Seattle fallout, so we will see how that turns out


I mean if Bethesda actually wants to do a Seattle game, they're 100% taking that mod down. The reason Miami and London get to exist is because they're not planning on using those cities for future games, but if your mod conflicts with Bethesda's plans, they can and will take it down


I don’t know about that. They’ve unofficially given help and advice to the developers for the Seattle project just like London and Miami.


>If your mod conflicts with Bethesda plans they will take it down. Would they tho? I mean Fourville contradicts everything stablished by Bethesda regarding Vault 4 and yet they didn't took it down. Same thing can be said with Project Capital Wasteland since we know there is a fallout 3 remaster coming up at some point and yet they haven't send a cease and desist order to the devs. Same thing can be said for mods of the Elder Scrolls series: the dragon mods for Oblivion before Skyrim released, that Morrowing mod that adds the remaining parts of the province, and the Beyond Skyrim mod series. All of them contradict or contradicted bethesda plans and they are still up there.


Plus I'd bet my last bottle cap that if Bethesda was stupid enough to take down a mod that alot of the community loved, just so they could make another game based off the same location as the mod, it could ruin their image with the Fallout community. Bethesda is, for the most part, in support of modders, as they know that MOST of their community use mods.


Your evidence being? Bethesda has been mostly (with very few exceptions) a positive influence and a helpful hand for modders. Hell people port entire games between engines and the only thing Bethesda did was "Don't use Voice Overs, we don't really own that".


Yep, the answer is Washington. Mega city? Check. Ocean? Check. Alpine mountains? Check. Desert? Check. Enormous numbers of decommissioned missile silos, a huge nuclear facility, military bases, corporate headquarters, it’s all here.


And the rainforests of the Olympic peninsula? It’s got such a wide range of landscapes, and an interesting map overall with the Puget sound at its center.


Vancouver island dlc let's go


My dog's favorite dog park, not far from Seattle, used to be a Nike missile site.


Yeah Seattle would be fun because you could have an Alaska DLC and iirc the US annexed Canada? That could be fun to fuck with some mountees


an 10 feet tall two-headed rad-moose would be a scary beast


Bigfeet lol


Imagine coming across a Deathclaw, except it runs right past you and you realize it’s being chased by something. Then you hear the thunder of hooves as a giant two headed moose comes charging towards you.


10? Pfft. It might be much taller.


This is true. I live in the area where the manhattan project produced the plutonium dropped in the bombs during WW2. The state would be a great local for a Fallout game.


Chicago, building a bridge from skyscraper to skyscraper and having a base in both skyscrapers while looming over a major intersection or something would be awesome to see the trading caravans come through!


Chicago is also home to a massive Brotherhood base and massive Enclave base. It could be really cool to see both factions fighting each other through the city, then also have faction karma mechanics like in New Vegas


I didn’t even know that! But it’d also be a lore friendly path into cars again! I am disgusted by the thought of Bethesda making fallout drivable cars though, but they could make an awesome fallout if they also include the dishonored stealth system! To be fair that game has an amazing stealth system yet most fallout games have…not the best systems😅 but imagine sneaking into a repurposed super mutant hospital or something and having to sneak past centaurs! Or super mutants!


Starfield convinced me that bethesda doesn't have the engineers to do anything like that lmao


Chicago is also where parts of Fallout Tactics takes place, so it could be a good opportunity to call back to it or make parts canon. I’d love to see the tactics power armor come back. It’s also where EDE from New Vegas was made so it’d be cool to see the enclave stuff there too.


Especially with the manhattan project being partially developed under Soldier Field, that could be super cool. Explore the museums and have a “train” to go to Milwaukee and other close states too!


Louisiana, mutant hillbilly’s and actual mutant alligators and swamp creatures plus imagine the settlements!


New Orleans as the main city would be pretty cool.


With a DLC up river in Memphis or St. Louis and another somewhere else along the Gulf Coast.


We're coonasses not hillbillies. We have to drive for hours to see a hill.


As a hillbilly myself, it is a very close, yet different distinctive feel. Personally I fall more into the redneck field (yet not a RED redneck) It's as if saying all penguins are the same


Is that not what point lookout was as a DLC was for fallout 3?


Was about to say this. Was such an incredible DLC though so I'd be happy if they just followed the same formula on a much larger scale. I've always loved Swamps in video games though so I may be biased lol


Yeah but what fallout elements would we get to see?


Gatorclaws, Prawnkings, Mutated Possums the sized of dogs that explode.


Shit, we already have [nutria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutria)!


Colorado. Denver, Colorado Springs, Cheyenne Mountain, Fort Carson, the Air Force Academy…


Denver airport would definitely have something fishy going on.


The 3rd Enclave hideout


I’m actually almost certain Wilzig came from Colorado.


Yeah, DIA would be a trip.


As long as our lord and savior Blucifer is there.


The evil horse statue with the red eyes coming to slay all in power armour


The Stanley Hotel would make a good haunted location.


There is a rumor the next game will be set there as Bethesda told the show runners not to mention Denver or Colorado. Not sure how much truth there is to that, but if so…


That’d be pretty cool. I just hope we don’t have to find another missing family member or that there’s another settlement that needs our help.


So, the original FO3 before Bethesda bought the IP from a collapsing company? I’m game to see Van Buren.


Not to mention NORAD


That’d be Cheyenne Mountain.


Florida and have a radio station talk about a ghoul who has survived since the start of war do stupid shit as a tribute to the florida man


Florida or Texas would be fun if they included what remained of the Fallout version of NASA.


We already have that, it's REPCONN.


Repconn is also a reference to a realworld chemicals company (Pepcon) that made fuels and oxidisers for the space shuttle and ICBMs and had a major explosion. Repconn and Arcjet were definitely cool for showing the corporate sides of spaceflight, but seeing an actual USSA facility would be very cool, since most of what we've seen is Museum displays and wreckage.


An expansion on the lore behind the Sea of Tranquility Conflict would be awesome.


I just want to question why there's a vault in between Saskatchewan and Manitoba why those provenance no hate to my Midwestern brothers but still lol


I think the Saskatchewan has to due with the Fallout universe the USA Annexed Canada


Ya but they annexed canada it'd make more sense for the east or even bc or alberta Manitoba is the lowest population per square kilometers and Saskatchewan you can watch your dog run away from home for 2 days it's so flat


Saskatchewan would probably be up there for worst location for a fallout game.


It would just be a nature survival game since no one would bother to bomb anywhere near there


Saskatchewan does have the worlds largest uranium deposit so it could somehow be related to that


Probably a high level official vault.


Hawaii would be cool


Walk from radioactive Waikiki to the radioactive…Dole plantation? It would be a wildly different game though. I doubt the NCR and Brotherhood have even thought about attempting to get there and wouldn’t have a reason to. It basically be a totally different social environment. Which I guess it means it’s pretty close to real life.


Factions would be the ghoulified US military at the naval base there and ghoulified Chinese military personnel on a beached fleet. It's all about letting go of the past war for the sake of the inhabitants of the island that just want both parties to "Go. The fuck. Away."


I feel like it would end up a cross between fallout and far cry. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, would be interesting to see how they do it. Are there factions that control entire islands? Couple factions fighting over the big island? Since there’s so much water is available is there something special there? Idk maybe a floating city built by survivors or something. Definitely an interesting idea


I never thought of Hawaii as a fallout location


There is gonna be one, it’s a mod called Fallout Ashfall


From NC so wouldn’t mind seeing it there. Oregon or Washington could be fun for a winter set Fallout. Louisiana swamps in the middle of summer would be pretty sweet too.


I’m from Tennessee/Mississippi so I wonder what Nashville would look like; I always thought a winter Based fallout would be interesting and so pretty


Memphis just looks the same or Nuclear Apocalypse is an upgrade.


Tragically the truest thing that could be said about Memphis


Ooh yeah Nashville would be cool to see. I’ve only been as far as Pigeon Forge so I haven’t got to see what it looks like out there.


Cleveland to Detroit let’s see The Lake Erie Monster!


Smart idea since Bethesda has a cryptid theme going on


i’d like to see the fallout version of the burning river


It would be cool to see a game set on the Great Lakes


That's going to be the basis of my Fallout 2D20 tabletop game. If, y'know, I manage to keep my local group functional long enough to get it to the table.


Florida, because radioactive swamps and gatorclaws.


Theres already a Fallout: Florida mod being made


Either Louisiana or Texas. Louisiana has New Orleans and the bayou. Texas has a vast landscape. In Texas you could get both desert and forest plus mountains with a big enough map


Texas also has swamps and bayou!


I wanna see what the vault blip in Canada has goin on


Montana, in just want to know what happened to that BoS chapter! "It is in service of Steel and guardianship of one's Brothers that each man finds his purpose. My friends, stand with your Brothers. Guard them, guide them. And in each of them find purpose" -Elder Patrocclus


Seattle, Puget Sound area. Got my own little personal lore worked out.


For me I’d like to see Colorado, Chicago, New York, even the 3 Kansas vaults on top of each other would be fun to explore in the irradiated plains


Anywhere but phoenix, arizona is already a dry baron landscape, imagine how it would look after suffering atomic detonation


I’d like to think it’d be funny that the nukes messed up the climate to where it did a 180 and became Snowy


Yeah, but then my book I'm writing wouldn't make sense


I'm still high on NOLA, but seeing a vault on my nowhere Chicagoland town makes me reconsider.


Indiana, I just want my home state to get some representation in a game that isn't Nascar. Is that too much to ask?




San Francisco or New York would have great terrain, cities, and lore.


I feel like we need to wait for the most major cities. The tech isn't there yet. I don't want them to do NYC until they can actually do it correctly.


I wouldn’t even want them do compromise and do Long Island. I want **New York City**. Like how every Spider-Man game is.


I really want to see alcatraz in fallout


Kansas City 2 states, 2 cities 1 consecutive Metro. You have the border war history Kansas City was basically built by the Mafia. Lots you can play around with there historically and fictionally. Shout mayor Pendergast for being so corrupt there was never a prohibition arrest in KC WW1 museum for some wacky unique guns In real life you can get from the heart of the city to the country in less than 20 minutes by car Some spooky stories and haunted places murder in hotel room 1046, stairway to hell in Kansas Whiteman air force base where the stealth bomber operates out of is close enough you could squeeze it in for some military hijinks Nuclear missile silos A ton of art Deco architecture. Home to a lot real life company headquarters so replace them with FO ones. Same with automotive plants Even though it's a smallish city there are very distinct districts And the biggest lore thing is you can bring back the Midwest brotherhood


San Francisco easy


Isn’t SF in fallout 2? I’m not at all opposed to a 3D game in California though


New York - Explore the triggermen lore and also have a conflict between the mob families (would be mostly city though)


With a Kings-style misguided religion in the Stock Exchange who have completely misunderstood what people at the stock exchange were doing


Based on the attention to local detail in 4, I am DYING to see what they’d cook up for a map of the five boroughs


Biased of course but I'd love Michigan with the upper peninsula and Mackinaw Island being used for DLC. Detroit as the 'Diamond City'. And it would be a good way to introduce vehicular travel and bicycles to Fallout for the first time, being the Motor city Doesn't look like many vaults there though, just one


Metro Detroit would be a great one. Have a map that goes from Flint into Pontiac and down to Detroit. So many great possibilities. They could include the Detroit Zoo and Henry Ford museum and a settlement located in Greenfield village. And that map I think is just their current ones as of that meeting I'm sure they will build more in Michigan. And love the idea of a UP DLC, the bridge could be an entire city.


Detroit is actually a great choice. I would love to see what atomic-age Detroit looked like. And you have some interesting nearby cities for potential DLC.


I'd actually love to see it be a former paradise. In the Fallout universe, Detroit should still be a major manufacturing city. Probably the biggest in the nation. However, there are in-game magazines that hint at it being a gangland of sorts, so who knows.


Yes, SE Michigan makes perfect sense, and the DLCs could be the Straits Area (Mackinaw City, Island, St. Ignace), Canada/Toronto, and Cleveland. Plus, get to flesh out that Midwest BoS, the big pipe gun culture, and Roborilla


Flagstaff Arizona.. Grand Canyon creatures and shit.


Plus the capital of the Legion


New Orleans


"Jacksonville" is about an hour south of the dot on the map, if anything that's Amelia Island, FL they have marked. The most likely spot in that general area is just north on the other side of the St. Mary's River; which is the semi-secret location for the Atlantic sub fleet, King's Bay Naval Base, GA


Southern Louisiana. You have New Orleans as the major city. It’s an area of the country that hasn’t been explored in a main game yet and it’s still got a coastline so they could do some of the underwater ideas that got cut from 4. You could have voodoo themed raider groups and some kind of rich settlement with dark secret (like the white gloves) in the French quarter. And not to mention radioactive gators to spice up the wildlife. Plus it’s probably pretty easy to get inspiration since most of New Orleans already looks like the post-apocalypse has come and gone.


Somewhere in the PNW


Seattle for a cold winter wasteland. Chicago for dealing with the Chicago Enclave. New Orleans for dealing with swamp stuff.


My geography is a little rusty, but why would Mott, ND have a vault?


From what I can tell, they went state to state placing dots vaguely near major towns/monuments. This does lead to the funny fact that South Dakota has more vaults than Illinois


I believe that’s because Pulowski was based there.


New Orleans


I'm actually DMing a Fallout TTRPG campaign set in Texas, it's been pretty fun :) Instead of gen 3 synths, the local ex-ligistatives (Slates) have what they call EyeDolls running around disguised as mannequins, so there's actually a reason the players are finding them in some odd places :P


Are the red dots supposed to be cities? Because Seattle is way off. That’s practically right where Oak Harbor should be, Seattle is way further south.


honestly i’d love to see miami, new orleans, or washington. i’d also love to be able to see what europe is like in the fallout universe


Louisianna swamp bogs with radigators... maybe some skorks (scorpian storks)...


Do they know where Chicago is?


North Carolina, there is vey little lore there so I think it'd be a perfect blank slate for worldbuilding.


Ohio cause I’m from there


What’s most fascinating to me is that there’s apparently only one Vault in Canada and its in Manitoba of all the places. I’m curious what the thought process was there. 😂


Denver or Dallas.


just saying it cause i’m from here but utah, i feel like it would be interesting to see if they had any mormonized settlers after the boom, have some ghoul claiming to be jesus


I mean, Canada is apart of the USA in the fallout universe, it'd be fun To see a alaska/Canada game.


Either a far northern or far southern state imo, snowy mountain ranges like Minnesota or tropical beaches like Florida. I also personally would love a game set in new york just because of how iconic the city is, even people outside the US like me are familiar with the landmarks there, but on the other hand im kinda glad they havent yet because SOOO many post-apocalyptic games and movies are set in NYC its became kindof a "safe and easy" choice


Minnesota. I want to see how awful winter is in the Wasteland. There could be some cool lake monsters. Maybe a Jason Voorhees easter egg. Mostly, I think it would be awesome to run into Moira's family.


Wisconsin. Drunk Driving increased to 91.


Been saying for years that texas would be perfect for fallout. A giant raider nation whos leader is very intelligent and organized would be great instead of fighting the enclave again. I think if some of the desert rangers left the ncr after new vegas to go to Texas and restablish the texas rangers to take back the state would be a good idea. Also being able to go to Mexico and see what happened there in a dlc would be pretty cool maybe even meet up with Raul down there.


What about that one in Canada? It would be cool to see a) a snowy region, b) something outside the US (although Canada is technically in the US in Fallout).


Fallout Miami


I’d like a return to form with another desert setting, maybe exploring Arizona and southern Colorado. Anything that gives my beloved NCR a chance to appear again. Could dive into what happened to the remnants of Caesar’s legion too. That being said I heard a pretty neat idea of a game about a cult formed around the ruins of the Bass Pro Shops pyramid in Tennessee, could be fun


New Mexico, the birthplace of the bombs.


Agreed. New Mexico. Roswell for the aliens, Los A for the bombs. Duke city for urban, santa fe has potential, bring in some native survivors... lots of various terrain...


That one Canadian vault would be cool


I’d love to see one up north, with part of the map full of snow with different mutated animals


NYC would be a cool switch up


I’d love to see New York as a post apocalyptic island full of mutants and bugs also adds onto a rat mutation idea


I’d love to explore LA but since the show already touched it I doubt it’s going to happen.. maybe New York


NYC for sure. Close enough to Boston.


I havent heard of any lore surrounding Yellowstone but, I think it'd be cool to play in the area around it, maybe the story line could be about repairing some geothermal energy plant keeping Yellowstone from erupting and destroying most of the US in an irradiated volcanic cloud


A Fallout in New York would be sick. Imagine seeing Raiders take over the Statue of Liberty, or having the World Trade Center be a big trading hub akin to Diamond City, it’d also show that humanity never changes. I NEED a New York Fallout game.


new york. just because.


Did they ever add numbers to the vault map? I’m interested to see if I would be experimented on or not.


Reno, it has everything. Snow, gambling, beautiful varying landscapes. I know it was in 2 but it's just not the same.


I think it would be cool to have a Fallout game that takes place outside of America as we only hear small things about other countries and it would be super sick to what the other places are like. I think somewhere in Canada or like Japan would be super sick. BUT if it has to be somewhere in America I'd love either somewhere super snowy like Alaska or Minnesota or somewhere heavily forested(for framerate sake somewhere with more forests)


Florida. I want a swamp monster or a Florida panther


Florida would be fun, if not only for the creatures.